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Samurai Equine

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Posts posted by Samurai Equine

  1. this sounds like fun, but i'm not sure if my oc would do for a story like this.


    you can see him here: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/golden-oaks-r7479


    If you had asked me when I first started, I would have said no. I'm really trying to find unique kinds of pony variant-characters and non-pony characters. If fact, if you have another character that fits that criteria, then I'd be happy to let you RP as both characters. We're still looking for a Changeling, a Griffon, or even a unique species character. There's all kinds of species in FiM. However...


    We've got at least 2 unicorns and a pegasus.

    I guess it only makes sense we complete the circle and represent all 3 pony races...


    Is anyone else okay with this guy?

    If the others are okay with you joining, then I'll allow it.

  2. "Syuren-san! Thank goodness... You're okay." Samurai calms down knowing he's not too badly hurt.


    The arrival of Oni was an interesting one. Samurai thinks about all this. "What to do, what to do..." He really isn't sure what his next move should be.


    Kazas has evolved into something new, and he is using a power that Samurai cannot easily absorb.

    Staying here and helping everyone out is not part of his mission, but he'll need their help eventually.

    They are all holding their own against Kazas, even Evergreen. But the more they face these constant fights, they're all going to face their limits eventually.

    So much is riding on all this...


    Samurai looks at Syuren's weapon, lying out in the open. "Everypony, go on without me. Syuren-san, I'll get your weapon for you. After that, I'm staying here. I don't know if I can help, I'll be lucky if I can manage damage control at this point. But I'm not leaving until I know for sure there is nothing more I can do here." Samurai says.


    He leaves them and heads for Syuren's weapon. Provided he doesn't accidentally falls in a trap or somehow gets attacked by Kazas again along the way, Samurai finally reaches Syuren's weapon, picks it up, and tosses it back. "Syuren-san! Catch!" And once that is done, Samurai finds a place, sits down, and watches the madness unfold. If an opportunity presents itself, then Samurai will act.

  3. "Oh! It's cool. We still have bits in this era, so you know, not much different!" Trilby says.


    "Hey everypony!" Trilby gets up and gets everyone's attention, unless they are napping. "Isn't this kind of nice? I get the feeling that none of us would ever be working together under normal circumstances, and yet, here we are. Also, thank you again for unanimously voting me as your leader." Trilby bows. When did anyone vote on that? Seems kind of delusional... "You know, I've always wanted this for a long time. I remember when I was just a little foal, and a great adventurer visited our school... This was before I got my cutie mark, of course. ...And I'll never forget what he said. He said: The things you do today will become tomorrow's legend. Oh, that always stuck with me. I wanted to do all that stuff too! Travel the world, face various dangers, collect treasures, and make all kinds of friends! ...But then my cutie mark appeared and I kind of got in a rut. Making hats, selling hats, day in, day out..." Trilby says.


    Is this speech going anywhere?


    "Uh... Anyways... Anypony for card games?" Trilby pulls out a deck. I'm pretty good at poker, rummy, might even have the stuff for blackjack." Trilby says, looking for a way to pass the time during the trip.

  4. "Sneak in? Not unless we ABSOLUTELY have to. I'm kind of morally against stealing anyways, since I am a store owner with hats to sell. It's kind of hard to pay the bills or eat if I get robbed..." Trilby says to Drakk. But he also lets Bronze finish whatever he has to say about it.


    "Everpony, PLEASE! No need to get hung up on the little details. Let's just get started! I'm sure the details will fall into place when we get to them. After all, an adventure starts with that first step..." Trilby pauses, then looks up. "The things you do today will be tomorrow's legend." Trilby says, his voice a little softer.




    "Okay then! Come on, everypony out. Out, out, out! We're going to the train station, headed to the Crystal Empire, and that's that." Trilby says, opening the doors and ushering everyone out. "And Syuren, if you need to make a stop at Canterlot, that's perfectly fine. As long as it doesn't slow us down, it shouldn't be a problem." Trilby says.


    Then stops.


    "...Oh yeah!" He runs back to his shop, locks it up, and puts a sign on the front door that reads 'Closed until further notice'. "There. Can't just leave an open shop if there's no one around to watch over it, right?" Trilby says to himself before rejoining the group.


    Later, at the train station...


    Within moments, everyone is boarding the train and taking their seats. Trilby bought the tickets. "Have you guys been to Burger Royale? They have the greatest Hay Burgers, and these awesome little fries shaped like horse shoes! HAHA! Oh so good. You should try it some time! I remember this one time when the Cakes were there, catering a special dessert promotional event. I tell you, if it weren't for me watching my figure, I could have eaten for DAYS!" Trilby rambles on about nothing worth talking about.


    He takes a seat next to Bronze. "Oh! Hey! Interesting cutie mark. How did you get it again? I mean, mine is just a hat and some scissors, but that's obvious. You know, haberdasher, dedicated to making hats for all of Equestria, making a living off it right now. Kind of obvious."

  5. Trilby looks around the room at everyone.


    It takes him a minute, then he gets an idea. "It's decided... Bronze! It's Bronze, right? You're a crystal pony. I think we should all go to the Crystal Empire first! Think about it... We're not suppose to get the princesses involved, right? For all we know, Cadance or Shining Armor has one of the gems. If we can't covertly get it away from them without tipping them off, then how can we expect to have any kind of success getting the other gems? Am I right?"

    • Brohoof 1
  6. Hey everyone! Quick question...


