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Everything posted by Yoshikupo
@, "I know how it works, I just don't practice it that much since I normally need to be alive for some days of my life" Dark joked then looked around "They just had that exchange thing here like a week ago...the ponies didn't really like my potions but when one tries it, so do others" She says looking at the tents "The house is up on the top of the mountain, we built stairs to it so ponies knew where to go when giving us mail or something...that and it was a shop as well for mystic artifacts but about a few years before I turned into an adult, they didn't have anything left that was truly remarkable so we moved to ponyville and Spirit opened a bar that is now my home" She explained finding the stairs "This is where I grew up...and this is where my dad will be"
private Forged together (1x1 with LittlePip1990)
Yoshikupo replied to Yoshikupo's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@, I shouldn't have brought it up...now she won't even eat. Chain thought as he somehow finished the burger "Sure...if you really want to go then lets go" He stood up "I'm sure my parents are dying to hear the news on the date" Chain joked "If you want, its only the afternoon and not around the peak of Luna's moon so I could try a game or two with you" Slight red appeared on his cheeks "I'd love to help anypony with a lot of stress" -
What, how does that work? Your father spent years and he couldn't understand it at all but this stallion just starts to know it from an accident?! Well...ok, Ellie did say it was a jumbled mess that you basically had to narrow down just to make a path. I guess he can make his own path easier from his own jumbled mess of a mind...also you addressed Ellie by name, never thought I would see the day. Shut up. You know I find if humorous that you say shut up to your daughter. Dark grabs Hooligan's hoof "I'm ready"
private Forged together (1x1 with LittlePip1990)
Yoshikupo replied to Yoshikupo's topic in Everfree Roleplays
Chain bit his burger, not making a dent comparatively "The foods great, a lot better then anything the major companies can dish out because of wanting profit" To be honest this was the best hayburger he had ever had "How did you hold three jobs down? That must have a serious strain on you...sometimes I forget there are ponies like you, my parents certainly don't acknowledge them at all" -
@, I think I can understand why the psychic evaluation went bad, not that at hate him but still. Then hooligan stopped and talked about teleportation "You sure you can take that strain? I mean it is a place you know so it won't take nearly as much magic but teleporting two ponies that far?" Dark thought "I could chip in some magic as well I guess, even if my memory is fuzzy about that place"
You know, I am fine with Hooligan but...Bedlam may be a different problem, we have no idea what he says to him. Maybe he's just a prankster? Or maybe he's to corrupt already, I'll keep listening. Dark walked throw the door Hooligan opened "Looks like we have to get a train...if you want to know more about the place were headed then just ask ok?" She hoped he said something as she started walking.
private Forged together (1x1 with LittlePip1990)
Yoshikupo replied to Yoshikupo's topic in Everfree Roleplays
(I didn't see this till just now, sorry) "I think I will have the same, only a medium as this place has the biggest things on the planet" They order and sit down at one of the tables near the window "So you said something about your brother loving this place? Can I guess you do as well from how you reacted?" Chain asked...the grease was kind of getting to him, he had never smelled this much before. -
@@Dapper Charmer, "Yeah, that's the place" She walked into it, the bartender knew what was going down so he might as well speed up the processes "Anypony know where Ellie went? He has somepony to see" "Thank you" Dark waited for somepony to speak up then a stallion how looked quite drunk approached "I may have seen him...but I think I'll need sometime to remember, why don't you spend that time with me and ditch crazy smile here?" "Or you could not try this harassment as we both can cast powerful magic, if your to drunk to remember then you should know I'm the Dark unicorn" Dark normally got ponies to back off from that and being feared by bad ponies didn't bother her "Uh...I think h-he said s-something about his original home" He said with obvious fear "Had to be in Rainbow Falls didn't he?"
