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Samurai Equine

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Posts posted by Samurai Equine

  1. "...And he's an insider. I wonder what they'll call me. Am I chasing death? Tough call... Die if I do, die if I don't. I don't mean to be disrespectful, but I've made up my mind. I'd rather complete my mission and avenge the fallen princesses than risk waiting it out. You can either support me or stay out of my way, but I'd rather have your support. I hope you understand, Rahmu-san." Samurai says, addressing Alrahm.


    When he notices a pause, he looks back at him and notices the awkwardness. "What? Your western names are hard on my Japonese tongue." Samurai says with an uneasy smile and an anime sweatdrop, reaching inside his helmet to rub the back of his head. Getting to the old castle can't come soon enough...


    (I'm also sorry for the short reply. Really not sure what else to right now. :please: )

  2. 462's new form, that of Shade Rose, is quite the interesting choice.


    Many ponies are all ready taking an interest in her. Ponies are ready to start flirting. Patrons who would normally challenge Lorec to an arm wrestle for superiority are now challenging him for the right to spend some time with Shade Rose. Ponies that Syuren would love to try and make friends with are now asking him if Shade Rose is single. Perhaps The Manticore's Brew was not the best place to go with a mare, or a Changeling pretending to be a mare.




    "Leave it? Is that any way to talk to an old comrade? I guess the days we stood up to Sombra don't mean anything to you anymore. I expected that from your son, but not from you." Natrolite says.


    Still, he looks at the picture in the book. "Oh yes, that gem. I know the one you are looking for. That picture is inaccurate, but I know what you're looking for. Here at the Savings & Loan Treasury, by order of Princess Cadance, we take all of the kingdom's excess treasures and convert them into usable bits for everypony so the Empire will be more prosperous. Princess Cadance thought it would be a better use of all the treasures Sombra collected during his reign. But the gem with the roman numeral on it... Top scientists have studied it up and down, and despite our best efforts, we can't really assign a monetary value to the gem. It's not like any other precious material or mineral ever seen. I've been holding on to it, keeping it in a private off-site holding, at least until I can find the best use for it." Natrolite explains.


    "Great! We need that gem. Is there any way you'd be willing to part with it?" Trilby asks. "Hmm... Actually, there is. That is, if Bronze is willing to entrain a request." Natrolite says with a sneaky smirk.

  3. "SCOUT!"

    "Yes! He was totally a talent scout. I just couldn't believe it!" Two of the tellers at the treasury prater on about something unimportant while our heroes continue checking it out.


    "Great find, Gear. And I think somepony at this Treasury might have it." Trilby says before going over to one of those tellers. "Excuse me, can I talk to the manager of this establishment? We really need to speak to somepony about a super rare gem stone." Trilby asks. "Sure, hold on." The teller says before activating an intercom device. "Mr. Nathan? You have some visitors." The teller says. "It's Natrolite! You KNOW my name is Mr. Natrolite. What do they want?" Natrolite asks. "They are asking about some rare gem stone." The teller says. "Tell them I'll be there shortly." Natrolite says before the transmission cuts off.


    In his office, a crystal pony wearing a suit adjusts his tie and makes sure his mane looks as professional as possible. "Rare gem stone? Hmm... Could it be the numbered one? Couldn't be." Natrolite says to himself before leaving his office.


    Seconds later, he trots his way out to our waiting heroes, putting on an artificial yet welcoming smile. "Greetings! Sorry for the wait. I'm..." He stops when he sees Bronze and Tanzanite among them. "Well, well. Look who's come to visit my First Imperial Treasury Savings & Loan. I never thought I'd see the day." He says, dropping his smile.

  4. "Darkflame? Sounds suspicious..." Samurai comments. Indeed it does. Most people would probably make a Black Knight reference.


    Samurai listens to Alrahm explain. He is definitely more strict that Kazas. But then again, it wouldn't be the first time he's worked under a strict and serious mentor. "You know, during the tournament, Kazas-san said some very similar things when he learned I wanted to find a primordial divine, the one famously known as the Dragon Caesar. When I gave him my response, he was more than happy to support me. Although... You do have a point. I have a sword made to kill and imprison the soul of a primordial divine, I have my mission, I have the skill and the drive, but I've never actually seen one these god beasts before. Even you and your friends have more experience in this. I'm just a foreigner chasing after a legend..." Samurai begins.


