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About Daydreamdash
- Birthday 1998-06-08
Contact Methods
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felix proctor
Steam ID
Profile Information
Not Telling
Personal Motto
a person is smart; people are idiots.
so many things, don't even get me started.
Daydreamdash's Achievements

Cupcake (3/23)
Brohooves Received
Midnight Creep Show started following Daydreamdash
private Murder Horse: The non-musical
Daydreamdash replied to Monotone's topic in Advanced Roleplays
daydream left a manticore ear on monotone's porch. why he didn't want something from such a magnificent beast was wierd. daydream also considered leaving something for derpy but though it would be wierd. instead he ended up regretfully disgarding the pieces of bloodied manticore and proceeds to his bench. he sits down and takes in the view. then he closes his eyes. he walks down the main hall and turns past the doors to the stairs. second floor, first door on the left. he opened the small wooden door to reveal an out of place, pristine white coridor, extremely high tech stuff. he turns to the left and looks out of the window to the grounds of the house. five small houses and a fountain are seen, the top of the maze is shrouded in dark clouds. he turns from the window and looks down the seemingly endless hallway. he strides down, past doors labeled with dates spanning from up to seventeen years ago. finally he arrives at today's date and enters the door. he strolls in to be greeted by another corridor with times in place of dates. he again reaches his destination and steps inside. he watches as his past self and monotone step into monotone's room, monotone puts in the padlock combinations and he opens the cabinet. then everything stops, allowing daydream to move past himself, past the padlocks and past monotone untill he was right in front of the cabinet. the assortment of weapons was impressive as well as suspicious. but he would have to confront monotone himself for awnsers about why he was here, so instead he rewound the clock. they enter the room again, monotone puts in the padlock combinations. stop. rewind. daydream tries to take a closer look at monotone when he inputs the combinations but he stood in the way when he did it, obscuring daydream's view. bugger. well it seems that nothing useful has been gained from this then. except proof that monotone is not a normal pony. daydream supposed he could follow that up. he opens his eyes and locks his vision onto monotone's house. -
private Murder Horse: The non-musical
Daydreamdash replied to Monotone's topic in Advanced Roleplays
daydream knew that this was going to be fun. it had been a while since he had been able to really toy with somepony. he finished his sandwich and hears pinkie trotting over almost the moment he swallows the last bite. "your 'friend' gone, daydream?" she asks suspicously. what was she suspicious of, that he was hiding him in his coat. speaking of which he wasn't wearig his coat, did he bring it with him? it was going to rain in a couple of minutes so "he would need it." "need what?" asks pinkie. he didn't realise he had said that last bit out loud. "i meant to say that i made him leave." this made pinkie a bit happier, good. "so what's the damage, lovely." asks daydream, looking into the pink mare's eyes with his kindest look. "don't worry daydream, i'll just put it on your tab." said pinkie kindly. "oh, pinkie you are the kindest." said daydream, getting up and kissing the mare on her cheek before walking away from sugarcube corner. he hoped he would never have to pay that tab. it must have been five years worth of snacks and meals by now. he tried not to dwell on that. he flies up to his cloud, just above ditzy doo's house. "i'll just be over there." he said to an imaginary ditzy. he moved the cloud to the space in between monotone's house and derpy's house. he checked it was close enough to both and then flies off to a nearby bench. just next to the bridge. his favorite. he sat and opened his viosion. not focusing on any one thing but taking in as much as he can. and then he closes his eyes. -
private Murder Horse: The non-musical
Daydreamdash replied to Monotone's topic in Advanced Roleplays
"Oh, and another thing. If you even think about telling anyone about the past few minutes, I will not hesitate to inform Derpy of the little incident between you and your boss." daydream wondered how Monotone knew about that, but he thought that all that matters is the fact Monotone actually knows. So he passively nods his head and leaves. alright so i have to forget that, or at least make it hard to access. or just 'misplace' it, should be simple enough. daydream flew over to his favorite bench. here, on the edge of town he sat in the silence, staring into the late evening sky, the sun was setting and the fiery halo it seemed to wrap around the horizon was something he always liked. he was a stallion of simple taste. he lay back and looked up into the ever darkening sky. he closed his eyes. now he was in a large, oval shaped building with multiple stories and no roof, which was strange because there was a carpet, what if it rained? it wouldn't rain unless he wanted it too or unless he thought too hard about what would happen if it rained. so it's raining now. "good job idiot." he said to himself, causing him to look around and see himself. there are two of