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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by Yoshikupo

  1. @, "Oh my game name is Dim, same kind of thing as you with it being close to the real name" She tries to go throw the menus and eventually sends the request to be Shimmer's friend "Yeah, RPGs are one of the only games I know how to play. My father dragged me into C&W (D&D) so I'm just wonder about the MMO part" She chuckles "I heard there was alchemy so don't be surprised if I pick a few flowers and mushrooms"
  2. I can't believe this is even happening, I signed up for it as a little joke between friends...well I can't go back now. Dark thinks as she readies the nerve gear "This is going to be weird" She lays down on her bed "Here we go" LOGIN @, Holy crap this looks amazing. She looks around. There should only be like 9 other ponies here right? Well might as well try to find them. She starts to walk around the town seeing shops and other places. One big city. She see's a running mare go by her "Hey!" Dark shouts "Need a mage?"
  3. @, "Yeah, I can hardly believe what happened" Asriel gives a faint chuckle "So its been a whole year..." Asriel thinks about Frisk "Would you care to hear even more mind blowing revelations, because I have plenty...well maybe not that much but I have a good one about saving, loading and restarting in the underworld"
  4. @, "It's gold thank you...I'm not that much of a jerk but still. If your on a diet all the time then that means you exercise normally, whats your favorite type"
  5. @, "Hmmm...whats your favorite question to ask someone your interviewing?" "I thought you said I was next" "We both know your going to ask about weapons"
  6. @, "Well to step in, these are my OC's...They have personalities that I find making questions fun so I use them. Also I sent Purple text (Emerald) away" "Have you read the Kane Chronicles? Its like Percy Jackson but with egiptian gods!"
  7. @, "That's a lot of stuff" "...to steal" "Stop getting in my character zone, I'm not supposed to know you. *Ahem* What are your favorite stories, to write about and in general"
  8. @, "Ha! Stop joking around, cider season only happened a while ago so there profits are high. Were stealing all, or most of, it" "Well we don't want anarchy so we'll just steal the necessary amount...they should have a bank anyway where they keep most of there funds" "So its a very low gaining heist?" "Yes, but it should fit Rising fine" Emerald turns to where the bedrooms are "We should probably put something more fitting on" She leads the others to her room which is filled with costumes, mane dye and sneaking equipment "Hey I was wonder where this was" Pearl picks up a unlabeled can "Why do you have my homemade tear gas?" "I thought I needed it but I forgot to bring it once...you can have it back"
  9. @, "Its fine...even if I chose to fight, I could never bring myself to kill another being" Asriel thinks a bit "I can't belive it was a whole year since that fight" Asriel realized to late what he said "Well I guess the past is the past, can't really hurt now could it...want to hear about my fight with Frisk?"
  10. Do you think I should make a game night sort of thing? Because I really want to play cards against hummanity with custom decks online.

  11. @@Dapper Charmer, Two dungeon floors later, Dark and the Emerald figure were at the last part of the dungeon "I got potions, a dagger that makes me even faster, and a illusion scroll to make me invisible. Come on whats next!" "Me and her are on the same page" If you were on my page then you would know that your probably going to die to whats next. You haven't shut up this entire game, I have caught myself getting angry at you to not show it to Hooligan. Why are you being so negative? I must be getting more corrupt, I'm starting to like seeing you fail.
  12. @, "Not going to say anything directly but...maybe a pony is planning some robberies around Ponyville, sounds like interesting news right?"
  13. If anyone wants to play pretend you're xyzzy with me
  14. ...A nice level headed mare that thinks stealing is wrong...I had to put in my slightly evil OC from everyone else
  15. Anyone want to play pretend your Xyzzy? I have cutom packs ready

  16. @, "This is the first dream I have had in a while...normally it would be a nightmare but I've seen much worst than just this" Asriel admits "Nice to meet the actual you Ahab" He sits down across from Ahab "I don't really know what to say right now...I mean we could go over the past but I don't remember it very well. I don't know how much time has even passed in reality..."
  17. @, "Yeah your right" He said out loud not thinking about Rita that was in the room "I hope that tomorrow we can figure out more" He got comfortable in the bed and started to sleep "Hey Asriel, guess hows back?" A familiar voice said as Asriel was in pitch blackness "I found your little friend a while ago, but there soul is gone from here now" A human body with a green and yellow striped shirt lands on the ground, lifeless "But you already know how has your friends soul in them don't you?" A bright yellow flower appears in front of Asriel "I can't believe you were saved by this other human, Ahab is it? Well I hope have a fun time trying to help Chara, because we both know that's all you want" The flower gets a wicked grin as he says it "N-no I want to help others...I don't think they can even be saved, the monsters sound like they need more help anyway" "Alright keep telling yourself that, I'll just leave you with this husk till dawn" The flower disappears into the ground and Asriel is indeed stuck in that room till he wakes up.
  18. @, "I can tell you were a great mother, your what I picture a perfect one should be" Asriel says with a smile "Makes since that Clocksin would visit so often" Asriel feels like he should acknowledge Ahab how said something about Clocksin. Do you remember where you heard it?
  19. @@Dapper Charmer, "Kill it! Its the only option if we want to keep going" "She is kind of right" Dark rolls a dice for an attack and its a 15 "Good roll" The Emerald figure zips around the troll and slices his back up with a dagger "I'm sure she can evade a troll" she rolls a 13 for evasion. I'll just be sleeping over here because I'm bored. (P.S. I never really played D&D)
  20. Going on undertale tumblers...I should be sleeping but from today I have winter break.

  21. @, "Even with that whole 'nap' I almost took forever, I feel tiered" Asriel says as he sets the rest of the cake and the coco beside him "Plus I haven't had a bed like this for a while" He gets into the bed but sits up to look at Rita "So did you ever have kids then?" He asks because the whole mother in her thing, and it would explain how she has treated him. Toriel would have treated him like this if he was a stranger.
  22. @@Dapper Charmer, "Hell yes! We are going to buy the best things because if I die then its your fault" Emerald says pouncing on the bag and looking back at Dark "Yeah, yeah" She replies *500 gold later* "Well she's ready" "I thought I could steal something" "A dungeon will get way more gold then pickpocketing...and less trouble" "Fine, stupid me being a figure and not the real deal" Emerald figure exits the small village with all the normal rouge equipment and potions.
  23. @, "So...what if he has a plan? You don't look like the pony that is very into doing anything illegal" Pearl says "I think Emerald is going to spray paint us all down to give us a disguise, she has like 12 cans of each color in her room" Goldie looks at Rising "It doesn't hurt though" An exited Emerald comes out of the planning room and tackles Rising without him having time to react "It may not be that big for me but I think it will be perfect for that book, were going to the first place I ever robbed" She pauses for effect "The Apples" "Were stealing from farmers?" "Wealthy farmers that will be away for some sudden trip, all of them at the ponyville farm. If they do hire or have any pony watch it then it defiantly won't be tough" "Well sounds like a plan...also get off of Rising again, I swear if I see you in that position again then I will start to think your doing it on purpose" "Shut up" Emerald gets off of him "Also were doing it tonight"
  24. @@Dapper Charmer, "I had no idea that was possible" Dark said seeing the figure of Emerald wave at her "If I'm forced to be in this nerd game I guess I'm at least the piece that does the action" She says throwing a few punches at the air "So what's first in this adventure? Some sort of town where I can buy something?" I have to hand it to you, I can always hear you say something that would be cliche. Shut it.
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