I'll start with myself. I was firstly an anti-mlp dude, because it was cool to troll bronies (reactions were and still are priceless), then I became one a year later outta pure joy for the show. I used to watch many violent and horror movies that later gave me panic attacks, combined with depression and wrong people in my life... I found my way out in MLP, I guess. It reminded me of the freedom of innocence, of being a child.
I'm a skinny socially-awkward dude trying to make a living in this lonely meaningless world.. This community helped me big time, and I thank y'all kindly for it !
My opinion on the fandom: Many of us don't realise this "war" with haters is meaningless. We are fans of a cartoon show, nothing more, and we tend to lose contact with reality and live in imagination in Equestria (and it is kind of weird to obsess over MLP as a grown up, but so are a shitload of other things). I used it as an escapism too, but we need jobs and educations in order to survive. Many of us get our bills payed by our parents, just so we can imagine ourselves as perfect beings (ponies).
A part of the fandom consists of kids, that need to realise that gay and autistic are not insults, and stop giving in to trolls. A lot of folks need to get in touch with their real selves,to watch in the mirror and not on their online persona.
Yeah.. That's how I see it, this is my opinion. I don't mind the cloppers, only the perverts posting pics of them having sex with plushies. It shouldn't bother me really, because it's not like they are in the same "family" I am, we're just talking on a forum about a passion we share. But expectations screw me over too !