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  • Best Pony
    Pinkamina Diane Pie
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  1. My list. In green the episodes I enjoy the most, in orange the meh section with average episodes for which I didn't care very much but were still enjoyable, in red the ones I don't plan on rewatching any time soon 1. Fame and Misfortune : Just a crazy crazy ride. Lot of humor, very meta, a really good and catchy song (reaffirming the flaws of the characters and why we love them) and all of this packed with a great moral about criticism and how to react to it which is a lesson I can relate to completly. A really strong episode what I can watch again and again without it becoming stale. Best episode of the season for me. 2. Discordant Harmony : Really good episode solidifiying the friendship between Flutter and Discord. The conflict was good. The humor too. And the moral was a great one. I don't really what else to say... It was just a very good episode all in all. It was sweet to see how far Discord could go to "please" Fluttershy and to don't lose her... and to see how far Fluttershy can go to stop Discord from fading away. 3. Shadow Play - Part 2 : Pros : Good use of the M6 and Starlight, good and believable conflict, expansion of the lore which was nice. Cons : Some pillars were under used, the Pony of Shadow was a lackluster vilain which posed no real threat and with a goald I didn't even understand that well... I didn't understand what he wanted to do, nor how he wanted to do it. But all in all it was a good finale even if there wasn't enough time to really tell the story proprely. 4. A royal problem : It was sweet to see the continuation of the sisterly relationship between Luna and Celestia after Slice of Life. A good episode showcasing Celestia's and Luna's characters, the upsides and the downsides of their missions and dwelled a bit more on both sisters... which was long overdue for Celestia. It was nice to see that both of them are real ponies even if they are princesses of Equestria and centuries old. Starlight and Twillight were on point as well. 5. The perfect pear : Some parts were real great (Big Mac demanding more stories about his father for example). And I really liked the subtlety of the evocation of the death of the Apple's parents. The fact that it used Ms. Cake and Mayor Mare as a part of the story were also great points and it felt very organic and natural. The song was also cool. But the story felt a bit cliché all in all and some little things were really a bit too much for me : the fact that Pearl Butter was good at figuring people talents was... really stupid and just here to create some sort of connection with Apple Bloom but it would have been better without. The story of Burn Oak was also a bit weak. And the ending even if nice was a bit weird... since it implies that Granny Smith or anyone else for that matter didn't ever saw that tree in the middle of their own farm (AJ don't ever recolt the apples from the nearby trees ?). 6. It isn't the mane thing about you : The beginning of the story was very misleading for me. With the classic and cliché misunderstanding which started the whole plot (Oops, I mistake your bottle for mine) I was expecting a really bad episode. In fact it was pretty decent. A bit slow sometimes but it was a good showcase of Rarity as a character and had a great moral. A really solid episode this season. 7. Marks and Recreation : Cool premise. A bit slow at time but pretty solid. Good resolution. Good song. I think Marks and Recreation was a better CMC episode than The Fault in our Cutie Mark and Rumble was an interresting client. Humor was great and the story was relatable for anyone struggling to find that they want to do in the world... and who are afraid to be stuck doing one thing all of their life without the possibility to do anything on the side. 8. Celestial Advice : It was an interresting look on Celestia as a character. Discord was a bit too much in this one but the conflict was interresting, the resolution was pretty good with Twillight willing to let got of Starlight but Starlight deciding to stay a bit more and all in all it was a pretty good follow-up to the season finale of the former season and a good introduction to the new season. 9. Uncommon bond : Good moral. Trixie and Maud were as good as ever. Sunburst finally have a more proeminent role after The Crystalling. In short it was a good episode. Nothing really to say about it in fact. It was just cool. 10. All bottled up : The M6 story was cool, a good musical number with a good jab to the show premise. The part with Starlight and Trixie offered a good moral, and a good dynamic between the two friends. Plus it was a relatable episode... Friends aren't flawless people who only do things you will like. Friends are people who you think are worth putting up with their shit because the upsides outweight the downsides. And it's cool if you say to your friends what what are doing is dumb, because they are your friends and will listen and try to act a bit differently in order to be a bit less sufferable... at least for some time. The only real flaw I have with this episode and Trixie being able to make the map disappeared. It was... it was very strange and dumb. 11. Shadow Play - Part 1 : Not the most exciting first part of a two parter we got. It was more or less filled with the M6 going to retrieve the items of the Pillars. Some of these missions were pretty good (Fluttershy and Rainbow/Spike were the best) but Rarity's mission was too fast and anticlimatic, Pinkie's mission was really too fast to even care about and AJ's story was... yeah... weird (still cool to see again the archeology pony we saw the CMC help in an earlier episode). It was mostly a setup for the second part but didn't really offer anything at all in itself... The retrieve missions could have been an episode each through out a season... here it was a bit wasted. 