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Samurai Equine

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Posts posted by Samurai Equine

  1. Samurai listens to them as they speak. First, he listens to Kazas and Alrahm. "Thanks for the advice, but you're not telling me anything I don't all ready know, so there's no need to be worried about me. As for knowing my opponent, I intend to fight fair regardless. But I'll keep that in my back pocket, just in case..." Samurai then pulls them in close and whispers something to them. "Pay close attention to this battle, you two. Just to let you in on a little secret, I don't need spell incantations. I have enough spiritual control that I can shorten each incantation into 1 short trigger phase. You're about to see how a real Japonies warrior fights."


    He then turns to Lorec and and smirks, nodding. "Of course I won't! There's too much riding on this for me to lose now. And I look forward to our match up as well. Heck, I'd like to have a sparing match with Syuren some day as well. Never count me out." Samurai says, pointing his hoof. You can't tell, but it's suppose to be a thumbs up.


    Samurai is about to walk off when a Royal Guard catches his attention. At this announcement, Samurai goes wide-eyed with a 100-mile wide smile. "The Princess knows I'm here? And she's allowing it?!" Samurai huddles into himself, then leaps into the air with joy. "YATTA (ALL RIGHT)!!! Oh Kami-sama, this truly is a blessed day! The Princess has given me her blessing, I am about to face an opponent, and I've got friends wishing my luck. Now it's definitive; I cannot lose! Matte (Wait for me), Snowstorm. I'm coming to battle you... Ganbarimasu (I'll do my best)!!" And with that, Samurai leaves. No, not the stadium ring, but to make his final preparations for the match.

  2. Anyone ready for a big dose of the 90?


    How about a bonus round ya'll?


    Feeling lucky, let's go all or nothing!



    YES! This exactly! I memorized these songs word for word. They helped me get through Middle School, they helped me get through High School, and they'll help me again here. Especially the Wacko one about the States & Capitals.


    Everybody, sing along! Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Indianapolis, Indiana. And Columbus is the capital of Ohio~! :D

    • Brohoof 1
  3. Robot. Because Zombie Apocolypse seems more likely of actually happening, if you ask me. And even if Robots go crazy and take over, I feel like there is more of a chance or reprogramming them, disarming them, or overall shutting them down. I feel like the supernatural might not be so easy to stop.


    Would you rather travel to alien worlds or alternate dimensions/realities? Yes, you can come back home whenever you please.

  4. @samurai equine


    Kazas looked confused. Maybe it was the drawing of his sword that gave the signal of wanting to clash? Either way, it was in the locker room. A tight space. But this could be a useful learning experience.


    " alright samurai.... Lets see how well you can learn the holy burning blade. First, what I need you to do is concentrate the power of fire into your horn. Without any divinity, it should be as a normal flame. Orange."


    Sparks started to snake up his sword. And then, in a sudden burst of light, the sword and part of his sword claw burst into flame, and burned continuously. The fire was of course, orange like kazas said it would be without any divine power. It looked like it should have burned him. But the flames obeyed kazas.



    @literally snails @samurai equine


    The announcer had come down once more. Near the entrance were two holes, and kazas was flaring up his sword.




    " okay, I'm not going to question it, but the next round is to be between samurai equine and snowstorm, with snowstorm appearing first. You all have 20 minutes.... Please don't wreck the room anymore!!!!!!"



    With that, the announcer scampered out of the room, misinterpreting what was happening as a brawl.



    @@Samurai Equine


    Snowstorm heard his fight being called and walked into the locker room to make his way to the ring. When he passed Samurai Equine, he stopped without making any eye contact and said, "I hope you can put up a decent fight. I will become famous, but I can't get the exposure I need if my fights are only a few seconds long!"


    He left the locker room and entered the stadium from the sky, gliding down to his side of the ring and delicately landing on all four hooves at the same time.


    Samurai gives a light chuckle. "Orange? Well, maybe WITH the Divinity Spell, but my natural fire magic has always been the color..." Samurai doesn't get to finish. The announcer comes in and reveals the next match.


