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Moony the Cat

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Everything posted by Moony the Cat

  1. 330768 Not really...i just wanted to draw him looking a little bit naughty, thats all
  2. 330766 Yay, im getting featured again
  3. 330762 Here : ( yeah, i know, some parts look a little bit strange...but im still learning how to draw...for many years now )
  4. 330733 Outlines finished for Raisings Picture
  5. 330714 No, you understand me wrong. I have the base of a pony and whoever would have said " i want " would become their own oc on the picture, since its only a pencil drawing as of now and i would change that to your oc. You dont get a random picture of someone elses oc . So i guess i will draw rising shine again , except you have another oc or pony you want me to draw...sitting on a sofa. I know i said chair before but actually it was a sofa.
  6. 330707 Well i used my internet history to find the request tread and i found out it got deleted...and i have no idea which name the user had..also the user had only that standard icon so there is no chance im gonna find him/her. Does someone has an Oc and want to have a picture of that oc? Like sitting on a chair? The first who says " i want " , gets it
  7. 330699 That moment when you draw someone a request but you cant find the tread anymore
  8. 330641 Even if im german myself, i also prefer the english sites
  9. 330638 http://www.bronies.de/showthread.php?tid=4484&pid=3186608#pid3186608 If someone wants to read it, or to translate it in google translate.I never looked what they answered and in dont want to know to be honest, i guess they ignored me anyway I didnt insulted the creator of the tread as i thought, i just said that because of him, the rpg had no serious rules anyway.Good Times.
  10. 330632 Hy Baysement. Hy Fillypino I know about old posts feeling cringey. ( if i understand that word correctly ), I feel so ashamed looking bad on some things i did. Specially the Bronies Rpg Rageout I would show ya what i posted, but its in german and i dont want to translate the whole thing. It was basically that people made fun of my character and even pmd me, how terrible my character was. Ad some point, i just raged out : How are you even attacking me? You said you were behind the door, youre not even in my room right now. How about you first learn about your own damn layout. And you, dear creater of this tread, you dont even give two bucks, for months if not years you say you gonna edit your startpost, how about, if you are to lazy to for it, you just give your tread away! Even I could be a better Pinkamena than you! You know what? Screw you guys! I dont want to have anything to do with you psychopaths ! Yeah, the posts was way longer than this
  11. 330625 Sometimes i read trough my own old posts on forums and dont even remember that i posted that I dont even recognize myself, i was like a complete different person
  12. Silent Hill Shattered Memories its actually becoming one of my two favourite games in the entire series I like how you can visit different rooms on another playtrough to discover more, that you not only can search for items, but you also can take photos of ghosts, to reveal more stories of Silent Hill, which reminds me of Project Zero ( or Fatal Frame in America ) . And the running Segments are just fantastic, they are scary but also fun, specially when you can kick different items on the road, to block the monsters and its so much faster than in previous games, where you have to walk trough the town, specially in silent hill 2...the town segments were so boring... Also i like that they are very long talking sequences, much longer than in Silent Hill Origins, where the dialogue was way to short between characters. So, i like it very much, but i havent played trough the entire game yet. Im still in Midwich Highscool at the moment. And to get ontopic : Yeah, im still currently playing Shattered Memories And Worms Open Warfare 2. And sometimes if i have the motivation, Rayman Junior again.
  13. I would say Females are better in pretty much everything, they look better, they act better, they are more clever, theyre awesome! But this could also just be my simple minded male brain perhaps, that tells me that women are just the best that could ever happened. But even if i look logical at this, it is most of the time that females just seem more logical and more in balance with their feelings. Some are more quiet and nice, normal and positive or seem strong and energetic. But never really like unbalanced or crazy or anything like that. Most of them are just nice and you can have good normal conversations with them. On the other hand, most of the males ive met are often talking about disgusting things, telling each other how they sleep with they girlfriends, talking about which positions they try, are sometimes just talking about boobs or butts and dont even speak complete sentences. Its just like : " Wats up?" , "Cool" , " Hammer " , " Hot " like all this one word answers.I mean its not that thats so horrible but often it really doesnt help me understand what they mean because they say cool to pretty much everything.Most of them listening to rap and thats it. Like these special kind of songs, where they talking about sexy women...like these really stupid songs. And some men just look always so angry, also most of them at my schools were bullys and just unfriendly in general, they did beat me up for no reason...i dont know.I never really had a nice experinece with them..most of the time is just horrible.. Of course they are good males and ones that can even speak whole sentences from time to time ( Nice males are for example : Markiplier,Jacksepticeye, Peanutbuttergamer......uuuuh......some users here... or this one or two guys at school...piedislikerswag perhaps? ) but in reallife..i dont really seem to find that much I just find, from my experience, that women are more balanced, are thinking more and i just feel more comfortable around them. And males did just bully me for half of my life...so there is that. :okiedokielokie: But then again, im not talking that much with people anyway, so....Meh.
  14. Im playing Silent Hill Shattered Memories now, which for some strange reason was the most expensive game of them all
  15. I didnt made my Character an Alicorn, but im actually going to make my characters so over the top as possible though. My Oc ( if i would draw it ) would be a giant demon/Dragon like thing But i still to this day dont understand who exactly Mary Sue is. I know it means overpowered, but who is Mary Sue? Is this a Internet Meme?A Movie Character? Am i the only one that has watched everything that was made before G4?
  16. Wow, she looks really really cute, good work
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