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Status Updates posted by MozillaToast

  1. Deleting this account and moving off the forums. If you wanted to stay in contact with me you would've made an effort to.

    1. Malinter


      Ok. Have fun where ever you move on to.

  2. Well, guess this means I'm back? I dunno yet.

  3. Equality has come! Everyone is a blank flank!

  4. Dear wargaming.net, I hope one day you hire someone with some experiance at making a vehicle based game to aid you as clearly after releasing three different ones younstill can't get anything besides the movement animations done.

  5. Ok, so apparently I need to clear this up, I am Tempest Shift. Ok? I changed my name and pic because I was incredibly bored of my old one. Sorry for any mixups and STOP MESSAGING ME ABOUT IT.

    1. Mars Orbit
    2. MozillaToast


      Explain where I put any humor.

    3. Mars Orbit

      Mars Orbit

      I just thought it was funny.

  6. For a limited time only, the rarest of all Pepes!

  7. ?? ═══╣Lets build a ladder?? ═══╣

  8. Whose up for some cards against humanity?

  9. Are people irritated by my sarcasm here?

    1. Mars Orbit

      Mars Orbit

      Nooooo of coouuurse nooot

      *sarcasm voice*

    2. JonasDarkmane


      Why would they be? *Hugs*

  10. I think I may be mentally disurbed... Does anyone know anyndream docters?

  11. Anyone here want an XB1 beta code for Black Ops 3? Got 2 spare and only one friend wanted one so I got one for giveaway :)

  12. Right. Sorry for the ammount of blunt I'm about to be but every RP that I'm included in I would like to drop out of. Sorry but I don't have time or the motivation to contribute anymore. Sorry but I'm out.

  13. Time to do something useful. Imma try to complete DMCmon the hardest difficulty! Fun times ahead!

  14. Message to all UK/Ireland residents who buy video games. Avoid shopping at CEX. You will get ripped off. I recently bought Black Ops 2 for £22 and within a week the game has actually crumbled into bits. Don't waste your money at CEX as this isn't the first game I've bought thats broken within weeks. It might a locational thing only but my shop only does refund in store credit. I think thats a load of bull so for the sake of your wallets, avoid CEX.

    1. GrauWitz


      Funny, I live in Ireland, and I was in CEX today X3

  15. M2ARPers I'm accociated with, I live in the UK. This means that if you live in 'Murica, my posts will be late to you. Also I only post 2-3 times in a single session as I have a lack of creative power. Sorry!

  16. I genuinly think my new personal trainer is bonkers, she is absolutely mental. How does a human have so much energy. She was like a child who'd just eaten all the chocolate in the house.

    1. That One Techpriest You Used To Know

      That One Techpriest You Used To Know

      That's one of the traits that they look for in a personal trainer- Enough energy to out-energy Pinkie Pie.

  17. You could've called this game bord vs camal.

  18. I am the villian of this story, what else could I ever be?

    1. Ribbonfree


      the sidekick of the comic relief who's there to be the joke's wingman/setup

  19. Ooh piece oz' candy!

  20. Do you like to play with fiiarrr!!?

  21. I think I might be the physical embodiment of anger.

    1. JonasDarkmane


      *Hug tackles and noms ear* <3<3<3

  22. Anyone got some upbeat rock/metal music? I need something with a happy beat to it and has some power behind it. So no mainstream 'music'.

    1. Discordian



      Ask and ye shall receive.

    2. MozillaToast
    3. Discordian


      I can get you a good amount of upbeat rock and metal. Just ask any time. :D

  23. Now I remember why I stopped playing halo. -.-

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MozillaToast


      Halo has friendly fire on, so people friendly fire if they don't get what they want.

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