    "Same to you, Snowstorm. Would be a shame if the fight was over before I could fully savor it." Samurai says. Clearly, Snowstorm has not earned Samurai's respect just yet, thus no honorific at the end of his name.


    Samurai lightens up on his stance. "Sorry, Kazas. It seems I have found a more worthy opponent to test my abilities against. But we do have 20 minutes. If you have any pointers before the announcer calls us to stadium, I'm all ears."

  5. Samurai breaks his meditation. "Really? Well, this is an interesting conundrum... Normally, I'd NEVER say no to a good fight, especially a friendly sparring session. But I'm in a tournament now, so~ Do I fight you now and give the onlookers a sample of my abilities, or do I return to my mental training and see how far I can push my spiritual control? Might be bad if my future opponents know what to expect..." Samurai smirks. There is a brief, intense pause between them.


    Then, Samurai rises and does some stretches, happily eager. "Eh, what the Tartarus? Sure! Let's do it. I don't mind a trial by fire; I actually learn faster that way. Besides, I think I'll be fine, as long as I'm only focusing on this new Divinity Spell thing. I'm sure I'll figure it out naturally."


    Hopefully, Samurai is right. The only thing that could get in their way is the announcement of the next match...

  6. Hear things. Parts of my family and I are really into music, concerts, and such. Because of this, even my hearing is not super sharp like it use to be. Anything that sharpens my currently dull senses is always preferred. :)


    Would you rather be able to see into the past (distant, recent, whatever you want), or see fixed events in the future that cannot be prevented?

  7. Well this is an awesome fanclub! :D


    Seriously, does anyone where to buy a hat just like Applejacks? I wanna get my cosplay on, but it would also make a good hat just for wearing whenever. Only bronies and fans of the show would recognize the hat anyways. :smug:

    • Brohoof 2
  8. (Wow! So much development, all while I was either asleep or away at work. I'll try to keep up. I'm glad I have the weekends off)


    Once again, Samurai was being unintentionally rude. Seeing that Havoc is clearly that strong, he probably could have destroyed the shoji walls without even trying. After all, they are just paper and slots of woods. Still, with a silent nod, the dividers come down upon the first request. Still, this was quite the interesting development. As soon as the dividers were gone, more individuals started showing up. Havoc alone was all ready intimidating enough...


    "Thank you, Alrahm-san. And my apologies for my rudeness, both for either and just now." Samurai says with a bow. Sitting off by himself, Samurai decided to meditate and focus on this new magical gift he has acquired. Might as well let them do as they please if Samurai isn't needed right now.

    • Brohoof 1
  9. Might want to adjust those links. They didn't work for me at first. But I'll go with the Whitney Houston song since I don't like Country.


    Would you rather have a 3rd eye (it can be anywhere you want it to be), or a 3rd arm and hand?

  10. "Helping me out with my homeland... We'll cross that bridge when we get to it. For now, one thing at a time." Samurai says to Kazas. He is about to go on talking when Havoc puts on a little show for them!


    Well... That was something that left the room quiet and a little confused. "Umm... Excuse us. This a private matter. Kazas, I hope you don't mind, but I think THIS is in order." With a snap of of his... hoof; Samurai, Kazas, Alrahm, and anyone else who needs to be privy to the lessons are suddenly boxed in. They are surrounded by large shoji room dividers. A few lit candles are scattered around the inner corners. Naturally, this means Havoc is left outside of the newly formed yet very spacious "cubical". He cannot hear what is being said in there, nor can he clearly see anything. All he can see through the paper windows are the shadows of the group inside as they move around and talk to each other.


    "That's better. Now, about that sword... Is my horn okay?" Samurai asks nervously, anime sweat drop and everything. "My horn has always been the only sword I've ever needed. Let's just say, I'm VERY talented with it. Although, if a weapon is absolutely necessary, I suppose I could have something arranged. I'm always prepared for whatever may come my way..."

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