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@Illiad Easle Aye, I think The Æther will get a lot more interesting once it hit ground, and the various groups can actually get started on things. As for Ponyville, I don't have much to go with negotiation wise. I was thinking I give a sendoff, with Last responding to AJ, and Sorrow trailing off, finding another sense of death that she felt she needed to follow, leading her to scour for more things. It should keep her occupied for a time, and we just let things blend into the background, then move on to the landing. Yazid being short, and jumping between things seems okay with me. I don't have any current plans with him, but he might end up crossing paths with the rest eventually. Giving us a more broad coverage of the area sets up the option. Regarding New Pegasus story... I think it'll be simpler approaching that as a sort of *Meanwhile, elsewhere* sort of thing. Like, we go with that to the side, and then potentially later on, it will cross into things with the rest. If not, it is still world building. I think the most natural way to start that, would be with me writing Null arriving in town. It would then allow me to also make a mention of her being noticed by some of the changelings, who would then scurry off and inform their leader, allowing me to do a bit of background setting for them that way, for when we get there later, and you can then in the meantime, prepare the setting for the reunion proper. Null will be the force that puts a spanner in things, for Void and her other sister (I forgot her name, sorry) and such she should work well as the initiate force that starts off things. Your idea on that? And sorry for the time before I came out with this.
@Catpone Cerberus "I can assure you Mr. Vaz, that when faced with something unusual, I am most often more curious than frightened. Though I will grant that the general equine outlook on such things are lacking in some regards." As a scientist, Magma were a curious sort, who sought to understand, rather than simply cast away out of shallow fear. Some exceptions applied obviously, but facing one such as Vaz? He were hardly threatening currently. In fact, he were downright polite, she'd say. Well spoken and non-threatening, attire aside. Yet it were by that attire, and the fact he were of another race, that other ponies likely judged him. Simpleminded approach honestly, but she supposed in a way, she were biased. As a scientist, and a elemental abnormality, she were more openminded to things, yet even she were closed off in some regards. Had she not eschewed unconventional help, until Solar convinced her that it were worth exploring every avenue? For all their talk of inclusion, ponies could sadly be dreadfully slow to accepting new perspectives, that came from outside of their norm at times. Ironically, for a country calling itself Equestria. As for the handshake, she would accept it, and shake his hand with her hoof. Had he done so before, he'd probably be able to tell that her hoof was noticeably warmer than a regular equine's hoof should be, though not in a way that would seem burning. She contained the worst of her heat well. "As for naming, Equine settlements does tend to carry a notable equine naming convention. Ponyville, Fillydelphia, New Las Pegasus, and so forth. Some like Dodge Junction and Shark Bay are more well thought out, but those are few and far between, I will grant. I am from New Las Pegasus myself, but I have moved to better accommodate work. I came from the earthen district below, specifically. In case you wondered how a non-pegasus lived in a cloud city. Might I ask where you're from, Mr. Vaz? I can't say I know the name of any kobold settlements." ================================================================== @Catpone Cerberus Leviathan would have been stubborn for a short amount of time, but would eventually accept the offer to be carried, as it were. It allowed her to keep her eyes closed, her claws holding tightly to the comfort of Ruby's armored hide, and pretend nothing were happening around her. Her senses were sharp enough that if something came close, she'd know, and she's shoot lighting at them, but otherwise she'd more or less just cower herself with her wings, and wait for the nightmare to be over, so she sadly missed a lot. She had thought herself able to handle this place, but it were just too much. The noises, the smells, the growls and so forth. It were horrible, and while she did sneak a peek when she heard about a family, she did not wave, or say anything. Sadly the signs of death were still all around, though she'd shake less, and her sight linger for a small amount, up until they all seemed to be constantly aggressive, yet in a defensive manner at the least, and the surroundings would yet again come into focus. Then she'd shut her eyes and cover herself with her wings again, waiting for this all to be over, and for them to reach the barrier. She had lost track of how many prayers she had mumbled, when they finally seemed to come somewhere that the air smelled cleaner. There were also a feeling in a air. At first she thought something bad were happening, but it'd soon start to feel more... Familiar. Though she were too frazzled to tell how at first, she'd soon enough realize that what she felt, were electricity in the air. Meaning either that a thunderstorm were charging up, or that something were different about the area they were in, and it didn't feel fully like the first option. Yet, it wasn't until she heard a voice - an actual, genuine voice - that she'd peek her head out, with a brief hope that they may have finally gotten past the horrible landscape behind them. It were! And a magical one at that, because she knew that this were not ponish that he were talking - or common tongue, depending on who you asked - yet she still understood him. That sorta ability took magic, and knowledge of Equestria took more brain than the more brutish ones behind them had shown. Hallelujah, they were finally through! Or approaching at the least. Either worked. And of course, before she could utter a word, the two of them were arguing. There were some new knowledge there, such as the fact that the magical ones considered the outside ones death-obsessed freaks - a fitting description though, in fairness - and that they were seemingly awaited. Yet more than that, things were about to heat up, though from the description, it sounded as if the barrier wouldn't let through some with violent intent, so he did not expect them to attack. Leviathan surely wasn't gonna, but she weren't gonna be silent either. This seemed like a good time to interrupt things, and stand up. "Stop, please. Both of you. We just got through the worst place I've ever seen. Can we please just... Be civil here? Voltaick was it? I'm Leviathan - I know, grandiose for a small dragon - and we're not here to cause trouble. We're just trying to get to understand their heritage more. Your variants side of it." She'd flutter down to the ground, and do a short bow before the larger, feathered dragon. She didn't expect there to be a feathered dragon, but it was a big world. lotta weird sights in it. And to prove a point, she'd then raise a hand, and let electricity crackle across her arm and between her fingers, showing that she was adept at making use of electricity too. "I'm not one of you, or them, but I know my magic, and I'm not violent towards dragons, unless I don't have another choice. You won't have problems from me, Voltaick." She had to think of something to talk about... Oh! She heard something that he mentioned, which might help to divert the conversation away from Voltaick and Ruby more or less growling at once another. "You said *That maniac actually did it*. Do you know who their father is? Or fathers, maybe?" ==================================================================================== @Catpone Cerberus "If poisoning an individual would save their lives, due to it being of lesser concern than what is actually ailing them, I would do so, yes. Something I have done before, as a matter of fact, though not with kobolds. Some may refuse, but to me, it is no more questionable than to amputate a limb to save a life. It is treatment all the same." Toxina had done many kinds of treatments in her days. From providing medication to mundane diseases, to helping various races give birth, to unconventional treatments, and even assist those who just wanted the pain to end. Not everything seemed moral to everypony, but she were a doctor, and had sworn when she were young, that she would help others get better, in whatever way she could. And to do that, she could not always sit idly by, just because something seemed too difficult, too weird, or somepony else had questioned the morality of the best path forward. "My knowledge of things related to kobolds specifically however, is somewhat limited. As you say, we have our differences, and even when I have been helpful in assisting to save kobold lives, I have at most been tolerated by the majority where I have helped, and had to work carefully to not cause the tension to boil over. I know of some of the specific resistances, including how they react to a few equine medications, but I do not know the full history and general level one can go to, when it comes to treating you with carefully applied dosages of toxins, no. Yet I would like to learn, as it would be helpful if a time comes when the information would be needed, to save the lives of one or more of your kin. As for tests, I have made some, and my student have made a few of her own that can track minute things as well. It helps to know what have poisoned one, if you are to make an antidote after all, and to some extend, the tests can also show how high the dosage needs to be. And while our baseline for kobolds are lacking in information right now, I can assure you that long as I have a say in things, everypony who enters this hospital, regardless of race or affiliation, will be provided with the care they need. That goes for diseases that we may not have seen before, as such things can quickly mutate and spread if you are not careful, so if a kobold came in, speaking of something wrong? I would help. And the other doctors knows better than to object. One of my reputation is an asset, and I am well aware how to leverage that." She'd smirk slightly at that. It were maybe not the nicest thing, but if she had to fire off some threats to get some lazy pencil pusher to do his job, then she were more than willing to do so. In fact, she were downright looking forward to it, as there were a certain joy one could get, from telling those less experienced to do as they were told, lest they caused issues with their hospital. Her reputation and experience, made her an asset for any hospital in Equestria, and the leaders wouldn't want to lose that feather in their hat, simply because somepony refused to listen to their better. "To get on track again, if you want us to be more prepared for something happening to kobolds, I would welcome the chance to talk specifics at one time, or request writing. A few samples could do well too. A small blood sample, a bit of hair, a scale, nail clippings, such things. The more we know, the better prepared we can get. I wonder though, you worry of kobolds coming here, as well as having seen four in town within a short timespan, regardless of how rare it is to run into your kind normally? Have there been an upheaval of sorts, or are more of you curious of the surface? Or is it more that you expect something to happen to yourselves, and want to know if we could help you then?" ================================================================ (Harpoon) "It's kind of you to ask. And no, there's no permanent damage. There's just some soreness, muscle strains, a broken rib, and then the... Psychological aftermath. It's haunting to be in your own body, and feel everything happening, but being unable to do anything. Like invisible strings jerks you around, attached to a thing layer of extra skin. And the yipping laughter... I don't know what an *Oni* is, but I hope to never encounter one again, and that the one in question are severely puni-" *SMACK!* "Mom!" The door would suddenly open fully, and a mare would stumble in a few steps, worry seen in her exposed eye. Were it not for the voice though, you likely wouldn't be able to tell it were a mare, as she were covered head to toe in gauze, with only half her muzzle, and her right eye exposed, which seemed fine, albeit hairless. She were wearing the uniform of the Coastal Guards, her trident firmly down her side, though the hilt seemed very short. Maybe it had a sort of spring-loaded mechanism to it, to save on space? Hard to tell. "Young lady, this is a hospital. Calm down. I'm not dying." Harpoon strained herself to stand firm and tall, looking at the bandaged mare with a mixture of rank superiority, and motherly sternness. Which made the mare calm down it seemed. "I'm sorry mom, I just heard that you were out, and I got worried. Sorry it took so long to get here, but it's a long road from Shark Bay." "It's okay honey. It's just good to see that you haven't forgotten an old mare." She'd go over and hug her daughter gently, which did seem to make them both wince a little. "Mooom. You're not That old. And of course I'd show up. I'm still technically on medical leave, so I can take off when we get news like that. Both dad and brother says hi, and hope you come home soon." "Soon enough dear. Anyway, first off, this here's Sheska. She and her brother helped me get here, after I were injured. Sheska? This is my daughter, Shell Tooth." She may remember this as the one that Harpoon had asked for an autograph for. =================================================================== @EQ_Theta "Those with true power over names, could do far worse, taking yours away. In a name, lies more than simply what you call yourself, or what others remembers you as. The self is linked to the name you associate the strongest with, and if that is taken, one can even take your whole life and identity. It would be as if they had always been you." She did not know of many who did work with this, but she knew enough to be aware what could happen, and the weight of what she had done. Taking their names as she had, she had taken away their whole self, leaving them pure souls. It were the only way she could cleanse them, as she could not simple erase everything, and have them ready for reborn in the cosmic cycle. That were for Mortimer to do, but she had her ways, and doing this, she could give them a fresh start, and a chance to reenter the cycle they had been cast away from, or been rejected by. Yet if she gave it back, all the memories, the sins and fortune of their past life, it would mar them again. new bodies, but they would become themselves again, and ultimately, they were highly likely to end up as they had been, before she had taken them here in the first place. And she could not bear to let such a thing come to pass. Mother smiled, and knelt down to properly hug Lin, and dragging all others in attendance in as well, except for Shrimp. Though out-scaling them significantly, her movements and touch were gentle and careful. Had she a want, she could crush them, but they were her beloved children. Why would she ever do such a thing? "My child, you still have a long life filled with enriching experiences ahead of you. Untold amounts of love and wonder, and sights that you wouldn't believe. Let not this hatred fill your heart, for longer than it needs. Though it can seem hard, there is naught to gain from carrying it, against those who wronged you, when you can instead try and do as Sen says, and think of those who didn't cause you harm, or if some had little choice but going against you, at the time. There may be more redeeming longma than you think, and they could do well, with one as taught in the wider world, as you and Sen have been. In her own way, I believe Omen can be of help too. Let them see that weird as the world can be, there lies innocence in it, and those who'd want no harm to come to you and yours. It may help them see nuance, as you do as well. If not, I know that you will yet find purpose in life. All of you are of strong will, and through enduring all you have, you will find a way for yourselves. Though if ever you feel your worries weigh too heavily upon you, know that Mother is always here, to welcome you home. Though, I would ask a favor of you all: Please, do not recount the tale I told you, to others of my children. They would not understand, and those who becomes taught, whom I then tell the truth to, does not always take it well. Let them live in innocence, as long as they can." Through the heartwarming moment, Shrimp were just rushing around on Mother, enjoying the high vantage point, and roaring at various points, before going to another place on her, and do the same. It seemed he were a great fan of her. =============================================================================== @EQ_Theta "There is several scholars with a rich interest and compendium, of various magical information. It especially help when foals are at times born with peculiar magic, or strange expressions of it, as it helps in teaching them how to better handle themselves in life, as well as in general, help us understand the world at large more. The more dangerous stuff is of course, off limits to the public, and those who research the *Taboo Magics* are mostly unnamed, to avoid them getting demonized by those who cannot understand the need to know more of those too. Especially sacrificial magic, which while vile, is something that some beings need to know how to deal with, if something were to happen. As I hear it, more of that kind have shown in recent years, giving reason for concern." "Oh, we have several myths who turned out to be truth in time. But I would like to touch upon those you mentioned before. The minotaur have been in contact with us for some centuries now, but they tend to stick to their own lands, and rarely find much need to come here. They are mostly nomadic and prefer to live simple, hunter and gatherer lifestyles, that are heavily marked by tradition and their culture. They don't go to war as frequently as were once the case, but they are a proud folk, and expect to be treated with respect, if they offer the same. Usually you'd just want to make sure to respect their ways, and not interrupt their hunts, and they will at the least tolerate you. If you partake and show you can hunt though it is a good way to earn their respect. Now Sphinx on the other hoof... We still know dreadfully little of them honestly. They have a main capitol somrwhere hidden in Saddle Arabia, where their high elders are, and we know they keep ponies and other *lesser races* as unwilling workers. Same in the areas some of their members sometimes descend upon to either claim control, or offer riddles and deals to gain something. At the minmum that would be amusement. Only the regular ones though. The Elder Sphinxes are myths, that we know are real, but never leave their capitol. The few servants who gets out of there alive, never saw them and thus can't say anything of them either. Just that they are real, and their power are seemingly otherworldy, so to speak. Best to hope they stay in there. Generally it is best to avoid them, and try to solve their riddles if they demand you try, as then at least you won't anger them then. And do not make a deal, that you think you cannot keep. A sphinx's deal is infused with magic, to ensure it is kept, and if either part breaks it... The offender would wish for something as simple as death, according to what we know of it. Even the sphinx themselves fear to cross that line, so they tend to word their deals carefully. We m8ght soon know more though. A sphinx have been declared an ally of Equestria, and are to work with the guard. News we never thought would happen, and yet, here we are. I did not see him myself, but I am told he wore bones as ornaments, and appeared to wander with a changeling and a pony. I am unsure if they are his servants though, but I hope not, and that he can shed some light on several of the questions we have about the sphinxes. Now, as for myths we later learned were real, there are some. One of the more notable are the changelings whom we assumed were just scary stories that foals were told to make them behave, but turned out to be very real. Some seemingly knew that already, but had little want to share that with others, so for most, they are a myth come to life, within the last decade. The evergrown is another. The library have a tome speaking of them, and their brief interaction with Equestria, back when they rose around six hundred years ago, and sought allies. To put it briefly, some began to harvest them for their essence, which apparently helps to grow plants rather quickly, as they just saw them as plants to be used, and understandably, they became angry, and hid themselves. They were thought myths, but the last few years, some have begun wandering the land, and even reach out to make links between their villages, and pony settlements nearby. Small scale things yet, but still, it is a beginning. The Windigo are other things, that were only told of in legends, that nopony thought real. Spirits of ice and wind, that feasts upon hate, and cultivates it wherever they descend, to grow stronger. Dreadful things, according to Princess Sparkle. There are many more, as some were either discovered in the last few decades, or decided to try and mingle with equines, but these are a few notable examples. I think you'd enjoy it more, if I did not spoil everything, as there are several great tomes on the subject. I would personally suggest the series by H. R. Ryder, titled *The Real Myths of Equestria and Beyond*. There's four tones in that series thus far, and the fifth is being written, as I hear it. Not as informative as scientific papers, but they still give nice and detailed descriptions. As detailed as they can be, in any case. Including illustrations. It is somewhat funny though. I can imagine that eventually, you will end up being mentioned in one of those tomes too. A race that lived so long ago, that you were forgotten by time, now here in the modern world. Perhaps not... Organically, I suppose, but magic is a curious thing, so I rule nothing out. Could be that one day, I will greet you in the flesh."
