@@crispy fries,
Banner's heart skipped a beat when Redwood spoke. Its just a normal greeting, stop getting bent out of shape because of it! Her mind yelled at her. As she walked over to dummy they practiced on she heard a pony "Ponies, look alive!" It was the pony in charge of the whole outpost, Captain, or Cap as most say it because he's very relaxed as compared to other commanders. Now is not one of those times. "There have been reports of a group of cockatrice in the area, since me and my squad have dispersed them after defeating the leader of the pack, we need you ponies to kill the remaining few that survived before they get to anywhere else" He brought out a note pad "You will all be in groups of two considering how many there are and how much of a threat there are, both are around medium level so we are going to randomize the names" He uses magic to tear out a piece of not book paper and cut it into strips with everypony's name. After it all, Banner and Redwood weren't called "This last group is going to be a group of three, Banner, Redwood, and Mail" Banner knew both of them, one she hated and one she doesn't even know how to describe. "Looks like were all in a group" Mail said with his normally obnoxious voice "I can finally show my worth by destroying those things" He flexed and looked at Banner, she was disgusted "L-lets just get this over with" She looked away from both of them "Hey, I have to be in this group, you two being mares is just a bonus" He levitated a revolver "Maybe you can use something other then melee this time?" He said to Banner "I think my throwing knifes are better, and they can be used a lot faster than gun" "This is custom made, 6 shots in one go! If a cockatrice survives that then I'd think wicked magic was involved" "Don't look into the eyes and your fine, you don't need a gun" Banner remembers that Redwood uses a shotgun "But I guess a revolver would do worst then a shotgun on a bird" Mail rolls his eyes and looks to Redwood "While we walk, want to talk about how you got your gun?"