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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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    Drawing, gaming.

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  1. Welcome, my fellow swede =) Nice to know there are more swedish bronies out there.
  2. bwabababababababababwbwbabbwbwabwbab

    1. Iris_



  3. Cute stuff, I like the expressions =)
  4. No problem =) I'd watch you on deviantart or something but I don't use Deviantart anymore.
  5. I like the Winterbass OC one the most, happy pony in nice colors =p. And the "Kerriodoxa Elegans" one is cool too.
  6. Looks sweet, you have some nice art. I checked out your deviantart a bit too =). Your deviantart link on your profile isn't working correctly if you click on it though. Just try it and you'll see the problem.
  7. @@Dark Heart, Don't you think that getting rid of the core problem (unclear deadline) and preventing the issue from even arising is better than trying to find ways to work around the issue when it has already happened? Since the deadline was unclear we literally did not even know when "the last minute" was. Having to submit a few days ahead of deadline just because you don't know when the deadline is, is silly. What is "enough" time? Why would we not use all the time given to us? Especially in art where you can keep on refining and editing your piece into infinity. One person might finish in a day but that doesn't mean that it's "enough" for everyone else. I'm not sure what you mean with that. We don't want the same thing to happen again, that's all. It's not the end of the world that the deadline was unclear but it's not the end of the world to fix it either. And if it is fixed for next time there won't be the same problems next time. Information about what? Information on the internet may differ, and without having a shared source of reference we can't know if we are looking at the same information that the organisers of the event are following. If the intro post has clear information then everyone can follow that instead of every person having to go out to personally research what the intro post is saying. Agreed. And next time we can make sure it will not be complicated, and there will be no problem. We just had to explain why it was complicated, so that they understand it was an issue. That doesn't actually solve the problem, that's just a workaround. It's a good attitude for when things are out of your control and you have to make due with what you have, but a clear deadline is not something that is out of the organisers control and it's not a lot to ask for. If I know the deadline I can plan accordingly and I will feel the least amount of stress because I know what is going on and when I need to be done. Not understanding when the deadline actually is, is stressfull. This isn't an issue of poor planning by artists, it's an issue of a confusing deadline. The contest participants shouldn't have to worry about deciphering the deadline information, they should be able to focus on making their artwork. Agreed. And preparation requires information. Information is all we are asking for. This could have been solved by saving more often! Save multiple iterations too. Such as: Save_01, Save_02, Save_03, etc. You should never have to start entirely from scratch just because your program crashes. Save save save =) I hope you managed to finish what you wanted to do in time anyway.
  8. I feel the current way you listed the deadline is unecessarily confusing, and since understanding the deadline is crucial for even being able to take part in the contest I think you should have made sure it was a lot clearer what time the deadline actually is. Since it is too late to change now, at least please consider it for next time. Your current deadline information is this: "August 16th 2015 Please submit your entries by Midnight GMT+1 Please submit your entries by EDT: 6:00 P.M. Please submit your entries by AEST: 8:00 A.M." Ok biggest issue first. Dates. I read this and think, alright, so midnight GMT+1 on the 16th of august? ok! And another person thinks, alright so 6:00 P.M EDT on the 16th of August, neat! Third person thinks, alright, so that is 8:00 A.M AEST on the 16th of August. Sweet as! Except only the two people who decided to follow the AEST or the GMT+1 time are going to submit at the right date! The person following the EDT timezone will be too late and won't have a chance to participate in the contest. For it to all line up correctly you would have to say 15th of August EDT: 6:00 P.M. The way the information is currently presented it can not be interpreted as anything other than 16th of August 6:00 P.M EDT. If it says 16th of August, why would someone assume that, nope it says 16th of August but actually it means 15th of August? Personally I didn't even look at all the time zones you listed, I just picked the first one because I should only need to follow one of the listed timezones to submit my artwork on time, and I'm Swedish so that is the timezone I recognized. I was lucky that I picked GMT+1 to follow. Someone who is comfortable with EDT will look at the listed EDT time and try to follow it, and they will get the wrong information! Why would they need to cross-reference all the other time zones to make sure the stated deadline time is actually correct? Anyone who planned to submit their artwork according to the EDT times have been mislead with the wrong date. I hope that it did not affect too many people. Another issue is using "Midnight" as the deadline. Midnight could be either at the end of the day or the start of the day. What we need to know here is if you mean start of the day 16th of August, or end of the day 16th of August. That's a 24 hour difference! Please make it clear next time exactly what date the deadline is and exactly what time it is. Don't use vague terms like "Midnight". It could mean different things. Just say "start of day" or "end of day", or pick any other time at all other than midnight, and there's no problem. Instead of the list you have now it would have been much more useful with something like this: GMT+1: 12:00 A.M. (start of day) 16th of August 2015 AEST: 08:00 A.M. 16th of August 2015 EDT: 6:00 P.M. 15th of August 2015 OR Pick one single timezone for simplicity, for example "EDT: 6:00 P.M. 15th of August" And then everyone can follow that timezone. This way it is perfectly clear when the deadline is. No vagueness, no confusing mess of multiple timezones and dates. This is the first contest and there's bound to be mistakes and that's ok, but it would be nice if it's fixed for the next time. =)
  9. By which point you had already accepted to yourself that Tulpas exist. Since you already believed in them you didn't stumble upon one. Like you said, you intentionally looked for your first, and you found it.
  10. I mean that the people who make the Tulpas have the incentive to believe that they are real and exist. Which makes them biased and it's no surprise that they "find" what they wanted to find. If they don't believe in Tulpas being real then making one doesn't work, or at least that's how I understand it. I don't think I've heard of any case when someone stumbled upon a Tulpa, or found one without looking for it. I Agree, and I see it the same way about Tulpas, practically impossible to check if it's true. And for me the healthy thing is then to assume that it is not true, until some kind of evidence is presented to prove that it is true. Since a Tulpa can't be observed by an outsider I don't really know how it could be proven.
  11. Sounds like you're just telling yourself that something is real long enough for you to start believing in it. Voluntary brainwashing? It doesn't help that everyone who has made a tulpa has wanted to make one. How convenient :v I have read a bit about Tulpas before but it was all from one site (which I forgot the name of... but it was a site meant to help people understand Tulpas and how to "make" one). What I took away from it was that it seems to be an almost religious thing, or spiritual.. at least based more in faith than science. I don't know where most of the people in this thread get their information, and I'm sorry if I missed it, I didn't read 220 pages =[. An important question though (for me) is, how does the pursuit of having a Tulpa affect the person? If it does not have any negative impact on the person or hurts someone else, I guess I would have to be okay with it. I don't want to stop people from doing things they want to do as long as it doesn't hurt other people. It still makes me a bit uncomfortable though, in the same way I would be uncomfortable with someone claiming a ghost lives in their house. Or someone claiming to be psychic. Tulpas just seem like a supernatural idea that is then attempted to be explained scientifically, or is explained through spirituality and philosophy, which makes for rather weak arguments, IMO. Oh and I bet that this has been brough up before, but is it possible that people who claim to be able to talk to god are doing the same thing as the people who have Tulpas? Since people with Tulpas claim that their tulpas are real and sentient and can be talked to, it would explain why some people are so sure that they can indeed communicate with god, because they have created their god as a Tulpa in their head.
  12. I'm pretty damn slow myself, often taking a week to finish something =p. And I didn't mean to say that you were fast or not, it doesn't really matter, I was just trying to explain to him why he might feel slower.
  13. She sure looks happy, and or determined.
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