@Illiad Easle (Last) "When they're done setting it up, you should be able to talk to them, after they've been updated on how it goes down here. So it depends on how fast Plein and Sorrow can make it work. As for the plants, they call themselves Evergrown. A peculiar sight, but they're friendly, and if you heard nothing, I'm assuming then that this isn't where they originally came from. Guess they'll be starting more fresh than they thought. I can introduce you once they land. They like talking, and you sound like you have questions, Doctor Sparkle. I think you'll get along well with them." Briar she would at least. He wouldn't be able to read the sort of books she had, unless they were in braille, but he were approachable, patient, and polite. It should go well. Oakley were hard not to like, even for her, and while that little winter flower that followed Briar seemed possessive and a bit standoff'ish around new faces, she would probably be fine too. Thorn Weaver... Well, she could warn the doctor, but in honest, she were curious how the former princess would handle meeting her. First encounters without warning, had a tendency to involve shocked gasps at the best of times, when it came to her. "Try and keep them away from fire. They're flammable." "Doesn't bother me that much. Reminds me of home." Wasn't a lot of time for showers where she grew up. Sometimes, it could be weeks between them having a chance, if not more, in case the rain didn't fall for a time. Water had to be used for drinking first and foremost, with showers being only if they had a surplus. Never knew when there could suddenly be a drought, or they were locked in battle for six days straight without rest. Twilight reeking a little? Barely registered with her, and it felt more nostalgic than disgusting to her. That said, she should take a shower. Normal beings would probably listen to her more, if they didn't need to keep a distance of several meters to avoid the smell. Besides, she were a doctor. They were all about being clean and stuff, right? "I'd be honored to, ma'am. When the others arrive, I will have them station here for the time being, but I can begin to train whatever locals think they are up for it, soon as you want me to. I can evaluate them, and find the training regime that should suit them best. I should say in advance, you will hear grumblings about me, and some will quit. My training is hard, because I expect tough beings ready at a moment's notices, and I will not compromise my standards. It may at times seem harsh, but I assure you, that those who stays the course, will be ready to defend your town against whatever is thrown at them. And from the stories I've heard, you will need that around here." She had more that had quit her training, than had gotten through it, and she expected thew same here. She held the recruits to the same standards as she had been, when she had grown up in the Silver Valley, and they had to be ready for a fight at any time. Aiming to be like a Royal Guard were cute, but insufficient to her. She trained warriors, not some who spent most of the time patrolling a hallway. They had given a good fight when the kingdom had started to crumble, and she respected their sacrifice, but she still thought their training regiment were lacking. As for training some not following her beliefs and ethos... Last were fine with that. Some of those she had trained fully on The Æther, wanted to get stronger, but not be part of her group, and she were fine with that. She didn't expect everyone to be okay with her way of life, or devote themselves to it. Just that they were dedicated to being the best they could be. Most who couldn't handle it, would be weeded out within a week. The rest would mostly come to find her expectations high, but achievable, provided you put in the effort, and she wasn't mean about things. Last wasn't a drill sergeant, and had no need to hurl insults to try and break others. The training would do that by itself. ===================================================== (Sorrow) It was frankly nice to be able to set it somewhere solid. Sure she could lift it around, but she'd rather not keep doing this. Partially because she didn't know how much talking had to be done, when contact were made proper, between The Æther and Twilight. It could last for hours. Having it set now though, and angled back towards the cloud, when she were asked to, Sorrow would flutter down again. Thank the spirits that she had kept some focus on making sure she knew how to fly proper. It had come in handy several times just today. "No problem, happy to help. Though uhm, acid? That doesn't sound comforting. I hope it's going to be okay. But at least the robot is gone, so that's one problem handled. And acidic ooze at least doesn't sound as mobile. So I'd count this as a win for now." Granted, this might prove to be an even more difficult problem to handle, as she wasn't sure how they'd get rid of acidic ooze, but it still sounded less bad. At least currently. Something might prove her wrong about that in the future though. She really wouldn't rule it out. ================================================================== (Blitz) Sure she could feel something soft down Aurum's side, but what did it matter? What, was she gonna start yapping about this? Why would she? Beyond all the obvious reasons, she were also feeling way too relieved and happy to spoil the mood like that. She'd just enjoy the nice, fluffy feeling for now, as the tension went out of the room. Blitz would let go, soon as she moved towards the food, so Aurum wouldn't have to drag the mare anywhere. She wasn't trying to be clingy here, after all. Just happy. "Stay safe down there, you hear me, Plein? And make sure Last gets some sleep." Blitz would give some parting words over Silver's shoulder. It were sad to hear that one had not made it, but at least Plein had made it, as had Delta, though she were likely wounded, and needed rest, by the sound of things. As would Plein, and as mentioned, Last. If she weren't told, there were a fair chance that the mare would simply stay awake for the next three days, doing her exercises, help around town, do some rounds, and maybe train some locals, though they would likely get scared away from that. Blitz had seen what she put her recruits through once, and while you couldn't argue with the results, it were more than she could imagine being able to handle. Meant they had plenty to work with from up here, to get down there now, but that were always a factor. The leaders down there would probably want some words too eventually, but the council had to talk first, so that would be hours. "Who're leading them down there, Plein? I used to live near Ponyville., Maybe I know them?" Twilight used to know her back then, as did her friends probably. Blitz knew them at least. Pinkie Pie might have been her idol, but she liked each of them, and tried to be on good terms with them. She brought gems she found when exploding rocks to Rarity as gifts, and special, homemade firework to Pinkie. Rainbow Dash she had usually run after when she were flying around town, looking up at how she flew, to get more ideas of how to improve her wing design, and waved whenever the mare saw her. Fluttershy sometimes met her, when Blitz went over to her animal sanctuary to hug the bears. She hadn't an ounce of fear of them, and liked their big, fluffy fur. Some of the small critters seemed to feel nervous around her though, due to the smell of gunpowder. She met Twilight sometimes, but she were often busy, so it were mostly Blitz waving, giggling, and sometimes if close, running around the princess for a minute or two, babbling on semi-incoherently about some technology or other, thought he mare likely knew of the stories, since she were technically the highest authority in Ponyville. Filly suddenly showing up in the woods, making a cabin, then creating fireworks and explosives, among other things? Being sent to the Ponyville school, but soon expelled from accidentally dropping an explosive she had brought to show and tell, into the toilets? Then sent to the Canterlot orphanage, before returning a few days later, with no want from the orphanage to try and find her again, due to her able to make explosives out of seemingly the trash in a basket? She had quite a story, and Twilight had likely heard several back then, or directly interacted with the filly. And as for Applejack... Blitz were friendly, but she did not talk to her a lot, because she had a habit of setting things on fire by accident, and Apple Bloom had told her that was bad on the farm. So Blitz did the safest thing, and didn't go there. It were a question if any of them remembered her, but she sure remembered them, even if she had only been in the area for three months. Especially Pinkie Pie, whom she still missed. On the other end, Sorrow would hear about it taking some more days before they showed, so she would say something to Plein. "We can sort out someplace for you both to sleep. I don't share my space normally, because others find it a bit creepy, but it makes it nice and private. There's other places too, so it shouldn't be an issue." She made her dwelling - unsurprisingly - in the old graveyard. Using some of the rubble and cloth, she had fancied herself a nice enough place to rest. She wouldn't use the gravestones though. Even in bad condition, and likely shattered, she wouldn't disrespect the dead like that. ============================================================== (Archback) Yazid were many things, but a hardened fighter he were not. He loved nature, and bore a great curiosity for the plants, and various other elements within, and wanted to learn much of how they could function in various concoctions, to better their lives. It were not always he had the best of results, but trial and error were the most enticing part of any alchemy, was it not? Even when you failed, you still learned something, and it always filled him with bountiful joy, when he managed to make something functional. Even if it were stuff others had done before, discovering it on his own, felt more special. Sadly not all of his age were as content with the lack of fighting as he, and he did at times gets dragged into the sparring that were done, though he never won a fight. He could use some potions to gain an advantage, or fight dirty, but he wouldn't disrespect his fellow zebra like that. They were proud, and yearning to follow their ancestral path, and he couldn't blame them for that. He too wanted to do that, just more towards that of an alchemist, than a fighter. So he struggled as best he could, and accepted the beatings he sometimes got. When the mountains crumbled, and the path opened, he at first felt glad for his fellows, that they now had the chance to do what they wanted for so long, but then the troubles began, as caution and youthful brashness clashed... The clan were split fast, with most of those among his age group, as well as his father, and sister, leaving to follow the new, self proclaimed Mohotma. He had been urged to follow, and finally embrace the true path of their tribe, but though tempted by the sight of his few friends and only family taking that path, he decided to stay here. This were home, and though he wanted for the world someday, it were not like this. Not as a warrior, following someone whom he worried would do something reckless, and end up getting a lot of them hurt. Besides, this way, he'd finally make his father and sister happy. They'd always wanted for the path of the warrior, and he were a constant disappointment for them, with only his mother voicing that while she weren't too pleased, he were still following the path of the zebra at least, and pushed him that if he were gonna do this, that he should at least do it well. She died a few years ago, from an illness that were slowly withering her away. Or well, the spear had done it before that, but he did not blame her, for not wanting to go out weakened and feeble, without even being that old. It were no way for a warrior to die. So now it were just him, and Brazo. A kitten that had found him when he were out wandering, and decided that it liked him. The two had sticked together since then, minus the times that Brazo decided he wanted to go wandering for a few hours. Lazy cat usually stuck around him, or hunted for food though. Which he had an unfair advantage in, since he could breathe fire. He weren't a dragoncat, no. It had been one of Yazid's experimental potions, that he were about to dispose, that the cat had gone over and licked up while he were called to do something he couldn't remember anymore. Something with fireworks. When he came back, Brazo had licked up a fair bit of the liquid, and a few days later, he saw himself that the cat breathed - or nearly spat, visually - a thin, concentrated line of fire from its mouse to hit a bird, that it then ate. Best he could tell, he had somehow accidentally mutated his cat internally in some fashion. So far he hadn't seen more oddities, but the cat might just be saving that for other times. Heh, or the cat could do so before he even met him, and just kept it hidden, but what were the odds of that being the case? Yazid had written down the process and things he used, but one were a sort of moss that he had just never found more of. If he did someday, he had to run some tests on that stuff again. As for right now though, none of them were doing anything important. Or at all really. Yazid were laying on his back, enjoying the view from the grassy area he laid upon, and Brazo were laying on his stomach, purring as he were getting pet during his little cat nap. Seemed a lovely day so far.
@Illiad Easle (Null) Having been around a few times, Null wasn't too keen on several of the places mentioned. The Tartarus Pits gave her the creeps now, and the Host... She hadn't forgotten the last times she had been there, and those times hadn't exactly filled her with a great want to return. On top of that, she didn't like the Host himself either. He seemed far too careless with the lives of others, even if the place had a resurrection field, or something like that. The idea of a fancy gala did sound somewhat okay, but ergh... Fancy clothing wasn't much her thing, and frankly, after everything that had gone on since they arrived here, a place of comfort seemed better. Which would be the pizza place. Grey agent last time aside, it had been good, and the food were tasty. It seemed a nice place to have their second date too. Or at least to eat, if this didn't count as a proper date. She wasn't sure, but there were several things she wasn't sure about, when it came to relationships, though she tried her best. The changelings were good folk, but frankly, she needed out of this place too. They needed some fresh air after what they just talked about. A good deal more lively here this time around. Well, they had been told it were the slow time of day last time, so this were probably normal for it. Must mean business were good. And looking at the board, her sister had seemingly changed direction on the local currency too. Probably for the best. Debt seemed a strange way of handling things, though she wondered how it'd be solved with those who had debt before... Probably not something she should try and dig into. It were likely mundane, and in general none of her business. Speaking of business, it were almost their turn at the counter now. Clerk seemed somewhat familiar, but griffons were a bit... Samey sometimes, unless she bit notice in something specific. Last she were here, her focus had mainly been on Arcade, so it were hard for her to say if this were the same one. Best to assume not, though even if it were, what were the odds she'd remember them? Sure they were small, but they were still just one couple, among likely hundreds that popped in here regularly. And they had only been here one time. Not that memorable either. She hadn't set a fire or anything like it. "Hi. I'll have... The mild chili and cactus please." If there weren't any cactus, she'd say something else, that would add a bit of bitter. She felt like a small bit of bitter or earthy right now, as well as something spicy. Not too much though, hence the mild chili. But just something to pep her up. If they had sweet chili, she'd say that, instead of mild. Seemed like it'd be interesting. =========================================================== (Ranger) Kozue scratched his head at that comment. Seemed like a pretty weird attitude, by whoever were teaching her things, but... It kinda felt like the wrong time to ask about details. So he'd move along for now, but keep it in mind. Perhaps he'd learn something here, that would shed some light on things. Though something told him that it wasn't gonna be anything nice. The little one had been a temporary creation, so even if the lightning were weaker or not, it were still destroyed. Didn't seem like the rest sent with it cared, which they didn't either. They did not have the capacity for that. Though the unnamed one that were with Ranger, would go over and carefully bash the remains off the ward, if there were any, and then depending on the amount, would do one of three things. 1. It all remained, and so it would go towards Kozue, holding it up to him, who'd nod, and then wait for it to put the thing down, then use a small ember to burn it, before they got going. 2. Nothing remained but ash, in which case it would just look at the spot, and carefully walk in a circle around it, before following the others again. 3. Some pieces remained. In which case it would eat them, and be on its merry way along with them. "Not that big, nor insanely bright. I might have another spell for that, but you gotta give me a few minutes to remember. We were taught more to make use of small lights like the flowers, because we have good nocturnal vision, and this doesn't give as much attention." He'd sway his paw like before, and make another glowing flower, reaching this towards Ranger. "A flower for the lady." He'd grin as he said this, and if she took it - which he'd encourage - she'd find it would feel like holding a more flexible neon pipe. Delicate like a flower, but sturdy, light, and a cozy sort of warm to hold. Slightly tingly too, if she focused on it, but she had to actually focus on the feeling to sense it. She may just paying attention to the delicate feel it had, as if it were a real flower, even if it would not be possible for her to break it. It'd sway and bend slightly, but if she tried to break it, she'd just bend it, before it evened out again. Kozue made some more, placing them here and there in this room, so they could start having a look around here first. Might be something were written in these scattered papers actually, that could explain things? He knew how to read and write Equestrian, or common ponish, so it wasn't hard for him to read it. Didn't mean he understood the technical jargon, but some things did stand out to him, and at this point... Yeah, he were gonna want some answers by now. Cause even the brief look he had over some of the pages here, were giving him some creepy vibes. "So... Ranger? Your former name? Ardee? Phonetically, that's the letters RD, and you speak of flight training? There's some papers here about that, along with some others. I understand some of it, and it's uh... There's a few messed up things, that make it seem like you were one of several lab rats, more or less. Look, I'm on your side, yeah? You're a good mare, from what I can tell, and clearly one that's been dealt a bad paw since before the war even started. But could I ask you to trust me a little here, and tell me what this all is about? I can just read it y'know, but I'm trying to be respectful, and not dig into this too much. Plus I'm pretty sure the technical babble wouldn't mean a peep to me anyhow. What kinda research did they do on you, and what looks like several others like... LF, AJ, and so on. Where you all kidnapped? Please don't tell me your parents sold you to this place? I mean, you hear stories, but..." He didn't much need the details. Just a quick explanation that yes, several more were here, they were given initials, and tested on. The whole thing about them being clones of important ponies? She could share that if she wanted to, but he didn't need to hear it. Just a bit of trust, in telling him something that she had perhaps just eluded to thus far. Or she could refuse to, in which case he'd gather the papers on her and others, and put them in his bag. Something wonky were happening here, and he were far too curious to not want to know even the basics. ======================================================= (Cherish) Seems they were over with for the day, but there were still a bit of time to work with then. Perhaps she should just ask, and see if they had time, and wanted to share a bit of it with her? *gasp* Maybe even with Crow? "H-Hey wait! Before everyone goes home, can I ask if anyone wanna play for a bit, before or after homework? Maybe even come out and play with Crow and me? I know you only saw her that one time, but I swear, she's a nice dragon." She would admit to looking a bit specifically towards Elef there too, since he liked to hunt, and Crow did the same. They might be able to bond easier. But she'd be happy having anyone along. Could be they were too busy, and so she'd go by herself. Or they had to ask their guardians first, and might come back to her about something some other day. Or perhaps they would like to hang out with her, but not Crow, or they wanted to play where they lived- There were a lot of options, but Cherish would love to get along more with her new classmates. Especially the thestrals, but that was just a preferential. Didn't mean she wouldn't be just as happy hanging out with any of them. ========================================================== (Grey) "Ah, I see. I uhm, weren't aware. Still, she's high enough up the hierarchy for the rest to gather around. And probably smart, since the two who fought instead of running, are in custody. Slippery target, but we might be able to just grab her, if we're lucky He'd honestly take a runner over a fighter. Runners were slippery sorts, that you needed to get the drop on, but they were less likely to break your neck, which were frankly not a great alternative outcome. He'd take the annoyance, thank you very much. "I'd worry that taking her out in public would be worse, if I'm honest. If it's done secretly, it shows The Grey is tactical. If it's in public, I'd worry that it'd make us seem like bullies, that haven't changed, and that's what worries Basher. In the end, we'll need his approval, if we're to gather up as many of the gang as possible. They followed him once, and might do that again, if he tells them to. And I doubt he'll do that, if we try to crush morale by making a big, public thing out of this. That's uhm, just my opinion though." He were a grunt in this, and thus didn't have as much to say as his superior here did, but his opinion on the situation were at least this. Granted, Craven might be too soft-hearted to think of the other option as the best way, but he would argue that it were more about logic. Basher had opened up, and given them a hint about something going on soon. He were probably testing them, to see how they'd handle things, and killing or publicly humiliating Moth didn't seem like it'd show a change. That were how The Grey were before, and they were feared and loathed. The Grey that Craven joined, were one that while not clean and ethical always, at least seemed more subtle and calculating. That were something that could be respected. Glorified bullies on a power trip, were not. Something Basher must be thinking too, considering his reluctance to work with The Grey all that much right now. "Well... I think Mongoose is probably best off on his current assignment. I think this will make him too nervous, and she's probably gonna be on the lookout for anything out of the ordinary. And he works better as a sort of unassuming worker, rather than a gang member. Unless she's somehow in a place that needs that, it's probably for the best that he keeps up appearances where he is now, I'd think. Yannit would be helpful, if she has time. She's better trained in this than me, and have the personal experience to back it up too."
