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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by Gernia

  1. Only finals week left for me this semester, then I'm done for a month.

    1. Bojo


      Good luck in your finals! Btw, is that Rosalina in your avatar?

    2. Gernia


      Thank you. And yes. ;)

    3. Bojo


      No prob! Santa Rosalina is best Santa *O*

  2. I can't wait 'til Thursday.

  3. I haven't said anything in over a month. I guess I'm happy that I only have two more days until I leave for Thanksgiving break.

  4. Haven't said anything in awhile. Well, I enjoyed the most recent episode, really happy about the ending.

  5. My first week of school is done. Good so far.

  6. Moved into my housing for my senior year earlier today. Can't wait! d(^0^)b

    1. Stardust*


      YAY! Senior year!! It will fly by! :D Good luck!


    2. Gernia


      Thank you!

  7. What I dislike about my house is that the AC never travels upstairs.

    1. TheLegoBrony


      what I hate about my house tomay creeky floor boards

  8. I tried the Strawberry Kiwi flavor of Mike's Hard Lemonade. Really quite good. I don't normally drink alcohol, but it was lovely.

    1. TheLegoBrony


      strawberry and lime cidre is good

  9. Wooo, our women are world champs! They played an awesome game and won 5-2.

  10. Let's go USA! Beat Japan!

  11. Just got Soul Calibur 2 in the mail. Pretty good game so far.

  12. I saw Mad Max today. Action is really awesome and over-the-top, kind of enjoyed it.

  13. Never played the game, but this song is so catchy I can't stop listening to it:

  14. The good news is that I found work as an intern. The downside is that I start working on the 18th.

  15. I don't know which version of the new Fire Emblem I want to get.

  16. I see April Fool's Day is in full swing.

  17. I just realized it's been a little over a year since I joined this site.

    1. Monsoon


      I only joined January

  18. I downloaded King of Fighters '99 to my Vita and it only takes up 157MB. Not bad.

  19. My Rosalina & Luma amiibo came in the mail today. I'm so excited to try her out in Smash Bros. XD

  20. My leg is feeling better now thanks to the medicine I'm taking.

  21. Happy Valentine's Day!

  22. My leg has been pretty sore for months. I need to get it checked.

    1. Jonny Music

      Jonny Music

      Yeah, you definitely should. :(

  23. I know this is pretty late, but happy new year, everypony!

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