12. A Flurry of emotion : A story a bit on the repetitive side (Twillight go somewhere, Flurry do something, Twillight apologize again and again) but the plot about Cadance and Shining was funny. The moral... at least a bit relatable if not that good and Spike and Pikie were great in it. Flury was also a great character, I especially liked the scene with the Cake twins with Flurry triying to solve the problem on her own but failing. 13. A Health of Information : All the characters were good in this story. But the resolution was anticlimatic and the lesson (which was really good) was lost a bit during the episode since Fluttershy didn't take a break because she wanted to but because she was forced to do so... because she was sick. The legend was cool, second best behind Mistmane. The begining of the story was dumb nonetheless and it's maybe the weakest point of this story : Zecora reason to become sick was contrived... Fluttershy could have just fly rather than letting Zecora struggle to take the plant for no reason other than to move the plot forward. 14. Not asking for troubles : Weak premise. The story felt just very long and very repetitve during the middle of it. Pinkie's antics saved the episode for being utterly boring at least especially the scenes in the ballon which were the best part of it. Nothing really special. The lesson was also a bit... strange. I didn't really understand what they were going for with that. 15. Secret and Pies : The premise of this episode was clearly not enough to fill an entire episode of the show. It felt weak and tiresome to sit during this one. The resolution was... very weird. Didn't really know what they were going for with that (it would have clearly been better if Rainbow's would have just decide to eat one of Pinkie's pie to make her happy... and Pinkie stopping her to do so because of her new knowledge of Rainbow disliking pies in general...). Some of the humor was funny and Pinkie's antics were good at least so I put this episode a bit higher than the other episodes on the list. 16. Triple Threat : Really basic premise and sometimes the story is a bit painful to watch unfold since I saw this kind of "misunderstanding" a lot of time in a lot of shows. The map calling Spike didn't really make sense at all in the context since it wasn't Spike which solved the conflict in the end but Ember and Thorax... so... the fuck map ? Still this episode get Ember and Thorax right, and their dynamic was pretty good. Plus all the Ember's gags were on point especially her mistaking Starlight and Twillight. 17. Once upon a zeppelin : Didn't understand the need of the return of Iron Will. This character is just obnoxious and in addition continually screaming which make him one of my least favorite character on the show. It was cool to see the Sparkle Familly interract with each others (especially love Twillight Velvet and a daring do persona which was a nice touch) and Spike was on point in the intro but at the same time the fanpony was just too much for me to handle and Shining's running gag about air sickness kill the episode for me. It was never that funny. Still cool to see the whole familly on a cruise. 18. To change a changeling : Boring episode. The only redeemable quality of this episode was Trixie and her banter with Starlight. Sometimes it was a bit too much, but it kept the story afloat since without her it would just have been boring. The fight at the end was pathetic and no effort watsoever was made to make it look good... a shame since it was the big climax, the backbone of all the narration since it was the point where Pharynx point of view was justified, and what the story was leading to since the beginning of the episode. In addition the humor was... really lackluster. 19. Rock Solid Friendship : The episode could have been great. But Pinkie Pie characterisation was thrown out the window in this one to make her as antagonistic as possible. She was straight up obnixious and it's saying something since I just love Pinkie Pie and even found her bereable in Filly Vanilli (which is saying something since a lot of people didn't like Pinkie's behaviour in this episode). Pinkie's obnoxiousness make this episode unwatchable for me even if some good ideas were thrown in there. 20. Parental Glideance : The story could have been great. Some of the humor worked. But the moral was bad. The episode didn't say enough about how Rainbow's parents behavior was wrong instead focusing most of the fault on Rainbow... which had her faults in all of this but not most of it... Plus Rainbow's parents were very obnoxioux during all the runtime of this episode. I didn't really find them endearing at all... just very cringy and not likeable at all. They almost killed someone with a firework and it wasn't really adressed at all. For me it was a worst episode than Newbie Dash so I don't really understand how so many people liked it and didn't like Newbie Dash which was less cringy and less on the nose than this trainwreck. 