@EQ_Theta Mother listened, a sad smile laying upon her face, as she heard the worries of her child. The burdens she already had, despite her young age, and such conflicting emotions about what she were doing... She knew not if she could raise Lin's spirit, but she hoped it possible. Yet Lin's question at the end, gave her a small amount of melancholy, as memories she had forgotten for a long time, that recently resurfaced, came to mind. This were something that should be answered "I know of that feeling, all to well, my child. Before this, I were just one among many. A myriad of weaker beings of my kin, seeking what purpose we could i life, before we would fade away into nothing, few remembering us after, as we were but small fish, among leviathans. Our presence at best a nuisance, we were little more than frolicking children to them. Mortimer were amongst the greatest. A serious presence amongst clowns, and one day he came forth to us lesser ones, and said that he had a plan. A great purpose, which he wanted to pursue, and he would use as many of us as were willing. I were one of hundreds that answered his call. Many did so, because he were powerful, and remembered. We were but fleeting creatures, yet he a force of the very fabric of reality. I were among those who instead listened, because we felt lacking of much purpose, beyond simply being. He instead wanted us to join his. A grand plan, spanning world upon world. Something so much greater than we could ever imagine. He called us Nez'herath. A word without meaning in your tongue, but many of you have your own word for us. From what Omen have told, most in your world calls us Reapers. Most of us changed shapes, following our purpose. I am not even sure if this is how I once were anymore, but I find it matters little. As time passed, I found myself questioning if this were what I were meant to do. I were immortal now, and I served a great purpose, but somehow I felt... Unfulfilled, and lost. Then one day, I began to see flaws in the process. The souls left behind, or stuck between planes, not good enough for salvation, yet not evil enough for the pit. I pitied them, and would find myself wandering towards them, trying to soothe them, or help them pass along, yet Mortimer's will is final. If a soul is not ready, then it will wait, and no force can change that fact. I had forgotten most of this, in being here so long, but Mortimer told me when he last were here, yet I remember well how it changed. The day I abandoned my duties, and rushed from realm to realm, gathering thousands of the lost under my wings, and ran with them through the emptiness between spaces. And there, as I sat with them huddled to my form, floating in the unfathomable nothingness, I knew what to do. So I tore the very essence from my being, and in nothing, made something. A sanctuary, for those who had nowhere else. I still remember every soul that came with me. I hold on to their names, and their memories, when I wash them clean, and meld them with the shadows of our sanctuary. And though it drains me, I feel nothing but joy, as I cleanse a heavy soul of burdens, and gift them the start of new life. This were my purpose, born of a want to care for, and protect. Mortimer did not approve of it. I had strayed from his path, and used the sliver of his power I held, along with what I had, to make something were naught were meant to be. Yet he listened as I pleaded my case, and though he disapproved, he told me to maintain this, and what it would entail. That I were never able to leave, and that over time, I were dutybound to not only hold these souls, but to give them freely to new homes, that they might live again, and return to the cycle. He named this Purgatory, and then took his leave. He now only returns every once in a while, carrying new souls judged for this. Last time, were the first in a whole, when he deigned to stay and talk for a time. It were... Revealing, but it were good to remember again." "Were I someone else then?" "sigh* You were, Omen, yet that is all you will ever know of it. Please understand, that this story is not I tell with ease, my children. Many when they learn it, are angry, that I will not tell them who they were, or what they had done, but names are more than just words. They hold the power of the self, and if I give them their names, they will regain their old memories. Their old transgressions... They will never return to the cycle, and I agree with Mortimer's demand, that I will not judge them to such a fate. This is also why I give none names here, my children. I cannot risk such a thing. It is best if their new lives, begins with a name given, from someone that will raise them past what I were able. Yet my point of this tale, Lin, is for you to understand that while on another scale, I understand you. I too followed a purpose not my own, yet mine were different in the end. Follow this path, my child. Help your family, and enlighten your kin. You may well find your own purpose as you progress. And if not, lest then you know to have done something good, and can leave it behind with a heart freed of worries of your home. And if ever you need to speak of things, never forget that I am here for you, my dear child. Here you will always be able to find shelter, understanding, and love." It had been so many thousands of years, that she doubted even Mortimer could remember how long exactly, but through everything she had done, Purgatory were her greatest achievement. A loving home, for weary souls, that needed another chance. It may take eons before it came, but eventually, they would be given a chance for a master, and these were good times. In a short time, five of her children had found new homes. Two in Equestria, and the other three spread to other worlds. It filled her heart with joy, to know that her children were out there, living such wonderful, fulfilling lives, and that when their time came, they would pass away as they were meant to, rather than linger and suffer, as they once had. ============================================================================ @EQ_Theta "Yes, I doubt you would much enjoy living in a world, where randomly you might be turned to a duck, or the color would vanish from everything, or other such oddities. I for one wouldn't. And truth be told, we have no idea how old their race are, or how expansive. Nor why they were never in certain areas. Discord is seemingly among the oldest, but he apparently claims not to know, and whilst Fright have given some insight, at best I can tell they may well be older than the draconic race, and spread rather randomly around the world. Seemingly, they didn't need one another to reproduce, with draconequui spawning when certain things happen, that can't be predicted, in areas where their chaos is affecting things, so several never goes near another of their kind. There are some half-breeds around however, from what I've heard. Never met one though. Their whole species are enigmas, but it likely is due to their heavily chaotic background. You can't apply regular logic and expectations to them, and assume it will simply make sense." "Most of them are simply tricksters who have their fun, and doesn't try to take over the country. I always assumed it were because they frankly didn't care for the responsibility, of having to manage a whole country, combined with them knowing that if Discord could be defeated, then so could any of them. The ones that have been around Equestria have generally been lower rung ones, that didn't do much, so most of the time, the wise ones just steer clear of the area they settle into, and try to ignore the weird sights and sounds. Over time most didn't even remember what a draconequui were, due to the long time it were from Discord's defeat, until more entered the country. Beyond Fright, we have only had their kind reemerge sparingly the last century or so, and most just considers them weirdly mutated dragons of some sort. Fright have been here for centuries now, but she spends most of her time in her own pocket dimension, where she has a large temple for meditation. Her and Princess Celestia seemingly have an agreement of sorts with her, that meant she were free to remain, long as she didn't try and stir up something, and so far I've never heard a credibly story of her doing so. In fact, several seek out the waypoints that she has set up here and there, so they can enter her realm, and join her other disciples. It's apparently a very good place to find your calm, and be at ease. She would be your best option for a draconequui to speak with, if you want more direct story from one. Discord might not tell the truth, and the other two... Fright have rehabilitated them over the years, but Avarice would likely want something in return for everything he told you, and Gluttony would mess with you a little. She's apparently somewhat civil, but very direct, and enjoys joking around. I ah... Yes, you might want to understand how the things I say, matches with their names. Fright is a *reformed* draconequui of sorts, and have acted to do the same for the other two I have mentioned so they were useful, rather than menaces, without denying their nature. I know that Avarice went from just hoarding everything, to learn how to be a loaner, and now runs a successful loaning business, as well as a range of shops. Gluttony meanwhile, went from being one who roamed and consumed everything she pleased, to now having her home in the largest landfill in Equestria. She eats the trash that the country accumulates, making it much easier to keep it clean. I've heard it's a bit of a tourist attraction for others to come see her chomping through the heaps, and showing off. Fright... Well, she helps others with their fears, and were the first of them to be rehabilitated, though i don't know the story there. You'd have to ask her yourself. I know there's a waypoint somewhere near Canterlot, but you'd need to ask around for details. If you want the history of the draconequui, and get a good idea of them, without being roped into one of their games, Fright would be your best option. I admit that even including Discord, our lore of draconequui here in the museum, is woefully lacking." =========================================================================== @Catpone Cerberus "I can certainly see why artificial intelligence were not a priority for your homestead, considering their... Alternative methods, but it does present an interesting breakthrough in our world. Usually if a life is artificially made, it is a golem, or some sort of elemental companion. The concept of one made from technology were long theorized, but never proven possible. There are certainly a number of cautionary options one have to take in mind, which is why I assume he made his first creation a small spider, that wouldn't be harmful, just in case. As for my own situation, you make an interesting observation. I have tried to look at things purely from a scientific standpoint, going over regular tomes, and what I knew myself, but perhaps you are right that when conventional science cannot answer, I should thread less travelled roads. Mystics, fringe science... Perhaps such a route will bear at least some fruit, and can help to prove your hypothesis about any lingering magic I may have. Could be beneficial to seek out the zebra of Zebrica actually. What happen ed to me where alchemical in nature, and they know more of that study than any other, as well as having spiritual tides. I wouldn't usually defer to their perspective on a scientific manner, but this does seem to be more upon their field of expertise." This certainly gave her something to ponder, as they boarded the train, post ticket purchase. She had been prepared to handle it herself, but he did so. Probably because this were work related, and it were thus covered by the operational budget. That would make a certain degree of sense, as they didn't have personal transportation, and the agency would need to attend things in several places. Best to keep the tickets then, as they could act as receipts. The kobold wasn't the only one taking an interest, as Magma would be curious of this kobold, once she bit notice in... Him? She weren't sure, as she didn't interact with kobolds before, and they didn't have the usual equine signs of male of female, so she couldn't say for certain. All she knew were that he were observing them, and that seemingly, he wore a skull of one like himself. The shape would at least indicate so. A hunter of sorts? Hmm... Or a necromancer? It were taboo magic, but she didn't know enough of kobold culture to know if that were something they were for, or against. Hmm... Well, she supposed there were only one way to get answers now, weren't there? The scientific method would indicate that there were currently no signs of aggression, and it were unlikely to happen here, on a crowded train, lest someone went and did something foolish. If the kobold were aggressive, or an issue of sorts, she were well able to defend herself, and it would allow them to catch a troublemaker before something started. As such, the data would indicate that she should simply do as she were now doing: Get up, and approach the kobold. When she were close enough, shed bow her head, and give a respectful, small bow towards the kobold. "Greetings. My apologies if this is somewhat direct, but considering we seem to have mutual interest in the other, it seemed prudent to close the gap, so to speak. My name is Magma Del Ray. Might I ask yours?" Direct, cordial, respectful, and not showing a bias. The skull were odd, yes. As were the getup, but for all she knew, this were a revered kobold shaman, and he were looking at them because honestly, her boss were odd looking. Or she had cracked briefly. It happened every now and again, that a small crack would form in her shell, and a bit of steam let itself out, before closing again. She barely registered it anymore, if at all, if she were to be honest. Could also be that this kobold knew of where Solar came from, at which point things might get somewhat... Complicated and/or awkward. ====================================================================== @Catpone Cerberus Leviathan felt that pit of dread in her stomach weigh heavily as they flew. She had known of places that were seen as uninhabitable, or uninviting before, and usually she could still see why some might chose to settle down upon it. This place though... It felt like the entire place had grown up around a warning sign. Like the land itself were an ominous, slumbering predator. Something that you could gaze at from a distance, yet would devour you, were you foolish enough to disturb it. It felt as if any minute now, the jagged rocks would shift into eyes, and the unwelcome land would look upon them, and roar that they had come to the maw of death, and it hungered. She were probably being very paranoid about that. This land were probably not alive in that sense. Just a very rough place, inhabited by even rougher beings. The warnings of Ruby began to ring ever more clear now, as she had made some assumptions, but it were nothing compared to seeing this place, and having to imagine what kind would live here. Urgh, and the air... On the Dragon Isles, the fire dragons lived inland, inhabiting the areas around the volcano. They enjoyed bathing in the lava, and made settlements of their own around the geysers and warm, natural springs there. Up to a certain point, it were a nice, cozy place, but then you got closer to the volcano, and this reminded her of that. The sulfuric, heavy air. The ash that seemed to tickle at her nostrils, and likely would rummage around her lungs for weeks, until she had cleared it out... She were half water dragon, and did not like this sort of environment. The faster they finished this, the better. Worst. Tourist spot. Ever. Not only did the sights not get better, or the air clearer, but now she saw what the inhabitants ate too, and how even the plant life struggled to survive here. Between the volcanic rock, the ash, and whatever were lurking in the soil, it were a wonder that it did as well as it did. Except for the mushrooms. Those things were tough, and resilient to most environments. They also tended to take some stuff from the ground though, and as such, she'd avoid even touching them, if it were an option. No way those things wouldn't make her at the very least, scream for death upon the nearest lavatory. Which around here, she would assume were a pit with lava in, to avoid a mess. The animals were about as friendly as anything else here too The dead one looking like it would be ale to gore just about anything, when it were alive, and those birds looking like some nasty, violent suckers. Nothing compared to the local dragons no, but put it against the sort of animals she normally saw, and these would be apex predators in the food chain. This were the worst bit of the trip, by far The air, the sights, the smells- Everything paled in comparison, to seeing this... This slaughterhouse of a gravesite. Scale and bone of so many sizes that it were clear that young and old, had died here over a long period of time. Some... Some even so recently, that their bodies were still there. Lifeless and broken, waiting for nature to take them. The only reason she did not vomit from this, were that she managed to keep it down, because she did not want to desecrate the dead any further, though tears still began streaming down her face. It were not something she could stop. The pity and sorrow she felt from all these, were making her shake and weep without her being able to stop it. She were highly emotional, and seeing this raw, unfettered brutality, made her almost break down sobbing. A whimpering sound even escaped her, lasting for about three seconds, as she shakingly moved forward, trying her best to stay near them. It were horrible to gaze upon, and she wish she could simply look away, but there were everywhere, and closing her eyes did not help. She still saw them in her head. An imprint, that she just knew were going to haunt her dreams for a long time. All she could do were to look towards Ruby as they walked, as close to her as she could, somewhat thankful that the tears were blurring her vision a little. The visual were so grotesque and vile, that she didn't even register much of the dragon int he sky getting hunted down, seeing but a small glimpse before the ground took her attention, and she felt her hope and whimsy drain from her like water. "I-It's working. I *sniff*... S-So much p-pointless death. So m-many... Yo... Y-Young..." She were doing her absolute best to hold her composure, but her voice cracked, and if her body did not show it enough, it all but confirmed her sorrow, and emotional agony at what she saw. This were truly not a place, for a kind'ish soul like her. She had thought this place were bad, and had dreaded the moment. Now she were here though, it were magnitudes worse, and the slogan Ruby gave, were entirely accurate, as she could not feel a sliver of joy in her heart right now. This place were beyond her worst nightmare, and they had only just started. ============================================================================== @Catpone Cerberus (Sheska) She'd find that the guard were awake, and out of bed. Groaning slightly as she stretched her limbs, which seemed to cause her some degree of discomfort, but Harpoon simply couldn't just lay down anymore. She had done that more than enough, and she did not want to seem weak and hurt, when eventually others would come. It took her a few seconds to notice Sheska though, so there might have been some degree of notice, even though physically, the guardsmare seemed perfectly healthy. Being a forced vessel, likely hurt on another level though, and then there were the way she had been handled before... Totally unscathed she were not, but she were alive at least. That were important. "Oh, I ah... Didn't expect company. I've been told you and the others went and dealt with the threat, huh? I wish I had been more useful there. I were just... I got to the castle, then Spike was there, and then this red shape just jumped at me and I... *sigh* I'm happy you got everything handled. How are you doing, after all of this? Sounds like things got hectic." (Trox) "Well, I know some. Admittedly not as much as I'd like to. I find kobolds somewhat reluctant to let equines work on them, unless the situation is dire. But I've been at the right time, right place sometimes during my travels. A couple of your dwellings I am somewhat welcome around, in case I don't bring trouble, and they can use me. Many find your kind rather paranoid, but I see a very tight-knitted community, that takes well care of their own, and those they respect. It's admirable traits, if you get a glimpse behind the barrier. But I digress. My specialty is toxins, and antidotes. Given a sample and some time, I can find out quite a bit. And if I for some reason fall short, my apprentice can likely help you. She's not a doctor, but she has a remarkable intuition and insight around toxins. A rare gift I find. What specifically is it that you had in mind? The more details, the clearer I can answer it." Toxina were curious, what her thoughts might be. Were it perhaps using a poison to help cure another? It were feasible, provided she knew what she were dealing with in both cases. Toxins and antidotes required a vast knowledge of these sorts of things, and she had spent much of her life to get the information that she had, and ensure that the medical community were all the better for it. That she had gotten an apprentice though, were not something she had expected. Few had the skill or tenacity to handle poisons, nor the inclination to remain focused on the topic to the degree that she wanted, for someone to study directly under her. And yet, by chance, she had run into Belladonna. In employ of a nice young stallion, running a construction firm, and with no current interest in leaving her role as his secretary, but it had been an enlightening talk, first time they met. Of all the ones who had shown up to her lecture, Belladonna were the only one who both identified the sort of poison that she were presenting, but also went through the process of how to correctly handle it, synthesize it, and four different usages of it in various states. They had come to talking after, and the young mare had wanted to show her some of her own work. Toxina had curiously said yes, and followed, and had gotten quite an inspiring shock, at how knowledgeable the mare seemed to be. Making not just antidotes, but usable poisons for self defense, measured in exact amounts, and mixed with various things that could help cure diseases, in her saddlebag, in thin glass slivers, that could function as quick and effective needles. Toxina wandered around where she lived every now and again, teaching the young mare some of the more complex things that she knew, and the mare kept good notes and actively learned from it, and handled some *homework* of sorts. She had the makings of a brilliant biologist, but for now, she had her place, that she kept at. It seemed her boss had taken her in, and helped her when she had been at her lowest, and she couldn't turn her back on him. An admirable amount of ethics, and she still studied in her own time, and made things, so Toxina would not push it. Perhaps in say, ten, twenty yeas, things might change.
@Illiad Easle We can go on to do stuff from another angle in the Archback, sure. You wanted the zebra so uh.,... Yazid. I had to look back to remember. xD Just make a setup, and I'll get right into it, next post. Which will hopefully be faster. I am not a fan of these delays myself either.
