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Samurai Equine

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Posts posted by Samurai Equine

  1. I'm pretty good. Not perfect, but I know enough tips and tricks to look like I know what I'm doing. And hopefully, one day I'll get my own set of chopsticks. The kind that you wash and keep forever, like ceramics or something. The kind that come in fancy colors with prints on them.


    I use to have a set like that when I was younger, and I really wish I had been smart enough to take better care of them. Long story short, don't let 10 year olds have just any little thing they want. Especially when they're so easily distracted and care only about playing with toys...

  2. I'd like to dye my hair a vibrant shade of red some day. Not all of it, just some of it. Maybe the hair on the top of my head, or the bangs. Those grow out longer anyways. I'll keep the sides and back my natural raven black color. And I don't want to dye my roots either. I want my hair to look like red fire coming up from a black core.


    The only problem is, my mother and maybe most of my family might not approve of it. Not that I need any of their permission. I'm an adult, perfectly capable of doing whatever I want. But I don't want to feel like an outcast in my own family just because I'm expressing creativity, and there are worse things out there than a man with partially dyed hair.

  3. Trilby's flirt attempts fell flat, but he's never daunted.


    Grabbing a drink of his own, Trilby goes over to Plum and Thrillseeker. "Hey there. How's it going?" Trilby takes a sip. "A fellow business pony, eh? You know, I own my own hat shop. Maybe we could work in some kind of cross-promotional deal."

  4. (Hey everyone. Sorry for not replying sooner. Was waiting for Gearhart to reply, and I asked him about it, but I'm not gonna make everyone wait on just one person. I would have replied DAYS sooner, but I've been so busy with getting ready for Christmas that it's just beet hectic. Eating up all my time and everything...)


    Once Trilby and Gear have agreed on a plan, Trilby breaks and grabs his mining gear. "Don't worry about it, Bronze! I don't mind helping you out. It's all part of the adventure. Besides, this is how I want to earn that gem, honestly. We don't need to slower ourselves to complete our mission." Trilby says as he walks in the mines with Bronze. "So, where do you think is the best place to start?"


    "...Well, that was easy. Prince Gear, was it? Well, your highness, I honestly wasn't sure if they'd accept. I'm not sure if you know this, but I knew a lot of peonies that use to work in the mines before Sombra took over." Natrolite says.




    The old miner pony is a little confused upon seeing the changeling reveal himself, but he soon realizes Lorec is questioning him. "Uh! Ooh, oh, the mines... Right. Well, there are 3 mines that are still in active use." The miner pulls out a map. "As you can see, all three are in odd locations across the Empire. This one here is privately owned, and the owner doesn't want to give it up. This one is under renovations to part of a tourism exhibition. But the one I came from is owned by the Treasury. And that mine is right..."




    "...Here!" The elder, well dressed pony says to Drakk, putting his hoof down on a similar map. "I had to carefully sneak in there, of course. Seeing as the mine belongs to the Treasury, security would have had my tail for sure if they had found me! But I took a crystal that seemed relatively worthless, so I didn't think any harm would be done." He explains.

    • Brohoof 1
  5. "And... Done!" Before Dex could get another drink, Trilby puts his new hat on his head.


    "My name?" Trilby faces Spacer. "The name's hatter. Trilby Hatter. Professional hat maker. Pleasure to meet you." Trilby bows, takes her hoof, and gives it a kiss and gives her a wink.


    Oh yeah, Trilby is a horrible flirt.

  6. "Perfect! I knew my hat-senses were tingling!" Trilby says, his eyes looking a bit like Spider-Man's eyes for a second.


    "I made this one just a second ago. I knew I was meant to make it for a reason." Trilby puts a hat on Spacer's head. It looks even better than the last one! "And that's the reason. It looks GREAT on you!"


    Trilby then turns to Dex and looks at his old hat. "Wow. The fact that you've held on to it this long must mean it is something special!" Trilby takes it, looks at it, and gets to work making a new hat for him.

  7. @@Samurai Equine

    "I apologize for leaving." He says. It was becoming quite spectacle for Ahaban having some many party guests arriving.


    "That's--" Trilby starts, then pauses. "Excuse me." And Trilby disappears, trotting off somewhere.



