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Lektra Bolt

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Posts posted by Lektra Bolt

  1. I'll include that she was seeking solitude if I can fit it. Not sure if I can include it and still maintain the flow of the backstory.


    Thank you for the advice in case I need to drop Sparky for EQE. I will keep that in mind.


    Anything else you can think of while I go edit?

  2. Well yea, but like if I was forced to not have Sparky in her profile for EQE how would a workaholic character like this get along without him? Should I include he takes care of her, or it's assumed?


    I like how you she's a solitary individual, but I don't really wanna sound redundant.

  3. Oh that. Yea I'm not going with her trying to find work until she gets on the road and starts patenting.


    As for the magic robot, well worst case scenario I'll just have to settle for not using him in the EQE version. It would mean that she would be very disheveled, tired all the time, smelly, thin, and always needing water. Sparky cleans up after her, reminds her to do the basic life stuff, and cooks food while she's working. Lektra will work herself to death without an assistant. What do you suggest? Also where do you think I should include this information, if I should at all?


    I swear I'm not trying to hog all the advice. You're being really helpful and I appreciate it. This is the kind of feedback I'm looking for, so I can improve her.

  4. Most? What's missing? Please elaborate and I'll fix that up too.


    Actually she never had coworkers to begin with. She's always been a one mare thing.


    Are the weaknesses explained well enough?

  5. Got home and updated her, mirroring to EQE while I can. I figured people could infer weaknesses, but I put them in now. It was a bit hard to make her leaving home make sense, and that part feels a bit fudged to me.


    What do you think now Dex?

  6. Elder Scrolls. My friend can't stop talking about it and he constantly RPs it on Facebook. Not only does it bore me cause I don't know enough about it, but there seem to be all these things they throw in that by the sound of it I'd totally miss and not care. Meanwhile a "true"  fan of it should foam at the mouth.


    Sigh. I tried to like it, but I just couldn't be bothered to play all the games and look at the same tapestry for an hour to see the fan call out.

    • Brohoof 1
  7. Thanks for mentioning about reasons to leave. That's a good reason and I'll add that in.


    As for her magic, I expect people to ask about weaknesses but perhaps I should include them? The main weakness us she gets tired and can't just jkeep using her powers. Should I include this you think?


    The robot is purely mechanical with magic for artificial intelligence and transforming is also magic. Maybe I should explain it better?

  8. Why not. Maybe getting another opinion will help me pass the time waiting for the Equestrian Empire mods to get back to me on that version. The character is designed from the ground up with combat in mind, not just social stuff. Take that into consideration please.

  9. It's definitely not our world. I don't agree with people calling the inhabitants humans. I call them humanized ponies, or humonies. They have skin like their pony counterparts and yes, they're a bit too accepting of magic, something that isn't supposed to exist there. 

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