@Illiad Easle (Last) "First, just call me Last, ma'am. I've refused every offer of a title in The Æther's ranks, and my own group aren't numerous enough for me to have thought it necessary." While it wasn't often, the idea of her getting up in ranks had floated around over the years, but between herself saying she wasn't interested, and the concerns that some had about her as a pony, it had never passed beyond talks. Unofficially, some did consider her a sergeant of sorts, and she did have some sway over troops when deployed, due to respect, seniority, and her martial prowess being notable. But officially, even her own group didn't have a rank for her. She always figured she'd think about it, when they were either separate, or had enough members, but for the time being, they just called her ma'am, when they had to be official. It also avoided confusion if they talked together during missions, so no actual rank discourse could occur with the regular troops. "Second, I've little more to add than that. I was sent to make contact, and bring some tools for Power, and he were sent to deal with the menace. Afterwards, I were supposed to stay here and be of assistance, and keep contact, until The Æther landed, and I could return to my family. Just give him a bit of time, Doctor Sparkle, and half the issue is solved, and we can focus on the rest." "I'm not gonna be much help there Doctor Sparkle. I never much cared to learn the history of the place. It was a sanctuary from the war, and I were permitted on, so I could help defend it. That was all I needed to know. I know some things of some beings on it, but the ship itself, and the history, I left to the tech heads. That's more their thing." Maybe a little ignorant, but what did she have use for a history for? She were a soldier, they needed a soldier, what more were there to it? Knowing some potentially thousand year old history wasn't gonna make her swing a blade any better, now was it? Exactly, so why would she bother? Besides, she already had a thousand year history of her own. She didn't have much use for one more added to the mix. Especially one that didn't help her in any way, to do her job. She sure had a lot to say. Guess it were true what she had heard about Twilight, about her being one of the egg heads. Nothing she'd actually call the doctor herself, but the description wasn't exactly unwarranted, she'd say. "From the top then. The Æther can be helpful, if you end up on their good side. I will leave that to you, but I can tell that we have many things that even I know of, that could help you settling here. I also have my own group, who seek purpose, once The Æther have landed. I'll be evaluating as things go along, if this place might fit our want of somewhere that needs a highly trained fighting squad. I will inform you once I've made a decision, but with all due respect, I do think this place could do with more properly trained guards. The leadership of the Æther have a broad variety of advisors, and then the elected Consul. It's been like that for longer than I've been there, and it works well. I do not know if they have a spot picked out yet, but I can imagine it will be somewhere nearby. Maybe on the other side of the forest? There's still a use for a ground based settlement, and we have some folks who look for an area where they can grow, and help with resources, but I've not asked too much about where we'd land. I figured I'd get to see, once we were sent scouting. The ones who want to grow are plant creatures, with some sort of magic seed that can grow a large forest area in an instant. Can't say I grasp the finer details, but I've known their leader for a long time. He's looking forward to grow a home, and provide The Æther with resources. I can imagine it should help not straining things too much between your needs, and ours." She were looking forward to it, though she were skeptical on the process, and how it would all go down. Weird sorta magic thing, but Briar had always been a calm, reasonable presence. Knew how to pack a punch if needed be too, though he wished to make violence a last resort. A bit of an oddball, but she had grown to respect him, no pun intended, and believed that his intentions were good. Helped on it that he spoke of caution, and how things could go wrong, and thus didn't simply rush into things. "Her Majesty, Princess Luna, having changed, is understandable. Most of us have, after everything that's been happening, but I'm still happy to hear that she's alive, and look forward to meeting her again, regardless of how she is now. To me and everyone else where I grew up, she were everything to us, and her death hit us hard. It will be good to see her again someday. Show her that she's not been forgotten. And we survived due to The Æther. I don't stick around when the technical jargon comes out, but apparently it could jump between worlds, and avoided the worst that way. Though we still had to fight to keep it safe. A lot of good soldiers died keeping the population safe on it. Nearly did so myself too, a half dozen times, but we all knew what we were getting into. We were the line of defense, to keep our sanctuary safe. I dunno if it's true, but the way some have spoken, it sounds like we picked up passengers from other dimensions or something. Might be this isn't where everyone came from, but it's gonna be home now." ==================================================================== (Sorrow) Sorrow hadn't much an idea what went on, as she had to handle the disk, but she did at least see the commotion at the castle, the smoke and the eerie silence that followed... She would venture a guess that at least one of them were dead, and hoped that it were not Power. She were too far away to sense if there were a fresh spirit in there, or at least, she were somewhat certain, as her senses seemed to have gotten stronger the last few hours potentially, but she'd pray that the robot were gone, and that if it had a soul, that it would be ferried to where it belonged, no matter where that might be. She'd like to go down and ask, but... Well, she still had to handle the disk, and Plein needed to talk to those back home. Maybe she could find something up here to stabilize it on, so that she didn't have to monitor and hold on to it all the time? She'd like to be able to do something else at least. If not, maybe she could get one of the more technically savvy to make something, once Plein were done with her current talk. For now, she'd look around, trying to spot a way to fasten this somewhere high, and otherwise wait for Plein to call her down again. Certainly couldn't say these wings of hers, weren't getting exercised. =================================================================== (Blitz) "I did mean Plein, but yeah, Aurum have grown into a good mare too. I look forward to seeing how she'll do, once we start rebuilding the world again." Blitz felt an urge to rush over and hug Power, but she'd learned her lesson about his sharpness more than a few times. She lost track of the amount of times she had ended up needing gauze to deal with her going over to hug the crystalline pony over the years, and she'd lie if she said that it never happened, now that she were an adult. Few weeks ago she snuck up and wrapped her arm around him, giving him a quick side hug. It were all about the angle to minimize things, and she had *trained* a lot, heh. Besides, he had to be powered down, have his gem inserted again, and give his report. Who had time to hug him? Now Aurum on the other hoof, had no such luck, and when she had powered him down, Blitz would go over and give her a big ol' hug from the side. She had a period where she hadn't hugged as much anymore, as she were focused on work, but after getting pregnant, and having her foal, the hormones had made her catch up to that sort in a big way again. Occam had to drag her away from folks a few times when she were at her most spacious even, while she were crying and saying *Just five more minuuuuutes!*. She had been told it made you a bit weird, but her... Honestly? Probably the most normal she'd been in the eyes of those who knew her. Least she wasn't causing anything to explode... Too badly. "It's so good that you're both safe! We were worried about you, and how it'd go. Thank the stars that it's over now, and that thing got smashed real good. I brought some food back up for you, Aurum. Silver figured you might feel a little drained after this. I hope I got the right stuff back. Once you're feeling unshaken, we can start running a diagnostic on you both, to make sure you're fine, and there's nothing abnormal going on. It probably won't take long. Hmm... Wait, what're we gonna do about things down there now then? Last is still there, and with this problem done, then there's the next about everyone on the ground, and us landing too. How're we gonna do things from here?" It should be mentioned that unless Aurum indicated she wanted to be let go, Blitz would keep hold of her, whilst she were talking. Aurum would find that Blitz smelled primarily of a weird mixture of foal power, something vaguely sulfuric, and strawberries. Likely a snack she had fed to her foal earlier. The strawberries, not whatever had left the sulfuric smell on her. You'd think it were obvious, but as they said in Center Zero: You never knew with them Boom's.
Stick Together Drawing Flash Mob
Blitz Boom replied to Crypty Scribbles's topic in Canterlot Gallery
@abronymouse I like the idea, but I don't know how to do this. I am not that tech savvy. But I'm honored that you remember me. -
@Illiad Easle (Null) "Pizza, but you were close. And I think it'd be nice for us to go back. The food was nice, and it holds mostly good memories for me, since we had our first date there. And honestly, I'd rather we tried and go by the brochure. Nothing against the changelings, but this is a casino. They have that theater, and a few smaller things for the foals probably, but most of their entertainment is still meant to focus on the gambling. That's how they make a profit in these places." Maybe someday, they'd make like, a larger area with some carnival machines that still cost money, but were more focused on fun, and winning small bears and stuff, but they had barely taken over the place. She'd imagine they needed to get finances settled first, along with everything else in their lives properly, before they could focus on projects like that. Bling seemed the sort who'd want it though. A good heart in that one, she'd have to admit. Still, they could ask around. Maybe something had been able to be made (your call on that), but otherwise, the brochure had to have something of note, beyond the few places they knew. Though the pizzeria were certainly a good stop on their route. Perhaps the first one too. Depended on how hungry Arcade were. After their meal earlier, Null could last hours before she'd be able to focus too much on it. ================================================================ (Ranger) "I hope not. I wouldn't wish that upon anyone. Not even the ones who torched our villages, and I pretty much want them to be slow roasted on a pyre, healed up, and then burnt all over again, until they finally die and get sent back to the depths of Tartarus." The fox mused that, then closed its wing again. It'd stand there a bit, letting off a low snickering sound, before unfolding it again. This time, there were punctuations and various other symbols that it used, to form not just a word, but also something else. "Good now? >:3" It were having some fun with this admittedly, and snickered a little, as Kozue came up, letting out a yawn from his efforts. Really showed off those predatory pearly whites. And that he apparently brushed properly. "Ah, it's taken to writing now, huh? Go figure. The more magic, the stronger and smarter it gets. Doesn't have the body for speech though, but writing's alright. It's still some sorta communication. Did I hear you right though? You ain't good at reading? Huh... Well, least that one's not too hard to fix. Just takes some effort. Anyway, here's the new ones." He'd point down to the new creations he had made. They looked like various critters, and not as curious or roaming as the paper fox were. They just waited to do what they were told. "Like I said, this batch is expendable. So they don't think on things, and they'll deactivate when we're done. The one I made you, I wanted to be more thoughtful so it could find you. This batch, just need to help out a tad. Been a while since I made that many at once though. Ain't easy y'know? But it should do it. Now off with you." He'd point down the hallways they had ahead, and the critters scattered into two groups, then went on their way. "They ain't smart enough to really think on what to look for broadly - seems cruel to snuff out a thinker - but they have some parameters. If they find something like that, or they run into a monster, they'll come back. Their idea of monster is basically if something comes along that destroys one of them. They'll go ahead of us, and can catch my scent. They'll also only last like, an hour or so. Like I said, expendables. Honestly I couldn't make it better anyway. Not with this many. It takes some real focus to make a higher functional one, and I'm not good enough to make multiples of those at once." "Well, we might as well pick and path and see if we can find some staircases then. Or maybe another elevator shaft? The little ones will come back if there's anything, so let's just pop down one of the paths they went, and see what happens. And don't worry, I'm marking." He'd wander past her, brushing up against the wall, and then putting his paw on it, pointing in the way they were going. A slightly glowing, pale-white mark would be left from his paw pads and beans, showing the direction they were going with his mark. There were also scent, in case this faded. "This should do. Just keep your weapon ready, and I'll keep my ears and nose sharp. These big things helps warn of bad sounds. If something off, I can try and cloak us. It doesn't stop sound though, so if it happens... Well, let's just try and be quiet then." It weren't hard for him. He had soft paws, and thus a very light step. Pony hooves... Another matter. But they'd make due, probably. For now, he'd follow her and stay close, while setting a new mark every once in a while. =============================================================================== (Cherish) "Takes some coordination, but I think it's fun. Back in Equestria, we sometimes had really long ropes, where like 5 could jump at once, and then we saw who lasted the longest. I never won, cause it got too difficult when it sped up too much, but it was still fun. Maybe we can try that sometimes?" That could be a good little friend activity to do, right? They'd need a long rope though, but they could probably find something. Or maybe Crow had some that they could tie together? She'd have to ask her later, when she went visiting her again. She were probably in a good mood, since she had gotten pie yesterday. She'd gone and given them a real nice book too. All sciency and stuff. Cherish didn't understand a word of it, and Crow said that what little she did understand, were confusing to her. She lacked context, but the ones she traded books with, seemed very interested in it. Even asked her if she saw more with the same author to keep it handy. Through Cherish, of course. Crow was warming up to the idea of meeting the book ones personally though. She were interested in seeing more of them, than the short meeting that she had when the deal were made proper. At least Cherish believed that. Crow didn't say so, per se. Hey, a preview of tomorrow's lessons! That were convenient. Cherish would drop the dress eventually, showing that her fur were not damaged beneath the dress, meaning she would have anything to hide of scars, or other old wounds, like many others sadly had. Something she wasn't trying to show off, it were just that after a while, it got kinda warm for her to stay in the dress, and she needed some air. Especially since when she got warm and sweaty, as she did now, her neck fluff got all puffy, like a bird. Her dress could keep it down, but she wasn't too fuzzed about others seeing this. Just a weird thing that sometimes hit pegasi, and there were a reasonable chance that she'd grow out of it, as she got older and her coat were replaced with time. Could also be the climate in Troy would make it more concurring, but it wasn't a big bother either way. Just an odd quirk. "I know mom doesn't like to do pushups. She told me when I asked her about her yoga stuff." Her mom were a big fan of yoga. She said it kept her mind sharp, and her body limber. Why she didn't like pushups though... Cherish hadn't asked, but perhaps she should. The reason might be needed for the lesson too. Well, time to see if they had more lessons today, or if this were the end. You never knew if something more could come up after all. But if not... Well, maybe some of the others wanted to play? If not, she could always go out to Crow. Oh! Or maybe some even wanted to go with her to Crow? She could do with more friends. ========================================================================= (Grey) "The allure of power can make you do a lot of dumb things. I've seen it plenty of times, and it rarely goes well. *sigh* I really hope things will go well with this whole thing though. A queen would do a lot to lift the spirits and give hope to the changelings in town. Being lied to, and perhaps even losing Bling in the process... It'd shatter so many of them." Frankly if one wanted to deal a big blow to the local changelings, killing Bling would be a strong move. Sure there were others who could take over, but Bling were beloved by many changelings, because of how well she treated others, even when they didn't always deserve it. Like how Bruce had lashed out and hurt her in his pain when he showed up, or others had yelled and threatened her for months. She understood most were scared, felt alone, and lashed out in fear and pain, and yet she didn't hold it against them, or stopped reaching out, and helping. Her brother could take over, but it weren't the same, and even he knew that. Hopefully Rasputin's plan wasn't to destroy the morale of the hive like that... As for what he said, later on, Craven would think of it more, and realize he also spoke of the Grey, when he said that. They offered power, but for indentured service, essentially. When it would hit him, it would make him understand the point of view of him more. But plenty going on right now, to not make him realize it currently. It'd probably be hours, when he eventually would have time to mull things over. "Some, but I don't think I'd be able to fight her alone, if Basher made her second in command. She is probably strong, but I have magic to use. Maybe I could surprise her? And for bringing her in peacefully... I'd hope so, but I'm not sure if I know enough to do that. She might not even listen to me, since she knows I'm with The Grey, and they're holding him. I don't think that will endear her to me. And I can't speak of anything Basher told me, without her knowing I'm with you. How else would I know? I think maybe the best idea would to try and do it the changeling way. Disguise, sneak in, and when the time's right, sleep the target, tie them up, and sneak of with them. A distraction helps with that sort of thing, but it's still tricky. I uhm... This is the sort of thing we were trained for, when I was a scout. In case we saw a good opportunity to take over someone important, or had to plan out how to do it." He had never actually gone through with any of them, but he sure had brought back information, like a good little drone.
