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Professor Annabella

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Everything posted by Professor Annabella

  1. Anna was... Obviously very smart due to the fact she was a professor. She didn't like him eyeing her like this, she kept him in her sights until eventually he admitted to being a ally. She let out a deep sigh and raised her rifle, then made sure the door was locked and everything was secure. "You're going to have to earn my trust, Mister Trench." Anna said with an attitude, as she returned her rifle to its usual spot. Her next objective was to find Zeus, who was hiding under a chair. He seemed frightened, but Anna took no notice and dragged out from under the seat. He whined and fought it, but he was no match for Anna. The little toddler still kicked and whined, even as she held him. She showed the little grey colt to Trench. "I'm Annabella, and this is my son, Zeus. I'm assuming you heard the radio broadcast... I can think of any other reason someone would knock..." She said
  2. Anna was almost like a common housewife in this fort of hers. With the transmission going, her work was basically only to wait now. She'd sit on that floor for hours working on the computers, or she'd even go on the roof to fiddle with the satellite. Now she could spend more time with Zeus, her baby, who would have to be quiet and well behaved while she worked for hours. That was hard for Zeus, he'd usually fall asleep, but for the most part he played with his toys and entertained himself somehow and it really wasn't all that bad. Of course it was nothing like spending quality time on the first floor, living a somewhat normal life. Zeus never had a chance to live that. Though food consisted mostly of cans of beans and other vegetables, Anna made the best out of it. She'd make recipes of sorts, and cook it on the stove that surpringly worked. When she had it, Zeus would drink formula and eat foal food. This wasn't always available, but he was still young enough for Anna's milk, but she didn't always prefer that method. He was healthy, and that was all that mattered. It had been a few hours since the radio broadcast had been sent out. It was 3:00, and raining now. Zeus was on the floor playing with some building blocks Anna found in good condition, while she was preening his wings. This was a relaxing process that made sure his wings stayed in good condition though he didn't use them much. Zeus liked it. This was the pony equivalent to a back scratch. Then Anna heard a knock on the door. Immediately a alarm beeped. She hopped up and grabbed her rifle, which was in the umbrella holder. The small monitored by the door had a camera... By the looks of it, it was a pony that answered her call. Anna had to be careful. She opened the door, grabbed the pony, yanked him in, threw him on the ground, bucked the door shut and aimed the rifle at him. Anna was so quick with this that countering it would be nearly impossible. In reality, she was protecting him. Any minute a hawk would scoop him up out in the open like that... They were especially active in the rain. "Name, age, and friend or foe?" She said with the rifle pointed at him. Zeus tilted his head to the side at Anna's outburst. He wondered what was going on, and the door slam really scared him. His wings shot open and he jumped up at the sound, but he didn't cry. When Zeus saw the new pony, his ears slowly fell down, and he started to back up with his tail between his legs. This was the first time he's seen a pony other than his mother since the day he was born... (( Didn't have time to proofread. Will edit in a hour or so ))
  3. You know, I really would prefer you both run into each other. You both didn't hear the whole transmission... Maybe your OC's go North instead of South, bump into each other, and then work together to figure out that you were supposed to go south, then go together. That'll buy some time for Anna. It'd be too big of a coincidence for everybody to show up at the same time. Melke and Gloom will probably be the first to show up. EDIT: Just a suggestion If you want to send me posts to proofread, I'll also read through them. In order to join you have to write a short paragraph about your OC during the apocalypse. We'll test it out, how about that?
  4. @@Gloomfury Uh.... In your post were you knocking on the door? You said something about 'intense' but I assumed that it was a typo...
