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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by TwilightTheLeader

  1. WATCH ME STREAM/BROADCAST AT www.younow.com/Anime.Nerd

  2. HEY Guys Come watch me Live/ Streaming www.younow.com/Anime.Nerd

  3. DUDES COME JOIN MY ANIME SHOW IM WATCHING CLICK THE LINK WILL YA!!! https://www.watch2gether.com/rooms/1mts1j1kb8z1lmaz

  4. Life has just been super bad for me lately. haven't had much of the strength to do anything. Just really majorly Depressed.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TwilightTheLeader


      do you have a skype or something i cant talk aobut it on here

    3. Lady Diana
    4. Malinter


      We all have moments like that


  5. They call me Sailor Moon!

  6. i love my Shining he is my shining!

  7. I am a Rarity of the highest Fashion and Beauty!

  8. I am Discord and your all just puppets in my master plan! some times thats all i think about

  9. happy birthday to my best friend katleyn/ wales

  10. poopy I am back !!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TwilightTheLeader



    3. TheLegoBrony


      on my profile theres a link which will take you to a blog post of mine showing my new jacket

    4. TwilightTheLeader
  11. *opens eyes looks around all sleepy* that's was a good nap!

  12. wow he really stared something

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LittleMac


      Is this that madjack guy again? >=(

    3. TwilightTheLeader


      This has nothing to do with you madjack so goaway

    4. Jeremiah


      ok, well hope your mood improves, i guess.

  13. anyone on the forums willing to message my best friend on facebook or skype and talk to her and help her. she really needs it.

  14. Im very mad today. but dont fret my pretties i will still be the same old angel neekan!

  15. just got the new MLP themed absoulty discord collector gaming cards :)

  16. Is crying!!! He really hurt my feelings!!!! i never knew i could hurt so much i think i need to delet my account and go back into hiding

  17. Going to do some acting with my best friend

  18. Oh my thank you soooooooo much for adding me I can't waite to become friends with someone as beautiful and kind as you.

    1. LittleMac


      The feeling is certainly mutual :)

  19. Do I come across as too nice? Because sweeties I'm just being my self.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. TwilightTheLeader


      I will pm you my age

    3. TwilightTheLeader


      I will pm you my age

    4. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      *hugs =)=)=)=) i dont think you can be too nice =)=)=) its always happy to see when people are nice with eachother and kind *hug =)!

  20. Awww what a sweetie. Thanks for the add. :) i really hope such a kind hearted person such as your self becomes one of my greatest friends. *hugs* here's to new friendships growing between us.

    1. Deano


      No problem! I love making new friends xD *hugs*

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