him here, makes for better conversation. they walked out of the rain and over to a broom closet which's door is only there if he wants it now he thinks about it. he walks through the middle of the hall and it isn't there. he would have to make it a more permanent installation. on the bottom floor probably, there's space there and the upper floors tended to go a bit funny when he wasn't concentrating. he opens the door to the cupboard and steps inside. why is there a mop it is just constantly clean here anyway. he wouldn't have it otherwise. he looks back outside the door and sees himself mopping up the rainwater now that it's sunny again. the daydream with the mop waves. daydream doesn't wave back, he turns back to the room and puts the memory on one of the shelves. i would describe what a memory looks like but honestly neither daydream or i know, but for some reason it whispers, whatever. he closes the door behind him and steps away from it. he opens his eyes. right. now he needed some good old memory loss, temporary amnesia. and what better than transient-global amnesia. the kind one gets with heavy amounts of the hormones associated with sexual arousal. and oh what luck he has an invitation to his boss' bedroom. you see, think of it like a computer program. when you leave the program it automatically asks you to save, if you don't the files will go back to how they were last time you saved. so daydream had to save and quit. turn off his brain for a bit, and through extensive testing has concluded that sexual interactions are the best way to stop thinking. daydream spends the night with rainbow dash, dinky has a nightmare and has to sleep with her mother, pinkie prepares one hundred and thirty two custom cakes in one night and lyra has a leg injury from falling down the stairs. -
private Murder Horse: The non-musical
Daydreamdash replied to Monotone's topic in Advanced Roleplays
situation deemed safe, fall back to base. daydream thought as he made his way to work after the unicorn was home without incident. paperwork day, woot. he thinks as he enters the office that he rotationally shared with four other people throught the week. daydream devoted one day a week to writing up all the necessary paperwork to do with his job. times, cloud formations and the like. it was dull but didn't take long so he got to leave early. he sat down on the chair behind the desk and got the papers out of the second drawer down in the desk; his intray. he looked them over and went to pick up a pen in his mouth. suddenly, the sound of feedback blared through the room. he jumped and almost swallowed his pen. whilst he was choking it back up the voice of the boss of this small station (about four rooms and a bathroom,) blared over the intercom. "daydream, come to my office, please." said the voice of rainbow dash. daydream hoped this wouldn't take long. he needed to check on that new unicorn. he stepped into the office of rainbow dash, a room taller than it is wide and that must have taken up a half of the small weather controll building. he stepped in and she looks up at him from her work, she looks back at it and finishes it off. "you wanted to see me?" asks daydream, approaching the desk and sitting down. she finishes off what she was doing and lifts herself off of her seat, landing sitting on the desk with her legs hanging over the same side he was sat on. daydream was suspicious of where this was going to go. "daydream. we've known each other for a while now, yes." she said, feigning confidence. "... i suppose." he replies. "well, i have admired you for a while now and... uh..." she looses her confidence. "oh, miss dash, you were doing so well, you were confident and forthcoming, you had smoothly gotten yourself into a position where you are taller than me. you have thought this through, don't falter now." says daydream in a tone of voice he hadn't heard come out of his moth in a lifetime. rainbow dash stutters and looks around nervously. poor thing, lets make her more comfortable. he thought. he stands quickly and moves towards her, pushing his face into hers. at first she is surprised and doesen't react but soon returns the kiss. daydream pushes her back onto the table and disconnects their faces. he flashes her a grin and she giggles. later on daydream finds himself lying with a tired rainbow dash in her house. this is when he remembers he had something to do. he smashes his hoof into his face from his own idiocy, this causes rainbow to jump and his face to hurt. "look, i'm so sorry but i have a... thing i have to do. i'll be back." he shouts as he flies out the window and down to monotone's house before dash has time to respond. -
Daydreamdash started following Murder Horse: The non-musical
private Murder Horse: The non-musical
Daydreamdash replied to Monotone's topic in Advanced Roleplays
