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Samurai Equine

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Posts posted by Samurai Equine

  1. I'm glad there is still interest in this RP, but I really don't feel like giving another reply until Mr. S&T comes back, and I'm not sure when or if that's gonna happen. On my end, it says he hasn't been online since last month. And without the person who started this RP, it's kind of dead in the water.


    If there is a plan for someone to replace Mr. S&T as the Doctor, I'll let everyone else work that for themselves, but I'll be dropping out of the RP if that's the plan.


    I love RPing with everyone, but I don't want to disrespect the person who started the RP. I'd rather start over from scratch with someone who has more time for this, is dedicated to being actively engaged in the RP, and will update everyone if they'll be gone for a while or whatever.


    That being said... Has anyone tried to contact Mr. S&T?

  2. "I see. When it comes to putting on a show, as long as Kazas is slave to another, I have no problem with defamation. I'd say you have a deal." Samurai says.


    Before long, everyone is at the old castle. Samurai looks around to make sure everyone is accounted for. "Not everypony is here yet..." Samurai decides to leave his helmet at the castle, giving it to one of his Kurokos. Afterwards, he goes back into the forest to check and see if everyone else is headed to the castle, including Mason, Lorec, and Syuren. He doesn't want to travel too far from the castle, but if he's going to find the last remaining members of their party, he'll need all his hunting and tracking skills. He all ready has sight and smell, but a helmet might hinder some of his hearing.

  3. Thanks for understanding, everyone. :) And BTW, you're all doing a great job RPing. I hope everyone is having fun so far.


    Question, what kind of dragon character are you looking for?


    We all ready have a dragon character. You can check the first page to see what kind of characters we all ready have. However, we would love to have a griffon, phoenix, bat pony, wolf, anything really. Even a fan-made species would be acceptable! :squee:

  4. @The Snowy Mystery

    (If you can keep up with her, I'm all for it!)

    As they stand outside the Museum, they see an elder crystal pony sitting on nearby bench. He rudely butts in to their conversation. "Well, there goes 3 days of hard work, but it's nothing I can't do again. You know, I personally built the Sombra exhibit. Not a favorite exhibit for anypony here, but we need to be reminded where we came from. What's that old saying? Those who forget the past, and so fourth... Sad truth is, there are some old crystal ponies like me who still remember the hard and sad times. Ponies like me who don't have anything to return to, and we still hold some of the mines open because it's all we know. Anypony going that direction should probably avoid those mines. They house more sorrow than pride..."


    "Wha--?! Hey!! Leave me be!!" The minor protests when Lorec and Syuren take him, but he isn't big or strong enough to break away. "YOU OWE ME SOME HARD CIDER FOR THIS!!!" The old pony says as they forcefully carry him out.

    But it isn't long before they've cleared the bar scene. "Well, I don't see what business it is of yours, but... After Sombra's reign, the Treasury decided to finish Sombra's work so the citizens could profit from his greed. I work for the treasury, and I cover the morning shift. I guard the mine and occasionally help dig out any remaining treasures. But I tell ya, something just ain't right in the mines... They're abandoned, and yet, you can still hear them. The voices of the forgotten and the fallen, voices of pain seeking salvation. It's haunted in there, I tells ya! It's haunted!! And the whole mine is built like a death trap! Wild twists and turns, places that could cave in at any moment... All I wanna do is drink my troubles away. Even that rowdy bar is more inviting than the mine..." The old miner explains, but even explaining just makes him feel worse. He has to keep himself for shaking, he keeps brushing his bangs of his face, he scratches the back of his head, lots of small things like that. He's a mess!


    Natrolite is not happy. "I don't wear... Will you STOP changing the subject?! Bronze, if you want that gem, then you and your friends are going to spend the rest of the day digging in the mines. I'll make a worker out of you yet, boy." Natrolite says and begins putting a hard hat on him and giving him some mining gear. He has enough for everybody but himself. "There was suppose to be a pony on guard duty out here, but I'm sure you'll be fine without a supervisor. Oh! And one more thing."

    Natrolite steps up and points at the mine. "Somewhere in there, according to one of his old log entries, Sombra hid a very special treasure room for himself. We've been trying to find that treasure room for years. I'm not asking any of you to find it, but the kingdom and I sure would be in your debt if you did. Also, be on the look out, some parts of the mine are on the verge of collapse. That goes for all of you." Natrolite explains.

    "...All of us?!" Trilby pops up, then runs over and presents Gear. "Even him? Look at him! Prince Gear is an alicorn! He's royalty!" Trilby says. "Really?" Natrolite asks, taken aback by this. Trilby hugs Gear and puts a hoof over his mouth. "Yes! Yes he is. Absolutely." Trilby says. "Hmm... Well, I guess he can stay outside. But only because he's royalty." Natrolite says. "Greeeaaaat... Excuse us a sec!" Trilby says, then drags Gear away so they can talk in private.

    "Gear, please, just roll with this. I'm gonna really need your help here. I don't fully get why, but this Nathan guy has got it out for Bronze. Stay here and pump him for information, see what his beef with Bronze is. Maybe we can figure out a different way to get that gem from him. Can I count on you for that?" Trilby asks.

    • Brohoof 1
  5. No, but the weather is slightly cold. And every time I step outside, it feels like the ground is moist, as if it rained last night or something. I know it didn't, but still... Morning dew? :blink:


    TPAM has a low tolerance for alcohol.

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