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Samurai Equine

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Posts posted by Samurai Equine

  1. Samurai was glad there were some reinforcements to help protect the train. However, he was determined to do his part!

    Samurai leaps off the train and tackles a mind-bent pegasus, only to leap off that one and tackle another one, and so on like that.

    But doing this is not easy. The pegasi are flimsy and dive a little when Samurai grabs hold of them, nearly falling off each time!


    At one point, a spear-wielding pegasus attacks and pierces one of the cars. Samurai leaps up and grabs on to him to make him stop. When the pegasus pulls his spear out, Samurai can see inside the car. Inside, he sees a mother mare leaping out of her seat, grabbing her little colt and shielding him from harm.

    In that split second, he can see the look of fear in their faces. A look he has seen in many ponies forced to fight in a war they never asked for.

    He then sees a pegasus armed with a cannon, taking aim for the spear-punctured opening, and everyone inside.

    "NO!!!!" Samurai leaps off and grabs the cannon-bearing pegasus.

    They dive away together.

    The sound of cannon fire can be heard...


    Taking rise to the sky is the same cannon-wielding pegasus, and Samurai is standing on top of him, piloting the pegasus by holding on to his ears!

    "HYA!!!" Samurai pilots the pegasus into attack formation. With a horse shoe-clad kick from his rear hoof to the pegasus's ribcage, he can make him fire the cannon at will, and he makes the pegasus blast down other mind-bent pegasi. This is taking them down the the easy way!

    There may be more pegasi on the rise, but Samurai is ready!




    Shogun's attempt to control Mason failed. Syuren was too fast. But there is someone who isn't. Someone Samurai has become close to.

    When Lorec reaches for another thing to rip out and use as a weapon... "Midas Curse" It turns to gold and becomes stuck to the floor.

    Lorec sees Shogun taking aim for him now.

    He puts his two enchanted swords, which are really an odachi and a nodachi, and then reaches for this two smaller swords, a wakizashi and a tanto.

    "You." He points at Lorec. "I challenge you to a duel. A test of endurance and agony called a Knife Edge Death Match."


    (Hey, Literally Snails, you might recognize this reference!) 

  2. Wow. We're just like department stores. We're all ready talking about Christmas, and it's not even November yet! ^_^


    Of all the things I would like to have, I'll share stuff that I don't feel comfortable asking any my family members for.

    I definitely want more Pony merch. I all ready have a Funko Dr. Whooves, I would like more. I saw a Funko Derpy the other Weekend or so ago, but I couldn't buy it because I was out of money and I was shopping with my mother that day.


    I'd also like a dog or a puppy at some point, but maybe I should get a better job first so I have more money to help take care of it.


    I'd also like a WiiU or a Car or some more Workout Equipment, but that might have to wait some other year.

  3. I'm pretty much the same online as I am IRL, give or take. About the only real difference is, I can present my thoughts in a much more polished and clear way. The previous sentence is a prime example, I rewrote it to make it easier to read/understand before posting it.


    Although, when I'm online, there are times when I feel like I need to act like someone who knows nearly everything about Japan. Maybe it's because of my username. :please:  Honest, I really do want to know everything I can about Japan (language, customs, holidays, etc.), and I've been learning things on and off for YEARS! But I was born and raised in America, so there are limits to what I know, even if I know quite a lot.

    • Brohoof 1
  4. Shogun takes to the skies to dodge Evergreen's attack. Her whip misses his wings, but does shred some of the clothes and light armor he is wearing. He is only ends up with minor damage, but the whip anchors him, keeping him from getting away.

    With an opportunity, Samurai leaps up and twirls his mighty sword, blinding Shogun with the sheet attached to the bottom of it. And while he is blind...
    "Flaming Sword ATTACK!"

    The second the sheet flows away from Shogun's face, he is struck down by Samurai's magic flames, which have been transferred to his sword.


    Shogun cries out in pain and falls on the train, but he is not out completely. Though he is a little more injured now, he still gets up.

    "First battalion. Second battalion. Flank with weapons!" Shogun command.

    Once more, many mind-bent pegasi take flight, but they don't aim for Samurai or Evergreen. Instead, they armed with spears and cannons, and they are using them to attack the train from the sides.

    They're targeting the passengers!

