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Status Updates posted by CaptainDoubloon

  1. Just visiting after being absent from this site for two years. I slowly lost interest in the show but wanted to check on how the site was doing.

  2. I've back and posted a new blog on where I've been.

  3. E3 this weekend, yes!

  4. Just saw the new Pirates movie, it wasn't bad.

    1. PacificGreen


      I gotta start watching the Pirates movies. Saw the first one on a plane but that's about it.

  5. I'm back from an almost 2 week vacation and caught up on the last 2 episodes and well as this morning's  episode of mlp. I was so exhausted from the long car rides that I had to sleep in. I also caught up on the last 2 episodes of Fire Island.

  6. Counting the days until the new Mass Effect game releases.

  7. My computer died two weeks ago but now I'm back with a nice, new gaming computer. ^^

  8. Really enjoying Horizon Zero Dawn so far.

  9. My computer died on Sunday. >.> Sneaking on mlp forum at work, heh.

  10. Just saw the lego Batman movie. It was great!

  11. Buying the game For Honor tomorrow. Go Team Viking!

    1. Monsoon


      I want that game so much but I'll have to wait a bit until I can get it

  12. The new nintendo doesn't play the Wii U games. I hate it when companies do this with new systems.

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      This is one of the many steps back they are taking with the Switch and it irritates me. The also cannot use external storage like an external hard drive, the Wii U could.

    2. Untitled Goose Q

      Untitled Goose Q

      Hopefully, they'll make some sort of adaptor... but probably not

  13. Just saw on Gamestop's website that Mass Effect Andromeda will be released March 21. I can't wait!

  14. Happy Holidays, everypony!

    1. Lord Bradley

      Lord Bradley

      Happy Holidays indeed, my friend.

    2. Foxy Socks
  15. My oldest dog died while I was at work today. :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. That Guy with the CMB

      That Guy with the CMB

      ono Nu sorrow, nu worries! God bless. c;

    3. Malinter


      that sucks. I've dogs of my one and they are getting on in years



    4. CaptainDoubloon
  16. Guess what I've been playing again? Neopets.

  17. I beat the main story to final fantasy 15 last night.

  18. I just noticed I reached dragon rank.

  19. I beat the four pokemon league trainers, and then lost to the final person. Ugh! >.>

  20. Been playing Pokemon Moon a lot since yesterday, it's really fun!

    1. Dynamo Pad

      Dynamo Pad

      It's been a really fun game so far. I haven't gotten far, but I'm really enjoying the game. What starter did you pick? Also how far are you at in the game?

    2. Untitled Goose Q

      Untitled Goose Q

      Beat it over a week ago :P

    3. CaptainDoubloon


      I picked Litten as my starter and I just caught the moon Pokemon. I have the Pokemon League to do next.

  21. I was able to get one of those mini NES's today so that's how I'll be spending my weekend.

  22. One of my favorite artists, Pete Burns, passed away. :(

    1. Photon Jet

      Photon Jet

      That's very sad news...All we can say is he's gone to another universe, starting a new life as we know it.

  23. Bought a bag of 100 Grand snack size candy, it's so hard to eat just one. >.>

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