At this point, I'd care more about how it was handled than about whether it was handled at all. I'm still thinking about the "What Was Missing" episode in Adventure Time, when it kinda-except-not-really subtly hinted that Marceline and Bubblegum might have had a romantic relationship in the past. Normally I would have been very happy with the idea, but I hated the episode itself. Marceline had always been sort of a jerk, but it had always been depicted as part of her greater-than-life persona where she loves things that are edgy and in-your-face. But in the "What Was Missing" episode, she was just horribly hostile for no reason, and self-victimizing too. Willing to dish it out, but not to take it, so that she just came off as completely unlikeable. Definitely not an episode that would make me want to cheer for a relationship between her and anybody else, male or female. So yeah. If MLP ever tackled the issue of homosexuality, I hope it's better than that trainwreck.