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About CoconutCola

  • Birthday 2001-11-11

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    I don't even like soda.

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    Equestrian Empire Roleplay

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  1. omg yay, pangender pride!! i like seeing some of the ''lesser-known genders'' being represented. 

  2. Writing a screenplay idea out that i came up with a couple of days ago. Or stressing about school starting so soon. But nope, tumblr and fall out boy is for me right now. Hey, maybe I should be writing my own songs right now? Nah, my ADHD isn't gonna let that happen. =')
  3. Haha, I'm into some pretty bad music honestly. Or at least that's what my dad say but what does he know? He's 33. Some of these aren't bands per se, but individual artist but... eh? Fall Out Boy Panic! At the Disco Studio Killers Marina and the Diamonds Rammstein My Chemical Romance Evanessence
  4. I really don't care, but I do think that "Rainbow Power" is the stupidest thing on the planet. It looks dumb. It is dumb. Keeping the elements would've been a wiser decision then creating the abomination known as Rainbow Power. (Plus... Rainbow Power? They could have been a little more creative honestly :/)
  5. The good ol' U S of A, filled to the brim with narcissistic, gun toting white guys in cowboy hats. Well- maybe that an exaggeration but you know. More specifically im from California. I live in a rather cold area in comparison to the rest of the state, but it hasn't been very cold lately. It's been three years since we had to water down the car because it froze over- and then watch the water we just sprayed on freeze over on the windsheild before my very eyes.
  6. Either all dragons are Agender,their entire race is male and the reproduce asexually, or the species is very male-dominated. But I guess we won't know until the show tells us.
  7. Is staying up all night reading fan fiction a good idea? No! Did I still do it? Yes! Did I learn my lesson? Probably not!

  8. In between, but I've been more extroverted in recent years. Not that I don't need my alone time, too!
  9. Every few months when my hair gets too long. My definition of "Too long" is when I can put it into a pigtail, so I like it short as possible.
  10. They were always really "Detached from relatability" in the sense of status, with them being the saviors of Equestria and all, but they still had their normal pony lives in Ponyville, and that's still an aspect of the show. So no, they're not any less relatable than they already were.
  11. If that happened, I'm cool with it. It would have ended in a very good spot, and as long as they don't fuck up the ending entirely, I'd be chill with it, and wait until Gen 5. Of course, there would be one a-hole who freaks the hell out over the show ending, probably throw a huge temper tantrum and will take their place amoung the ranks of "Things that give the mlp fandom a really bad rep". But I doubt the show will be cancelled after seaon five, (They're making money off it, so,), leaving the question of who will be the major tantrum baby of the fandom, up for speculation. But I don't see anyone fitting the description for that yet. Except maybe Chris-Chan.
  12. I finished LittleBigPlanet3 a little while ago and I cried really hard. ;u; (I'm such a crybaby)

    1. Standard User

      Standard User

      Gah, I never finished that game and I leave for university in a few days! :(

  13. I once ate a raw potato my dad had like, whittled into the shape of an apple slice, I don't know. I remember my parents laughing at me as little me sat there, wanting to cry from humility. wow my parents are asses. Wasn't really on accident but still.
  14. The Simpsons has been on the air for so long, it's gone through seasonal rot at least four times, same with Family Guy. Now it's like that granola bar you spilt water on by accident and dropped behind your bed: disgustingly bad and no one wants to look at it or touch it. It used to e good, but now it has three different kinds of mold on it. But what fox did, is they kept the old moldy granola bar. No one knows why, they just did. So now, we have to wait until that granola bar is all sludge and has to be thrown out. Unless it already has, I don't keep up with shitty tv shows, you see.
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