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Everything posted by GammaDove

  1. This was one of the most impressive things I've seen:

  2. Michael Bay. Imagine all of the explosions just by the end of the opening credits. XD
  3. I wish I had a way to get a better job. :/

    1. AfTeRwArDs
    2. ThatOneComrade


      I wish I had a job /;

    3. GammaDove


      Once you get a job @poke, you'll want a better one.

  4. Blood Pressure, why you so awful? :/

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Kamii


      I hope you get better soon :(

    3. GammaDove


      Odds are unlikely, I've had high blood pressure for years.

    4. Guillotines


      High blood pressure is annoying. Hope you find yourself a way to relieve all the symptoms.

  5. It's not a question that can be answered because there are ups and downs in each generation.
  6. Name: Casey Age: 16 Gender: Male Country: USA State: Mostly solid, some liquid and a little gas. But for realzies, Iowa Likes: Music Art Science Mathematics Anime Manga Food Gore Doctor who Adventure time Steven Universe Gravity Falls Community The beautiful sound that violins make, makes me melt:3 Hair care People playing with my hair Pants shopping Video games Jrpgs Pokemon Legend of Zelda games Wearing pajama pants underneath my actual pants so people don't know how comfy I am Sleeping Cats Dogs Knives and other blades Japan The color black (I don't care what you say, it's a color dang it.) Screamo There are more things, but I don't have the time. Dislikes: Lying Condiments There's a lot of other things, but I'll get all flustered. Hobbies: Drawing Napping Singing Dancing Anime Gaems Watching movies Probably some other stuff Other Info: I'm a little broken
  7. Good night everybody.

  8. I like pain and bloodshed, like a lot. Like, more than any person should possibly be. Like toddlers like candy, double that, and then triple that, and it's a little bit more than that. I need help. .-.
  9. Sweet avatar, Latias is way better than Latios

    1. Cloud Strife

      Cloud Strife

      I love both though :(

    2. GammaDove


      They're both great, but Latias is better.

  10. Found a big bag of candy in my locker today, had a note attached to it that said 'have some candy stupid'. #romance

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. GammaDove


      Now I need to find out who left the candy. cx

    3. Everleaf


      Well... love is in bloom! good luck at finding the owner!

    4. GammaDove


      I decided to just leave a thank you note and my number where the candy was. They knew how to get in to my locker the first time, they can get in there a second time.

  11. 1. Put off decision 2. Panic because deadline is incredibly close 3. ?????? 4. Decision made What does this fall under?
  12. I kind of saw this coming, but it doesn't make it any less wrong.
  13. It seems a lot of people want to play violin.
  14. I slept for almost 14 hours. .[].

    1. ~Silver Essence~

      ~Silver Essence~

      Just two days ago I slept for 14 hours as well, I guess you recover all the lost sleep that way

    2. GammaDove


      No, because there's no such thing as catching up on sleep. Plus for the past few weeks I've been sleeping about 16 hours a night.

    3. ~Silver Essence~

      ~Silver Essence~

      Okay then


      And I'll take that as good since sleep is good for resting to your best comfort

  15. I pick my words like they're limes; I pick them one at a time. And when they're ripe, the hit these pipes and make the freshest of rhymes.

  16. freestyling at work wit my homeboy Q.

  17. just got back from winterfest, hung out with my crush, people tried to make it weird.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ThatOneComrade


      sorry about that. You had fun though?

    3. GammaDove


      @MistBlitz, I would, but she and I are both too shy to ask each other out. :P

      @Pokekid, I did, then she gave me her number.


    4. Kamii


      That must have been fun though, right?

  18. Truly the most amazing song in creation.

    1. Happy Dead Pony
    2. Mist Blitz~

      Mist Blitz~

      Rick is the king of trolls X3

    3. GammaDove


      Yeah, but you know the rules, you start watching it, you have to finish it.

  19. GammaDove


    Welcome to the forums, enjoy your stay!
  20. Good night, let's hope I can get sleep through this severe pain.

    1. Kamii


      'Night. I hope you feel better soon.

  21. TAIGA-CHAN! Most kawaii character in Toradora.
  22. I'm in severe pain, is there any way that I could do everything I need to without getting out of bed?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kamii


      I hope you get better soon. I know how it feels :(

    3. GammaDove


      Thanks, I'm supposed to get three more.

    4. Kamii


      Good luck!

  23. GammaDove

    general media Anime Crush?

    TAIGA-CHAN! Toradora crush ftw
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