this was the most prompt awakening daydream had had in years. he got up off of the ground and flew into the air. the unicorn had already gone back inside the house. "alright, i get it." shouted daydream to no one in particular before flying away. he didn't fly far though as this new unicorn lived so close to ditzy doo. he flew up onto his cloud and was greeted by an unexpected, yet welcome sight. on the cloud was a plate of pancakes, cold, a sweater, wet from the cloud, and a poorly written note. 'daydream; i thought you might come back here so i left some things to make you comfortable. -ditzy' the thing that came into daydream's head before his heart overcame it was 'how come a mail mare has such bad handwriting' the next day daydream found himself following monotone, he didn't know why, it felt right. monotone had left his house and was now wondering ponyville. it was early enough so that no ponies were out but the sun was already up. daydream followed him through his escapades. he went everywhere with a meaningful prescence. he strode forewards with confidence that made daydream imagine ponies being pushed away from him without phasing him as he walks. daydream was trying to figure out where he was going. he kept going to one place, stopping, turning and walking to another. this made it difficult for daydream to hide and a couple of times daydream was sure he would be spotted. but he wasnt, and he needed to find out where this unicorn was going. -
private Murder Horse: The non-musical
Daydreamdash replied to Monotone's topic in Advanced Roleplays
pancakes, pancakes and muffins. that was the smell daydream awoke to. "how did you sleep." a voice said as he entered the kitchen. "uh..." daydream realised he was staring again, "fine, fine." "oh good. i made breakfast." said derpy, holding up a plate of fresh steamy pancakes. daydream suddenly forgot how to say no. here was the mare of his dreams in an apron, a bit of pancake batter on her nose holding up one of his favorite foods. after a filling breakfast he goes to leave "will you be staying with us again?" asked the sweet voice from behind him "uh... no. i wouldnt want to... that is... uh..." for lunas sake why could he not speak. she giggled at his lack of coherency, honestly making him even less so, and said; "okay, i guess i'll see you when i see you then. hopefully soon..." you should say something. say something. any time now. "yes..." good job idiot. they both stood staring at each other for a second when *pomf* oh celestia please no. daydream's wings had extended to their full length and would not move. derpy looked at them for a second before looking back to daydream. "i'm just gonna... go" said daydream before swiftly leaving and pondering how viable an option jumping down a hole is right now because that was the most embarrasing thing ever. after daydream had punched several walls to death he remebered that he meant to go and talk to that new guy today. to be honest he would like to do anything right now,, no matter what just SOMETHING. he aproaches the gated fence around the house and hesitates. well what are you gonna loose, your toothbrush again? he opens the gate and heads for the door. -
private Murder Horse: The non-musical
Daydreamdash replied to Monotone's topic in Advanced Roleplays
WHAT!?!? THIS UNICORN IS STEALING HIS GIRL, well, daydream hadn't actually asked her out or anything yet more just... admired from a distance... BUT STILL, THIS WAS UNACCEPTABLE. he decided the only logical thing to do would be to follow her home. and so he did. she almost got home without incident when daydream tried to land in a tree, but caught his back leg on one of the branches (is that leg bad luck or something) and went plumeting to earth. "daydream! are you ok?" said a sweet voice from a few feet behind him. cover blown, abort mission, ABORT! daydream looks up to see her concerned wall eyes looking down at him. well, one of them was. "uh, um, ah..." daydream stuttered. normally he was so articulate. knew exactly what to say to get what he wanted but this mare just made his mind turn into a bowl of jelly through which no thoughts could permiate. "you must have hit your head hard. here, i live just there, i'll patch you up." she said, grabbing one of his hooves and dragging him to her house. she is holding my hoof. maybe he did say the right thing. "ouch!" said daydream as she cleaned out the cut on his foreleg. "oh, hush you. dinky complains less." it didn't hurt as much as he was making out. why was he making out it hurt that much. what did ditzy do to him? (heh, ditzy do.) he should tell her that one. "ditzy doo. hahahahaha." he said, but he quickly stopped when he saw the confused look on her face. "how hard did you hit again?" she asked. "ah, i don't know. i'll just get some rest." he said, heading for he door. "thanks again derpy, see you tomorrow." NONONO. SHE WONT SEE YOU TOMORROW. he opened his mouth to say something else. no dont bother, damage done. he left quickly. you idiot, now she thinks you're some wierdo. worst dayd ever. he checked he still had his toothbrush and flew up onto his usual sleeping cloud, closing his eyes to rest. "is this where you're sleeping?" a voice said beyond his eyelids. what? he opened his eyes and saw ditzy doo hovering next to his cloud. scanning for likelyhood of being in a dream. i dont thing we're asleep, reply. "uh... yeah." he replied slowly. "... come with me." she said. wierdly, the first thing daydream had thought was 'why do they have a guest room.' either way he was happy. and his head was clear now she had left. tomorrow he figured he would try to patch things up with that unicorn. shouldnt be too hard, right? -
private Murder Horse: The non-musical
Daydreamdash replied to Monotone's topic in Advanced Roleplays
NONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONO. the only thing that goes through daydream's mind when he sees the very large gun. he tries to launch himself into the air but kicks his back legs forward, flipping him forward and causing him to come crashing, head-first, through the window. he brings a plant pot that was on the window sill with him as well. in only a few seconds he is laying at the unicorn's feet covered in soil, glass and subsequently his own blood. "..found some more ants..." he says, pain preventing him from getting up. "stand up, you bumbling idiot... now!" says the unicorn, pointing the gun closer to daydream's head. "b-but i'm hurt, man!" moans daydream. the unicorn pulls daydream to his feet and presses his head against the carving on the wall, dropping the gun. "what is this?" he says. "... i forgot to take my toothbrush with me.." says dadream reluctantly. "you invade my home, vandalise my property and waste my time... all for a bloody toothbrush?" says the unicorn through gritted teeth. he clasps his magical grip back around the gun. "..i like that toothbrush, man." replies a frightened daydream. "where is it?" asks the unicorn. "it was in the bathroom but i checked earlier and--" "oh, you mean that toothbrush..." says the unicorn, not allowing daydream to finish. pulls his toothbrush from a small bin in the bathroom and throws it out the window "fetch." daydream leaps out the window after it, knowing it would take him out of the house but not intending to go back in. he picks up the toothbrush and promptly flies away, leaving the grey unicorn to the mercy of pinkie pie. -
private Murder Horse: The non-musical
Daydreamdash replied to Monotone's topic in Advanced Roleplays
a house. a submarine. a skull. a bird flies past. a tree. a cloud... wait.. they're all clouds. daydream lay on his back on the fluffiest cloud he could find, he wondered whether the unicorn had gotten his message yet. suddenly a memory made a crash landing in his mind. THE RAIN! it was meant to rain at 1:00 and judging by the sun it should almost be ready. today he was the only weather pony on duty and he wasn't very good at staying concentrated. he rushed around, collecting black clouds and pushing them together over ponyville, finally he kicked them, causing them to burst into life just in time. and once again the day was saved by daydream, he lay back on his cloud, only to find he got wet, all the clouds were now spitting water at him. looks like it was time to find something else to do, his shift was almost over anyway. "and thanks again mrs. cake, really appreciate it." said daydream as she hands him the box of muffins. "don't worry dearie, just doin' my job." she says back as daydream tucks the box under one of his wings. he leaves and starts to trot over to his normal spot to eat lunch. he liked this spot, a bench just on the other side of the bridge next to the town hall, it had a good view of town, the forest and ditzy's house, not that that matters. he ate his muffins in silence, listening to the lively and happy world of ponyville on one side of him and then shifting his hearing to the quiet, mysterious and dark chasm of the everfree forest. this was one of his favorite places, where he went when he was sad. he finished off and started to fly back to the new guy's house. he would just look through the window, to see if he had got the message. at the house he looks through the bedroom window, he sees the message he wrote but not much else, it is very dark. he squints to see what is inside better. -
private Murder Horse: The non-musical
Daydreamdash replied to Monotone's topic in Advanced Roleplays
daydream was a genius and he didn't even know it. the previous day he had wondered why the fridge and pantry of the house had been fully stocked. and he had eaten all of it. meaning that the new resident would have to leave to get food. genius. good thing too because he left his thing in there. daydream sat outside the house, peeking behind a cloud. he was meant to be on weather duty but the sky was supposed to be clear today anyway. at about twelve o'clock the grey unicorn opened the door and stepped outside, he was almost at the fence when he turned around and went back in the house. after a few minutes he went out again, opening the gate with his magic long before he got to it. daydream gave him plenty of time to get out of earshot before leaving the cloud and plummeting to the earth. darn his wandering mind. "are you ok daydream." says a high pitched voice from in front of him as he picks himself up. oh no, it's her, not now, not now pinkie. "yes pinkie, i'm fine. hey what are you doing here?" he asked, already suspecting the answer. "you know silly." she replies. "i'm welcoming our new friend." daydream moves to the door and starts inspecting it, looking for a way in. "why are you looking there?" pinkie asks me. before moving to one of the windows. "when the window is open" she finishes as she gracefully leaps through the open window. daydream reluctantly follows suit; "you do know that this is breaking and entering." he says to the bright pink mare. "well i think that makes it entering and breaking." she says, pointing a hoof at a broken vase on the floor of the dining room. "PINKE!" says daydream. "just... do something about that, ok." she starts to pick up the pieces as daydream leaves to the bathroom. to his dismay he can't find his prize. i know he thought i'll leave a message. a few minutes later he put the knife down and looked at the wall. scratched into it was: 'hey buddy, i'm gonna need my things back and i will get them -the previous owner of this house.' perfect. he made his way back into the kitchen where pinkie was carefully placing broken shards of glass on top of each other in the shape of the vase, like a 3d jigsaw. how she did this with her hooves he didn't know. he put the knife back where he found it and turned to see pinkie wheeling in the magnificent 'party cannon' into the house. he promptly left. "daydream, arent you gonna stay for the party?" pinkie pie asks. "not this time pinkie, i would love to but... i have things to do, sorry." he turns and leaves, flying up into the cloud layer. -
