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Samurai Equine

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Posts posted by Samurai Equine

  1. This is an interesting topic... But I'm really confused. :confused:


    Forgive me if I'm wrong, but I'm going to ASSUME that this is for older fans/adults only, right? If so, how are you going to set it up so that people KNOW it's for adults? Wouldn't want to confuse people and make them think it's family friendly. What will the entertainment consist of? What will the refreshments be like? I am hoping it's really more like a dance club more than anything and not something else, but I still think bronies and pegasisters would want to do more than just dance and listen to brony music. Would there be special booths that sell merch? A theater room for watching episodes/movies? If one is included, what will be happening in the VIP section?


    Like others have said, even if this is located in the biggest brony hotspot, it still doesn't seem like it would be very successful. You'd have better luck doing a family friendly thing, in which case there wouldn't be any reason to make it a night club. You could just make it a regular day-time event or a convention.

    • Brohoof 1
  2. Not the intended target, but Samurai was glad that he hit something with his attack!


    Until he hit the ground and found himself in quite the cage, that is. "Wow... All this over a piece of clothing? You are definitely a much better fighter than most other ponies I've faced..." Samurai takes a moment to adjust his helmet. "That shriek your sword made... Why didn't affect you as well? I got lucky, my helmet deflected most of the sound. Or maybe you want me to find out the hard way?" Samurai asks.


    As he talks, he takes a moment to strategize. His cart it outside the cage and not within reaching distance. Even with his armor, it'd be risky touching the cage walls. For now, he carefully aims his horn, and stomps on the ground like a wild animal holding itself back.

  3. This episode was just... standard TTG fare. It could have done something clever, it could have really made a stronger satire, but they just half attempted it. In the end, the episode is just Meh. The fans of either show are not better fans for this episode. It plays things so safe, we're left with an empty dish of nothingness.


    I remember when TTG was announced. Everyone was skeptical, but I was willing to hold out hope. They had the original voice actors and everything coming back. Then the show actually aired... Yeah, I lost interest SUPER fast. The show is at it's best when they doing things like poking fun at DC lore and its superheroes, like that one episode with the Wonder Twins or the one where Raven's father came over for a friendly visit. They have SO MANY opportunities for GOOD humor, and yet they squander it. And for what? Jokes that only little kids would like? Jokes that aren't as funny if you're not part of the production staff?


    Best part of the MLP spoof episode of Teen Titans Go! was...

    at the very end when Robin asked if everyone wanted to go watch Pretty Pretty Pegasus.

    Robin's voice actor played Meagan's brother Danny on the original My Little Pony back in the 80s.

    This episode was not enough, however, to make me like Teen Titans Go!


    This. I remember this. That episode ended on the perfect joke. Not too much, not too little. Quick yet subtle. It said that boys can also like a show about Ponies, that Raven doesn't have to hide her 'pegasister' side from her friends, and it didn't dwell on it or make it awkward. If anything, I'm more bothered by the fact that Robin didn't recognize the Pretty Pretty Pegasus show once they were in it. But I've answered my own question, I think. If the show actually did focus on it, then Cy and BB would probably make fun of Robin for liking the show, and then it'd have some half-baked ending where you're not sure if anyone actually learned a lesson. And let's face it, TTG is not a show that wants to challenge it's viewers to actually think. This episode is proof. They could have done something more meaningful, and instead they gave us mind numbing. Too afraid to take any kind of chances, too afraid of offending anyone.

  4. @@Samurai Equine


    (Each of my characters in this RP is based off of a YYH villain. Roto = Roto (obviously), Snowstorm = Shishiwakamaru, Havoc = Bui, Kierro = Karasu, and Mason = Elder Toguro.)


    Snowstorm held out the blade so that Equine could see it and hovered down to the ground. "This blade is the pentacle of demonic craftsmanship. It controls and summons the spirits of the dead! Unfortunately, I can't unleash it's true power for fear of killing you and the audience! TWENTY FIVE PERCENT SHOULD BE ENOUGH!"


    He spun the blade around and pointed it's tip at the Samurai. The fleshy handle began to glow red as did the sword's wielder. "Prepare yourself! ROCK SPLITTING WAIL!"


    Fitting the title of the attack, the Banshee Shriek emitted a horrible, high pitched wail that emanated throughout the stadium, breaking glass and a few eardrums. The force of the wail was focused into a sonic wave of energy that burst out at Samurai Equine and left a trail of broken cement behind it as it hurtled toward him.


    (Ah. Well, props indeed then. And I'm sorry, but I never finished that story arch of YYH. So the ending to this match will have to be unique)


    Samurai's eyes go wide and he quickly tilts his head to the side, trying to make his helmet absorb most of the shriek while still keeping an eye on his opponent. But it's not easy. Even at only 25%, cracks are starting to form in his helmet. "Kisama! No choice..." Samurai closes his eyes. "A fire inherited from heir to heir. Cast out the shadows and dispell all fears." Samurai thinks to himself. All the while, his horn has begun glowing. No, wait... It's on fire, now! An intense red fire!


    Samurai gets a running start, then leaps into the air, does some acrobatic moves to increase his velocity, and gets as close to Snowstorm as he can. "The next spell! Flaming Horn Attack!!" Samurai swings his horn and the fire lashes out like a short-range flamethrower, but he isn't aiming for Snowstorm. He's aiming for his weapon!




    "The Banshee Shriek, such a lovely name for a sword, don't you think?"


    (Shit's about to get hardcore. Remember that his #1 weakness is that the sword is stronger than he is.)


    (Dude! Props for the YuYu Hakusho ref!)


    Though it is the perfect way to keep Snowstorm at bay, Samurai ends his Magic Horn Extend attack, snapping his horn back to normal length and keeping it there. He doesn't fully know what Snowstorm has planned, and he may want to keep his horn in one piece for now.


