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Drunk Not I Am

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Status Updates posted by Drunk Not I Am

  1. Soon..... soon i'll have time to get hammered and take a load off. Been too long since i've had a good hazy eyed night.

    1. ShinGojira


      I feel ya dude. Hope that time comes soon. 

  2. Sick of typing papers, I honestly wanna get the time to go after the rest of the stuff I need for D&D....

    1. Lunar Echo

      Lunar Echo

      Stick in there, the outcome with be glorious.

  3. I just want this semester to end, I have a beach with my name on it waiting.....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Drunk Not I Am

      Drunk Not I Am

      April 27th. 

    3. Raven Rawne

      Raven Rawne

      Bleh, a whole month...

    4. Drunk Not I Am

      Drunk Not I Am

      It's rounding for home at least. 

  4. It's unreal how swamped I am with papers and assignments..... this semester needs to be over. 

    1. TwilightPomegranate


      Same. Math class is basically suicide.

  5. * Forum has changed heavy breathing intensifies* 

    1. Raven Rawne

      Raven Rawne

      Insert Lord of the Rings intro "The World has changed" speech.

  6. Well, this is certainly going to take some getting used to. It almost feels like the site took a facebook approach, it feels smoother and all but it's really throwing me off.

  7. Woahhhhhhhh what in the heck happened here?

  8. G O O N

    1. Yamato


      「G O O N S Q U A D」

    2. Yamato


      s u p e r a e s t h e t i c

  9. I need fanfiction to read that's not shitty and has depth.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Drunk Not I Am

      Drunk Not I Am

      you mongoloid

    3. Yamato
    4. Raven Rawne

      Raven Rawne

      "Life and Times of a Winning Pony" and related side stories. On FimFiction ofc. I recall some good short Scoots ones, but not the titles. "Alegrezza" too.

  10. I'm gonna learn to vaporwave for myself.

    1. The Gear Spinner555

      The Gear Spinner555

      Good luck in your a e s t h e t i c  t r a v e l s

    2. Yamato


      Ohhh nooooo...

    3. Drunk Not I Am

      Drunk Not I Am

      Oh yes Kylesaun

  11. Ascend to V A P O R W A V E M a t e

    1. Yamato


      N A H I'M G O O D.

  12. And just like that, things look up.

  13. I have a nasty cold, this sucks.

    1. The Gear Spinner555

      The Gear Spinner555

      Aw, hope ya get better soon. :)

    2. CheeryFox
  14. Jammed my finger in the door earlier. This sucks...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. CheeryFox
    3. Drunk Not I Am

      Drunk Not I Am

      It makes it really hard to type.

    4. Lunar Echo

      Lunar Echo

      Them assault doors are going make humanity extinct.

      Future Civilisation Student: Who wiped out humanity?

      Future Civilisation Teacher: Assault doors! Without humanities ability to use their fingers, they went extinct.

  15. A wonderful, chilled out day today.

    1. Frost Blossom

      Frost Blossom

      Yeah its been pretty chill here as well.

  16. Life needs more A E S T H E T I C S

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Yamato


      S U C C U L E N T T H I C C N E S S

    3. CheeryFox
    4. The Gear Spinner555

      The Gear Spinner555

      Don't forget v a p i n g

  17. This is gonna be a busy year for me. Lots to get done.

  18. Just got my laptop back up, very busy with school and work, didn't have to time do this sooner, sorry for the leave of absence.

  19. Merry Christmas everyone!

    1. PiratePony


      Merry Christmas!

  20. Ready for a relaxing evening. Good food and family.

  21. Vacation was great, perfect weather, good food. Now i'm back at home where it's cold as all get out. Looking forward to Christmas and new years though. Need to procure booze between now and then.

  22. Checking in, vacation has been great/ Details tomorrow.

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