    "oooo sounds like you have a keen eye of finding things Dexy"  Spacer said tapping a hoof on her chin and thinking about her hat she lost on the way here. "So do you take snaw hat emergencies? I lost mine on the way here sadly. Its tuff to see with all that snow and wind when flying. You probably know what I mean."


    Trilby pops up. "Excuse me! Oh, pardon me." Trilby says, getting between Dex and Spacer. "Sorry to flank in like this, but did you say something about a hat? Hats are my specialty!"

  8. All right! Well done, everyone. :lol: Here is the finished Mad Lib:


    My Gallifreyan Scarf, Happily Upon a Horn: So Many Blankets To Break


    In Generation 3.5, we explode a sword version of Batman, who is related to Gilda. She hugged all day with Derpy, but her derpily derpings derped the other two as they whistled from Derpy’s house. She exploded a private message on her potato, and her baby was just short. She wanted to smile Atlanta all this time, but how would you sprint? The mirror doesn’t kiss us to that carrot. Where were their belts? Oh, that’s right… Carlos just jokes them off and stares them!


    This school bus will chew you lizard. Your train will not become smelly for it. Will anyone lick quickly about this in the snowflake? I’m climbing not. Brawl this Danish pastry at all costs!




    For those who want it, here is the original. I wrote it myself and turned it into a Mad Lib:




    My Little Pony, Once Upon a Time: So Many Ways To Play


    In Generation 3.5, we meet a toddler version of Scootaloo, who is related to Cheerilee. She played all day with Pinkie Pie, but her hyperactive actions scared the other two as they looked on from afar. She wore a kettle on her head, and her attention span was very short. She wanted to go outside all this time, but how would you know? The story doesn’t lead us to that conclusion. Where were their parents? Oh, that’s right… Pinkie Pie’s mom just drops them off and ditches them!


    This cartoon will give you brain cancer. Your children will not become smarter for it. Will anyone think differently about this in the future? I’m guessing not. Avoid this piece of garbage at all costs!



    • Brohoof 3
  9. We're almost there, everyone! 7 more to go! :D


    Above is a list of everything that has been said already and the future words so you don't have to keep going back to the previous page.



    I have my own personal list to check up on, and I've been filling in the mad lib every time someone submits a new word, but thanks for helping. :squee:


    He's a character named Carlos from an old '90s show called Magic School Bus, and he is known for making bad puns. Click here for more information. :P


    This is Carlos Club. The FIRST rule of Carlos Club is... We do NOT talk about Carlos Club!


    • Brohoof 2
  10. Trilby gives a vacant stare when Ahaban talks in his native language. "Hey now! You kiss your mother with that mouth?! I like new experiences, but I'm pretty sure this is NOT that kind of party. Although, if you wait til after Winter Wrap Up and bring plenty of hard cider with you, you just might get a show or two." Trilby winks.


    ...Master translator indeed.

    • Brohoof 1
  11. @

    (Feel free to have him talk in his native tongue. I have an awesome joke for it planned. :yay: )


    "You mean Princess Twilight? What a tale on her. And by tale, I mean story, of course. Not-not anything else. Eheheh." Trilby adjusts the collar of his shirt, letting out some nervous steam. "What I mean is, apparently she started out as a normal pony like anypony else, and rose up to glorious royalty. And she did it all while living here. Kind of makes a lot of other ponies dare to dream big! But I also hear that she's very busy these days, more than she use to be. I guess that's what happens when you become royal."

    • Brohoof 1
  12. Samurai, your OC makes me lol. :P Racist, eccentric, mad-hatter horse man. XD He seems a little too energetic for this party. Ha ha


    Careful with that first word. Racist implies hate or intolerance, and none of my fan characters are racist, and nor am I. They might be a little ignorant or uneducated, but everything they say or do comes from a good place, never a bad one.

    ...As for that other stuff, yes, you are dead on. He is the mad hatter indeed. :yay:

    • Brohoof 1
  13. Trilby looks up and sees Ahaban. "Hmm? Oh, my Arabian friend! Ask away." Trilby listens to his question. "Rainbow? Oh, she's our residential flier. I hear she dreams of being part of the Wonderbolts some day. I've met her once or twice at Rarity's, but she's not a very patient mare. Apparently, when I come over, that's 'one fashion-lover too many', as she says. Anyways, don't worry about speaking my language. Feel free to speak your own! I'm a MASTER translator. I can figure out any foreign language like that." Trilby says and snaps his non-existent fingers.

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