@Catpone Cerberus "I concur on the difference between magic and science wholeheartedly. I still attempted at the time, due to wanting to know more of my situation as well, but the notion of it working is somewhat ridiculous. Elementals are not as the layman might think, magical creatures. Elemental Spirits are, but the two are so notably different, that they have little in common, beyond being beings of nature. Elementals as for instance a fire elemental, are wholly bound by physical laws. When they cast fireballs and causes smokescreens, among other things, it is not casting magic, but natural, biological processes, in the same vein as a dragon's fire. Some elementals can cast magic, and certainly there are a degree of magic in them passively, as there are in most creatures, but for the most part, their interactions are physical, and not as fantastical as the world of comic books would make one believe. In truth, I am not even sure if I can cast magic anymore. I have tried some, but thus far, I have failed in my endeavors. Either my transformation are so complete that I lost my natural unicorn connection to the arcane, or it is locked down, and I am yet unable to unlock it. Or it can be that it have changed to being magic of an elemental nature instead, which would involve me having to first learn how they use it in the first place. A lot of uncertainty, but that is simply one more reason for me to research myself, and uncover further my abilities, as well as limitations. In regards to research and limitations though, I think that if you can get access to the data from Center Zero, or if we go there and I can find the correct paperwork for you, you should look into the work of one of the Boom family members, Molotov Boom. That family have had a fascination with the concept of artificial wings for decades, and while his mother made and attached a pair on herself, they were still controlled via magic, and only really useful in floating. Molotov however, managed to make a functional pair. Sun powered and attached via surgery, it were peculiar to see a unicorn with wings, flying about like it wasn't a bother, but he were ever a prodigy, in his own right. Wings were one thing, but he also managed to create life, after about a decade of work. Artificial intelligence, despite being told it were a ridiculous waste of time to tinker with. I cannot deny his genius, nor will I attest to understanding much of his work. He showed me the finer working and calculations for his wings at one point and trying to grasp how it functioned were giving me a headache. You'd likely have a better chance of understanding his work, which I will say is a shame will not be brought further, considering what happened to the town. The stallion in question himself I didn't much care for though. For one so smart, it is incredible how much he shoved his own hoof down his throat. Especially around mares. Never knew there to be more than four days of passage at most, without someone pushing him into a barrel, or something else, because he said something dumb. *sigh* But I shouldn't speak ill of the dead. That whole family were very... Unique, but they were brilliant, and did do a lot of groundbreaking work. I hope that what they left behind, will come to good use." ====================================================================== @Catpone Cerberus Didn't seem like he much cared for seafood, but that were okay. Different folks had different tastes, and she really couldn't blame him about the clam. She usually didn't eat that, unless it were done properly at a restaurant, and even then, it were mostly down to what else were there, to make it taste better. It were better to have something with a bit of chew to it, and just with taste in general. Fish tasted good, but it were a bit mild, and clams were just salty boogers, more or less. That sorta meal needed some spices and steamed veggies, as an example. Her dreams about seafood dining aside though, she did still like to see that he didn't waste food, and that he had still done a fair enough hunt. Sure it could have been better, but she wasn't gonna be a stickler that only praised him if he did above and beyond. The poor boy needed some encouragement, after all the treatment he'd been through before. It'd help with his confidence, and make him big and proud, just like a proper dragon should be. Leviathan hadn't much else to do, and she had to conserve her magic, so she'd spent the rest of the time waiting doing some stretches, and looking around the tiny island they were on. Probably nothing to really do, but she couldn't just sit still for nearly an hour. She'd go crazed with boredom. Leviathan would listen to every word she were told by Ruby. Were the place and timing different, she may have marked how sweet it were that the larger dragoness were starting to feel so protective of her, that she felt she needed to give these warnings, but this were not the time or place. Frankly it didn't even cross her mind, as the dread over where they were going, were more imminent, and hard to ignore. "I trust you, Ruby. If you slap me around, I know you'd have done so for a reason. Just as I know that you're telling me to do what you say, because it's genuinely dangerous for me to not listen. I'll do what you say in there. Just... Try and be careful, okay? I'd like to get out of this place, but not without the both of you. And remember that I can still fight. I'm not just gonna sit it out, if something happens. Might be I'm small, but I ain't useless." She did genuinely worry if they were all three going to be okay, and she didn't much like to take orders and be bashed around by youngsters without them having good reason, or some sort of rank she actually respected. But this were a dangerous place, and Ruby knew best. If she said that she might have to throw her away for her own good, Leviathan would trust that. But she wasn't gonna be a helpless lizard in all this. If she could, she'd help in her own way. And if it seemed Ruby or Charir would get hurt, or worse, she were going to bring the wrath of a storm down upon whoever dared to try. Might be Ruby claimed they were tough and resistant to a point, but let's see how resistant they were to a localized thunderstorm to the back, or getting their limbs encased in ice. Resistant or not, that sorta thing would at the least slow you down. =================================================================== @Catpone Cerberus "An Oni, so far from the mainland? Troubling news, if they have started to spread out from Neighpon. Though I do welcome hearing there are kitsune at the school. I haven't seen their elders for years. It would be good to hear how they're faring these days." "You have friends among their seniors, doctor?" "Yes. In this case though, I am speaking of their leaders. The ones from the main village at least. I spent a couple of fascinating, enlightening years there, some time past. They're quite knowledgeable about many things, and if you treat them with respect, they will do so in kind too. Which also means that I am afraid I cannot answer questions about the Oni. Even among kitsune, their origins are meant only for the elders, and they say nothing about them to anyone, except for their chosen replacement. I know some general warnings, and that they are trouble for the elders to deal with, but beyond that it is merely stories and rumors, that won't help much. Though this is the first I have heard of one outside Neighpon, which I can imagine must be a topic of concern for their elders. But for now, this is a concern of theirs, while we have our own, more locals trouble. Including the couple you saved. It's remarkable they survived, considering the amount of wounds they had, but from what I am told, none of them seemed to be meant to be fatal. The blood loss could have done it, certainly, but nothing vital were hit. It makes it hard to discern a motive. Still, it is over for now, and perhaps times have changed to where I can get more of a proper answer now. If not, then at least I have some to visit at the school now. I'm sure they would appreciate someone who knows their customs better too." "Be that as it may, what happens now?" "When you are ready, you can leave, and I won't be sharing stories. I know the princess and her ideals towards the reformed changelings, and while I will not lie and say I trust you, I do look forward to seeing the limits to this "reformed" status. Perhaps I can be proven wrong, and it can really change even the darkest of minds to the better. If not... Well, let's try not to cross that bridge, and hope for a brighter outcome, hm?" Onache narrowed her eyes and scowled at the doctor some, though she didn't change her attitude, and the queen couldn't get a read on her. She were weak, and this mare seemed to know how to steel her mind well. She got nothing from trying to read her, and it annoyed her. But there were little she could do about that currently. "Believe what you will, but I have no intention of repeating history. I will leave soon." "Well then. unless I am needed otherwise, have a good day. And if you are looking for the guard you brought in, she is in the room right across from this." If there were nothing else to Doctor Toxina, she would bow her head at each of them, and then be on her way. Plenty of things to do in a hospital, even at times when there weren't a lot of patients. Though if there were questions, she would stay and answer. =============================================================================== @EQ_Theta Mother did not discourage any of them from hugging as much of her large form as they could. Something which Omen joined in on too, when she noticed all the others did too. Shrimp however, would take the chance to get up further than he ever had, by slithering up on Mother, and aiming to get on top of her head. Even when laying down as she did now, she were still huge, and it would be a very tall vantage point for the little longma. She smirked slightly at this, amused, and deciding not to interfere. Let the little one enjoy himself for now, as they spoke of other things. And quite a lot of things there were to be spoken off. Things that made her smile falter some, as she were worried of several things she were told about. It seemed that things were as ever, very eventful for them, with little sign that things would slow down, or stop. A troubling tendency, and one she hoped would calm down eventually, but it seemed as if life simply were not like that for them now. Omen truly had found herself some very eventful beings to feel attached to, though much as she worried, she were happy that Omen were with them. Through thick and thin, she knew Omen would be with them, and when that much happened, she trusted that she would learn something too, and come closer to being what she had wanted for so long: Normal. Considering her master, a rather peculiar want, but Mother always assumed it were due to her thinking that being normal, meant she could understand others, and not be so far behind everyone. She had a simple mind, though it were clear that it were expanding, due to the good influence of Sen and Lin. Potentially others too, but these were the only ones she had met thus far, from their circle of friends. "I blame you not for your many worried, my children. Much responsibility is about to be set upon your shoulders, among threats or ancient enemies, set upon conquest. Not to mention fears of history repeating itself, in the most cruel of ways... I envy you not, these troubling tides. Still, it is good that there are light you can focus upon. The reunion of friends and family, and familiarity to Omen and others, could spell well for your effort, to open the horizon for your kin. I hope that your efforts will bear fruit, though I regret that I cannot offer you more support, than that of comfort, and love. Were they here, I am certain your parents would offer the same, and be proud of the visionaries they had raised." She'd reach a claw closer to Omen, and poke at her head, to which Omen stood still for. This would not work on Lin, as she were only half of them, but Mother could well read Omen's mind, and get a look of how things had happened. Quite a lot it seemed, and nothing spoke against what the others were saying either. Not that she suspected it. She saw no reason to doubt her children were anything but honest to her, lest they had reason to otherwise. "I see you also have contact to one of Omen's newly formed siblings. It warms my heart, to see family still stick together, beyond worlds." "One of?" "There is another, who reached here. An accident of science he said. A bold tongue, but his heart were kind, and he mastered one of yours. Her master is an inventor of sorts, it sounded like. I know not if perhaps that could be of use to you, in some way? Matters of the soul I can handle with ease, but the mind, and politics, are not topics I have as much understanding with. Also, this Rosa, that I see in Omen's memories... He seems a troubled child, with much on his own shoulders, yet loyal and kind to you. Remember to visit him soon too, yes? I am always happy to see you, my dear children but your friends matters much too. Relations can be so fleeting in life. One should cherish those they have." Shrimp had now reached the top of Mother's head, and were standing right above her forehead now, giving a tiny, almost unnoticeable roar, that made Mother chuckle. "The innocence, and simple pleasures of a growing mind. Many millennia have it been, and yet I cherish such sights all the same." ============================================================================ @EQ_Theta "While I can hardly talk with certainty, when it comes to Nightmare Moon, I can fortunately speak well about the reason for the princesses being in charge of Equestria, rather than representatives of the tribes. Before Equestria, this land were ruled by a Draconequui, named Discord. Their race are very old, so perhaps you know of them? Creatures of chaos, that shows themselves as amalgamations of other beings. They are quite unique, in each their own way. Equestria homes a few now, such as Fright, Avarice, Gluttony, and Discord himself. All reformed, in some fashion, with Fright being the reason for Avarice and Gluttony's change to assets to society, rather than menaces. Ah, but I digress. Discord is often seen as one of, if not the strongest of the draconequui, and thus this land were under his chaotic rule without much resistance. Chaos and weirdness is ideal for their kind, but it is hard for others to live in well, especially ponies. Discord put everything in disarray, as he declared himself ruler, and there were nothing any could do against him. It were Princess Luna and Celestia, that gathered the famed Elements of Harmony, and together managed to turn him to stone, and restore order to the land. The three tribes were brought together by this act, and they swore their allegiance to their saviors. To them, the princesses had done the impossible, and saved the entire country, from a crazed tyrant. As alicorns too are the embodiment of all three tribes, it likely made the choice all the easier. Not that the change were overnight, and everypony got along right away. No, there's many tomes of history talking about the early years, and the trouble that there were, in bringing them all together, but the princesses managed it in time. Some did remain apart though. Especially some of the more high ranking unicorns, who refused to mingle with others, but over time, all but the most resilient left their towering cities, and those who remained, faded into obscurity, and old history. There are still those who oppose the unity of Equestria, but they are few and far between, and few give them much attention. Ah, and I am sure you will ask... Discord. Why he is now seen as an ally, when he were once a tyrant. Story is long too, but in essence, he broke free from his stone prison a few years back, and began taking over again. The new wearers of the Elements of Harmony - Applejack, Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie - managed to encase him in stone again, and some time later, seeing the various threats that have hit Equestria in the time since, Princess Celestia tasked them with reforming him,, under threat of him being imprisoned again, if he failed. It have been a... Rough process, but he were reformed, and keeps his tricks and chaos to doing minor things for amusement, rather than covering the land in it, and are overall helpful. For a draconequui, that is really all one can hope for at times. Though Fright are different. I met her once, when I were younger. A very calm, wise lady that one. Much different from she once were, as she tells it." It were many thousands of years ago, but Fright had been around the world here and there, where she had caused fear in others, either locally or wide spread, so perhaps they had encountered her in some way. A shadow, taking many forms, to cause as much fear as she could, to feast upon it. Never one to hurt another, but she were certainly not a welcome presence. Time had certainly changed her quite a bit though. Could be too that they had never seen a draconequui, or if so, not one that were in Equestria now. Rusty were curious in honest, but he would wait and hear what they might say on the matter. =================================================================== @Sekel "Kkrrkthllk. You wish to see her... Now?" Drone would look towards Twilight, as well as Last. Her features made it harder to tell her general mood by facial expression, but the voice did sound surprised at the least. "I'd argue against it, but I doubt that would come far. But I must ask that if we do this, your highness, you must be ready for a hasty retreat. Drone speaks well of their new matriarch, but things could go wrong. If something happened, would you be able to teleport away with little warning? Or are you not at full strength? I will die for your safety if it comes to it, but I still wish to know that you would escape safely." "Rkkrhthkk. Our princess would not attack an envoy, if they come to parlay. She is not as her mother, who would all but welcome fresh meat, willingly wandering to our hive. If I signal you are there to speak, you will get your chance, lest you try hostilities. That especially goes for the Shrine Maiden. She will not be trusted to wander unguarded." "If I wasn't guarded, I'd think less of you too." Last were not pleased with this, as she thought this a crazed risk, but she had learned from her new majesty, that she were one who wanted to meet with a friendly hoof, rather than a sharp sword. And if she wished to speak with Drone's new monarch, then so it would be. Last would get nothing from warning her of it, and instead it were best she spent her energy, preparing to defend her. Though if the eternal queen had still lived, this would be out of the question. That old monster would have personally eaten her alive, legs first. =========================================================================== @Sekel "Certainly there are such magics, but that requires specialists, and preparation. A proposal, if I may? I have a friend who knows the right type of magic. If I ask him, and help him here, then I'm sure he and his friends could prepare the house for the correct viewing, Though I would need to ask for time. They still have work to do, and preparing takes time. I would say... Thirty or so hours? I know you must yearn for answers now, but sadly, some things simply takes time. Perhaps you all three can try to find something enjoyable to do, and clear your minds some of your concerns here? I'm sure there is something you could find enjoyable to do together. As for the scales, I ask that you leave them here. It will help the viewing, as I understand it, to have something from the right time you wish to see." Scarcity would need to pay for the specialists in this case, as they were some she knew, and worked with, rather than some who owed her favors, but she wouldn't mind the minor investment. Frankly at this point, her curiosity were well piqued too, and thus she craved answers too. This were not how she imagined it would go, but it would certainly speed up things somewhat, if they could glimpse what may have happened here. Hopefully nothing too grizzly. "I think we should do this. It takes time, but it's better than guessing, right? Though I don't know what you'd want to do. Are you maybe hungry? My co- I mean-" "Oh calm yourself sister. I know you and Chop Chop are an item now. Congratulations, by the way. You make an unlikely, yet adorable couple." She had tried to wander around this subject, but of course, Scarcity already knew. Honestly Stare knew that too, but in the moment, she would admit to have forgotten that. It were odd enough to have Scarcity so openly call her sister, that it ere throwing her off somewhat. And then all of this too, of course. "Y-Yes, well, thank you, Scarcity. And Chop is a good cook, so he could make something you'd enjoy. He even work with meat, if you prefer that." ========================================================================= @Sekel "You were caught in a maelstrom of visions, of all the ways that things could proceeded poorly." "Yep, and didn't sound like things were looking all that bright. You one of them Oracles? I hear those folks have random visions sometimes. Frankly sound like it'd suck." "Are you okay now? Or do you need a big hug?" Blitz stood ready to try and jump down to hug her. She could probably make it from where she stood. If not, Molotov would catch her. He told her he usually did, when she tried to make her early win designs back at their old home too, as she weren't too keen on safety. Still wasn't, but Molotov did what he could for her. She were his sister after all, and he loved her. Plus their mom would roll in her non-existent grave, if she knew he didn't look out for her. Blitz always had been a troublemaker, and needed some oversight. That she had managed several months on her own, were frankly astonishing. Enzo held her still firmly between his claws, waiting to see if she had truly come back from all of this, but he would move to set her upon the ground for now, that she might find stable hoofing, as she freshened up. It seemed that whatever many troubles she saw, it had not been nice things. Perhaps with so many things that could go wrong, they would eb best off not taking this trip today.
@Sekel I completely understand. My replies have been at a snail's pace too, because of things happening. I play MTG here in Denmark, and our LGS is getting some big fans of Lorcana too. Usually some folks using a few tables every Monday and Friday. It looks like a nice game honestly. Never heard them have anything but fun. Regardless, impressed you're top 500 mate. Well done. And it is very understandable that it gets a lot more fun, once the competitive side is done. Means you have time to actually have fun at your own pace. =========================================== @Catpone Cerberus @EQ_Theta I swear I'm not dead. Just had to help move for my mom, then hit the flu, and all right after my leg infection. January and start February have been annoyingly busy. I am eriting the replies though. They will be done before Sunday is over. If not, I'll... Hug a cat, probably. Sorry for the delays.
@Illiad Easle (Last) Last raised an eyebrow to that. Seemed odd that she no longer wished to be called by her title... Perhaps it had to do with what happened in the human world? Or she felt guilt of being unable to stop Discord, and didn't feel worthy? Whatever the case, she would try to keep this in mind. "Understood. I will try and adhere to that." "If it comes out here, we have no choice but to get involved. But for now, best to let the two of them brawl it out. If it leads out here, you have my word that I will help defend your town, and your citizens." Last would dodge the book that almost dropped on her, rather effortlessly. Reminded her of the training sessions where they tossed heavy sandbags down, and it were up the the initiates to dodge them best they could, or at the least endure the hits. If they showed visible pain when they got hit, or fell to the floor, they had to start over. Tough training, but her father had been right. She might've been five, but there were no time to be soft in a warzone, and if she'd been soft, she'd been dead years ago. And putting her own recruits through the same, gave her some fond, nostalgic memories of her parents and older sister. May they rest calmly among the stars. "Sorry ma'am, force of habit to use royal titles. As Applejack said, my name is Last Stand. I'm from the cloud city, called The Æther, and we've come to both assist you with your robot pest problem, and to establish contact with your encampment. I came with a box, and there's a transmitter in it, that's being put together now. You can speak to someone high up the command chain when it's completed, Pr- Doctor Sparkle. We got state of the art medical facilities and other things that I think would be of use to you here in your encampment. I'll answer what questions I can, if you have them, but the Consul and others, can answer the finer details. I'm not one of their usual diplomats. I'm a soldier, and I've been given authority to start talks, and are expected to help protect you and yours, the best I can, until The Æther lands. On a more personal level, I also wish to inform that I am the last member of an old... Specialty guard, of Princess Luna's, and an Equestrian, born and raised. I was hoping we'd be able to talk about her majesty, and trade some stories, when everything's calmer? After we've dealt with the rest." She'd look stoic throughout, a soldier through and through, as she looked at the princess, giving her report, whilst waiting for a response. It were strange to be in this situation, but honestly, knowing who she now stood in front of, she did wonder if perhaps that might cause issues with the Consul, considering the old history several had with Equestria's royalty. Hopefully they could set aside old grudges. ============================================================== (Sorrow) "Well if it saves lives, I would say that he's earned some boasting. Anyway, that communicator, I can try. I used to have a lot of cobbled up electronics from my days as a ghost hunter. You wouldn't believe the sort of things we had to jury-rig ourselves, to make it usable. It's not like you could just buy an EMF-meter. Not to mention how expensive most radios of the right type were." Ghost hunting wasn't exactly something that paid well, to put it mildly, so there were a lot of basically broken frames and finesse needed. Sure you could get good funding if you were a fraud, but she refused that. It were a disgusting way to treat the dead, even if the genre were seen as popular TV in some circles. "Oh, so it's just a radio. I can help with this, unless it's really out there." It were probably a bit different from what she were used to, since for instance, every part were here, and worked, but between the two of them, they should be able to gather up the frame, then the stuff inside in a relatively short amount of time. It weren't too different from the finetuned receivers she had made and operated with one of her last teams, before all of this. They had thought a more powerful setup could work in gathering some really subtle noises, like ghosts. They didn't get the footage they wanted sadly, but they had still managed to overhear some things, that they at first did think was ghosts. Turned out the abandoned building they had been operating in, were used for selling drugs, whoopsie. At least the cops were happy about the result, she supposed. The disk though... Well, she'd had to think about that one, but yeah, she were probably needed to go up with that one. Were a few higher landmarks here intact enough to be used, so it were just a matter of flying towards the tallest, stable one then, and get everything set up right, yeah? "So when this is done, how tall up do we need this disk? There's probably a distance from this too that matters, yes? Like, a few meters? Ten meters maybe, before it can't connect to the disk? I have dealt with radios, but not exactly something like this, so uhm, I kinda have to rely on your expertise here." ============================================================== (Blitz) "She's grown up well. Helps that she had a lot of good influences to help her with that, just like I had." She'd smile a bit wider at Silver, as she referenced the older mare. Blitz didn't really have a caregiver per se on the ship, growing up, as she were difficult to deal with. She had some who were rotated around, to keep an eye on her, so she didn't cause any accidental trouble, but primarily, she were kept in check by keeping her busy in the lab, and being taught from the scientists and inventors. Sure she had school work too, but that stuff was trivial, and easily dealt with, and she mostly just had to send in her homework as she got it done, to keep up. This here were where she really learned, and a lot of that came from Silver, who didn't always have an easy time, but did her best, and Blitz had a lot of good baggage because of her. Helped her as she grew older, and mellowed out more. Of course, plenty in the lab that taught her stuff. Not always good stuff mind you. Professor Rustfin had taught her how to cheat at cards, and Researcher Sparrow, had taught her how to work with directional plasma, because he were curious what she'd do with it. She had ended up in a full body cast for a month after her first solo project, so to speak, and they had to keep an extra guard on their stuff for three more months after that, as she kept looking for stuff she could use for it, thinking she got it right this time. It were nifty that Racket - one of the previous janitors, who had since died of old age - had taught her a half dozen things she did use a lot. Mostly how to more efficiently sneak off, and how to disable her own tracker more. He figured Blitz could do with some more fresh air, and thought the safety precautions they had because of her were exaggerated. She might be smart, but she were just a filly. What harm could she do? Few asked that question, and didn't regret that. At least back then. "And I remember her saying she liked fish, but I couldn't remember what she'd drink, so I took a couple of sodas. Hopefully she likes either one, and doesn't end up too drained or disoriented to eat. I can't say I really know what to expect to come out of all this, though it's good she's not being wrung dry." Sorrow would just do as she were told on the ground, expecting to maybe he told what were going on later, whilst Blitz would mostly be relieved to hear the radio crackle to life, and the familiar voice of her friend through the pipe. At least she were alive, so that were positive, though they'd have to wait a few minutes for an update, it sounded like. "See, Silver? Plein's okay. We'll get her back up here soon. Or we'll come down to her. I can't say I'm sure how long it is until we land, but hopefully soon. It's been a long time since I've been back in Ponyville." =========================================================== (Archback) "Yes ma'am. I brought it to my direct superior, and were told to also file paperwork, when I were able to do so, while her body and the area were investigated. I were too close to be allowed to partake in it, but I were told that they had gathered what evidence they could, when I got her body for burial. I've been waiting for news since then." It were not himself that had found her, but a fellow guard, who then reported it in. He were not brought in until she were collected and he were needed to identify her, and after that, his involvement were meant to just be filling the right paperwork, and prepare for her burial. Both things which he did with tears in his eyes, and a heavy heart. And he had been patient. He had made inquiries, both in words and text, but it were not many, yet he tired of nothing, so that's why he had gone for answers himself. Something he had unfortunately not gotten far with. While it were good to hear that there would now be actions, to hear that no one had heard of his wife murder, at any step in the ranks, felt like a knife in his heart. And every time one of them said that they had heard nothing of it, said blade got twisted, and bore deeper. Five months, waiting for answers, and now he were told that it had been covered up? That there were in fact nothing done about it? And after this long, what evidence were even still left? The elements, whoever covered it up, so many things could erode or destroy anything of value, while he sat with a fools hope. Stargazer had always been a faithful guard. Or rather he had, after he were recruited into it. The delinquent that he were before, had needed discipline and stability, and the guard had given him that, when they gave him a chance to do something better with his life, than go in and out of jail. He appreciated that, and he had lived up to the ideals that he had been taught since. Through good and bad, he had stood tall, keeping his faith in the guard. Yet now, for the first time, he felt doubt, shaken to his core, by hearing what were going on here. He wanted... No, he Craved answers now, more than ever. About his wife, and who were denying her justice. Yet the order were to wait for tomorrow. The thestral always looked well for his age, but in the moment when he lifted his hoof, saluted, and said both thank you, and that he would be there tomorrow, he looked as if twenty years had been pushed upon him. Spiritually, he looked defeated, and broken, as this cruel reality were rummaging around his head, and when he left, all he could do were to return home, and hug his daughter, seeking strength in this little miracle that his wife left behind. His little night light, that he loved more than anything in this world. It would take time, but he'd be able to gather himself eventually, and make sure she got something to eat, sat and read with her, played, and did a few other activities, before it were time to sleep. In his case, high time, as he hadn't slept long for a while now. Stargazer would arrive at Nightshade's office the day after, once he had made sure that Jelly were fed, sent to school - if they did that here - or whatever else she might need to do, and then get a shower, before arriving. He looked determined and ready, as he knocked the door, and if allowed, would enter, and present himself ready for duty. Yesterday, he were a broken stallion, but today, he were ready for answers, and to root out whatever rot had infested the guard.
