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Posts posted by darkwingmare

  1. OHH, interesting thread! I hope I can catch some nice, rare but good animes here when the responses start to tumble in.


    WELL, my favorite anime are: Death Parade, Ano Hana, Ano Natsu de Matteru, Kaleido Star, Kobato., Princess Tutu and Yowamushi Pedal. I know that's a handful but, but I cannot decide upon only one as my favorite anime.

    Just to show off one of my favorite openings, I'll put this here:



    NOW, my favorite manga are: Fruits Basket, Detective Conan, One Piece, Gakuen Alice, Boku no Hero Academia, Gangsta., Ran to Haiiro no Sekai, W Juliet and finally Skip Beat!


    Just to show off some of my favorite hero babies, I'll put this here:

    tumblr_nf3lcbnPiI1qhmbkio1_1280.png+ of course 


    This dork.


    I linked all of these amazing series. Click either of them, and you won't regret it.

    • Brohoof 2
  2. It hurts in my soul to say this but... For me personally, I prefer brownies. Which is also constantly mixed up with BRONIES, it's kind of funny actually.

    I'd love to say that I like Twinkies more because I love the movie "Zombieland" and I would love to agree with my favorite dude in that movie about how great twinkies are... But no, brownies win this round. I'm sawry, pal.

    • Brohoof 1
  3. Um... This might sound creepy and superawkward, but I think it's kind of cute when people sleep??? Or when anything sleeps, really. Sleep is such a peaceful state of every living creature, I find it very adorable to see any living being in that state. It's like seeing everyone being as harmless as they can be when they're sleeping. Sorry, I promise I'm not a creep..  :rarity:   I hope that somepony out there understand what I really mean.




    Oh and I absolutely love moths. Moths are adorable!


    And deer are the cutest creatures there is, but I'm pretty sure that's not unusual for people to think. They're my favorite animal.

    • Brohoof 4
  4. I think it's supersilly to have guys hold back their tears and emotions of sadness in the first place.

    Back in time, it was manly to cry. Why did it turn around so drastically?? Of course it's okay for men to cry, they have just as much reason to cry as any animal, any gender, any creature in this world.

    This is also why we need feminism, in case you people didn't know.

    • Brohoof 5
  5. The worst food I have eaten is TOMATO. It's frikkin' disgusting and I don't see why people eat iiiit.... It's everywhere. I also HATE eating anything moldy, but who doesn't?

    Drink???? Probably any kind of liquid:y medicine.... I absolutely despised taking my medicine in liquid form, it was always as stomach-turning of an experience....... 


  6. We're way too polite and nice in Sweden, it's almost annoying. No one should offend one another so if someone actually offends someone, you can't tell them to stop cause then YOU might offend THE OFFENDER.

    Not exactly like that of course, but it's a pretty good example of what I'm trying to say here. Our kindness is so overworked on and about I might vomit!

    • Brohoof 1
  7. I would date Discord, because he's basically one of the best villains. On the other hand, it would have been pretty troublesome to date him since he barely knows anything about Friendship, I can NOT imagine that he would know much more about romance. However, he was so sweet and gave Celestia flowers in the end of season 4, so... HMMMM... Probably anyways.


    Sombra is a hottie, but he's also tortured and enslaved a lot of ponies, which doesn't really appeal to me to be honest. (BIG SURPRISE <3) I wonder if it would be the same possessive relationship romantically with him. Even though he's probably the most good looking out of the bunch.


    Now, Luna... Is a bit of a broken puzzle. She would also be hard to date, but way easier than Sombra or Discord. Also, we could both talk about our nightmares and be cuddly girlfriends.


    Starlight would be too annoying to date, I wouldn't know where I had her, she's too tricky. Also too obsessive.

    Tirek? UH, nope. Not in a million, he's everything bad ever.

    Chrysalis? She's pretty and all that but NO. Also too annoying. The fandom have made her ADORABLE with Fluffle though.... If she would be that kind of mare in canon, maybe, yeah. Otherwise, no.

    Trixie...??? YES. I'd smack some sense in her.



    Oh and I'm really just waiting for @JonasDarkmane to vote the first Sombra vote.. Even though I know he already have voted for Starlight. xD

    • Brohoof 1
  8. Watched a marathon yesterday and while I think it's funny and epic at times it doesn't really look all that great to me. What I've seen of Gravity Falls is way better.

    How many episodes did you watch of it?? If you don't fall for it directly, maybe it's not the show for you. I personally like it more than Gravity Falls even though it's a pretty close call. That's just me though! Everyone has different opinions and maybe SU isn't a show for you.

  9. To be honest, I think this is a really relatable episode for many. What she was doing, was basically self-harming, in the "magical" way she did. Many people self-harm to punish themselves or feel "better" for a while, for what they've done or for how bad they feel.

    This episode showed that self-harm only leads to worse matters, it only grows more within you the more you hurt yourself as punishment. Trust others that trust in you, but most importantly, trust in yourself.


    I can relate to this, I have self-harmed before because I wanted to punish myself for nothing I really had to punish myself for... It was back when it was really chaotic in my family and I had to act up as the responsible one for my mother.. Because she had literally lost it. I always did it to punish myself because I thought I didn't do good enough for my family. It was stupid and I regret doing that to myself even up 'til today. I learned to trust my mother(since she got better eventually) and my surroundings and promised my loved ones to never do it again, and I never did. Luna put too much responsibility on her shoulders and her pressure only grew on her, I can relate so much to her.


