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Samurai Equine

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Posts posted by Samurai Equine

  1. Samurai takes a moment to judge. It seems he has brought Kazas down and has mostly brought him back to his old self. Additional help from his friends, magic or otherwise, is the only thing that would bring Kazas back to the way he was completely. With gentleness, he pulls his horn out of Kazas, helps him cover his wounds, and then pulls away from him. "Mason is right. I also don't agree with someone who threw away their mortality for the path of demons, but... Right now, we're all working towards the greater good."


    Samurai faces Kazas, a few steps between them, and kneels down. "Kazas, will you return to our side and join us in the fight? We need you to help restore this world to its once peaceful state. And I'd rather have more comrades to fight beside than more enemies to fight against."

  2. Trilby takes a moment to get to know everyone as well. He was, if anything, really friendly! Without realizing it, it seems everyone was finally here.


    "Well, enough delays, right? Let's see what this is all about... Oh! I'm so excited!" Trilby says, prancing in place.


    He finds a center place in the room, puts the projector down, turns it on, and steps back.


    The projector comes alive!

    Before them all is a giant holographic projection of a mystery person. Whoever it is is dressed in a trench coat and a derby hat. He stands in the shadows, and all you can see is the glow of his eyes.


    "Congratulation." He speaks in a deep, digitally distorted voice. "You all answered the call, as I assumed you would. I have no name to give you, but if you must call me something... Then call me Maestro. I have gathered you all hear for a mission of extreme importance. A disaster is about to befall Equestria. You have been chosen because it will be easier to complete the mission covertly with all of you taking part. THE PRINCESSES MUST NOT BE TOLD OF THIS MISSION! If they are told, then all of Equestria will be put on high alert, and enemies just as powerful as them will head the call as well. If you take on this mission and complete is successfully, then together, we can prevent a disaster from occurring that could tear this world in twain." Maestro explains.

  3. Let's see...


    Avaerus and Zephrael descended on the tournament during Samurai's first match, killed the princesses, sent Canterlot into chaos with mind-bent ponies, and used their powers to corrupt Kazas and Shogun Equine.

    Evacuating by train, our heroes were faced against an invasion lead by Shogun and a bunch of mind-bent pegasi. The attack on the train failed.

    More people have been appearing, joining the resistance.

    Everyone in Ponyville is being evacuated to Everfree, but Kazas has arrived with another wave of mind-bent minions.

    Samurai Equine is trying to have a mostly one-on-one with him, holding his own pretty well, and he's trusting the others to do whatever they have to do. Be it join the fight against Kazas, protect Ponyville, escort civilians out, fight back against the mind-bent ponies, etc.


    That's about it right now, give or take. :)

    • Brohoof 1
  4. Oh come on! You can't just make up foods. See, I could make up fake words too, that doesn't mean--

    *Googles Maltesers*

    Oh. It's a real food. And I actually had something like it once.



    Oronamin C?

  5. Ya'll come back now, ya hear?!


    I'm from Texas and I got nuthin.


    I am also from Texas, and I am disappoint... Y'all need to get back on the saddle!

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