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Everything posted by nami438

  1. I understand, but it is still not right to say that there is only one "North American ethnicity," and that it is European. North America has many ethnicities. But maybe that is not what you're saying. Maybe you're saying that most ponies act in a way that North Americans of European descent do, though I hope not since that implies that only people of European descent act like the Mane 6. I'm curious, do you call White North Americans "North American," but natives "Native American" and Asian Americans "Asian American"?
  2. I fully support you, and everyone else, having the right to see the Mane 6 as whatever race they want to. Headcanons are fun! It's being nasty about someone else's ideas, when your own have no more basis in fact than theirs, that bugs me. I'm sure you don't do this. If we disagree on anything, it's the idea that "North American" must mean "of European racial descent". You do know that the only true "North American ethnicity" is Native American, right? Do you think that Europeans are any less foreign to North America than other non-Native Americans? The comments on children's videos are usually nicer than the Youtube norm. I was surprised that so many of the nasty bronies even cared about the video, since it's about a part of the canon many bronies don't care about.
  3. Okay, I see what you mean. I must admit to it looking a little odd at first to me too, but I get over it quickly. Only with human characters, though. My thing is that Rarity does not have a human race, she's a pony, not a person. I find it strange to assign her a human race, then say that it looks weird when people not of that race cosplay her. Unlike with a human character, Rarity has no clearly defined human race, so it's technically incorrect to say that she is not Black/Native/Asian/White in a way directly implying that she is a human race, just not the human race the speaker personally wants her to be. It's saying "I'm right, you're wrong" about a subject that has no basis in fact. They aren't saying "Rarity is not black" to follow up with "because she's not human at all!" My point was, it should not matter what race she is in a commercial that has no bearing on the canon (in which she is white in human form, but I strangely don't see anyone complaining that "Rainbow is not White, she's supposed to be blue!", Twilight should be purple, etc.).
  4. I knew that "negro/a" is not a racist word in Spanish. Did you get the idea that I didn't because I put it next to the n-word? My point was not that pointing out that the girl is black is racist, it's obviously not. My point was that claiming that Rarity cannot be played by someone of a particular race is racist. What do you interpret "Rariti no esta negra" to mean? I understand where you're coming from. I agree about the cultures thing, the Mane 6 do all seem American and a little Western European. But do United States and European cultures only belong to people of European descent? In-universe, debatable. But in real life, I see nothing wrong with American (any nationality really) children playing as American ponies. Americans, like any nationality, can be of any race, and unlike many nationalities, it's not hard to find an American of any of the major races. I'm a little confused by what you wrote about Europeans cosplaying Africans. Would an Afrikaner (European African from South Africa) seem odd to you?
  5. If I was under 18 again, totes. I feel like he was specifically written to be the boyfriend of some girls' dreams, lol
  6. Don't worry, you have an accent, unless you don't speak. I have a Western USA accent.
  7. But people never made glue from human remains, I don't think?! Did they??
  8. Mozz sticks are one of my favorite foods too
  9. Yes, unfortunately. Here in the USA they put a bunch of chemicals in the fries like dimethylpolysiloxane, TBHQ, and hydrogenated soybean oil. There's also beef flavoring so the fries aren't vegetarian, which is kind of deceptive - you would think fried potatoes are vegan, right? In other countries like Britain, they only use potatoes, soybean oil and salt. I guess that's since they can't get away with unpronounceable chemicals so easily there as they do here. As for other regional differences, I know that in India MCDs recently changed their fry recipe to not include beef, since a lot of vegetarians there got tricked and ate them.
  10. It is, very interestingg.
  11. Straight cut for me. I like McDonald's fries the best! (even though they're so unhealthy where I live )
  12. You never played Steins;Gate?
  13. I think that "Planetarian" by Key/Visual Art's would be a good first VN! It's only 2-3 hours long depending on your reading speed, so it's not a huge time sink like other popular VNs often are. There's an English translation on the Apple App Store, and maybe on Android too. It will make you cry, but it's a cute little story. And it looks like Sir Snowyberry likes Planetarian?
  14. I respect Japanese animation, but I don't watch it much anymore. I agree with everyone else that the, in comparison to cartoons from my country, low framerates in TV anime bug me. But in my opinion, the lack of movement is made up for by much better visuals, like shading and highlights and very detailed (not just big) eyes.
  15. Just looked it up, and many horses are fed eggs in our world, some even like it. Not a natural part of their diet though.
  16. Yeah, if ponies harvest eggs, then they probably use them in baking, including cake. It's weird to me too since our equines are vegetarian, and eggs are kind of meat.
  17. I'm not sure. AFAIK in the "Cupcakes" song Pinkie doesn't list eggs as an ingredient, but we see them as an ingredient in, apple pie I think? And Spike gets egg all over him. Also, it is possible to make cake without eggs. It won't be light and fluffy, but it'll still be cake... ish.
  18. nami438

    general questions Account was Deleted

    I've been reading that staff never delete accounts, but I think that that happened to an old account I had here. I can't imagine that it got permanently banned, and even then I should be able to see the profile and my posts, but I cannot find them at all. If I'm not just terribly confused, could anyone tell me why my account was deleted?
  19. I will be there too! No cosplay though, I can't afford it sanity-wise this year The only costume I want to wear is pretty complicated and hard to move around in. I'll just be donning jeans this year, much more comfortable.
  20. If that is the case, I think that the thread would be better off named "How to Improve Your Art" or something like that. That way you'll get less new artists, and more somewhat experienced artists who want to grow, the latter of whom I assume you want to speak to.
  21. I like the movie a lot, and even though there are a couple ?? moments in the plot, it's nice overall. Very cute movie. What I don't like are the dolls. I was not pleased to see a traditionally all-inclusive line of horse dolls jump to the stick thin legs and puckering lips like yet another Bratz copy. Don't we have enough dolls representing that body type?
  22. I was thinking about the cows too. It seems that some cows are livestock, while other cows are sentient (I vaguely remember an episodes where a cow or two were riding the train)? I also believe that the Equestrian equivalent of citizenship is just granted to all sentient beings. As long as they don't cause a huge ruckus (as is the case with the vast majority of characters), there's no reason to punish them or deport them.
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