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Crypty Scribbles

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Everything posted by Crypty Scribbles

  1. It's nice to meet you here @Lorthalis ^•^ Welcome aboard to our train, you are just in time! I was a pony sleeper agent many years as well and came back to the mission a month ago. It was weird story tho... Have a nice day. I hope to meet you around ^~^
  2. Electric trimmer. You can go to an airplane without cans of shaving foam. Also wet shaving is always mess for me. I have an old dangerous razor tho. More like a souvenir in memoriam of my grandpa.
  3. Well well, I see brand new avatar here ^•^

    Nice profile pic

    1. TheRockARooster


      Thank you, Crypty. :Tempest:

      Same to yours.

  4. Welcome to the party @Music_Call ^•^
  5. @Silly Druid is right. Finding your group of friends - is the best way to enjoy being brony safely. Also following friendship lessons from the show is a good advice in general.
  6. Hello there @nuclearArchbun Welcome to the party ^-^/)
  7. I would take dis one! Yarr It shows a direction to your greatest wish. But what would it show if your wish is the compass itself?
  8. It seems forum was down for almost 24 hours -_-

  9. Luckily this forum is definitely alive But I still can not get used to it's slow pace: couple posts per day, users are visiting it once per week etc. I guess the working way to boost your social interaction is to DM to users who you like and maybe some of them will become your friends ^w^
  10. Hello, @Sodapoppies, welcome to the party ^•^ NITW is the best! "At the end of everything. Hold on to anything." Almost as good source of daily wisdom as MLP. ^•^
  11. @Arrlong28, sorry, didn't get you right. ^~^ It's nice that you have friend who's related to MLP in real life. =]
  12. Oh, site says I'm reformed now. What could it mean? :Thorax:

  13. Welcome to the party @Arrlong28. Writing to princess Power Chord sounds like a great idea but soon you'll get more pen pals here. I'm pretty sure ^•^ Even if you doubt that your English is not well enough (what isn't true =]) it's a nise place to train it!
  14. Ha! That's a story =] When I was kid I was limited in watching cartoons cuz the TV always was occupied by some member of my family. Then I promised myself that when I'll be adult I'll watch any cartoon I like as much as I wish =] So adult people watching MLP seems natural for me XD Welcome to our circus. It looks weird sometimes, but I'm sure you will enjoy staying here.
  15. Oh, so lovely ponies ^•^ @Worldie, I find your art style great. I adore the colour selection for Chicken Scratch especially ^w^ And, I guess, we should beware of walking ponies army now o.o Deadly adorable!
  16. Hello and welcome aboard ^•^
  17. Have never smelled it but sounds extremely romantic ^•^ Gas smells nice, actually. If it's not too much. It smells like a horse powers! Wroom wroom! Talking about me, besides obvious smells of food and flowers I enjoy smell of books. New books have smell of typography, old ones smell totally different but I love it. Also I like smell of pine forest, It's so humid and mushroomy ^•^ and piney
  18. Oh wow. I read this thread and can see that I'm not the only one. Thanks poneys, I love you. Well, actually I was in very similar story but from the opposite side. Long story short. Many years ago I had a good friend here who I truly enjoyed to talk to. But as my life in general was turning into shit with speed of Rainbow Dash some mental disorder happened to me and I was escaping to fantasy where our friendship may grow into something. When I knew she met someone special I felt like world was ruined "...and hurtful words were said, flaring temper were inflamed..."(one well known song). I told her many mean things. Everything were ruined pretty quickly. I stayed here couple years more and even met some great people who I grateful for great moments of my life, staying here were reminding me about my moment of shame so I quit, stopped watching MLP and even dropped my passion to art. I hated myself until a therapist gave me an explanation that it happened not because I'm bad person but because I was sick. And even if it strongly reduced the feeling of burning shame I still feel sorry that she was around when I lost control, she didn't deserve it. Well I learn my friendship lessons the hard way. >w< Meanwhile, it seems I handled my demons so the brand new Crypty is back again. Missed the MLP G4 grand finale, but still intending to have true fun ^-^ Cheers
  19. @VixyVixen95, by power of this thread, your snoot has been booped! Officially.
  20. Lots of labelled cardboard boxes around. Ready to move to new apartment ^.^
  21. Oooh, this is difficult one... UPD: Yeah, babe! It's "Party of One" s1e25 I'll give a bit more simple task for newcomers
  22. I add a lake of rum with lime trees around. It's a place for mochito life forms to be developed. Ice could be useful here, thanks ^•^
  23. I find this game is a great idea! Easy. S5E11 "Party Pooped" My turn. Why this topic is not in forum games btw?
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