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Samurai Equine

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Posts posted by Samurai Equine

  1. I'm going to say no. I have read them, but I'm not much of a reader. Trying to change that, though. I'm trying to collect all the books by Raymond Chandler, and I want me some MLP:FiM comics.


    TPAM recently broke something they really liked.

  2. People make covers of well known and sometimes lesser known songs all the time.

    Do you have a favorite? Do you like it better than the original?

    Share it here! :)


    I'll start us off.


    "In The Air Tonight" by Axel Rudi Pell, a cover of a Phil Collins song.


    And just for good measure, "Fire Woman" by Crush 40, originally preformed by The Cult.


    Hey! Those two songs actually have something in common. Can you guess what it is? ;)

    • Brohoof 3
  3. Do I have to choose just one?
    Can't I compromise by learning some languages and some instruments?


    There are only a few languages I care about, and only a few instruments I care about. And I feel like if you know enough, you can figure out the rest. If you know enough about writing and composing music for a few instruments, it shouldn't be too hard to figure out or pick up on other instruments. The same might be true for language. If you know enough different languages, you might be able to figure out other related languages relatively quickly.


    I'm not saying that enough experience can help you comprehend the root of all languages or anything like that. I'm just saying some things should be pretty quick to figure out. If I was a master of electric, acoustic, and bass guitars, banjos, and other similar stringed instruments, how hard would it be for me to pick up a Ukelele and figure out how to play it? Or, if I've mastered Chinese, Cantonese Korean, and similar languages, how hard would it be to pick up on the Japanese language?

  4. Yeah, I'm single.


    Dated a few times. Broke a few hearts, got my heart broken a few times. Learned something from each experience.


    As of October 11, I'm 30 and single. I would still like to be in a relationship, but I'm not going to force it. If it happens for me, that'd be great. If not, I'm getting use to the loneliness... I'd go more in to it, but I think that's enough for now.

    • Brohoof 3
  5. Despite my best efforts, I just can't get into coffee.


    But I love tea! :D

    Green Tea!

    Earl Grey.





    And so many others! :proud:

  6. There is a flash atop a skyscraper.

    The shadow of a pony steps up on the roof. Only his glowing eyes and horn are visible.


    Stepping forward, the shadows part, revealing Samurai Equine. He looks below, leaps, then runs down the side of the skyscraper!

    Bursting out of the glass windows are many mind-bent ponies, reaching out to attack!

    But on his way down, Samurai punches a few of them, and stabs a few others with his extending horn spell!

    Finally, halfway down, he grabs a pony and uses him to surf the rest of the way down. A zombified pony makes a pretty good pony-shield (pun on human-shield) against other ponies.

    And he does a flip off his 'surf board' just before gracefully landing on the ground below.


    From here, he sees the train station in the distance, and Shelevan! He recognizes her from the tournament.

    Samurai fights his way through the crowd until he is soon beside her. "Care for a little help? I'm adept at fighting off large crowds."

    Turning back to the mind controlled enemies, Samurai ducks down until he is lying against the pavement. "Magic Horn EXTEND!!!" Using one of his classic spells again, Samurai extends his horn until it is stretched out underneath a bunch of mind controlled ponies.
    Getting up, Samurai grunts and uses quite a bit of strength to flip over a ton of mind-controlled zombie ponies like flapjacks, tossing them a distance away before retracting his horn.


    "This is quite the test! I'm surprised most of the mind-controlled minions are earth and unicorn ponies. I thought there'd be more pegasi to deal with."

  7. (Oh boy, get ready for a long one...)


    Before Shogun's wagon can get too far away from Canterlot, Samurai finally awakens. "S-Shogun-sama?" Samurai asks. Shogun become VERY alert. "STOP THE WAGON!!!" At his command, the Kurokos come to a hault. "What's going on? Where are we going?" Samurai removes his cracked helmet and shakes his head. Shogun quickly glides over to him. "Easy, Samurai. We just left Canterlot and we're heading home." Shogun says. "Leaving?! We can't!!"


    As Samurai is updated on what's going on, as he recalls what happened at the tournament and what happened to Celestia, he has another hysterical moment. It's up to Shogun to slap him in the face to make him come to his senses, but it does not quell his sadness. For a moment, the two of them have a short dialogue in Japonies. If anyone was around, they'd need subtitles to know what was being said.


    "...But we can't go on, sir." Samurai breaks, finally speaking English again. "Without Celestia, we are nothing! Our system of loyalty to the rising sun, our code of honor... It's broken! We've failed in all our duties!" Samurai begins to summon his magic, his horn glowing once more. "The shame is too much. There is only ONE honorable path to take!" Samurai reaches up for his horn, but Shogun slaps him again, this time with his fan, breaking Samurai's magic summoning. "NO! You're wrong... There would be no honor in that. Not this time. Celestia's death is not your burden to bear, Samurai. ...It's mine... I promised her that I'd be her personal envoy, that I would protect her! That failure is mine alone to bear... But you have a different burden to bear. You have a mission to complete. Only then can you think about your final honorable act." Shogun says.