    "Choose your battle well, warriors."


    For Samurai, it was a no-brainer. He instead decides to protect the train and its passengers, abandoning the fight for now.

    In that time, Shogun goes over to Mason. He raises his gunbai fan and waves it at him, then points at Alrahm and his friends. "Kill them."
    But will this work?

    No one explained it before, but Shogun's fan is not mind control. It only works like hypnotic suggestion, appealing to the lesser brain functions. In other words, it cannot make someone do something they're not naturally inclined to do. If you use your willpower to resist the fan, it cannot make you do anything, just like Samurai demonstrated a moment ago.

    But Mason is no stranger to being a murderous villain. Will he follow the command or resist?

  5. I'm serious. Google it.

    Also, Queen


    Oh, I believe you. I was saying "Unlikely" ironically. Like one of those things people don't believe until it's proven.


    Also, Report.

  6. @,


    Standing out in a crowd is what da mastah is good at. Man, I love "black" clothes, lol  :smug:






    I don't know about clothes made out of that kind of material, nor do I care about sports, but I LOVE red camouflage! :D

    I own an awesome khaki safari-style jacket with bits of red and red camouflage to make it extra stylish, and I look awesome in that jacket in the colder seasons. B)





    And yes, I also own the cell phone pouch that can be attached to the sleeve, but I don't use it too often. I usually just wear the jacket.


    Props to anyone who knows where the jacket is from.

  7. ((Well, I kinda assumed that it'd be a couple more posts of exposition before that happened, but okay, I'll role with it xD))


    (Sorry. It was an order from Hokuto's Heir. :lol: )


    As Samurai fights on top of the moving train, his battle with Shogun gets more intense. Between sword clashes, they reach in and punch or buck each other with any hoof that could get close enough. Their faces are getting pretty beat up and bloody.

    "Midas Curse." Shogun begins to use his other enchanted attack, but acting quickly, Samurai grabs his hooves and redirects Shogun's slash. Instead of being turned to gold, part of the car they are standing on gets turned to gold.


    When Shogun cannot pull away, many of the mind-bent pegasi dog pile on Samurai, weighing him down and releasing Shogun from his grip.

    "It's no use, Samurai Equine. You will all submit to us. There is nothing you can do. I know all your moves and spells. There is nothing you can surprise me with."

    However, Samurai begins to beat off the pegasi piled on top of him, forcing himself back up to the surface. "You're WRONG!!! Unlike you, Shogun Equine, I can learn even from foreigners. You may know all of my moves..."

    Once free, Samurai tackles Shogun as best he can. "...But you don't know all of THEIRS!"


    Leaping off Shogun, Samurai does a flip in the air and lands near Evergreen. "Let's take him out, together! But I want him alive."

  8. "It shall be done, my new lord and master." A mind-bent Shogun says before he takes flight.




    "Forgive me, Lorec... I will try, but the Yokai Seven has not done anything worthy of redemption in my eyes. Not yet." Samurai says.


    He notices Evergreen tearing up again, trying to hide it.

    He remembers something from his past. While Japon was at civil war, ponies killing each other left and right, Samurai held a dying mare in his arms.

    She said her last words to him through the tears and open wounds claiming her life.

    For this, Samurai gets up and goes over to her. "We've all lost something. But as tough as things are..."


    Samurai doesn't get to finish. The train begins to rock and tumble, as if being hit hard enough to sway left and right!
    Looking through the windows, everyone can see that the train is once again under attack from mind-bent pegasi.

    "Well, there's the mind controlled pegasi I was wondering about. BROTHERS! TO ARMS!!!"

    Samurai is the first to leave the car to go fight.




    Samurai makes his way to the roof of the train. He gladly punches his way through hordes of pegasi, flying at him as fast as cannon fire.

    "Magic Horn EXTEND!!!" Samurai uses his extending horn spell to clip their wings, but this kind of precision is not easy!


    Landing with a lot of weight on the same car, Shogun Equine appears. You can tell from his lifeless eyes that he is completely gone.

    Samurai turns and notices him, his eyes going wide. "No... Shogun-sama, not you too! YOU MONSTERS!!! He was going to commit seppuku, and you dishonor him even further by making him your slave!" Samurai's shock turns to anger as he grits his teeth.


