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Everything posted by Candela

  1. 3 new friends already! I love how friendly this community is. Its like a whole new world! Oh, and , I think I will pass on that... offer.
  2. My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Fluttershy How did you find MLP Forums?: My good friend, Starbound, told me about this wonderful place! How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: Well, one day, I decided to watch a few shows with my little sister, and from that very first episode, I was like: "Oh my gosh! This show!" It made me feel really happy, especially Fluttershy, because both of us are comfortable around friends, but suddenly become really shy when with new people. My name is Annika, and I live in Toronto, Canada, I write fan fictions, ice skate, and play the flute! Feel free to call me Candle or Annika, both ways are fine! Now, you might be wondering, what kind of name is Candle? Well, I like to think of people as all kinds of different things. One of them: Fire. Some people are like bonfires; they are dazzling and bright, and require quite a bit of attention. Others are like candles, barely noticed, and require little attention, but have as much purposes as a bonfire nonetheless. I see myself as a candle, I don't burn very bright, and I don't attract a lot of attention, but I have my purposes, and with other candles like myself, together we could burn brighter than a bonfire!
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