    I can also relate to her in a way that she has so many nightmares. I constantly have nightmares too, and I cannot get rid of them, unlike her. I still know how it must have felt for her to punish herself that way every night. We all know nightmares, they are horrible and to constantly have them gives you a fear of falling asleep. No wonder she constantly liked to visit other ponies dream, helping them out instead of focusing to sleep herself. She is really such a precious Princess. <333


    Now I really opened up in this post, however, yes, this was an amazing episode. It tackled things not many other shows have done, in a good way. It was hilarious and also very touchy-feely. And not to mention how very relatable it was to some people. 


    Oh and to respond to the "Celestia maybe punishes herself too" question, I don't think she does. She may feel guilt over things, much like probably Cadance and Twilight does too. But they are different kind of Princesses. Luna never really learned how to be accepted, trusted and loved like the other Princesses always have known, except for Twilight. But she has her friends to constantly remind her how much they trust in her. Luna has herself and Celestia most of the time, she hasn't understood quite until now, how free she really is from her past. It was a great episode, it really was. PRAISE!

    • Brohoof 1
  10. sig-3926889.dc0d58b81e7fdf9255590cce6cfc



    Sorry....... :please:


    I couldn't resist DW.............. :derp:

    YOU DON'T DO THAT..!!!!!!  :okiedokielokie:  *glares down*




    Oh and by the way, teasers everyone! SPOILERS AHEAD!

    This piece is coming up in a future episode this week, the full theme song for Steven Universe.




    Sung by the GEMS!



    • Brohoof 2
  11. Wait the Gem War happened thousands of years ago? I always thought Rose Quartz started defending earth when she met Greg Universe who shouldn't be anymore than a couple tens of years ago. Yeah I don't know the timeline for this.


    I would want to think that the war had already been through when Rose met Greg. Otherwise it all wouldn't have been so peaceful, getting Steven and all that, Rose giving up her life-form right after the big war? I think that wouldn't make much sense to me.

    Looking at how Pearl was dressed and how she looked like back then(the flashbacks in the song "Do it for him/her")  would tell us a lot. Pearl had longer hair than she's got now, basically as long as it was when Greg met them... Still, it's not the same clothes as she got when she met Greg. So I would say that the war was a few years before Greg came into the picture. Not thousands of years though. A hundred, at most, if even that...



    The new Steven Universe episode coming up named "Friend Ships". I hope that's another Larsadie episode or at least with one of them included or I'll be disappointed. Where's my Lars and Sadie at? I need them in my life, on a REGULAR BASIS or I'll go nuts!


    • Brohoof 2
  12. I dream nightmares a LOT. Since I was a kid I've been dreaming horrible nightmares constantly and I cannot get rid of them. No matter who I ask, I always get different answers for why I might have them and I've tried reading about how to make them go away but I can't find anything that helps much.

    Dream catchers work to an extent, but I would still like to have more solutions on my hoof.


    Do you often have nightmares? Anyone with the same on-going problem as me?

    Do any of you know how to get rid of nightmares?

    I know it depends on what is causing them, but I just need some general advice from a wider perspective. Lemme know if you got something.

    • Brohoof 3
  13. To be honest... Yes, some people are very violent against bronies. Because they don't understand us and what people don't understand is always seen as a threat to them. Or they will be scared of what they don't understand, but that is also why they defend themselves against us and use violence because we're different.

    Bronies are mostly bullied because they watch a cartoon show about colorful ponies... For little girls. Which is not "normal". Which would be referred of as being "gay", etc. And if you're gay, people get violent. 'Cause they definitely don't understand that term. Still. 2015. Get real people. I'm happy gay marriage has at least been legalized for most of you now! Congrats America!


    Getting back on the subject, no, there will probably be no shooting. I don't think many anti bronies would dedicate their time on going to a con and shooting people just because they hate the idea. Then it's probably just randomly because that person is mentally insane for real. We would just be unlucky if that ever happened.


    I just hope we can all keep together and keep strong, bullying is always wrong.

  14. No way in hay I'd sing in front of people.

    I love to sing and I do it on YouTube with ease, but going live in front of people would just kill me.

    I have a really hardcore case of stage fright and it's really not breaking up no matter what I do...

    What happens is that my body closes down for no reason at all. I really WANT to sing, my life could depend on it, but I still would start crying uncontrollably and my legs would start shaking. I just can't do it.


    I don't really know how to get rid of it. I just can't do anything in front of other people, even though I love doing it at home alone.

    I can't even do impressions in front of people without bumming out. I can't even sing as a joke in front of people without bumming out.

    NOT EVEN OVER SKYPE, with only my voice. Nothing. And I'm supposed to be a voice actor...

  15. Not many people understand me at all.

    They usually get offended when I'm trying to be nice, because I can't express myself the right way to make people understand that.

    I almost never mean any harm to anyone, and I never mean to hurt anyone or offend anyone. But others seem to keep thinking I do...

    I'm just bad at expressing myself in an understandable way.


    My partner has finally started to understand this though, that's at least one problem off my back. <3

    • Brohoof 3
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