  5. Let's tone it down with the teleporting. Teleporting miles at a time is a little overpowered.
  6. Anna stepped back from her work and the now working transmission. She didn't know what to think... Was she supposed to be happy she succeeded? Or should she be worried she was leading psychopaths to her doorstep? "I guess I shouldn't be too worried... I purposely put it on transmissions I know machines can't pick up. Even if they do want to try, there's a nice little virus waiting for them. I think the hawks are smart enough to avoid it though... This could be my worse decision yet, or my best" Anna said to the only other pony in the room. Zeus looked up at her with his head tilted to the side. He had no idea what she just said. He was a little pegasus, only a few months old, with a grey coat, brown mane, and big blue eyes like his mother's. This was her son, her baby, and basically what she lived to protect. Zeus had been sitting and watching for a couple minutes... that was until he fell asleep. It was all so boring until all the noises woke him up. The little colt let out a big yawn and stood up with a stretch. It was interrupted when his mother scooped him up. "I guess I shouldn't be worried... I wasn't lying when I said we had defenses. Maybe I bluffed, but I'm sure I can hold down the fort. Even if I can't, the noise will attract a few Enforcers, and they'll do the work for me. This place is basically invisible to machines with all the jammers in place..." Anna said to Zeus again. He blinked. "Momma?" Zeus asked. One of the few words in his vocabulary he knew how to say properly. "What, you don't believe me?" Anna asked, setting the baby down. Zeus had no idea what was going on, but this was the usual... Anna was talking to herself again. "Ah, well... I don't believe myself either sometimes" She said as she placed the toddler on his back and grabbed changing supplies. Anna got to work changing her son, with the plentiful supply of disposable diapers she seemed to have obtained fairly easily. There probably was no use to them, she knew she was probably one of the only mother's with a living baby out here. Zeus watched Anna's every move, he was worried about her. She looked beat, probably because she was up working all night. Even he knew when his mother was looking to be in bad health. Anna sat her toddler on his behind, freshly changed "There. Funny how different our problems are, right? Unlike you, I don't have an awesome mommy helping me out... That awesome mommy is me, if you didn't get it" Zeus giggled a little bit. Was that supposed to be a joke? He thinks so. Anna picked him up and put him over her shoulder. "Now all we can do is go downstairs and wait!" The mother says as she goes downstairs with her toddler.
  7. @@Aurora Gleam,@, @@Gloomfury,@@Melke, @, https://mlpforums.com/topic/136531-age-of-the-machine/#entry4048433 ROLEPLAY IS UP
  8. OOC: https://mlpforums.com/topic/136181-age-of-the-machine-post-apocalypticdark-always-open/page-4#entry4048444 The streets of Manehattan were dark, full of rubble, and barren of life. This was the entire city, littered with destruction from the apocalypse. Other than the creaking of broken skyscrapers, or falling of loose rubble, the only sounds were the calling of Hawks up in the air, and stomping of Enforcers on the ground echoing in between whatever was left. With the pegasi gone, and all the leftover pollution from when the factories were once at full production, the sky was always a dark overcast. Every few days rain would fall to soak the ruins, but this rain was usually acidic, and sometimes consisted of ash. This was a typical scene for this city, if not all cities, in the age of The Machine. Though things seemed to be devoid of life, some ponies still roamed through the ruins, finding ways to survive. Manehattan was both the best and worst place to survive. On one hoof, it was full of supplies and places to hide… or so you’d think. The Enforcers at one time stormed the city in massive numbers, wiping it clean of life. Most ponies there aren’t even natives of the city, but instead those who wandered into it. Even though the coming of The Machine’s was inevitable, the cities had time to somewhat evacuate. Before The Machine’s even fired their first shots, ponies looted buildings, and ran with whatever supplies they could. Some stayed, those who had nowhere to go, and they most definitely died. This was the cruel reality of it all. It was empty now, even the bulk of Enforcers left to chase