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Status Updates posted by RenaTheRagDoll

  1. the middle button of my mouse just broke :(

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Not good. :c Hopefully it was not an expensive one.


    1. aaronsnowden


      And you shall get it.

  3. Since i came back i want to make a new character, but i need help doing the draw, could somebody help me?

  4. Happyness covers me, I NEED SOMEONE TO HUG WITH GREAT JOY NOW!!

  5. Im back, really happy about getting back my password

  6. It happened long time since i was here, and a long history, i hope any of my old friends still here

    1. Snow Frostflame

      Snow Frostflame

      I'm unfortunately not. I'm happy to finally hear from you again old friend after nearly two years. Though I have moved onto another forums because I don't like the rules here. I tend to pop in, and out occasionally so maybe we can chat then... until then it was nice hearing from you again Rena... Also I hope you remember me... you might need to check my old user names if you don't

  7. Really sick :/ but now i have a notebook here so i can log on a bit

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Snow Frostflame

      Snow Frostflame

      been gone for quite sometime lassie. hope you get better.

    3. Snow Frostflame

      Snow Frostflame

      its been ages since you were last here, I only hope you are getting better...

    4. Snow Frostflame

      Snow Frostflame

      One year later and I still await your return my friend, and I will keep waiting till you return

  8. Im a bit unactive on internet

  9. Okay, i will deactive my facebook account, is too unsafe

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ponylaces


      I know, sometimes you don't know who to trust out there D:

    3. RenaTheRagDoll


      Meh, its the same now i dont have a facebook and i can get fun here so :D

    4. ponylaces


      Yeah! This forum is way better than Facebook in my opinion :D

  10. Weird people on internet made me choose to make a full private profile on facebook

    1. VitalSpark


      Weird person on the internet made me choose to make no profile on facebook

    2. RenaTheRagDoll


      I have one but im trying to put it full private so only people with the link can add me but i dont know how to do it

  11. Hi everypony, im going for a showe.... i mean.. errr.. get washed

  12. Im so sleepy, but i DONT WANNA SLEEP

    1. RrVPfX9cPtw59FpC


      Sleep is for the weak.

    2. RenaTheRagDoll


      Thats not true im very weak and i dont wanna sleep :3

  13. Worst part about sweetener is.. well.. everything about it

    1. Proton


      I know dat feel.

      I'm not diabetic, but I'm close to being one ;-;

  14. Can someone charge me? im feeling sleepy and weak

    1. Passion


      There's a very convenient contraption that magically cures tiredness and restores fatigue. I am most certain that you possess one, even! It's called: A bed :D

    2. RenaTheRagDoll


      Its like 2 metters aways from me and i dont wanna walk

    3. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Charge you? How much we talking?

  15. Can someone charge me? im feeling sleepy and weak

    1. VitalSpark


      OK. That will cost fifteen bits. Consider yourself charged.

    2. RenaTheRagDoll
  16. yay, i started a new rp, actually my first one, someone wanna join?

    1. VitalSpark


      Looks fun. I would join, only I've signed up for another one and don't think my poor little head would be able to keep up with two plots at the same time.

    2. RenaTheRagDoll
  17. Can someone explaint me how rp in Equestrian Empire works?

    1. RenaTheRagDoll


      Thank you, i still dont understant the cannon part, so if i take one character role no one else will? and how do i apply it to a rp?

    2. VitalSpark


      The idea of canon basically comes from when they were compiling the Bible. There were a whole bunch of little books and scriptures and stuff, and the church went through them and decided which ones should be treated as "the one true plotline" (i.e. the canon) and which should be seen as merely interesting light reading material (i.e. the apocrypha).


      Many works of fiction, such as Star Wars, inspire spin-off books, comics, etc. Fans (and occasionally also the original author...

    3. VitalSpark


      ...s) will classify these works as canonical or non-canonical. The canonical works generally don't contradict each other, and form the backbone of the fictional universe's history. Non-canonical works might contradict each other (because one author might not be co-ordinating his plot with another author) but they usually try to avoid contradicting the canon.

  18. Whoever wants to add me on steam my new nickname is "Rena The Rag Doll"

  19. Why do some people has to be so mean?

    1. Lisa


      Because the world's screwed.

    2. MarsMoonDancer


      They aren't worth your attention :) stick with us.. the nice people :)

  20. BLACK GRYPH0N answered me a message oh mein gotten im going to die

  21. Im looking for an rp about comedy or drama or something non violent at least :P

  22. Feeling really sick :S

    1. ponylaces


      Same :s

      Hope you're feeling better soon

    2. RenaTheRagDoll


      Thank you, huge stomach pain, i dont know why my sugar levels went so high

  23. Tomorrow i will make public first episode im making sub!

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