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  1. Good to see you've come back.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Goat-kun


       But then you'll be saying: But Goat-kun, Genshin is doing the whole sterile corpo environment thing and they're doing just fine.


      To which I'd say: Yes, that's because they know how to consume old ideas and make them their own. They're mockingbirds, but only a good mockingbird gets the worm.

    3. Props Valroa

      Props Valroa

      Also by the way things around the forums have changed a lot since you've gone. We have a lot of new staff, the debate pit is gone, and instead there is a club called the Soapbox if you wanted to join. I remember you were in the Debate pit. I enjoyed reading your posts.

    4. Goat-kun


      It wouldn't hurt to join such a thing.

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