@Ionic Sunset Hey, sorry for it taking so long to get back to you. January have been a meddling month, and things just got out of hand, to where I forgot to return to you. Especially after I smashed my leg a few times, and got an infection. Everything's healing well, but then I had to help family move and... Yeah, hectic. I looked over your character, and I find Dragonfly very fascinating. A new sort of pony, seems an interesting fit, and the story, as well as her personality, is well established and explained. A very solid bio there. The Opal is a peculiar addition too, that adds a bit of nuance that I like. Well approved. what sort of interaction are you looking for though RP wise? I have some options in mind, seeing as there's talks of soul magic, and gems. So three comes to mind where I can give a quick rundown. On phone though, so pictures lacking atm sorry. #1 Vivid Loss. A mare from before Equestria were established, who sold her soul to demons for youth and power. After a time, sent to make Discord kneel to their demands, and he easily trounced her, and were trapped in crystal. Recently uncovered by Shining Armor and his wife (I forgot her name, sorry), she's free of her contracts, as her old masters have died in the over a millennia that she were imprisoned. She is influenced a lot by the demonic magic and her contracts though, being now a highly tainted mare, but she holds morals, and wants to do good. One of the reasons why she made sure the contract Shining and his wife signed with her, left her unable to kill others, among other things. She wants to be safe, and helpful, as she used to be, as a spirit guide. She knows a lot about soul magic, to the point of being able to tear one from the body of others if needed, though she abhors the idea. Virtually unkillable and holding very steong magic, she'd be rather overpowered, were it not for her contract keeping her in check. She also have random mood swings, that for instance makes her lash out, or end up crying. Hence another reasons she wanted to be sure she could not kill. She's enough demon to where her contract is impossible for her to break. Her angle would be as a fellow outsider, that knows about the sort of magic Dragonfly would hold, and might be able to give her some guidance. #2 Queen Dia'thiz. This RP have served as her story, which have to be summed up from two angles. One is that of Queen Lathiz, changeling queen from some decades past. Hunted for what she and her hive were, they found themselves on some small islands, off the Dragon Isles, that were long abandoned. No life nearby other than much stronger dragons, and nowhere to go they could think of, meant her hive were starving, and they were losing hope. She heard a voice from a nearby abandoned diamond mine though, and went to examine it, leading her to the second entity. This were Diamanthe. Once a free roaming member of an ancient race, called the Crystal Beasts, that blanketed much of the world in various gems, a dragon-like species known as Refractions, managed to defeat her kind, and break them down to their core gems. All hidden around the world, meant to be left there, and never emerge again. For most, their signature gems would often spread out slowly over the millennia, leading to large gem deposits. As such, dragons eventually found her core, and left the mine she had been found in, wanting nothing to do with it. Lathiz listened to her whispers though, as Diamanthe offered a solution to her plight. The Diamond Beasts needs hosts, in their current state, to regain full form, but Diamanthe were less wanting for conquest and completely taking over the host, as her kin mostly wants, and instead offered unity. Lathiz would sit upon Diamanthe's crystal throne, and she'd remake her hive to something stronger, beyond hunger. She accepted, and thick diamond covered the queen, while all her drones fell dormant. And aometime after, an unknown entity would come by as they were unaware, and sealed them both into the crystal. In the decades since then, the old drones had their bodies taken over by crystals, and worked as feral workers for the emerging consciousness, harvesting eggs, and keeping the mine safe, until the day their queen would be free. A chance encounter here in the RP, led to the seal being broken, and they broke out from the crystal. Diamanthe and Lathiz are now a combined mind, calling themselves Queen Dia'thiz, ruler of the Gemlings. A queen's body, encased in clear crystal that looks like a large doe. After returning the higher consciousness of their drones to their changed bodies, they now wish to establish themselves in the world, but doing so with diplomacy, and a want to connect, rather than hostile takeover. Gemlings eat gems, not emotions, and have lost their ability to shapeshift, but are tougher, can manipulate gems, and have extended longevity in return. Queen Dia'thiz may well have met Dragonfly whilst out seeing something one of their drones thought they'd like to see, and would try and connect with this strange pony of precious metals and gems, feeling a certain kinship with her. Their perspective would be that of an ancient entity, mixed with a relatively recent one, both trying to find acceptance and allies in this world, and learn of what have happened in their absence. More a travel companion than a teacher, and one less judgmental about the use of soul magic, if reasoned well. #3 Billowing Smoke. Adventurer and purveyor of the illegal Grey Market (though no proof of the last part if there), he is a unicorn that have made his way from poverty to riches, mainly through his expeditions and adventures. In a recent one he and a companion ended up accidentally releasing a cursed entity. A deer, who seems mute, teeming with dark magic, but thus far just with a want to follow and observe. The deer in question recently went off with another char of mine, but no one said it couldn't have wandered off after, to find Billowing again. As he released the deer, it always know where the unicorn is, no matter how much he'd try to hide. In this scenario, Billowing would be trying to learn the deer how to be a productive being, whilst trying to understand what the deal were with it in the first place, which have him going to the old temple, where he encountered the sarcophagus that held the deer in the first place. He could well meet Dragonfly on the path, or at said temple. The deer would be drawn to Dragonfly because of the gem. It being soul magic, is dark stuff, and it would be curious of the gem, whilst Billowing would just try to understand things, and be curious in his own way, considering Dragonfly are made of precious metals. Billowing is a genuinely good stallion, and well established in Canterlot, so he could give easy access to Dragonfly, provided she could convince him that she were not a threat, and the deer... It is hard to say currently. It seems as if whatever it once had of a personality, have eroded, or were perhaps sacrificed, and it is now trying to learn, though for what purpose, remains to be seen. They'd be both curiosity and teacher, and the sinplest path to mingle into Canterlot. Also, vegetation that it touches dies. Not living creatures - though animals avoid it like the plague - but flowers, grass, etc, will wither and die fast in it's grasp. A part of the heavy black magic it is a host for. And it is considered an undead. I should probably state that. These are the three ones that comes to mind first for me. If none seems a fit to you, please tell me the sort of thing you might be looking dor, and I will match you up. Again, sorry it took so long. Just one thing on top of another recently, y'know?
@Illiad Easle (Null) "My mom's the nicest mare you can find. She's kind, trustworthy, and nothing like those scientists who worked on you. Mom and dad... They put themselves in mortal danger, to get Void and me out of that system. They're a lot like your mistress. And I'm sure that even if she can't help, she'll know who can." "I guess you can get used to a lot of things. Like me and my wings before it were replaced, or Void and her eye and leg. She's told me that she can't even remember what it was like anymore, having four legs, or depth perception." Null would go and hold her hoof over his, looking into Arcade's eyes. "We can go and look around town, see if there's anything fun. And Arcade, I just want you to know, I don't want you to do anything about your horn, if you don't want to. It sounds to me like it's a hindrance to you, that you don't like, but you don't have to change for me. I love you the way you are. I just worry, and want you to feel okay. I'll let it go now, but if you ever wanna talk about it, I'll be here." If he didn't want to change his horn, that were his choice. She wasn't gonna force it through, or make it an ultimatum of any sort. But it sounded like it were mostly just an issue for him, limiting his magic, and causing him pain. Even if he were numb to it, it clearly still bothered him, to the degree that he was afraid of passing on this abnormality - as well as his regenerative ability - on to a potential offspring. This were something that she hoped could be disproven, as while she had never thought it would be a part of her future - partially to her being certain she wouldn't have one - she did want foals someday now, with Arcade. There would be many questions, and probably some tests on them to see what might be, could happen, etc. but she hoped that someday, they would be able to see little ones of their own, playing around and growing into nice, strong ponies themselves. Without all the emotional baggage that both her, and Arcade had in spades. A stable home and both parents would certainly give them a better chance. As would the lack of facilities trying to run experiments. And so help her, if anyone tried, she would kill every last one in said facility, with extreme prejudice. Now, as for what they could do? She wasn't sure. She had a moderate bit of currency with her, so they could afford doing something at least, long as it wasn't gambling. That seemed a bad idea, as it were generally a waste of money. But beyond that, she had seen little of the town, and not focused so much on what sights were there the other times, if they did not relate to her tasks, so... They could just walk around and see, or maybe ask someone. ================================================================ (Ranger) "I'll mark the path as we go along then, and see if I can't connect a bit with the little ones. Just keep in mind, that they won't be high end, like yours. These are expendable." "Eh, beats having to deal with monsters, and I get your reasoning honestly. I'd love to have some mementos from my old friends and family too, but my home's far from these shores, and the invaders made a point of burning every village they stomped through, to torment both us, and the spirits. I'd be surprised if there's anything left, and those that I had left, when the ritual were performed... I doubt there's many left, and probably no one that I were close to. All I got are the memories, and the dreadful worry that their spirits are roaming our old homes, stuck there until they're saved. You're fortunate to have someone left after all that happened, Ranger. And I'm more than happy to make sure that you folks get something to remind yourselves of one another, and those that were less fortunate." When they were done speaking, he'd jump over, and grab a book, then open to a random page. As he suspected, he didn't understand a single thing he were seeing, so he didn't bother after a few seconds of reading through it, and instead cut a dozen pages out with his claws. A small glow would be around his paws as they started to fold together in the air in front of him, a pink'ish hue forming them into the shape of small birds, and rats. They'd squirm before he were even done with them completely, live being weaved into them, as they were being folded and formed. He didn't halt, or look at the though. Kozue's eyes were closed, as he focused on this task, and he sat on his posterior, his tail wrapped laying close to him, whilst he hummed a tune. Nothing she'd be familiar with though, more than likely. The kitsune had many songs of their own, and the language being in Neighponese, made it hard for outsiders to understand, if they never studied the language. As for Ranger's companion, it would sniff around, not being too impressed at the documents at first, but then seemed to have an idea of sorts, and went ravaging on them. Page after page, cleaned of every word and punctuation, until it had gone through around four pages. At which point it would stretch out, and ruffle its wings a small around, then turn to Ranger. It would spread out its right wing, and there, in plain letters, would be the word "Hello". If she were fixated on what Kozue were doing, it would jump around to get her attention first, before doing this. =============================================================================== (Cherish) "There's a lot of games you can do for exercise. Where I grew up, hoofball was popular. I didn't do it that much, but it was fun when I did. Skipping rope was more my thing. No wings though, that'd be cheating." Unless she were swinging the rope, but that was the sole exception. Flying in between the ropes weren't fair. And often it wouldn't work either, unless you knew what you were doing, but some were good/very small. Seeing as Cherish wasn't the tallest, she would try and get to somewhere near the front row, but she'd take the spot she could, in case it was an issue. Worst case, she'd still be able to hear, but she were sure it'd be fine, long as she didn't sit behind any of the tall ones, even though she would try and seat next to Elef, if she could. Depended on who might be in front if that were. Lilac's big brother were way too big for her to see anything past him. Cherish would rise a hoof, so she could answer the question. Which she would, soon as she were addressed, as were proper for classrooms. At least where she had grown up. "I know some wing stretches. We were taught that around when we learned how to fly right, back in Equestria." She could show if it were, but this were really all she knew. Crow and her didn't rush around enough for her to need stretches, far as she knew at least, but she knew it were important for her wings, or they could end up hurting, or locking up, when she tried to fly for too long. It would be nice if she could run around with Crow though. Around town sounded fun, but she'd need to leave her dress off when it were. She were not one of those who were strict about always wearing clothes, so she'd just leave it here, if they went running. It were easier than having gym clothes, and it let her skin breathe better, probably. There'd be less washing at least. ========================================================================= (Grey) "I still think she would have looked, sir. It were some important stuff you were sent to get hold of, so she'd want to make sure you were dead. If no one had survived, she'd surely check to see if your corpses were in the uhm... Piles. So many dead, you'd just prove you were too dangerous to be on the loose, regardless of one or no one returning. That's uhm, what makes to me at least, sir. I didn't really know her well enough to say for sure." "It's to make a queen, sir. Though I... That dragon lady, you mean Le Perinne, y-yes? I uh... Back in my old hive, our queen sometimes got visits from her faithful. She told us to not stand in their way, not to talk to them, and if they gave us an order, to do as they said. I think she were doing some things for the dragoness, because one time, I saw them open a portal to somewhere else, and take several crates from the lower levels, into it. I didn't ask what were in them, and I never wanted to know. Her faithful always gave me the creeps. And the stories I heard later about them, didn't make that better. Though I couldn't say one way or another, if their sort of ascension is real or not. I've seen ponies be turned into changelings, so maybe? Maybe they'd know, but I uhm, don't want to ask them. I'm afraid they'd get offended, and try and pluck one of my eyes out, or something. As for Rasputin... I'll keep it in mind, and talk to some friends. Hopefully there's nothing, but best to be safe, yes? Thank you for the warning, sir." Was he afraid of her faithful? Yes, very much so. They were intimidating, and while they hadn't hurt any of them, back when he were still in the hive, and more or less just ignored them, they gave serious bad vibes off. Griffins he usually didn't have an issue with, but the faithful always made him feel like prey, whose only saving grace, were that he wasn't worth hunting. Craven gulped, but nodded, and let it stay at that. He got the feeling he wouldn't get more details for now, and it were best to just wait and see if more happened, before the end of his shift. Which turned out to be no. Nothing of note went on, and he would soon enough be done with his shift, and told to return for a report. Which he would, as he were gonna follow orders, like a good drone, though he did first say to Basher that his shift were over, and he hoped that he would do well, until next time. He did also finish it with a sir, rather than using his name. It seemed to if not work better, then at the very least not offend him, that Craven talked to him with some level of respect, and didn't look down upon him. Not much point in him not continuing this then, unless Basher asked him to call him otherwise. Besides, Craven did think that it were best to talk to others with some level of respect, and not look down upon others. He supposed that might be one of the reasons he had been chosen for this. Yes, he did look down upon Mongoose, but that were different. Mongoose had done some really, gut-wrenchingly bad stuff, and didn't seem stable, so he didn't trust him at first. His colleague were doing fairly well these days though, with a better outlet for his nervousness and ticks, and were trying to do his best too, so Craven were more kind towards him. When asked about his own opinions on Basher, by his superiors, Craven would be focusing fully on that, thinking for a moment before answering the question. "...I think that he will, yes. He answered some things today, and he seemed interested, when hearing about The Grey's change in leadership, and did give a tease, that something were going to happen. Though I think it might depends on how Moth is handled. If he trust this *Moth* enough to leave them as second in command, trying to get them in alive might show him that The Grey aren't the brute's that they'd sometimes been in the past. Though I worry what's going to happen. It sounds like it's going to be something big."
@Rising Dusk Sorry for not responding to this the past month or two. It's been a mostly busy, and somewhat rotten time. Have some boops.