@@Dapper Charmer, "You know what I think? I think they were terrible parents, why would you stop loving them after what they turn into...as long as it doesn't hurt anypony then they should be however they want because they are still family, and family sticks together" Dark realized she was doing her unintentional emotional speech thing again but like always, she believed in it and wouldn't take it back "I think were getting close"
@@Dapper Charmer, "As long as he stays with his tradition of places to go in a town then not to long, I was traveling with him for quite a while before a mared up and decided to go on my own...I think he does it because of what happened to my mother" Spirit stayed silent, she knew that speaking my make it worst so she just waited for Hooligans cue
"Yeah lets go" Dark finished the pancakes and went to the door "Also those potions that I brought are in that room, your free to have them...its mostly things that enhance food and I think it works on pickles" She said with a smile and walked out the door. I can't believe were going throw with this...for your father I mean. We both know how you feel so stop saying the obvious, also I've had a question about why you suddenly stop being mean to me every morning or so. I think I said something about corruption. Dark didn't really by that
@@Dapper Charmer, "I'd love that" Are you absolutely sure that he should get involved? I mean your other friends never get this close. Spirit was hoping this was going where she thought. Absolutely, I mean you can read my thoughts cant you? Yes I can. "I think we should go to the inn around here, he's not the soberest pony and I'm sure that he has a room. If not there then somepony should know where he went"
private Forged together (1x1 with LittlePip1990)
Yoshikupo replied to Yoshikupo's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@, "Yeah, but seeing you happy is all I need...I mean if my parents roped you into this then might as well make it last right?" They come across a ton of restaurants that are currently very busy, Chain guess because it was around lunch rush and the con. "I think she said something about this place" Chain walked into 'five ponies' "Its rare to see a burger restaurant like this here, must be really good" Chain saw another ponies hay burger "How do they make profit here with that size? The fries are literally in paper shopping bags" Chain was just amazed as he got in line. -
@@Dapper Charmer, I heard, you don't have to say a thing. Dark shuts her figurative mouth "I had a dream last night...I want to go find my father again, before anything happens" Dark looked sad and looks down "The dream made me realize that things would be great with you but I can't lose him, he's the only family I have left" Spirit would say something but stopped herself
private Forged together (1x1 with LittlePip1990)
Yoshikupo replied to Yoshikupo's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@, "I don't know...the places around here have rich food and some nice cafes but non made me think that 'this is a great place to have lunch' sort of place" Chain walked out of the con "I think some good places would be over here, that's what Banner told me the last time when she went here...guard business thing" He clarified and started walking to the east to where he mentioned -
private Forged together (1x1 with LittlePip1990)
Yoshikupo replied to Yoshikupo's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@, "Well we did see the arcade games all over in there, it would be fun to watch you play...and I bet it would be fun to watch me die a thousand times, I have quite a bit of money left" Chain said approaching the karaoke bar "But if you really don't want to then we can always head somewhere else, I'm sure that there are quite a few places that sell actual food and at the apartment we could get a game system to play...I really just want to do something and if you like it then that would make it all the better" He didn't realize it but he got a small blush -
@@Dapper Charmer, "Blue berries, your starting to use my weaknesses aren't you?" She chuckles a bit as she eats the waffles "They taste great" I'm glad that you are happy, tell Hooligan that Spirit wishes him a good day. "Spirit is being nice again and says that she wishes you a good day" Dark always wondered why these passed few months, or possibly years, she acted as if everything was fine the morning after a very bad night with her.
private Forged together (1x1 with LittlePip1990)
Yoshikupo replied to Yoshikupo's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@, "Were always making games but I have some ideas for a game where your on a flying island, and that's all I'm gonna say" The ponies looking at Diamond were half bored and half wanting to be the next called on. Time passed and the panel was over, Chain almost fell asleep "Hu? Is it over? Well that could have been better...lets go do some karaoke or something" Chain left his seat to head to the nearest exit -
@, Asriel was terrified before Rita hit one of them with a club which was funny to him because he got what he deserved. Then the man appeared that struck both of the rude men, how made all three of the triplets leave. "I guess I can come out now" Asriel gets out from under the bed "Glad to see another friendly face, Rita told me about you"
private Forged together (1x1 with LittlePip1990)
Yoshikupo replied to Yoshikupo's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@, "You said it" Chain responded. "Ok, I have the perfect plan to get more questions before we do the trailers here since I'm also getting bored" One of the pony announces on stage "Uh...You there in the pokemare hat, what sort of question would you have for a creator of video games?" The pony points to her. Chain was just stunned by this. -
private Forged together (1x1 with LittlePip1990)
Yoshikupo replied to Yoshikupo's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@, "Only one other pony but it was short lived and I grow out of it...her name was Page, she was a writer that did mostly tragedies. I didn't really see anything in her after she was put into a mental institution after trying to make a book on a colts misfortune, that she caused" It filled Chain with a little pain to say that "Were here" They entered the panel room and before anypony knew it, they were already answering questions -
@@Dapper Charmer, *Hours later* Dark awoke from a wonderful dream that she didn't really remember but she swore it was like an adventure with Hooligan with them kissing a few times which Dark found a little weird. She got out of bed and smelled the smell of breakfast, more specifically, waffles. "Are they done? I'm hungry as a timberwolf"
private Forged together (1x1 with LittlePip1990)
Yoshikupo replied to Yoshikupo's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@, "I don't remember the names but there supposed to be indie creators...I think the whole panel is just Q&A about there games and what they should do next, some were thinking of joining together to make something" Chain tried to recall what the magazine said that he actually read just because he wanted to know more about games for Diamond...and it was given to him by his parents with nothing else so he thinks they wanted him to read it. "Anyway I think it could be interesting even if I know little about games" Before They got there they passed by the karaoke bar and it looked like it was merged into an arcade as the bar and stage was there but on the sides were lined with arcade machines "Well, that's later so lets keep going" -
@@Dapper Charmer, "Thanks for all of this" She got into the bed "It has so much room compared to where I sleep and I feel like this is the best bed I have been in" She thought out loud "I think I may actually want to stay with you" She was still thinking out loud. She shortly fell asleep. Well great, she's in my territory now. Spirit thought seeing Dark's dream form in front of her. Wonder if I can make her go back to old times. Something in Spirit said otherwise and took control "Your not hurting her you corrupted soulless being, I have the night shift so you don't mess her up" Fine but I will be out in the day again.
@, H-He must have followed me, but why would he? Does he know I'm Asriel? Why would he kill me if he knew? Asriel thought to himself as he did as Rita said. I...I want you to know that if I do get cornered and there is no way out, that I will fight by I won't kill, ok? Asriel was trembling