after all those who left. The city was destroyed by both ponies, machines, then eventually missiles. All the buildings had holes in them or have collapsed. The streets are full of trash and flipped cars or busses. Enforcers still stomp around, but not in large numbers. It’s hard for even them to travel, the main problem was the two other Machines that polluted the city. Mostly buggers, who came after all the ponies were either left or killed, and hundreds made their homes in old buildings. What made Manehattan a truly dark place was the Hawks, who made homes on the highest floors of buildings, or on top of them. They had no problem picking up or bombing ponies who scavenge the streets, but this is mostly only at night when their thermal sensors were at their strongest. You may question how one particular pony survived, her name was Professor Annabella Alexandra Belle. Not only had she made a home in these ruins, but she did it with her son, Zeus, who was only a toddler. Many tricks and tactical thinking made Annabella settle in a apartment building in the center of Calvary Boulevard, which served almost as a haven for anypony who passed. Anna was not the only one to thank for this, but also, the peaceful gang known as The Councillor's, who fortified the building for her before moving out of the city. This gang was also to thank for birthing her baby, and nursing the both of them back to health after many unfortunate events in the city. Anna thought this base was built to help ponies, in thanks to the ponies who saved her and her son. The only problem was that it was ONLY her and her son, no father, no siblings, no nothing… but Anna was going to fix that. This building was squeezed inbetween 2 other apartment buildings. It was small, maybe 4 stories high at most.. It once belonged to two families. The apartment had a entrance on the first floor, which consisted of a nice big porch and front door, and the second floor you had to walk up a flight of steps on the left of the building. Each apartment had 2 floors, which in the past, had been quite a nice place to live. Not so much anymore. Now the windows were blocked in with metal shielding, the front door was fortified, and so was the staircase. There was a snipernest on the roof, as well as a large satellite that pointed straight up. Barricades and mines specifically made to detonate on Enforcers, littered the road. There was even quite a few dead Enforcers, that were already looted. Anna was on the second floor of the first apartment, which was filled with computers and wires of all sorts. She was a very pretty mare, still young and beautiful, with a long blonde mane and tan coat. Her parents once called her ‘the golden girl’ for her beauty, and mostly gold hue. Her mane was tied back, with a pencil behind her ear, and lab coat lazily slung over her shoulders. She was a pegasus, who was very hard at work with the hardware by the looks of it. The satellite dish was broken, and this is what Anna was working on fixing. After fiddling with a few wires, connecting them to the back of her computers and large transmitters. A buzz, followed by a series of whirring, signalled that her work had come to an end. The computers started transmitting a prerecorded message on multiple transmissions; This is Professor Annabella Belle, and this is a transmission coming from 255 Calvary Boulevard in Manehattan. I am holding up in a fortified apartment on the southern side of the city, on a barricaded road once belonging to the Councillor faction. If anypony can hear this, this fortress is open to all. I have a supply of food, fresh water, and space for plenty. We can fortify the rest of the apartments on this street, start anew, and take back the city. I have valuable research pertaining to The Machine’s and their functions. I have formed weapons from their parts, as well as protection. If you come and are willing to help, then this is the place for you. If you’re the opposite, and wish to come destroy my work… Then so be it. We have means of protection using the very same technology Enforcers use. I’m willing to take the risk. This message will repeat on all frequencies 24/7. If you wish to come, I STRONGLY advise to come between noon and 18:00 (6:00 PM). The Machines are very… deadly… in the night hours. My location is 255 Calvary Boulevard in South Manehattan. Please be careful, and thank you. The message repeats over and over again across the Manehattan area, as well as a few miles beyond. Get to 255 Calvary Boulevard