    "My, my... That looks positively demonic. Another perk of being a member of the Yokai Seven?" Samurai asks.

  6. @@Samurai Equine


    I'm sorry if Snowstorm seems OP. He has weaknesses, but he's not the pushover you were probably expecting.


    I don't expect him to be. The bigger the challenge, the better! :lol: My character, at the risk of being a gary stu, has a lot of surprises as well. I try to spell out everything about him in the character profile, to be fair. Anything else will be earned through the RP's story.

  7. Samurai rubs his arm where he got struck, but is quickly awestruck by Snowstorm's ability to fly. This might actually test him. "So glorious... If only I had been born a pegasus..."


    However, Samurai listens to what he has to say. When he dives in, Samurai closes his eyes. It looks like Snowstorm is going to hit...!


    Snowstorm's blade makes contact... with Samurai's horn! And he still has his eyes closed! "Perhaps you are right... My eyes are going to betray me. But not my senses. So BRING IT!" And thus, the fight REALLY heats up. Snowstorm constantly striking at his fast pace, Samurai blocking a few times with his horn and dodging at the last second all the other times. But as this is going on, Samurai is concentrating. "Let thy aim be true and thy will persistent, strike down foes across any distance!" Samurai thinks to himself.


    Finally, when Samurai breaks away one last time, he opens eyes. They are glowing, and so is his horn! His horn grows a length, then even longer, and then even LONGER! The third time it grows, it is at least 2 stories taller than the stands housing the entire audience. After the audience has had a moment to admire, it snaps back to normal length. "Snowstorm, does this scare you? Magic Horn EXTEND!!" And with that, Samurai lowers his head, and his horn begins to extend and retract at a VERY rapid speed. It's like seeing a machine gun go off! And all Samurai has to do is casually walk along and adjust his aim to follow Snowstorm's movements in the air.


    Can Snowstorm avoid it? With his speed, most likely. However, if he wants to move in to hurt Samurai, he'll have to risk getting hurt as well. And getting hit with this attack is like getting stabbed in multiple spots by thousands of knives.

  8. I feel so embarrassed asking this, I usually try not to, but...


    Would someone please draw a pic of my other OC, Trilby Hatter?


    The only change I would suggest is make his hat completely black, but keep the band black and white like a checkered racing flag. But, you know, whatever you want to do is okay with me.


    I'd do it myself, but my vectoring skills are so slow and I'm on a time crunch right now. I've got so many things on my plate to deal with.


    I really don't have any money or anything. Might have some points on DeviantArt, but not a lot. If you want to work something out with me, I'd be happy to discuss it.


    Again, really sorry to reach out like this. I don't do it unless I really feel like I have to. Please forgive me!

  9. The second the announcer said commence, Samurai dashes out at Snowstorm at ramming speed! However, before they can collide, Samurai leaps up 3-5 stories in the air! As he does so, he does flips, spins, and all kind of acrobatic moves! He makes it clear that his armor does NOT weigh him down in the least.


    And when he lands behind Snowstorm, it isn't more than a second before he starts throwing a series of rapid fire punches! Each horse-shoe clad hoof is aiming straight for him. Jabs, uppercuts, hind-leg bucks, you name it!

  10. Samurai remained silent. Sure, he's like to say something, but this is a fight. His silence says it all. He wants to focus on what's right in front of him for now. That's all that matters.


    However, as he waits for the announcer to give a go-ahead, Samurai is getting that familiar ominous feeling again. It makes him grit his teeth and focus even harder, the air around the tournament grounds getting hotter and a little harder to breathe in.

  11. Samurai Equine finally emerges in the ring to face Snowstorm. He stands upright and brushes his mane just a bit. Next to him is the cart he has carried with him to this tournament. Kicking it open, he reveals... his armor inside, perfectly displayed! But Snowstorm only gets a glance, for immediately after, a team of Kuroko take the stage and hold up a long white curtain in front of Samurai Equine. It is marked with a black diamond with a white X in the middle, making the 1 diamond look like a group of four diamonds.


    When the curtain comes down and the Kuroko leave the stage, Samurai is now wearing his suit of armor, complete with horse shoes and everything.

    His introduction music plays...



    Usually, Kuroko are very silent, like ninjas. However, this one time, they raise their black veils to reveal their pony muzzles. And then, they begin to chant...


    Eh! Eh! OH!!

    Eh! Eh! OH!!
    Eh! Eh! OH!!


    As they chant the Japonies version of 'Hip, Hip, Hoorah!', they begin to do a ceremonial kabuki-style dance.


    At first, audience seems confused. "Is that another armored fighter? How many will there be?", "Hey! They are chanting! So cool!", "Is this real?"

    But it isn't long before the audience also begins to chant along


    Hay! Hay! HO!!
    Hay! Hay! HO!!

    Hay! Hay! HO!!

    And in that moment, Samurai strikes a mighty pose, spinning an outstretched arm around, making a circle like the sun. "Snowstorm! You face Samurai Echidna, the next heir to the Koumamaru Clan! In the name of Japon and the Solar Empire, I WILL DEFEAT YOU!"


    Ei! Ei! OH!!
    Ei! Ei! OH!!

    Chanbara bara... Shinken! HA!!!


    And with the chanting and the into music complete, the Kuroko fire off a bunch of poppers that release shiny, multicolored streamers and glitter.


    But that was just the show. Samurai instantly knuckles down on all fours, getting ready to stampede like a wild animal; his eyes focused sharply on Snowstorm like a predator hunting it's prey. "Stay focused. Don't lose a second. The minute he says go, give him all you've got!" Samurai thinks to himself, waiting for the announcer to tell them to begin fighting.

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