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Status Updates posted by Shady23

  1. That new Red vs Blue trailer has me sad, Church can't die!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shady23


      Wash is awesome, and Caboose is one of a kind for sure lol. Church has always been my favorite along with Tucker and Grif. As far as freelancers York was my favorite but now it's Wash since York kinda got killed :(

    3. Monsoon


      Yeah the meta was pretty badass as well tucker is funny at times with the weird/funny catch phrase grog is also funny because he's lazy and York was awesome as well I thought the fight between the meta, the sniper guy forgot his name, and York and I'm excited for the new season

    4. Shady23


      Yeah I'm super excited about it, cant wait!!

  2. Not very happy right now

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mesme Rize

      Mesme Rize

      Dude, that sucks badly. I hope you find somekind of way to still live your life without any problems. :(



      Oh, this's horrible, hope you get a way to make it through this situation. :/

    4. Shady23


      Yea I'm hoping so thanks guys. Right now my best option is to find somewhere else to work I think.

  3. How is everypony doing today?

    1. Mesme Rize

      Mesme Rize

      Very good. Thanks for asking. :)

    2. 1Bit


      Doing very well indeed! Hope you're having a good day too :D

    3. Shady23


      Good to hear :)So far so good for me, just relaxing before my shift starts at 5pm.

  4. Goodnight everypony!!

    1. catnet


      Goodnight, and sweet dreams! :3 *hugs*

    2. 碇 シンジン
  5. Off work!! :) Get to do it again tomorrow yay...

  6. Working on a Sunday night, just so wonderful :(

  7. Goodnight all!! Gonna try to catch some zz's while I can.

    1. catnet


      Goodnight, and sweet dreams! :) *hugs*

  8. So it's 2:30am and I'm wide awake still!!

    1. J.T.


      Me too :D that's what I get for drinking moonshine at 12:00 :P

    2. Shady23


      Haha nice it's been a long time since I've had mooshine.

    3. 10InTheTardis


      It's 4:00 am here and I haven't gotten any sleep all day.

  9. I've eaten way too much the past three days...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Obstinance


      Have you tried uneating it?

    3. Mesme Rize

      Mesme Rize

      I would do you the favor. Not gay though. :P

    4. Shady23


      Haha yea no homo on that one Hypno. Gotta say the food has been worth it though, this is what happens when I'm work I just eat a lot...

  10. Back from dinner, I must say I have a good buzz. Luckily I had my mom to drive me home :)

  11. Going out to eat some Mexican with a cold Margarita :)

    1. Mesme Rize

      Mesme Rize

      "Wasting away again in Magaritaville" :P

    2. Shady23


      Haha now that song will be stuck in my head

    3. Mesme Rize
  12. Last day off, what to do??

    1. DemonicBox
    2. DemonicBox


      take advice from a 16 yr old < :3

    3. Shady23


      Lmao did that the past two nights, still a possibility though :)

  13. I hope everypony is having a good day!! :)

    1. DemonicBox


      Says the disguised chaos hybrid

    2. Shady23


      Nothing like a bit of chaos to brighten your day :)

    3. DemonicBox
  14. Having some nice adult beverages :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shady23


      Yes indeed it's a nice stress relief. Plus I'm watching a few MLP episodes with a buzz and it adds to fun lol.

    3. Shady23


      Yes indeed it's a nice stress relief. Plus I'm watching a few MLP episodes with a buzz and it adds to fun lol.

    4. Poetic Stone

      Poetic Stone

      lol...yes that does sound fun

  15. One of those lazy days, it feels so good :)

    1. Poetic Stone

      Poetic Stone

      I must agree with you there my friend it is awesome!! :)

    2. Shady23


      It is for people like us that have to work all the time for sure.

    3. Poetic Stone
  16. Vacations rock, no work til Sunday!!

    1. Poetic Stone

      Poetic Stone

      That is awesome, and yes I'm still up...lol goodnight

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