private Murder Horse: The non-musical
Daydreamdash replied to Monotone's topic in Advanced Roleplays
ditzy doo, there she was, ahead of him, in front of him, daydream watched the beautiful mare. her twists and turns and spins amalgamating into a dance of beauty and intricacy. he could sit and watch forever but he soon remembers, everything ends. daydream awoke with a start and sits up to be bought face to face with a wall. how he had ended up in this position he did not know but that was unimportant. he had heard the door open. not good. but who would be here? this house had no one living in it. well, except for daydream. he needed to move fast,, he knew that but his sleep addled brain wouldn't let him, he spread his wings and tried to hop out of the bed but his wings flapped at different times and one of his back legs got caught in the duvet covers. he fell on the ground with a loud 'thud'. he needed to wake up, the crash was sure to draw the attention of whoever was in the house. a grey unicorn enters the room and stares at the pegasus tied up in the duvet. "who in celestia's name are you and what are you doing in my house?" he says, pulling back the covers. his house?! when did this happen! daydream picks himself up and tries to compose himself as much as possible, not sorting out his untidy hair. "i'm... the exterminator." he says, hoping to luna he is as stupid as some of the other ponies in this town. " 'the exterminator'? Please, mr. exterminator what pests seem to be residing in my abode?" Monotone would say with a quizical look "And why would the exterminator be hiding beneath my bed covers?" "...ants." says the pegasus in an unconvincing manner. "yeah." ok, waking up now. "yeah, all over the house. they're beneath the floorboards and in the walls and... stuff." no, no, keep it up. "but i'm almost done here." NO, you need to stay here. "b-but i may need to stay in the house for a couple of days to... you know... make sure they don't... come back.. 'n'.. stuff." "ants? Really? Oh well could you please step outside for a moment mr. exterminator?" says the unicorn. feigning interest. daydream knew where this was going and that there was nothing that could be done about it. oh well, at least he tried. the unicorn slams the door to the house the moment daydream is outside and leaves him to find another place to sleep. he thought of all the ponies he could go to. the 'friendship brigade' (as he called it) maybe? nah, they would be busy with hugging and talking about feelings and saving equestria and junk. lyra and bon bon maybe? lyra was a bit wierd, last time he stayed there he caught her in her basement that was really more of a shrine to some fairy tale creature. vinyl and octavia? no, at night vinyl partied and in the day octavia practiced, no time to sleep. he supposed there was no other choice then, he flew up above the cloud layer and lay down on one of the few clouds not full of rain. more comfortable than the ground he supposed, and at least he was out of the rain. -
daydream left derpy's house feeling shockingly satisfied. he could do 'just friends', he needed to gain back her trust and he felt he deserved that after what he had done. he got back to monotone's house to find twilight sparkle at the door, carrying a scroll in her magic. "now i don't know why they though this was important enough to require the royal messaging service but clearly they thought it was. i don't know, maybe they understated the severity of the situation, or maybe it's encoded--" before she could finish monotone took the scroll and opened it. a stern look on his face he looked back up at the princess and went back into t he house. twilight, staying only a moment longer, left slowly. she sees daydream, who smiles kindly at her causing her to blush, and hurriedly makes way for him down the path to the house. daydream quietly moves up behind monotone and takes a look at the scroll over his shoulder: "dear monotone, son, this is your parents. and we are writing to inform you of our dissapointment. your sister came to visit you in your new home and now she comes home, crying, to us. we will not stand for this, young man, and we want you to come here to canterlot on the next train down. you need to apolagise. from, mum and dad" monotone stood staring at the letter for a moment. "this was important enough to use the royal mail service?" asked daydream; "spike probably had to vomit that up." "it is to them." said monotone, heading into his room and removing a suitcase from the wardrobe. "pack your things" he said as he levitated various items into the bag. "you're coming too." daydream wanted to reassure him that everyone had family problems like this but he honestly had no idea because his family was killed by a corrupt government. "i'll pack my thing." said daydream.