    "...which means, after I capture the Dragon Caesar, I'll have to catch up surpass all of you." Samurai says with a smirk. And the way he says it, you can tell, it's not just empty boasting. He isn't even looking at Alrahm when he says it. He is taking that challenge and making it a personal goal.



    ((If anyone wants to interact with any of these three characters, now is one of your last chances. They're about to be gone for a long time.))


    (I'd love to, but I don't know what to do. :please: )

    • Brohoof 1
  5. "Do what you have to do, 462. And I'd suggest finding a nickname for yourself. Most other species don't number the members of the lower classes." The agent says and pets his head.
    He turns back to Lorec and Syuren. "I entrust 462 to you. There may or may not be more joining your party later. Our deepest apologies for the set back. Keeping track of all the Anti-Harmony Gems is not an easy science. Even Maestro has trouble keeping track of all the data. That is why he recruited you. Completing this mission was never going to be a one pony job."
    The agent starts to leave, then stops. "Oh, and one more thing. That unicorn with a fancy hat. The Maestro recommends leaving him behind. He was never meant to be recruited into this, and there is nothing in it for him. He's just a fool that got mixed up in something doesn't involve him."

    The agent takes his leave, going through an alley. There is a flash of light, and the agent is gone. He has transformed into a giant crystal stalagmite, the kind that grow out of the ground in random places across the empire. His clothes lay discarded for any random passer-by to claim.


    Trilby is not some uneducated fool. He politely bows and thanks the Princess for the help before following Tanzanite out. On the way out, he sees him and Bronze having a disagreement. "Mr. Tanzanite, sir, I promise he hasn't been giving me any money! I run a hat shop, so I don't need any charit--" But Trilby takes a back seat when he realizes that they are really just having a genuine father-son moment. Trilby nods and smiles to himself. "Family ties. They really can be something beautiful."

    As they travel back into the town, they run into an old friend. "Oh, Gear! Just in time. We just got a lead on the first gem. Tanzanite, this our friend Gear. Oh, and don't be confused, he may be an Alicorn but he's not really royalty. Gear, this is Bronze's father Tanzanite. He works for Princess Cadance." Trilby introduces them.

    It isn't moments later that they finally arrive at a huge building, the Imperial Treasury. "Whoa! This is the treasury?!" Trilby says. Inside, it really looks more like a huge bank! There are crystal ponies in suits helping out customers, depositing money and giving money away, and all the typical bank stuff. You can even see a giant vault door in the back!

  6. Somewhat important. It's good to be close, but you gotta let people have time for their friends, family, and sometimes personal space when they need it. You can't run a relationship with guilt or insecurities. People spend time apart. It's only natural. You may be in a relationship, but that doesn't mean you need to be conjoined at the hip.


    Does that advice seem accurate?

    • Brohoof 1
  7. Lorec walked toward samurai equine, noticing his injury.




    " Samurai.... You're hurt... Is it where kazas struck you...?"


    Samurai sees Lorec once more. "Hmm? Oh, my injured rib? I almost forgot about it... I'm surprised I didn't over exert myself when I was with Syuren-san. He really did more than me... It doesn't matter. Let's do some last minute damage control then head to the forest. We want to make sure Ponyville is fully evacuated. I'll deal with my injuries later." Samurai says before walking off.


    Later, in the Everfree Forest... (Edited upon request)


    Everyone is gathered. The 4 Kurokos under Samurai's order are passing out rations. The scraps of food they found really are not much. Under normal circumstances, they'd be more like the snacks you find at a party. But considering the situation, they really are more like war rations. Very few to go around. Only enough to share anyone who needs it most and any of the champions who still wish to fight against Avaerus and Zephrael. Samurai didn't need any because he had some food moments before the previous battle.


    "I suppose we should discussion our next plan of action. I wanted to help, but it seems I still need to get stronger... My mission is to avenge the fallen Princesses, but in order to do that, I need to find a primordial divine and tame it. I have one in mind, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to find it on my own. But I get the impression that we all have our own ideas about how we should proceed..." Samurai says.

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