    Should I re-open sign-ups?


    I haven't heard from Mint Drop, despite my attempts to contact her by private message. I am willing to hold her a reserved spot, but I can't hold on to it forever. I need people who are actually going to participate.


    Also, even if she shows up soon, I was thinking that people's interest in the RP might increase now that it's actually up and they can read what it's all about. I originally wanted to fill about 10 spots. I was fine with 6 or 7, but maybe I can still attract more people? What do you all think?

  7. "Seems you are all thinking of places where the gems could be. Great! I knew contacting you all would be the right thing to do." Maestro says with happy confidence.


    "Oh? How will you be able to identify the gems? The Anti-Harmony Gems look like different geometical shapes; triangle, square, and so on. They also have roman numeral markings on them. As far I can tell, there's at least 7, maybe more or maybe less. Once all are gathered, they will play a confirmation melody. That's how you'll know for sure. Also, don't be surprised if they have a special reaction when you take hold of them. That is all. If I need to contact you with further information, an agent of mine will track you down. Always be on the look out. They're always watching you, and they're always closer than you think. If you run into a tough spot, they can help you, but use them wisely and sparingly. They aren't very good in the art of subtlety, and that could hinder your cause if you're not careful. ... GOOD LUCK, ADVENTURERS!" Maestro says, closing with a spinning flourish.


    The transmission cuts off and the projector powers down.


    "Hmm... I see. You guys were chosen for this important mission, and if it escalates beyond control, even the princesses might not be able to handle the challenge. Yes, I see, I see." Trilby nods a bunch with his eyes closed, rubbing his chin.


    "That settles it!" Trilby comes alive, hitting hoof against hoof like how a human would pound his fist into his open palm.


    Trilby then turns away from everyone and points forward. "We're going on that adventure, and I'm going to be your leader!" Trilby announces. He hears someone say "...Why?" (I'm just assuming, it could be anyone). "Because reasons, that's why! Also, my house, my rules." Trilby says, still in that pointing ahead pose.




    "YOU CAN'T GO!" Trilby says, blocking the front door just when he hears them about to leave, the bell on the door tipping him off. "At least not without your leader! Now... Off we go!" Trilby declares.

    Guess they are stuck with him.

    "...I have NO idea where we're going!" Trilby adds to his declaration.


    Our leader, fillies and gentlecolts.

  8. ( sorry if that seemed a bit OP. I just want snails to have some action.)


    (It's cool. I had my moment, time to let others have theirs)


    Samurai doesn't even have time to be surprised at how fast he was hit.


    When he comes to, sees Lorec helping him out. "Ugh... Yes, I'm fine. I think he may have broken a rib, but I've had worse." Samurai staggers a bit back onto his hooves, only to see the chaos unfolding. "It's war all over again. Two sides, two armies, and nothing but destruction for everything in their way... Lorec-san, did I fail? I thought I could save him, I thought it would mean more bringing Kazas back to our side than it would bringing Shogun back, but it looks like I only made him stronger. Were my actions too hasty?"


    Samurai then sees Syuren's disgarded weapon. "Is that...?" He follows the trail to where Syuren was knocked back. "Syuren-san?!" Samurai trots over to see if he can reach him, attempting to walk around Kazas for now, keep some distance between them.

  9. (Never said the projection was over.)


    Maestro coughs a bit to get their attention again. "I can hear you, you know. This projection is two-way. Like a phone call? As I was saying... A series of sacred gems have recently become active. I need you to retrieve them for me, for they... Who are you?" Maestro points to the back.


    Trilby looks around. "Who? Me? I'm Trilby Hatter, owner of Hatter's House! Why did you send everypony here to my hat shop?" Trilby asks.


    "HAT SHOP?! ...Are you sure? I could have sworn this was an abandoned warehouse." Maestro says.

    Trilby does not look amused.

    "Regardless... The gems in question... My research tells me that they have a dark power completely opposite to the elements of harmony! And each on is scattered across your various homelands. Maybe you know where to find them without realizing it yet. You, crystal pony, the gem may be in your kingdom or in Cadance's hooves as we speak. And you, bat pony, is there perhaps a higher authority figure that reigns over other bat ponies? Or maybe someone you know has the gems... A family member? A close friend? It lies in the hooves, claws, etc of someone who could unknowingly unleash its power on a wide scale." Maestro says, randomly picking out the others here.


    "And thus brings us to the next question... Does this mission still interest you, or do you wish to back out now while you can?" Maestro asks.

  10. The sudden change in tone startles Samurai! "Run?! We can't run now!"

    Samurai goes to Kazas' side to try and help him. "Speak to me, Kazas-san. Is the darkness taking over? Do you need another dose of holy magic? Just feed me more flames and I can give you whatever you need. Don't give up on us now!"


    Samurai didn't like this. He turns to his fellow champions. "Does anyone have a way to incapacitate Kazas without killing him?! Even if we can't save his soul, maybe we can keep him from being a pawn!"

  11. (Just so we're clear, I did NOT kill Twilight. I would NEVER kill off a canon character. That was either That Aphrodite's decision or Mr.S&T asked her to.)


    The red Dalek, the one that Derpy kicked, ends up spinning it's head and wobbling a bit. "Illogical! My balancing servos have been misaligned!" The leader takes a moment to adjust himself.


    "A mass of temporal disruption has been detected in this area." The black Dalek says. "You will bring The Doctor to us, or you will be exterminated!" The white Dalek says to Derpy.

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