daydream couldn't go home. not back to monotone's, he couldn't even look at him right now. he needed somewhere to stay. rainbow dash had expected him to come back here earlier. it was a full three days after she predicted. the grey stallion stood, looking apolagetically at her. she couldn't be bothered with his apolagy, she dragged him inside and kissed him, laying him on the sofa in her front room. shocked at this turn of events, the moment she disconnects their faces he says; "wait, but--" but she cuts him off; "i know, you're sorry, i know, shut up." and she reconnects their faces. the next day he still couldn't face monotone or derpy, and he didn't want to stay with rainbow again, he felt guilty taking up her house, also he had an idea. if she was going to get with his friend, he would get with some of hers. lyra is too wierd, daydream didn't think bonbon was straight, the doctor is a stallion and vinyl was to close a friend, as was octavia. so he went for some other mares. rainbow dash first, who next. "stay with me? well i simply don't know you that well darling." 'said the element of generosity' thought daydream. "but i have nowhere else to go." pleaded daydream. she looked at him as she levatated a needle around a new dress, or something, that she was working on. "fine, but i have no spare rooms so you'll have to just sleep on the floor in my room, it's big enough for much more." she said, not looking at daydream again. yes, step one complete. later that night daydream lay on the floor of rarity's room. it would be easy from here. he sneaks up to rarity's bed, where she was reading a book that he could see clearly was the latest issue of the 'foal free press', he quielt lies next to her, loud enough so that she knows he is there; "what are you reading there m'lady?" he asks innocently. "oh, it's just the news. what are you doing?" she asked as he lies next to her and stares at the paper in her field of magic. "just coming up to see you, i couldn't sleep." he says, lying on his side so as to see her better. "i often can't either. i guess i just have a lot on my mind." she says, putting down the paper and turning to face him. "i don't think we ever got to know each other well enough lady rarity." he says, edging closer to her. seeing what he wanted she says; "oh, really? and you think this is the time to get to know each other?" she asks. "it seems as good a time as any." he says, moving so that his muzzle is just inches away from hers. he sees her horn glow fainly and feels something grab a rather private area. "maybe you're right." she says, half closing her eyes. without moving her magical grip she moves into him, pushing her lips into his. "stay here? ah don't know." said applejack as daydream follows her down the dirt path to the farm, having offered to help with some work. "ah suppose you could if you work hard enough today." she says. it was only wednesday and he had already completed three of his six objectives. thursday was also a success. "remember you have to be gentle. they don't like being startled." said fluttershy. her timid nature made her especially easy to seduce. she had no experience with anything sexual in the past and she was ever so cute. daydream was looking especially forward to friday. his goal for the day was one princess twilight sparkle. he was sure she was going to be a challenge but he was pleasantly surprised when she had less experience than fluttershy. he simply had to say he could 'show her things no book could' or something along those lines and he was well on his way. saturday was the greatest challenge of all though. pinkamena diane pie. she ended up being much easier than anticipated. either that or he was getting to good at this. he chose saturday because she threw an end of the working week party most saturdays. he attended this one, at her house and waited till everyone had left to make his move. child's play. well, hopefully not child's play but you get me. on sunday daydream sat alone in the park. knowing he was about to have a sudden realisation. he could feel it. here it comes. he was a bad pony. daydream is worst pony. he had exploited not just six innocent mares but the bearers of the elements of harmony. and for what, to get back at his ex and an asexual. wait. what! monotone is asexual. derpy couldnt have done anything with him because he wouldn't have wanted to. but this did not make him happier, it just made him worse. his dark exploits during the last week were for nothing, a kiss, no more. he needed to apolagise to monotone. then go and either murder derpy or take her on a fancy holliday to canterlot. he knocked on monotone's door, after a week of having not seen him. wondering what he would say.
