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Status Updates posted by CaptainDoubloon

  1. Just learned about Pokemon Sun & Moon. I'm going with moon version.

  2. I just saw a trailer on Netflix for a new, updated Full House series. Nooooo!

    1. J.T.


      because no one asked for it :P

  3. Just saw the Deadpool movie, it was awesome!

  4. I just watched one of my old Hamtaro tapes on VHS. I miss that show, I forgot how good it was.

  5. Listening to the song Forfeit The Throne by The Haven. Love it. ^^

  6. I've been playing the new American Truck Simulator game. Fun so far.

  7. I found a list of what pokemon will be in Pokken Tournament if anyone is interested. http://www.serebii.net/pokken/pokemon.shtml

  8. Currently logged into LoE on the amarica server, feel free to friend me ^^

  9. I'll be playing Legends of Equestria this weekend, if anyone wants to join me they can.

  10. I can't believe the Texas Powerball is at 1.3 billion, I'd love to win that.

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Meh...I know I will never win anything like that.

  11. I just realized January 4th marked my 1 year anniversary here.

    1. Ashen Pathfinder

      Ashen Pathfinder

      Nice; always glad to have you here. ^^

    2. CaptainDoubloon
  12. I'm watching the F is for Family show on netflix, it's pretty good. Also Happy New Year!

  13. I made a new Twitch account, not sure what I'm going to do with it. It's gothicgamer83.

    1. Shadow Dash DJ Rod

      Shadow Dash DJ Rod

      follow brony dance party. they do live streams like almost everyday

    2. CaptainDoubloon


      Thanks for the tip. :)

  14. Does anyone want to friend me on steam? Not sure if you'll find me under demonwolf83 or spyfox007. I'm using a wolf avatar. I also have my profile set so people can watch what I'm playing. I can show off my mlp mods I'm using for Skyrim and New Vegas.

  15. Back from the movies and dinner, I loved the new star wars movie!

  16. I'm going to go see the new star wars movie in a few hours! ^^

  17. Merry Christmas!

    1. Cookie <3

      Cookie <3


  18. I have the song Last Christmas by Wham! stuck in my head. 0_0

    1. Dark Horse

      Dark Horse

      No better Christmas song to have stuck in your head I say. <3

    2. CaptainDoubloon


      It's driving me crazy, I keep finding myself singing parts of it. lol!

  19. I'm excited, we finally bought a christmas tree!

    1. Wingnut


      Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree!

  20. Updated Doubloon's coat color, I was able to get the teal color I wanted. Check out my profile page to view it.

  21. Updated Doubloon's rp profile on her attitude on magic. One of these days I'm going to stop slacking and post a thread wanting to start an rp.

  22. I finally watched the new mlp from yesterday. My dvr for some reason didn't record the show. 3 out of 5 for me.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CaptainDoubloon


      I think Starlight shouldn't have been reformed. Twilight should learn that you can't help everyone.

    3. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      They probably would not know what else to do with Starlight had she not been reformed so I am fine with that, I just her being THAT strong with no real reason to justify it.

    4. CaptainDoubloon


      Yeah, I agree she was over-powered.

  23. Thank you ShadOBabe for this christmas avatar!

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