@Catpone Cerberus "I will trust in your expertise about the beacons, and the most likely outcome, sir. And I would very much like to accompany you, yes. Though I will be commencing my search in ground height. It does remind me of a situation, when I were still a test subject. One of the researchers believed they could recreate something from a comic they had seen, where a being of fire blast fire down with enough force to give them enough pressure to fly. She argued that since phoenixes were fire related beings, it should be somewhat possible. It doesn't function. At least not for magma. I only succeeded in melting two meters of solid rock beneath my test chamber. For the best that it didn't work too, I'd argue. Imagine that I were roaming through the air, magma dripping in my wake. The destruction would be unfathomable." That had also been her argument at the time, but they had convinced her that it were best to test all her limits, as she were in a previously unheard of situation, and the more they were able to learn, the better. All it taught her were how immensely destructive she could be. Something which triggered her first eruption event, from the surprise and panic she felt in the moment, which then melted more of the test area. She were in far better control now, but at the time, it had been quite scary for her, and probably part of why it had taken her as long as it had, to accept that she were simply a test subject to her former colleagues. A demoralizing reality, that had made her finally decide that it were her time to leave, and learn what were with her on her own. She wouldn't have the inventions of Center Zero to test things properly, in search of a way to revert her to a full equine though, and thus had come the battle for her to accept that this were her now, and that there would be no going back. Something she admittedly, had to struggle with for quite some time, and still had lingering thoughts of now. It sadly weren't that easy to just shrug and accept that you were in essence, a walking volcano. On the bright side, her eyesight had been fixed. Which were good, as no glasses thus far, had been able to survive an eruption event, and her frames only did, because of something they had done to them in Center Zero. A bit of a way to keep her rooted and feeling somewhat normal, which were a good enough excuse to use some of their more special alloys. She really had no idea what they had done in honest, but even having spilled magma directly on them by accident, they didn't get ruined. They did look scorched though, yet she'd argue that weren't so bad, considering she could melt basically everything else. "With some luck, the guards have sent an answer, when we return. I'm curious as to what kind of beings there might be to work with." Magma were ready now. She didn't have anything she needed to bring with her, beyond a fresh notebook and a pencil and her work here were neat and tidy currently, so at least from her, there would be no delay. ==================================================================== @Catpone Cerberus "I'd argue you can still judge it, but from nature's view, it's probably just as odd with creatures living in cities. The perspective of whatever side you're looking on from, is gonna matter in this, and both are probably gonna think they're in the right. Place still gives me the creeps though. I'm looking forward to us putting this place behind us again." This place were basically one of her worst imaginable places to live. No society, most were isolated, and only came together for mating, or when trying to steal new grounds for themselves, and dragons killed one another left and right for their spot. It were just about everything she didn't want in life, packaged into the same area, and it rightfully horrified her. At the same time, she could understand Ruby more now, with how she had seen society. Compared to this place, they were indeed lazy and weak. They were comfortable, used time on hobbies and family, and didn't increase their own power, because they were not in danger, and trusted in both their peace, and the guards. If real monsters attacked, most would be easy pickings, even if they might win in the end. A meager hunt, yet she'd still be all smiles, and scratched him on the head again. It were one of the few ways she so far knew that he understood her being happy with the things he did, and though this wasn't the best haul she could imagine, it were still a very nice attempt, considering this were probably not something he had done often, if at all. Small victories should be commended too. Otherwise, you might be discouraged from ever trying, because you didn't think you could do good enough. She'd have to teach him how to chase fish sometime. He weren't meant for the water, so it wouldn't ever get as good as her probably, but she could get him to the point where he could do good enough. And if they found out how to activate his magic properly, he might be able to use that to further make it easier. They'd have to wait and see how that would go, but she were certain that they could make him a solid fish-catcher in a relatively amount of short time. It seemed he had caught something he weren't certain of though: A clam. Personally she preferred her seafood to have scales or crunch, but it were okay enough. It were food at least, though if he'd like it, she hadn't a clue. They'd see once she helped him to open it. She took one of the other clams, and stood herself in front of him, so he could get a good look. Once he did, she'd show him how to push in with her claw in the crack, and twist it open, revealing the meat inside. Potentially also pearls, though she weren't sure about if there were those sorts of things in the ones around here. If there were, she'd remove that first, and see if he were interested in eating the loogie of the sea. ========================================================= @Catpone Cerberus Happy would scoff at this point, and shake his head. "I've been in and around this town for days, and four guards is more than normal. Usually there's only that night guard to patrol town, and I can tell how exhausted he is from being overworked. I frankly pity him, for the oversight of that princess of theirs. She's thinking her and her five friends can keep everything safe on their own, and it's a laughable notion. They're just lucky no one with a strategic mind have attacked the town the right way. This town need some real guards, and soon." "That is their own problem to sort, though I would agree with your assessment. If a hive had the guards per citizen this town had, it would mark their queen an abject failure." Different standards perhaps, but really, it were downright pathetic that when situations like the one before arose, they had a singular guard that were permanently attached to this town. That Chrysalis had failed to take it were a downright embarrassment, even with Discord here, as he were clearly rather unstable in his want to help. For instance, he hadn't done anything during the last two crisis's they now had in a row, potentially not being bothered, or being elsewhere entirely. The two might not need to feast on emotions anymore, but that didn't mean they couldn't feel the aroma of it, that the two kobolds gave off. It was so strong, they could practically taste it, if they wanted to, though they weren't interested. Their hive's emotion were worship, with hate being undesired. A little too spicy, would the best way to put it. "I will keep that in mind." "I'll do the same. And if ever I hear some say they've seen her, I'm promptly wandering in the other direction, disguised like a cat or something. I swear, that hate you got here's almost tangible enough to grab out and hold. Can't say I'm not curious, but I ain't gonna try and dig into that. Sore topic, it sounds like." A knock would come on the door at that point, and in would step Neon, with another mare wandering in front of her. This one being older, with a puffy, greying orange mane tied into a bun, and the general aura of a wise mare, who knew what she were talking about, but without the arrogance that tended to follow. She even had a little smile on her face. "I see our patient is awake, and behaving well too. That is an encouraging sign." Onache would stare at the mare, not answering for a few seconds, to which the mare would chuckle, and poke her head. "Not as easy to go rummage in here, is it, Slaver Queen? Especially not at your current strength." "Tsk. You speak my title, yet I don't see chains." "Oh, I considered it, as well as having this room sealed off, and held inaccessible for anypony but me, in case you tried something. Yet it's a new area. A new you, look-wise at least. And your drone told about how you were changed in more ways than physical. So I were lenient. Not that I feared much. After what you went through, it will be some time for you to regain your full strength. Better than death though, hm? As for that, all of the fungus have been cleansed thoroughly from your system. I would advise not doing anything too taxing for at least three days though, while you recharge. And to keep up the positive relations, that you seem to have. Although you young man, need to be kinder to the staff." She'd point at Happy, who'd get an awkward look on his face. "Sorry 'bout that. I uh... Got a little overprotective I guess. Won't happen again." "Good, good. And these must be the guests I were told brought you in? My, what curious looking enchantments you have. Seen many a kobold in my time, but none quite like you. I am Doctor Toxina. I specialize in antidotes of various kinds. Venom mostly. Hard work, but a good excuse to travel the world." She'd chuckle slightly again, and bow her head towards the two in a nod. "I have been told that the one who caused this have been dealt with. Are they apprehended? I've yet to receive word back from the guard, and I would like to know how they got hang of that fungus, so far from Neighpon, and if they are hiding more. I'd need to prepare more antidotes, if it were. She were lucky I had a sample with me as something to present at my seminar, but we're now fresh out, and it will take time to get the ingredients here. You can see why I'd want to know what happened to the assailant then, yes?" ================================================================= @EQ_Theta They would need to wander for about fifteen minutes before they reached the pillar in question this time, in which they would have passed two others. One holding a floating orb of pale-green water, that on occasion would pop a bubble on it's surface - this seemed to have several siblings slithering around it - and one that held what seemed to be a white cube. Yet depending on the angle they looked at it from, it would also present itself as a triangle, a circle, a flat oval, etc. It were somewhat confusing and headache inducing the more you tried to understand it. Especially as if you wandered back, it didn't mean it changed into the shape you had just seen before it. The only constant being the chalky color. Eventually though, they would reach the first pillar. Within, seemed to be an toy floating up and down. A raggedy plush doll, that carried a notable resemblance to Mother, as seen from a child's perspective perhaps. It had a few siblings near it, that seemed to just lay around, not doing much right now, but what mattered were the doorway, that stood tall next to the pillar. It would open as they pushed the door, and after a short trip through the hallways behind, would lead them to Mother. She still seemed tired, as she laid on her stomach, upon a large bed, yet she smiled all the same as she saw them all. "My dear children, it is good to see you again. Have you been well behaved?" "Yes Mother." Shrimp wouldn't understand, but would remember the smell, and chirp happily towards the giant, bat-like humanoid. He hadn't been acting all too well, what with the biting and such, but since he didn't understand the question, he technically couldn't lie about it either. ============================================================== @EQ_Theta Rusty looked pleased to see them stand and watch the entire thing, from start to finish. It were not everypony who had the patience for it, and instead only saw the beginning part, then stopped at some point, when they believed they had seen what they had to, or got bored. It were a shame though, that history were not more appreciated by some, even when it were this engaging. But then, some were very impressed by it, such as the golems were, and it were delightful to witness them learn of the beginnings of Equestria, in a way that only somepony as powerful as the princesses could achieve. Though he did look questioning towards them, as he were asked something at the end, that he hadn't assumed they'd know of. "Nightmare Moon? That's peculiar. The mural are meant to showcase only the founding of Equestria, and not more modern history such as that. Hmm... I suppose the princesses must have made some additions, to include other notable parts of our older history, and I just weren't informed. As for the matter of Princess Luna... As I understand it, she were not appreciated enough, and grew angry at nopony appreciating the night sky, as they did the day. Thestrals were not introduced to Equestria at that time, and for safety reasons, there were often curfews in places after the sun set, so sadly, there were very few out during the night time. It's theorized that something else affected her too, that enticed her in her jealousy, and that were part of what happened to her, but we don't know for sure. There's been plenty stories like that surfacing in recent years though, so I won't rule out the option. Personally, I am of the opinion that emotional distress and a subtle influence - possibly from nightmares - caused that tragic situation, but I fully admit to it just being a preferred theory. There's just simply not enough evidence to say with certainty what happened. I'm just thankful it is over, and our princess have returned to her proper state. And I think it helps greatly, that the thestrals are around to enjoy and appreciate the night. As I hear, she is very beloved by them, even if their sleep pattern means they rarely get a chance to see her in their dreams. Pray tell, have you more questions about our history, or perhaps of the princesses, or other individuals?"
@Illiad Easle (Last) "I'll see if I can schedule a talk with Princess Twilight about it later then, after the current issues have been resolved. In any case, I appreciate the information, ma'am. It makes me happy to know I'll have the chance to offer my foals more than old stories, about her majesty." She didn't look thrilled, but she actually were happy to hear that, and she did have a slight rise in the sides of her mouth. But she were still here on official duties, and had to remain sharp, though she didn't often show herself with overly joyful in public. It didn't feel right to her, so it were mostly done in private, with her husband and her foals. It did make some think her cold and distant, but she didn't care. Those close to her knew better, and that is who mattered. She did look forward to telling her foals anything she might learn though. Even if she weren't as fanatically following Luna anymore, she were still a very important figure in her history, and that of the Shrine Maidens, whose legacy she were building upon. Luna still mattered greatly, and being able to one day talk to the princess, and introduce her to her foals, and her new flock... It were not something she had ever dared to dream about, but she were certainly pleased that she could show the princess what had happened, with the last remaining of her old faithful. She probably thought them as dead as they thought her. ==================================================================== (Last and Sorrow) (Brittle is just helping around. She can make an appearance.) "I doubt that's going to happen. But if it did, I've seen worse places than this town to settle down. It just needs some hard work." She sincerely doubted that they'd get exiled for this, but even if they were, her and her group were not going to stick around for long after they landed anyway. They would help around if needed, but their goal where to find someplace that they belonged. She'd briefly look around at this place, as the thought that perhaps they didn't need to look as long as she had assumed, for a place they fit in. This place needed hard workers, that were sure. The town were a mess, and needed effort to get cleaned up and rebuild. It also didn't seem like they had much in the way of experienced guards around here. From what she heard about the old Ponyville, it were often enough under attack to need that, and better defenses in general, and she didn't see either right now. All their work could be undone if a monster went in, and weren't distracted away from the villagers, like the robot had. That Twilight and her friends were here were good for the town, but not something that added to her thoughts. The fact that there were news of Princess Luna though... That were something she could consider a sign, even if she were not going to put her group under as faithful service as the Shrine Maidens had been. They would be helpful, but they weren't meant to do the dirty work of the royals anymore. Yet that didn't mean that they couldn't help, and this town... It could sure use someone. Both now, and when the town were properly rebuild. It still needed defending after all. Hmm... She'd need to ponder this, as well as take in the advise of Sugar, and bring it up with her group. Yet even before that, perhaps she should speak of this with Twilight, if she could manage to speak with her i private, at some point. She'd like the princesses perspective on this as well. Especially as this were her town, and thus ultimately her decision. "She might not at first, but try to remember that it's easier to lash out in anger, than to deal with your own emotions. I know that all too well." "Everyone deals with grief in their own way. But I hope that she will seek comfort, over anger." "Remember that the communicator is in the crate, so I hope they will be careful with it, or we will not be able to come in contact with them until Power returns. But I'm ready. I will see you later, Plein." She'd nod towards the young pony, and then follow Applejack. It seemed her role as somewhat of an ambassador was gonna start now, though hopefully they wouldn't expect her to handle any paperwork. She were more likely to set fire to a stack of papers, than to fill them out. "I'll make sure to stay with them for now, Applejack." ================================================================ (Last) Last looked back, thoughtful for a moment before she answered Applejack. "...Yes. Power is young, but he has potential, and they wouldn't have entrusted this to him, if they didn't think he could do it. He can handle this." If she still retained some of her connection to honesty, or were just good at reading others, Applejack should be able to tell that Last were honest about this. She did truly believe that Power could do this, because she trusted that Blitz, Silver and others who knew him better than her, were right. They put a lot of faith in this plan, so she put her faith in them too. She were ready to do her thing if things did not go right, but she believed that Power would handle his mission well, more than likely. "The best thing we can do for him now, is to stay out of there. If he has to worry about us, it will only hinder him in the fight. We don't get involved, unless it's dragged out here." Best they could do, were not being in the way, and instead focus on the town, and more importantly, those within it, and put some faith in Power's ability to handle this. When they did get over there, and saw Twilight, Last would wait until noticed, and then salute the pony. "Princess Sparkle. It is an honor to meet you." ============================================================= (Sorrow) "I won't tell anyone then, I promise. *sigh* Though i wish we could have the other letter too... It has to be out here somewhere, I know it does. But sadly I can't just wave my hooves and pull it out of a hat. But we'll find it sooner or later." As the signs of battle comes, Sorrow looks concerned towards the light show going on behind closed doors. "I hope he'll be okay too. There's been enough death today." It would also spill into town if Power lost more than likely, and then even more would die, so she really did hope that he'd succeed. And fast. The longer this went on, the more worried the whole town would be. Herself included, as she were already worried about Power, as well as what would happen, if their fight spilled into town. ===================================================================== (Blitz) Blitz decided to go with an orange, and a grape, along with the other stuff. Those tended to be fairly popular, and she could just drink the one Aurum wouldn't pick. As for the looks... What did she care? Wasn't the first time she had picked up food for someone else, and it wouldn't be the last time either. The meat part might be. Honestly, she couldn't remember all the stuff she had to fetch for some of the staff in the science labs sometimes. And sure, they did have lower ranked personnel than her, that could handle such things, but that didn't mean she couldn't be nice and sort it herself sometimes. It wasn't like she could keep track of all the times she had been either dragged out of the lab to go to the cafeteria, or brought something, because she were too focused on her work, and ignored her body loudly growling for sustenance, back when she were younger. Blitz would put down the food and drinks when she returned, on a nearby table, and looked concerned towards the scene in front of her. Nothing had happened since she left, which were good and bad. Good because it meant things were still stable. bad because it meant Power were still fighting down there, and the longer it went, the more she'd be concerned he would run out of energy and lose. Silver were probably more worried than her though, considering her daughter were down there, somewhere in all this mess. She'd wander over to her, trying not to disturb her too much, but she'd try to communicate all the same. "They'll be okay, Silver. Plein, Power, and Last- We'll see them again soon. Any idea how Power is doing?" She'd prefer not to see a visual, as she'd not be able to help anyway, and it'd just make her more nervous. Better to just ask, and try to help if needed. ============================================================================== (Archback) Stargazer listened, and were about to give his own opinion on the zebra, but the subject were resolved somewhat, before he had the chance. In his eyes, ignoring them were not a good idea. The more division, the more smaller factions fighting for power would be there, and the constant fighting were not assured to be only with the zebra. It would likely end up involving others. Both by them assaulting others, and because some of their own might be swayed to whatever cause the groups would fight for. They needed unity in these troubled times, even if he knew it were a big ask, considering the old grievances that still permeated much of the discussion. You could even see it here, when the mere notion that they were left to just handle themselves were brought up. Yet there were something he could bring up here, as the panel were open to speak about things they felt the council had lacked a response to. He'd wait a few seconds to see if others had their own thing to say, and if so, he would let them finish first. But regardless, when able, he would start talking, though this time with a heavy heart. "I have something, which have weighed heavily on me. Nearly five months ago, my wife Dreamscape were murdered. I were told it would be looked into, but I have heard nothing. I've gone and sought answers myself, yet I've not heard of others even being approached about her, much less heard back. It makes me frustrated, yet more than anything scared, as I daily have to worry that whoever killed her, will come for me, or worse yet, our daughter. I am... Aware, that there are pressing issues to deal with, and so I've tried not to be too inquisitive, and trust that I would hear something. But if you want questions, then much as I'd like to focus on the issues of others first, I would respectfully like to bring this up." It were a mess. Her death were not something that could just be signed off as an accident, or natural causes, with how she had looked when she were found, and he hadn't even an idea what faction might have hurt her. The zebra, the children, etc. were all potential suspects, and it pained him that he knew precious little about what had happened. In truth, he had heard nothing back from the council, or other guards that he conversed with. What little he had heard, were about a few places she had been before, on her patrol, and yet that had lead him nowhere, no matter how many stones he turned, or questions he asked. He were in pain, but he were still rational, and thus had not been too forceful. He would not use violence to get answers, nor pester the council constantly, when he saw that things were bad for many others too, but he yet grieved. His daughter did too, even if she looked happy and content, he knew better. She still missed her mother greatly, and the times when she laid in bed crying, hugging that toy bat she had given Jelly... It felt like knives in his heart, that he couldn't even tell her that the one(s) who had done it, wouldn't be hurting anyone else. And it felt like there were injustice in this. A well liked mother and wife, killed and left in the open, and what did he get? Some condolences at the funeral, and assurances that there would be answers, and that he'd know when they did. Yet he were left in the dark, and it were sometimes more than his good nature could take. Thankfully there were training equipment for him to release some frustrations on, rather than accidentally start to hurt others. Which he very well could, if he didn't keep himself in check. He were a big stallion, and it wasn't fat, that were lining his large frame. If he wanted to hurt someone, he were more than likely able to, even if he would prefer to use as little as were needed. Were he brushed off now, he would lose faith that the council would ever bother, and potentially end up paranoid that they knew who, and were protecting them, which were even worse. Not only would he have to rely only on himself then, but he would be completely opposed, and getting any answers, had a very real chance of putting him and/or Jelly in danger.
