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Status Replies posted by KRAKELINGCATcarnage

  1. Why do i always have to go trough this things with my depression?! First i was depressed then my stomach began to act weird and now my heart is going highwire. i cant take this much longer...

  2. Why do i always have to go trough this things with my depression?! First i was depressed then my stomach began to act weird and now my heart is going highwire. i cant take this much longer...

  3. I strongly advise you read this. It might help your hear problems. http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/health-topics/topics/hdw/treatment.html

  4. Please anybody help me!! My heart is going beserk again!

  5. Please anybody help me!! My heart is going beserk again!

  6. Please anybody help me!! My heart is going beserk again!

  7. Please anybody help me!! My heart is going beserk again!

  8. Does anyone have skype?

  9. My heart problems are finally over, for now. but im afraid they will soon come back.

  10. My heart problems are finally over, for now. but im afraid they will soon come back.

  11. My heart problems are finally over, for now. but im afraid they will soon come back.

  12. Thank god the heart problems stopped. now just gotta hope it doesnt happen again

  13. Well goodbye evryone. i think my life will end soon, my heart is getting beserk out of nowhere.

  14. Well goodbye evryone. i think my life will end soon, my heart is getting beserk out of nowhere.

  15. Something is wrong. 'My Content' isn't working right. http://i.imgur.com/iNkY4QB.jpg

  16. I cant take my depression anymor!! :'(

  17. I cant take my depression anymor!! :'(

  18. I cant take my depression anymor!! :'(

  19. I cant take my depression anymor!! :'(

  20. Im now more depressed then ever, im not sure if im going to make it :(

  21. This... Sucks... I cannot sleep, there is popping noises in my ears that are INCREDIBLY fucking loud, my whole body hurts and is stiff as does breathing... This is the third time I've cried today :'(

  22. I suddenly have an urge to take a trip to India.

  23. Yep, spammers. Someone in India REALLY wants to fix my husband wife problem.

  24. Hey, any of you guys like Minecraft? My friend has started up a new ask-blog on Tumblr that's Minecraft themed and she needs some followers to ask her a few questions :P Here's the link: http://ask-enderpony-stuff.tumblr.com/

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