    Shogun raises his gunbai fan.

    Samurai stares him down. They both know it won't work on him.

    Shogun lowers his fan, and raises a pair of swords instead.

    Samurai unstraps the sword at his side.


    They begin to trot towards each other.


    Then they run.


    ...And with a might swing, their swords collide! And in a flurry of acrobatics, their swords constantly strike against each other harder and harder, until sparks are flying from each collision!

  9. Hay guys can i rejoin? 


    This is my blade



    I look forward to that! My character in this RP is currently armed with a very similar sword. :)


    @samurai equine @literally snails



    I'm sorry for the intensive delay. I thought magos would be back by now, and that we would continue sooner than this. I will post shortly, and we shall continue.


    No probs. I can be patient.


    Sorry for vanishing, guys. I've been far more swamped this semester than I expected. I've barely had time to sleep. :/


    Welcome back, Bard!  ^_^

  10. Samurai listens to the stories. Somewhere in there, he gives a friendly wave and a wink to Evergreen. He can tell when somepony's been crying. Maybe he feels sympathy for a fellow unicorn.


    Still, as the conversations go on, Samurai cannot help but give an annoyed 'Tch' after Roto finishes. "You know, I've been listening to you Yokai villains talk, and I think I can safely say that no one is taking you seriously. You claim there are no gods, yet you continue to defend that Tartarus and the Makai Realm are real. What's next, unicorn magic isn't real either? You also defend how strong and powerful your demon clan is, and yet you wither and fall before spells based in holy divinity. Even Roto can attest to that after his match in the tournament. Kazas didn't fear your kind in the least, and fighting indomitable beasts of all sizes is nothing new to me either... But the biggest piece of hypocrisy in all this is you expect us to follow your lead and just let you guys handle it, you who have heartlessly killed many innocent people and will probably betray us all the second it benefits you. I could have offered to be the new leader too, but I'm more respectful then that. Mason, if you and yours really want us to trust you in any way, maybe you should learn some humility first."

  11. "Allmaker? Angels? Hmm... This must be what western religions are like. In my homeland, we've heard rumors of there being a supreme god above all, but could never be sure. We usually believe in millions of lesser, elemental gods. In Japon, you can find shrines of various sizes all over for different kinds of gods or ceremonies. A god of wood, of the earth, of the heavens and the sky, a god of fertility, a god of good fortune, and so on. There may even be a god for the clothes we wear or the food we eat." Samurai says as he listens to the story.


    "Yes, I would love to hear more. I want to know anything and everything you can tell me! I cannot replace Kazas or anyone we've lost, but I can try to act in their best interest while I try to complete my mission." Samurai says. He's a very eager learner.

  12. Meanwhile, somewhere in the darkness, a set of lights where eyes would be are peering down on the planet, very same planet that houses Equestria.

    3 identical voices speak.


    "The trail ends here. The Doctor must be on that planet."

    "We must infiltrate, confirm his location, and EXTERMINATE him and anyone else who impedes our search."

    "Find the Doctor before he can regenerate! EXTERMINATE! EXTREMINATE!"

    The three voices chant that final word in unison.


    Trouble is brewing from afar. A threat will soon be upon Ponyville...

  13. True to his word, Samurai stays outside and keeps watch until the conductor of the train gives his final call and the horn signalling departure is blown.

    At the last second, Samurai hops on the caboose just as the train is departing.


    It takes a bit of traveling through the cars to find his new team. They probably have a private car all to their own. "I'm here. Sorry for the wait."
    Samurai finds place to sit, and before his butt can hit the floor, an elegant pillow is placed down for him to sit on.
    "Hmm?!" Turning, Samurai sees 4 Kurokos bowing their veiled heads. To that, Samurai is overjoyed. "You choose to stay! Thank you..."

    The Kurokos try give him the best seat in the car, though they don't have an assortment of decorations to work with like before.

    Once they are done, they disappear into the darkness.


    "All right then... Since this might be a long trip, I figure it's best to know more about what we're facing. Alrahm, and the rest, you all seem to know something I don't. Something about a religion? I didn't pay attention before because I didn't think it was necessary. But now those foul monsters have shown themselves, and it seems like everything is connected. What do I need to know?" Samurai asks.

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