@Illiad Easle Sorry for another delay. My PC is being a naughty one recently. Had some issues with it about a windows update that didn't want to work with me, that set me back some days. I'll go and get a reply done. Sorry.
@Illiad Easle (Null) "They'd know better than we do, long as we find the right sort. Mom's a doctor, so maybe it's best to ask her, who we should go to." She weren't too happy to disturb her mom, considering she should still focus on the little ones, but when it came to this sort of thing, she could imagine that she might hold some answers. It were worth a try at the least, rather than having to go around and talk to a bunch that weren't gonna be much help, and might start to chatter about things around town. She weren't keen on being the subject of gossip. "That sounds miserable. I always assumed that all unicorns had like, a smooth handling with magic. To grab it and shape it like puddy, or something like that. Hearing it's limited for you, and causes you pain... I can't blame you for not wanting to pass that on. ...There's no way to fix it? I never heard of anything like this, but there's surgeries for all kinds of things. False eyes, living prosthetic legs, beings who get their soul put into a construct- There's a lot of things I've seen, that can change someone. I like you the way you are, but if this causes you pain, and you hate it, I can't help but be worried, and wonder if there's anything that I could do. I don't like to see you get hurt." She got the feeling the doctors had tried, but ultimately failed. Either him reincarnating would reset whatever changes had done to him, or there simply wasn't something to be done. Not surgery, not an artificial horn, etc. She hoped that were not the case, and it were more that they hadn't cared to try and help him, but she simply just hadn't the information to tell anything for sure. She were just grasping for straws, looking for answers that would help the stallion she loved. ================================================================================== (Ranger) "Never met her either, so what do I know? I can only go by what we were told, and it's hard to say what's regular cautiousness, and what makes one someone you gotta be extra careful with. We Kitsune are extremely curious, and it's way worse when we're kits, so we're kept well protected, and told many things we have to be cautious of. No one wants their kits to get snatched by poachers, and end up on some market. Though I do remember one time, that a dozen or so kits that had been stolen, were returned to the main village, by some pony from outside of Neighpon. It was a pretty big deal, so word even got out to some of the corner villages like the one I grew up in." Kozue missed his old home. It were guaranteed burned to the ground, as he could see the flames in the distance as they escaped towards the main village, when Discord's forces invaded, but hopefully someday, he'd get to see it rebuild and flourishing again. Wasn't a place with all the grandeur of the larger villages, but it was a nice, calm place, where life had been simple and straight forward. "I can handle some light. Let's see, how was it again..." Kozue shook himself a bit, and placed his paw under his jaw, looking thoughtful. He'd move it around a bit, a few minor sparks, or feint hue around it, before he'd make a slower motion, and saying some words in Neighponese. A small, glowing flower would form in front of him, providing some illumination, but it were less of a flashlight, and more a rather fine glowstick. It'd give them some light, but it weren't gonna illuminate a whole lot. Of course when he had done so, and were about to say something in triumph, the door opened, and he saw there being a whole hallway of candles, so it were lit up. So he'd just dismiss the flower, and silently grumble a bit, his tail swishing a few times in annoyance. And here he were trying to be cool... Kozue were way more interested in things as they passed, keeping his ears tall in case there were gonna be some noise, and otherwise look around, though he stayed next to Ranger, as did the paper fox, though both were obviously curious about the things they were seeing. Yet it seemed they weren't gonna be going and inspecting that right now. They'd probably not understand what were written either anyway, to be fair. Looked all sciency and technical. Confronted with a question, and a crossroad though, it seemed he were now wanted to do something, to which he had to scratch his head. "Uuuh... Not really, since I've never been here, and don't know what I'm looking for. But if we can find some paper, I can make some smaller, simpler constructs to run down the hallway, and see if they can find something? Unless it's heavy. Or do you mean just something that marks where we are gonna go, or like, something that can scout ahead? I can do something there, since I marked the caves I walked in before I got out and found New Las Pegasus, but it were mostly just marking where I already had been. Can you tell me what we're looking for specifically? It might help me think of something. Heck, if it has a smell, I can go by that too. This long nose isn't just for show y'know." ================================================================ (Cherish) "Well, I saw the sort she made at the party, and it was really good, so I'm sure it's way better than that. I know I didn't have anything good to eat, when I were on the run from Equestria at least." A mixture of increasingly bad rations, whatever were scrounged up in nature they passed through, and just simply days without food at all, were most of her experience from there, to here. It probably hadn't been much different for Teal, though at least things were better now for both of them. Not only food wise, but in general "I did exercise lots back home. But there's many ways you can do it. Pushups, running, something called *yoga*, dancing- Lots of ways. I think it counts, long as you get your pulse up. Or maybe it's when you start sweating? I never really thought about it, but it's about being active either way. I usually get that when I play with Crow. She likes it when we run around the dunes, or dig in places, or pretend like we're chasing the dune foxes, heh. But we're probably gonna be told what to do soon. Maybe we're going to run laps around the school?" Cherish took another bite of her sandwich, thinking over the many ways they might have some exercise today. Laps around the school made sense, as it was easy to do, and it did get your pulse up. She just had to put down her dress on her desk first if that were, since it wasn't nice to wear, if she got all sweaty. Made her all giddy, looking forward to them all moving about some. "And kiwi's are kinda weird. They taste good, but they don't look all that edible on the outside. And then you open it up, and you have to remove a big core too. A lot weirder of a fruit than apples." ===================================================================== (Grey) "I admit, it makes me somewhat concerned to hear though. If she were stockpiling that, and it gives you power, then it makes sense to not have that sort of thing passing around the kingdom. But what would she use it for then? Or was she just making sure no one could amass the sort of energy needed to pose a threat to her? Either, or both, sounds like it could lead to trouble." Perhaps he were just a little paranoid, but if a few slivers of the stuff had made Basher look young and energized, what couldn't say, a full set of armor of the stuff do to someone? That had to cause a notable increase in power. Perhaps enough to threaten the princess, and make her paranoid about others wanting it, that they might threaten her throne? Or was she gathering it for some purpose? Could be she were just making sure troublemakers couldn't get hold of it, and cause chaos in the kingdom either. But with some of the things he'd heard about the princess, he really couldn't say. She weren't as pure as her previous public image suggested though. He were sure of that much at least. Unfortunately, he were not familiar with the details of that story. He knew the name, and what made her infamous to an extend, but they never did any plays about Queen Geletine, and he didn't really like reading about her either. It didn't sit well with his pacifist views, to have to read details about her eventual atrocities. Though them not doing plays on her, were Cheshire's decision, as she utterly detested the image of changelings, that one had given, and she didn't want to bring up that tale on stage, and potentially have the locals think this were how they were gonna end up too. She tried to integrate them, not have them exiled from the town. "I hope he is more loyal to his own. Much as I'd like to talk caution, it's up to Bling to decide how to lead the hive, and she's put faith in him helping them. Which he have so far, but... I'll admit to being worried, that he might end up taking advantage of her kind nature. There's a lot who cherishes and relies on her. It'd crush them if she got hurt. Though at this point, it might hurt them almost as much if it turns out that he lied about the ascension ritual." "While I'm happy to hear that you're a bit more open about Grey Mare's leadership, that last part uhm... That sounded rather ominous, sir. Should I be worried?" He had thought they were making some progress here, and in a way, they were. He had a dialogue going, and seemed to get through to him about the Grey, so that was a good start, right? Then came the end, and he were talking like his second in command were about to start up something, and it concerned him. Enough to not back away from the door, and look somewhat worried towards Basher. Today might end up less calm than he had at first expected.
ooc OOC Deep Science 1x1 with Blitz Boom
Blitz Boom replied to Illiad Easle's topic in OOC & Discussion
@Illiad Easle I am currently working on getting posts out for you. Looking forward to the arc. ^^ I hope he doesn't eat another young pony. -
@EQ_Theta "My master had the same look in his eyes many times, when he asked that." Of course, Lin were not Discord. Omen knew that well. But the way Lin asked, and looked at Sen as she said so, reminded her well of her master, and when he would say the same. Which tended to mean that he would actively mess with someone, unless he got distracted by something, or waites for them to turn their back or something. Mostly it seemed to be a rhetorical question, in his case. Might be the same with Lin? She supposed she'd see for herself if it were. Omen weren't sure what reasons the elders might have to go at Zo, but if they had gone and done something to their parents, why would they not go after their grandfather too? But she supposed that they knew better. They had left him be this long, yes? So why would that change now? She supposed that made sense. Though if there were the mention that they would come after him, she would return and tell him right away, so she could get him away. Sen and Lin would not like it if he got hurt, and she had many, many places that she could take him, where he would be safe. Perhaps he would be okay visiting the kitsune? They were sure to be curious of his undoubtedly many stories, and they were far away from this place. They'd never find him there. A good backup plan, she were sure. When he put his claw on her shoulder though, she would do more than simply think. She's return the gesture. Sort of. As she did not have a claw, she would instead rise her leg up, and put a hoof on his shoulder, very gently. She considered using her tongue, but others seemed to give her strange looks when she did. "I am ready. Goodbye, Zo. We will see you after the meeting, okay?" Omen would follow after that, giving a wave in return, as Zo were giving her, before stepping through the gate. They would need to call out and find entrance to Mother, but if called, she would send word in the air, to go to the first pillar. The very first thing, that one of her children had brought to this realm, that she had let stay. Something for all those to come, to see and question with awe and curiosity. Mystril would bow towards them too. It made the mimic twitch, even if she were careful though, and she halted her movement, to not spook it off. "It's been a pleasure. I'll see you another time, but try not to make too much noise. It's skittish." The peace and quiet would likely do it good. And give her the chance to try and connect more. She'd need to, or it'd try to rush off, the second she'd leave the small safety zone that it felt it had here. It needed to trust her, if she were to get anywhere with it. If she made it think of her as safety, it would substantially increase the success in trying to domesticate it. As this were now done, Rusty would lead them out of the storage, and let out a small sigh when they were out. "This is going to be quite the thing to explain to the director... But that is for me to handle. If you would follow please? And you are correct, the princesses played a vital part in the unification. It is shown in the mural better than I could say with simple words though, and I wouldn't want to ruin the surprise." He would lead them to the side and after not too long, would have them passing some cases with ancient tools, past rusty shields and what seemed like tribal cloaks, made with cured leather, feathers, and scales. Quite large ones, not fitting a pony. Considering what else they'd be able to see as they passed the outskirts, they'd find these were part of a minotaur exhibition. After the short trip though, they'd find themselves at the mural. A majestic thing, made entirely in marble, and looking surprisingly fresh, and not as ancient as it actually were. A well preserved masterpiece, showing the three leaders of the equine races of old, with some of their subjects near, and the sun and moon risen above them. There were no depiction of the princesses though, beyond the symbols at the edges of the mural, representing their cutie marks. It were of course well protected by various spells, a special glass barrier, and a some nubs in the floor, that were likely also a defense system of sorts. There were a viewing platform, right in front of the mural. Room enough for ten ponies to stand side by side, so there were plenty room for them too. This were also the only angle there were not any glass around the mural, which had once stood part of a wall, that were no longer there. A relic from a bygone era. Or rather, the beginning of one. "If you would stand here please. When you're ready, look directly at the mural, and enjoy a little lesson in history." He would smile, and stand to the side. There were no activation word, or grand spell to be cast. The mural was enchanted to work, once it were looked at from the front, where you could see the whole thing. Hence the reason he would lead them to the platform. A few seconds, and they'd see the mural moving. The marble's colors giving life to the scene of Equestria's formation. And the words telling the tale would be told in their heads, narrated by the princesses, each telling parts of the entire tale. If they looked away for more than five seconds, it would stop for them, and it would start for them personally, when they looked. The illusory enchantment affected each individual separately, so it didn't matter if they were out of sync. The visual and auditory tale were for their eyes only, as it were. A brilliant piece of spellwork for its age, and considering it were perpetual, even after Luna had been sent to the moon, it were a breathtaking display of power too. Her being away for so long, did make Celestia feel the need to add a small additional spell over it for a long time, that made those who looked at it forget about Luna's presence, but with her sister returned and free of her curse, she had lifted that spell, letting others again know the full story, as it were written down in their storybooks.
@Catpone Cerberus Magma would find pause, trying to think over what she had been told, all while watching as Solar kept tinkering with himself. It were a rather weird sight, if she were to be honest. Like seeing someone operate on themselves in a sense. A little creepy she supposed, but the slight feeling of that, were overshowed by others, more notable ones. Such as sympathy, that he were like this in the first place, as she couldn't imagine this to be a state that had been easy to get used to for him in the first place, and in general thinking that this level of replacement had to have some side effects, beyond random orders being slung to him from who knew where. There were also a good deal of worry, due to his words making it clear that whilst he wasn't being controlled, there were still things that slipped through, which would attempt to take control. This one had failed, but what of the next? What if that one were stronger, or could bypass whatever adjustments he did now? Then they might approach the time when he had to be terminated, and she'd still rather not think of that scenario, even if it were tangible, considering the subject at hoof. More came to mind, but this were the main ones that rummaged around her mind at this time, though logic would dictate her words, more than her feelings at this point. She were still a scientist after all. "I'd think it possible that a part of your world ripped loose, and came through with that beacon still sending for a short time. However, it is also possible that somepony came through as well, and turned it off themselves. Which could spell trouble. Not to mention that regardless of where said beacon ended up, it could have landed on somepony, or the materials could prove hazardous for the local area. Have you any idea where to start looking? The signal have any sort of directional charge to it perhaps? Or some maximum range we can work from at the least? There is still a fair amount of time until I have files to sort through as is, so I'd be more than happy to assist. Especially in an important matter, such as this. I will admit to also being curious, what information you might else gleam, about the current state of your former capitol. It sounds as if things are in quite a state." ============================================================= @Catpone Cerberus "Diamond dogs are simple folks. It's reflected in their names too, but I was lucky that Dima had read enough to think of something more grandiose for me. Granted, I didn't turn out the way she expected, but I'd like to think she'd still be proud of the sort of things I can do, and still learn now, and how the descendants of her old flock are doing. It was different though. The way dragons are raised in the Dragon Isles, and this place, aren't the same. With dragons, I'd have learned self-reliance one way or the other, and rougher play. Pride and power is at the forefront both places it sounds like. Diamond dogs value those too, but not as much as family, being part of a community, and providing for your flock. It's why I integrate easier into regular society I suppose, and feel lonely if I'm by myself too much. Same with some of their customs, like how I bury the heads of my prey. I'd argue mine makes me adapt better, but your way... Well, I can't argue that it made you tough, and better suited for this place, but I still don't think it was the best for you long term. For this place? Sure. You'd be dead if you hadn't been tough, but... I dunno. I guess I just don't like how hostile this place is, and what it does to those like you, how have to grow up here." Different perspectives and all that did cloud her judgement on this, and she knew that, but still... It still felt wrong, the way that things were handled here. Less like a home, and more like a perpetual battleground. Which worked for some she supposed, but this just didn't seem like a place, where you were meant to live. It were more like... A post-war wasteland, where the strong and stubborn survived because they got nowhere else to go. Leviathan would watch Charir as he hunted, or she supposed, shoveled around the bottom for prey. It were kinda adorable really. It reminded her of seeing a smaller pup, that were trying their hardest while learning to hunt. Some fine energy, but a lack of the finer details on how to do it. He got the job done though, so she would smilingly give him that. She were tempting to also lend him a claw with his hunt, but he were doing well enough, and she didn't want him to feel like he couldn't hunt for himself. So unless he had some problems, she'd just let him go at this, and he seemed fine. Didn't need her to even chase any fish towards him or anything. Getting back on shore, she'd shake water off of herself, and go over to Charir. "That was refreshing. So, what'd you end up catching? I'm curious what sorta crabs or bottom feeders you might've shoveled up." She might need to dive down and get him something more, if he hadn't gotten a lot, but that were to be seen. Poor thing shouldn't go starving after all. Not long as she had a say in things. ================================================================================ @Catpone Cerberus She were none too pleased hearing what she did, yet whar could she do about it? Things had already happened, and her seeking any sort of retribution would reflect poorly on her, which would be disastrous, as Onache were aware that any sign of villainous actions, might well get her run out of her new home, before she were even properly established. "I'm none too pleased with this intrustion upon my territory, but I will lose more than gain, by trying to stir something because of it. Had there been eggs, the matter would be very different, but as it stands, excavation have barely started, and we have nothing worth stealing. So I will see past his unscheduled intrusion. This time anyway. As for yhat other creature you speak of, I can't say either way, as I haven't a clue what an Oni is. But perhaps it were afraid of you, if it didn't want to approach you directly, lest you seemed alone? Or it were evaluating how big of a threat you were? The options are plenty, but you'd need to know more about those creatures, to understand their motives." Onache would slowly stretch her wings and back, feeling as if she were all crumbled up, now that she were no longer dead weight on the hospital bed. Happy stood by, ready to go and intercept if she seemed to have issues, or were about to fall, but despite being slower moving than usual, Onache would handle herself fine. "And for the favor, I take it more seriously, when I owe a debt. Consider it a point of pride, though it is for you and Chega alike, to decide what to do with it. Yet you might one day find use of my skills, and if that happens, you know where to find me. Regardless of all this, have things calmed down enough or are things hectic out there? Guards on every corner, and heightened paranoia? Should I expect unrest, or have things returned somewhat to normal? I've heard this town brushes things off easier than others, when something happens, but I've yet to see so with my own eyes." The town had gone back to normalcy rather fast. Some murmurs and a bit of skittishness aside, life seemed to continue as normal, for the ponies of Ponyville. Perhaps being affected by enough weirdness by a regular basis, the last few years, had made them somewhat more hardened towards what ailed their town, once it were over. One might even say jaded, though in the moment, they certainly did act upon things. "Now this relative of yours. Why is she not with you? Is she a problematic kobold to jave around? And if so, to what degree?"