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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by Juggerpony

  1. Another day, another nickel

    1. Holiday Agnaktor

      Holiday Agnaktor

      Did you find one?

    2. Jeremiah


      wat nickel all i see is the sun

    3. Juggerpony
  2. Tuning in to movie!

  3. Hey, guys! excited for movie night tonight! Big Hero 6 is playing, I think

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Juggerpony


      I suppose i should have made it clearer. Bunch of guys watch live stream, and we all hear each others reaction to things, joke around with it, like in a home theater setting

    3. Jeremiah



      i feel stupid, sometimes i cant read

    4. Juggerpony


      No, you are fine. Sometimes I have a hard time elaborating.

  4. I wake up this morning to find..... 49 notifications in my inbox. Its going to be one of those days.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. The Professor...8D

      The Professor...8D

      buy some LCD monitor wipes I find those work best for a lot of things........

    3. Juggerpony
    4. Juggerpony


      Darn sticky key

  5. Well, I am off to create myself an MLP Vector on Inkscape! Wish me luck on creating the Juggerpony OC

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Jeremiah


      i dont even know how to use Inkscpae"!!

    3. Juggerpony


      Neither do I.....This is so comfusing

    4. Juggerpony


      Even more so than Blender

  6. Welp..... I've got nothing to talk about

  7. What song should we trend today? Smile song? Suggestions?

    1. Happy Spark is King

      Happy Spark is King

      We should do art of the dress

    2. Kawaii Besu

      Kawaii Besu

      When you're rife with devastation...

    3. Juggerpony


      Well, i am going to be starting the trend in about 6 hours, so I need to brainstorm. Art of the Dress would be a good one....


  8. A lot of cool, new movies just came to theaters..... too bad the town I live in doesnt have a theater. Welll..... darn

    1. Jeremiah


      that's life for ya, if only u had cinemas where u live.. i feel bad for ya

    2. Juggerpony


      The nearest theater is half-an-hour away..... in the next town

  9. Good Morning, everybody! What song should we trend today?

    1. Holiday Agnaktor

      Holiday Agnaktor

      Good morning! I have no idea. :3

    2. Juggerpony


      We did the MLP theme yesterday....

    3. Mrain901


      Let's trend... lamps! I like lamps!

  10. My Little Pony..... I used to wonder what friendship could be....... You all are here share it with me...... (Sing Along Song!)

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Juggerpony


      Good Job, everybody!

    3. Dark Horse

      Dark Horse

      Now do the full version! =P

    4. Juggerpony


      Enough rallies for today.... maybe tomorrow!

  11. And then there came a day unlike any other, when Ponyvilles mightiest heros ganged together to stop a common foe. And from that day on, they became known as..... the MANE 6! BAAAAAH BAH BAAAAAH

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Juggerpony


      Well..... NYAAAAAAN

    3. Jeremiah


      wat? i cant read that

    4. Jeremiah


      so u refused my offer with the Cabal, the Illumanti will be back and then you will beg to join to fight them

  12. Great Banner.

    1. Jeremiah


      that is what i was thinking..

  13. So, I have a choice to make today: Work on my book, work on a fanfiction, or write the blog for tomorrow. Any suggestians, guys?

    1. Jeremiah


      join a cabal..oh wait u declined...

    2. Jeremiah


      ok write a fanfic on a cabal

  14. Well, I am back from Easter Break! And wow, I am so excited! But I dont know why.

    1. JonasDarkmane


      Happy to start school again? :)

    2. Juggerpony


      I am Homeschooled online, so I guess so!

  15. Season 5 Premier was AWESOME! No character flandarization, everyone was in character, interesting story.... and a villain that got away!

    1. Jeremiah


      i second that!!

    2. Mrain901
    3. Juggerpony


      Forth! Oh, wait....

  16. I just woke up and realized, to my horror, I dont have a blog post for today

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Juggerpony
    3. Mrain901


      @SunsetMaster exploding isn't good for your health...

    4. Jeremiah


      screw my helath I AM IMMORTAL


  17. I need to create a pony OC for myself, and I have a good idea for one..... the problem is that I dont know how to draw on any online programs :/

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Happy Spark is King
    3. Juggerpony


      I guess I can do that.....

    4. Jeremiah


      good luck on thE OC drawing also do still supourt ATLAS?

  18. Have you ever had one of those moments where you wake up, and you know its going to be one of those days?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Juggerpony


      Yeah..... its going to be one of those days

    3. The Professor...8D

      The Professor...8D

      Here.............have a Pop-Tart...........8D

    4. Juggerpony
  19. You know, I was sitting down to drink some coffee, and began thinking about something. Something that would honestly change my life forever. Then, i brain farted, and completely forgot what I was thinking about. Thanks, ADHD!

    1. Happy Spark is King

      Happy Spark is King

      Dude i feel you that happends to me all the time. Without ADHD id be the worlds greatest philosephor

    2. Jeremiah


      the universe works im strange ways

    3. Juggerpony


      I know, right?

  20. Hello, everypony! I am the Juggerpony, Equastrian Army, speaking to you! I am so excited to be able to communicate with the whole of the brony community. I hope someday to be able to join the Brony Analyst community on youtube. But until then, i am going to have t settle with writing blog and forum posts. I hope that my time here can be...... profitable.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jeremiah


      i dont fight i live to fight and fight to live

    3. Jeremiah


      im lover not a fighter so does that count for anything??

    4. Juggerpony


      I'll take it!

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