    "A mission? Shogun-sama, what ever do you--" Samurai begins. "You were foolish to ever come here without orders to do so, Samurai Equine. I spotted you in the crowd faster than Celestia did. I wanted you to go back home before you embarrass the proud name of our mother country. However... Celestia clearly didn't care that you were there. She allowed you to participate, but there was more to it that spur-of-the-moment fun. She knew something... You came here because you wanted to find a way to end the civil war in Japon, right? I think Celestia understood that. If she were here, I think she would wanted you to finish that mission. On her behalf, I am granting you authority to carry out that mission. Think of it as her final order. I cannot join you, and I think you understand why, but I'll always be by your side in spirit. Though you were adopted into our clan, I am making you the new head of the Koumamaru Clan. If you want to absolve yourself of shame, then finish your mission. Grant Celestia's dying wish." Shogun says.


    "That mission... Very well. I shall do my best." Samurai wipes away any tears he has and stands. The Kurokos give him back his helmet, which they repaired. "There are so many ponies to grieve, and few of them actually had a proper burial. I never thought the princesses would need it as well. But I will finish this chosen mission that has been approved by the Princess! ...Kurokos, bring me my cart." Samurai says. The Kurokos wheel it over to him.


    Samurai opens his cart, unlocks the false bottom, and pulls out a katana. It has a thick blade, a cloud shaped guard/hilt, an extra long handle, and a white blanket-like cloth with frayed ends chained to bottom of the handle. Shogun is surprised. "Samurai... When did you get a sword?! You've never needed a sword before. You always told me that your horn was all the sword you need!" Shogun says. "Maybe that was true when I was shooing away little pests, like diamond dogs and snow leopards. But that was before our land broke out into civil war, before false gods began to take away everything I held dear to my heart. This sword was made by the best swordsmiths in our land. It's purpose: to entrap the soul of a Dragon Caesar." Samurai says. Shogun seems speechless. "I had no idea you had made such plans... Perhaps you are stronger than I realized, my faithful retainer. I don't trust these outsiders. They had a chance and they failed. But there must be something special about them if you are willing to learn from them."


    Samurai hops out of the wagon, using the cloth on the sword to strap it to his side. A few Kurokos appear before Samurai. "What? Is this all that is left? Did that monster really kill that many of my... Nevermind. It doesn't matter anymore. My Kurokos, my faithful Shadow Agents... You've been by my side all this time out of respect for Celestia and myself. But this journey I undertake now, I must take alone. It's too dangerous to ask you to come with me. Whatever you do now is your choice. I give you dispensation do whatever you please." Samurai says.


    Samurai trots away, heading back to Canterlot. As he does, he feels sad again. He knows what Shogun is about to do. He knew at least one of them would... Still, Samurai raises his head, and he focuses his magic so hard that it looks like it hurts. And with little warning, he teleports away.


    Samurai reappears in Canterlot. He begins to run to the train station, passing between buildings and going down streets. But he stops when he sees mind controlled ponies causing havoc. "No! Here too?! ..." Samurai lowers his head. "It has gotten worse. These false gods must be stopped!" Samurai no longer runs. He casually trots forward. As he does, he draws his sword and faces his 'zombified' enemies. As they charge him, Samurai swings his sword and lobs their legs off, rendering them useless. "Even without being mind controlled, NONE of you are a worthy match for me!"


    Meanwhile, outside the city...


    Shogun watches as Samurai teleports away. As he does, Shogun sits. He is alone with his thoughts.

    "Celestia... I have failed you. And in failing you, I have brought shame.

    Shame upon myself.

    Shame upon Japon.

    And shame upon all of Equestria.

    I was entrusted to protect you with my life. I could have used my swords to turn you to gold, and then lifted the curse off you when the danger was gone!

    But that false god invaded my mind. He made me act on impulse rather than on strategy.

    Samurai, this shame is too great for all of us to bear.

    You must keep on living; find a way to set things right again!

    I must do the only honorable thing...

    I must join the princess in the eternal either that awaits us all. I will do this to make sure my enemies do not claim victory over me as well..."

    Shogun pulls out one of his swords and aims it at his chest.

    "Here, with these Kurokos as witness, I commit Seppuku to answer for my sins!"


    However, before Shogun can commit the act, someone appears before him. "...Avae!" (Avaerus)

    • Brohoof 1
  8. I don't hate alcoholic beverages, nor do I hate those who enjoy drinking them.


    However, I made a life choice a long time ago that I would never drink anything alcoholic. I prefer to have my wits about me, and there are other things I'd rather get addicted to. Games, movies, cartoons, stuff from Japan. Even junk food would do.


    At most, I'd be willing to taste, but never actually drink anything alcoholic. Although, if it's sake, I might be tempted to change my mind...

  9. Has anyone ever seen behind the scenes footage of a sound effects studio? My goodness, what does a guy have to do to work there?!

    These people are getting paid to sit around and make sounds all day. THAT'S PRETTY MUCH IT!

    They take props, instruments, gadgets, whatever their budget will afford them, and they make all kinds of sound effects for movies and such! And they usually have a blast doing it! I remember once seeing a sound effects crew put together a potato gun. Did the movie actually use the blast sound effects? I don't know, but they had THE funnest time just blasting potatoes! You never know what kind of goofy hijinks you might have next!


    If I was lucky enough to have a job like that, I'd be one of those guys who is actually happy to go to work. :D

    • Brohoof 1
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