  9. Alright, goody @@Gloomfury,@@Melke, @, Expect the main post to be up by tonight.
  10. 2 things, but you're already Accepted, and I'll make the 'Post' when I have the time. I just want to mention these 2 things, but you really don't have to edit your post. These things are kinda for everybody... 1. Enforcers can't talk. They don't have metallic voices, or spit insults, or even say something when they have something targeted. The machines are supposed to be really scary. The only vocalization they can do is high pitched metallic screams when trying to call other machines to come help them out. Hawks are the most vocal of the machines, letting out these 'screams' a lot like a normal hawk would, but these screams are not to call other machines, but it instead acts like a EMP. Really stupid thing, but, realize I call them machines instead of robots. 2. Proofreading sucks... But please do it in the actual RP This really isn't a complaint but I also wanted to mention; I could care less if your OC appears to be a alicorn. What I hate about alicorns is that they are overated, and that you have to be royalty to be one. If your character has the somewhat of the abilities of a alicorn without actually being one (magic and flying together), that still makes me upset because it's just trying to cheat the system... BUT when they have a detailed backstory and REASON for why they have those abilities, then I'm okay with it. Hell, I even envy someone who can pull a character like that. Just realize we have quite a few odd characters in this... But what's the fun if all the OC's are dull and boring. Sure, spice it up, this is a futuristic Equestria where anything is possible... if it has a good reason to be. I know this may be a lot to ask... But you are officially a CO-GM. Could you maybe put a link to the RP in your sig? It's still open, even though we're about to start. You don't have to do it, but I'd appreciate it
  11. @, Accepted @@Gloomfury, Accepted @, As soon as you respond to this; There's one thing you have to change; your grammar. Now I'd hate to be a jerk, but in the actual RP, I want you to make sure your posts are wholesome and with detail. The paragraph you wrote had both of those things but... You really need to work on grammar. Spelling, sentence structure, no matter how interesting your character is, your grammar will still be distracting and annoying if really bad. Just keep it in mind. Then you'll be accepted Well, we have quite a few colorful characters already... So I doubt it'll be a problem. As long as your character is interesting, you make wholesome posts, and make the plot drive forwards, then you can absolutely have this character. Melke's backstory page looks pretty solid, you just have to write a paragraph here about what your character did up to this point. Gloomfury's post is a great example of what to do. It'd be nice if somehow your character made it near Manehattan. That's where most of the story will take place. There's been a few... exceptions... to the paragraph thing though. All it really is, is testing your abilities. Make sure you read everything, okay? Well, atleast try to. Your OC looks really awesome. For some reason, he reminds me of May Chang from Fullmetal Alchemist with his use of alchemy and all.
  12. "You're stubborn" Anna said to the guard "In a good way, of course" She walked towards her room, approaching it, and looking at the door. Anna wondered if she should get something to eat... Seeing as she hadn't eaten in quite awhile. The mother's diet, exercise, and sleep were all in disarray. Anna was slightly depressed which made her avoid all 3, she was starting to look ill with how tired and run down she was. Her entire life at the moment consisted of overworking herself.
  13. Yes, please do join. If you want to avoid boredom or things slowing down, then you may want to invite a few friends that you know are good role players who do keep things interesting. You've been here much longer than I have Uh, well you're not really being rushed seeing as the roleplay hasn't even started yet There's one thing you have to change; your grammar. Now I'd hate to be a jerk, but in the actual RP, I want you to make sure your posts are wholesome and with detail. The paragraph you wrote had both of those things but... You really need to work on grammar. Spelling, sentence structure, no matter how interesting your character is, your grammar will still be distracting and annoying if really bad. Just keep it in mind.
  14. Well it makes sense, but like unicorns and pegasi, the machines probably have a measure that prevents them from disguising/flying when they attack Nice to hear you're involved. Could you help me with Cruki's OC. I'm not so sure how I feel about some of her attributes...
  15. Well... I needed just something short for the role play you know. I mean like what happened in this specific apocalypse, with the robots and all.
  16. Pretty OC! Very fit! It's also a great drawing... Just please read the "How to Join" the only thing you missed is you have to write a paragraph (just a short one, not going to be picky) about your character during the 5 years the apocalypse has been going on? There's more details above, including a example. Please don't be scared off by this. I REALLY need people.
  17. If it includes how they got to where they are now, then why not? Maybe you could use it as your opening post too. Kill 2 birds with one stone. I just don't understand why people won't join.... I worked so hard...
  18. To be honest, I'd think the veterans would just understand that I'm trying to make the roleplay as understandable as possible. In reality, I'd be a hypocrite if I said I read every OOC of every RP I ever joined. If someone wants to take a gander at the OOC, and decide not to read it all, that's cool with me as long as they don't go breaking rules left and right. They better be ready to edit posts if they don't do things right too. The long OOC may scare people off, but not trying to be biased or anything, but I only want good and dedicated roleplayers for this? I hope I don't sound like a ass for saying that. Try to find people you think would be fit, and explain to them it's not as complicated as it looks. I'd appreciate it very much.
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