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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by GammaDove

  1. This is my new favorite movie.

  2. Watching a great movie.

  3. someone summoned the Egyptian God cards, and they plan on summoning a synchro, I have torrential tribute face-down. I think I'll win.

  4. someone just SUMMONED

  5. I'm insanely frustrated right now.

    1. VinylWubs


      Why are you frustrated if you don't mind me asking?

    2. GammaDove


      Too many factors to list. :/

  6. RDash x Dark Star is that avatar the Warden from SuperJail?
  7. Mine's that bump noise from when you run into a wall in Pokemon, true bliss.
  8. Craisins are so good.

  9. Good night everypony, I'm hitting the hay so I can relieve some of this pain.

  10. Well, that's to be expected since he was put under a contract, he can't be as individualistic due to the time constrictions, It happened with Adam Gontier
  11. SC: gammadove Kik: GammaDove I know, creative, right? If anyone adds me, make sure to tell me who it is.
  12. Welcome to the forums, Enjoy your stay!
  13. My best friend when I was seven died from playing with firecrackers.
  14. getting made fun of for my musical preferences. Just great. -_-

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. GammaDove


      Apparently I listen to emo girl music according to my Psychology teacher.

    3. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      Pretty immature comment I would expect more from a teacher

    4. GammaDove


      he might as well be another student

  15. Off to bed, good night all, you are special to me. :3

    1. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      You are special too *hugs*<3

    2. RrVPfX9cPtw59FpC


      You're special to me too ^_^

      Good night!

    3. CheeryFox
  16. You are the first person that I've encountered that also enjoys avenged sevenfold.

    1. iLuvAVENGD7FOLD


      Be sure to check out my posts. Got some stuff I'm trying to get out there.


      Also, HAIL TO THE KING!!!

    2. GammaDove
  17. I like it when the pie enters your mouth and then you can't close your mouth because if you do, it feels like your mouth is filling with magma. And then once you can close your mouth to savor the flavor, you can't because your tongue is so burnt, that everything tastes like ouch.
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