when monotone had left the room, daydream realised he had taken it too far. he got up and went to the door which had bounced back open due to the sheer force and watched, stunned, as his friend walked into the everfree. a voice from behind him shook him. "that wasn't a nice thing to do." said derpy as he turns towards her. her tie was loosened and her eyes were welling up with tears. this was often his fatal flaw. he didn't know when to stop. he pushed and pushed untill something or somepony broke. and now the look on derpy's face told him this had happened again. "i thought you were a nice pony!?" said the blonde mare, staring at him with a mix of questioning and sadness in her skewed eyes. "nice ponies don't hurt their friends." she pushed past him and headed out of the door as he stared, unable to speak for the shock and sadness. he finally stared to say; "ditzy--" but she inturruped him; "it'll be derpy to you daydream. and please, don't come over to my house tomorrow." she took flight as daydream stared, his heart crushed by her words. a tall mare pushed past him; "did you see where he went? he might get lost? ooh, no. what if he gets trapped by monsters?" vibratone said, seemingly only slightly less happy than previously. daydream felt anger wellling up inside him. who is this mare, why does she make monotone so angry and why is she so happy right now? she just said that her brother could be in danger. who does she think she is. it was her fault all this was happening, ditzy, monotone. if she had never been here then he would never have dont what he did and they would still be around. but oh no, she came in and just talked and talked and they are gone, just great. he picked up a small stone in one of his hooves; "who are you anyway?" he asked, observing her through eyes tinted red. "what?" she said, confused. "why do you make monotone so scared?" he asked. she gave no reply. "AWNSER ME!?" he shouted. she continued her confused silence and he lunges at her. stopping just short of her throat. realising what the consequences could be if he killed her. he dropped the rock and took off. leaving vibratone alone and locked out of the house.
daydream was happy. this vibrant mare was the most hillarous revalation as to monotone's life since, well, never. and she was staying for dinner, perfect. monotone was sweaty and angry. more than usual that is, and daydream knew that monotone could see daydream snigger. 'I am as light as a feather, I am as happy as an angel, I am as merry as a schoolcolt. I am as giddy as a drunken mare.' thought daydream. 'somepony needs to see this, to enjoy it as much as i am.' he thought and thought about who he could bring into this. and then it occured. DITZY! she has been wanting to spend more time with monotone (for some reason, unbeknownst to me) for ages. a couple of hours later preparations were being made. monotone was in the kitchen levatating things around, probably trying to distract himself, which would be hard because his sister bounded around asking him about how he has been. daydream had no idea why monotone was so concerned. she seemed to just want to know how he has been since they last saw each other. before daydream could dwell on monotones seemingly irrational fear he heard a knock at the door. he opens it, knowing who to expect. he stood for a bit too long, staring at the mare on the other side of the threshold. hair brushed but seeming to will itself back into its normal position, wearing a pink bow tie around her neck, derpy stood, looking nervous, fiddling with the back of her attemptively brushed mane in a nervous manner with one hoof and cradling a bottle of something in her other. she was the most adorable thing daydream had seen in all his years of living. "d-did i dress up too much? octavia said i should wear the tie and dinky said i should neaten up my ma--" before she could finish, daydream had hugged her and pulled her inside. he had not informed her about why he had been so excited for her to see monotone's sister. when she did she did nought but stare at the substantially taller mare. before she dropped the bottle in one of her forelegs monotone grabbed it with his magic, hurriedly thanked her and then continued creating what looked to be the most complex meal ever created. ditzy doo stood and stared at the mare for a while longer, small gasps occasionally escaping her throat. barely even trying to stifle a laugh anymore daydream said; "ditzy, this is vibratone, monotone's sister." he emphasised the last two words, causing her to look to him and ask; "really?" in a shocked tone. the two pegasi sat at the table and watched montotone complexley prepare his meal while vibratone, not noticing him ignoring her, asked plenty of questions, many of which she awnsered herself. daydream sat and giggled while derpy, with at least one of her eyes, stared at the tall mare following monotone around. probably still coming to terms with her existence..