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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by Gernia

  1. Two breeds of dog I'd like to own are German Shepherd and Greyhound.

    1. Mothra


      Youtube never realises that they dont need to constantly update their site, but they just cant help it

  2. IMO it's very hard to battle time-traveling ninja polar bear pirates from outerspace.

  3. Liking the faces Fluttershy made in today's episode. Lots of good memes to come out of it.

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      The faces were crazy in the episode. :o

  4. Hurray! /mlp/ wins another 4chan cup:

  5. This is my current favorite video. The goal, the scoreboard animation, the announcer are all awesome:

    1. Mothra


      One of the greatest players ever, kinda wish he didnt do it against my home nation but the goal was insane

  6. One of my best friends since kindergarten is getting married today. Don't have naything profound to say, but this will be a great day.

    1. Vera Veil

      Vera Veil

      Congrats to them I guess ... It's what I would say :/

  7. I thought Cheerilee looked good in her cheerleader outfit last episode (not fetishizing, nothing like that).

  8. I'd personally rate 9/11 jokes a Groundzero out of 10.

  9. Question: how vague is too vague?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Vulcan


      In a way, It would depend on your intentions and your desired outcome of the situation

    3. Gernia
    4. Vulcan


      Great owo


  10. IMO there isn't much better than a compliment from your enemy.

  11. If I were to date someone from a different race from me, I'd date someone from the human race.

  12. My body temperature is 98 degrees Celsius.

    1. Summer Breeze

      Summer Breeze

      ... You know it's not healthy to take a bath in boiling water, right?

    2. Vulcan


      Yah sure that's not fahrenheit? O_O

  13. Right about now, the funks so rubber. You should definitely check it out now.

  14. So, how does one send vile nessages in the name of equal rights?

    1. Mentis Soliloquy

      Mentis Soliloquy

      You could ask a feminist?

  15. Fun fact: I've had tickle fights with members of ISIS... and won.

    1. NeonCobalt


      You what now?

    2. Gernia


      They said I'm the bomb. ;)

  16. There needs to be a manga of this, lol:

    1. gamecubeguy214


      Haha, that was hilarious, especially because I'm a softball player myself.

  17. This is another song I've heard for years and never knew the name or artist, until now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vimZj8HW0Kg

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