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Status Updates posted by SuperBrony87

  1. I did it... The finished version is here just pop over to the blog OC CONCEPT KOMOTO KRAWKIS HERE BE DRAGONS Blog

  2. Hello every pony <3

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. catnet


      Hey there! =D

      *hugs* X3

    3. Osseous Rex
    4. SuperBrony87


      So now that I got my OC design out which you could see if you visit any of the OC related threads in the forum. A few such being as "Review My OC" which might be something else realizing soon after I posted it I had this feeling like "Maybe this is meant for something else? another is the one about OC fanfic requests. and one copy is safely tucked into my blog. under HERE BE DRAGONS. It's the last one it's another first concept but I put a little more effort into this desi...

  3. Hey everypony come check out this OC idea it's in some OC threads and there's a copy tucked safely in my blog if you go there you could see it.

  4. Creating final draft image for OC idea... Front view I guess every pony who saw it liked it? So I'm gonna get started on the final concept.

  5. Idk how viewed blogs are on the forums. I realized I haven't added any Rarity stuff there since I put them in Rarity Fan Club I hardly shared any with the blog in fact i thought it was deleted or something for not showing up? Well I do have blogs and now there's 2 entries.

  6. Ok well if yall wanna see the post I was advised to post it in the blog. So if you go to my profile and look up Blogs it'll be in there. Thanks.

  7. or in forum's case... Lots of Brohooves. Come on Don't hold back! Give me your best shot. I'm a big boy I could take it.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. SuperBrony87


      well I can't show it here?

    3. Osseous Rex
    4. SuperBrony87


      click the words "This is an Idea I had for an OC"? you'll be directed to the post and included is the photo.

  8. OMG it's 2AM I better get to bed laterz I got a pic i think everypony will love... Get it? Hearts and Hooves Day?

  9. Why do I get a feeling a lot of the topics are "trap questions"? I refuse to answer any of them so should anyone else. I was obliged to answer the Asperger's thread becasue I have it... But the LGBT questions seem like any pony runs the risk of saying the wrong thing... Such will cause a fire I tell you. Trouble waiting to happen. If you must answer one think carefully before you type would be wise. We don't want rioits here. I mean the common sense in me is saying steer clear...

    1. Scrubbed user

      Scrubbed user

      Every once in a while, I'll post in one and just moonwalk away.

    2. SuperBrony87


      really? Just like that... Without seeing what follows or if anyone was taking it a certain way... You just leave it at that huh? How is "moonwalking" out of a room differ from clicking the return button? Look I'm just saying it could be a trap? I know all too well people talk before giving it thought. Ever been diagnosed with "foot in mouth disease" well rather than risking that bit of awkwardness I just as easily avoid it thus saying something stupid. Everyone will throw...

    3. Scrubbed user

      Scrubbed user

      I usually do give it plenty of thought before I hit the post button. If someone quotes me for a reply, I'll go back and answer to the best of my ability.

  10. So Hearts and Hooves Day... I think based from the heart shapes and romantic themes is like our Valentine's Day... So I saw a topic about the day... "What are your thoughts on Hearts and Hooves Day"... I think? So here's what I think: The day is a wonderful, joyous and fun time of the year for lovers for us guys to show her just how special she is to us by outright spoiling her for one day... Idk about you but I'd tell her "I love you" everyday not juat one day. I...

  11. Well cheers all I'm buggin out checking in Daylight. Laterz

  12. I'm gonna watch some movies tonite so I'll check in in a little and if I don't see ya tomorrow guys n girls. Brony on everypony. Check ya later pegasisters <3

  13. How would you imagine Bowser Jr would look grown up? I don't think he's entirely "mini Bowser".

  14. Turning in... Good night bronies... Check ya laterz pegasisters <3

    1. CC_Maud_Pie
    2. Po-Nonimous


      Good night! Rest well. Seeya tomorrow.


    3. 碇 シンジン
  15. So guess I'm a parasprite now? How does that work? Like what's next? Does it differ with the choices we made? or does it go by category?

    1. Po-Nonimous


      It's soley based on the total number of posts you put up in threads. The more you post the higher your level. Next, if I remember correctly, should come Butterfly. After that I think it's Squirrel (where I'm at, now.) I'm not sure what comes after that but we'll find out. :)

    2. SuperBrony87


      Not sure I wanna be a butterfly... Not manly at all. Squirrels are nutty... So is there like a scale table i could look at? Some warriors wanna be Infernos and some warriors wanna be Paladins ya know? Some wanna be Unicorn some wanna be Pegasus would be a better choice for this thread. And some wanna be ponies I guess?

    3. Po-Nonimous


      Well, unfortunately, Butterfly is part of the progression upwards. Besides, Superman liked butterflies and he's as manly as you can get! lol

  16. Well, didn't get much done today... There's always tomorrow.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Osseous Rex

      Osseous Rex

      Daily burn? Bro, I'm thin, not heavy.


    3. SuperBrony87


      I meant you could build muscles, like me... Fitness is more than weight loss. "Daily Burn" just what the program's called.

    4. Osseous Rex

      Osseous Rex


      im pretty uncommited.,

  17. Well, I'm off to do gym stuff be back later ponies.

    1. Osseous Rex

      Osseous Rex


  18. I'm back everypony... Also I've got some ideas for an OC I was working on I've decided to draw up some rough draft doodles then add them to my computer when I final draft them into my paint program. But you'll soon see I shall post a few examples and you all vote for which you like best... Deal? Can I count on ya? I promise it won't disappoint but if selected it will be the OC I will use for things.

    1. Osseous Rex

      Osseous Rex

      Can't wait to see it!

  19. I'm back every pony. Good Morning <3 hope everyone has a good day. BROFIST

    1. 碇 シンジン
    2. SuperBrony87


      Lst night was rough didn't sleep well I kept waking up here and there twisting to find a good position... Dumb cat was padding on the window and it's so annoying... mainly cause the blinds are waving about behind her. She's cute but has "outdoor withdrawls" she'd like very much to go outside but we live in a very suburban like neighborhood and there are other cats and she never stays in her yard. also cats end up dead around here lying on the side of the road I just ne...

  20. So while I am on it... Where or who thought of this Villain's Day? Where'd that come from guys? Is there a Hero's Day to combat this Villain's Day?

  21. For Villain's Day it's SHREDDER! Watch out every pony!

  22. Wait... Vegeta becomes a good guy later in DBZ so maybe he doesn't count as a Villain? Well here's a runner up... It's The Shredder another known Bad ass guy. for the MLP audiences I'll just use this cute little Funko version of him.

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