21. Daring Done? : Contrived as hell. An obvious vilain which make the reveal scene totaly dumb (no shit, it was Cabalerone ? Who would have guessed ? ... =_=) . The good concept of Daring Do doing bad stuff in order to do good deeds which was the interesting part of the episode was pushed to the side until a fast and weak resolution at the end because the writters needed to shoehorn the nonsensical moral about "hope" and "leap of faith" which didn't really have all that much to do with anything in the story. And to complete the picture of why this episode failed... Daring Done? is also the episode with the stupidest and badly written scenes in all the season : the kidnapping of Rainbow was laughable espiecally considering Pinkie and Daring were two feets away doing... I don't really know... walking ?..., the scene were Pinkie and Rainbow goes "Oh look ! We found Daring" in the hostel was incredibly dumb and was basicaly the writters saying "well the scene with the owner of the hostel is over... what to do next ?" and the rescue scene with the... steam thingy in the green goop is one of the dumbest thing I ever saw on the show... It don't even make sense : how is it a leap of faith ? Shouldn't Pinkie and Daring saw the thingy in the green goop ? Wouldn't they think about using them rather than just jumping blindly in toxic liquid without even considering the steam things to be useful ? And why don't we see these contraptions in the other scenes ? It's just plain stupide. At least the animation of the legend was... cool. 22. Campfire Tales : Boring episode. Scootaloo characterisation was just plain stupid and too over the top (she was way too scared and Apple Bloom and Sweetie not at all) and it was painful to watch her be reduced to this trope of the "scaredy cat" which don't even really make sense with what we know of Scootaloo and the events of Sleepless in Ponyville. The resolution was dumb and weak (let's jump in the water... wait, what ?). The legend were not that great : Rockhoof is the worst one with very little to offer, Flash Magnus is barely average... The only redeeming quality of this episode and why it is so high on this list is the story of Mistmane which is by far the best thing Campfire Tales has to offer. 23. Honest Apple : AJ was unbearable in this one. The concept was dumb (they tried to explain why Rarity would ask AJ to be a judge... but in the end I wasn't really convinced by her compeling arguments... plus aren't judges supposed to judge the dresses at the end of the fashion show ? Isn't it the point of competition ?). The humor fell flat. And even the best scene of this episode "Hard Rock Rarity' was poorly put together. It was just a WTF moment during five seconds and wasn't even that well animated. 24. Forever Filly : Two plots. Both equally boring. The moral was good I guess, but I start doing something else at the same time in the middle of this episode since it couldn't really hold my attention at all. All of the story seem really contrived. You can see how the story will end from miles away (the dog and Sweetie will be paralleled in the end, big surprise). And the ice cream shop scene still baffles me... I know the size of this ice cream is exaggeratedly small for comic value but... it's a bit too much and only make Rarity look like a total moron. I need a bit more than Rarity being cute in a disguise to liked an episode. 25. Fluttershy Leans In : Even more boring than Forever Filly. Yeah, it's possible. Nothing really happen during the runtime and could have been sum up in five minutes flat. A weak conflict. Weak antagonists. Forced storyline which didn't really make sense (why hire a specialist of cages, a pony who kow how to decorate homes and someone who build real buildings to build an animal sanctuary ? They are no experts at all in this area). In short, an episode I didn't care for. And it's no different today. 26. Hard to say anything : Don't even know why this episode exist. Not pleasant in the slightest, dumb and a bit on the uncanny side when you look at the situations with the eyes of an adult. One episode about romance was more than enough in My little pony... Plus Big Mac and Sugar Belle ? Really ? They didn't really have any chemistry in the episode which warranted me to root for this couple to win in the end.
  2. Basically a lot of the Pinkie Pie stories lessons helped me to grow as a person :3 But in my defense five years ago I was childish, overt the top and not that mature. Now I'm still a child in the body of an adult, I still enjoy being random, having fun and making lot of new friends but I've also become a bit more mature in some area and especially emotionaly speaking. Party of one taught me to try to resist to my paranoid delusion whenever one of my friend don't answer to me instantly. I'm much more chill in this area thanks to this episode and don't go anymore on a rampage after merely one hour of radio silence. Too many Pinkie Pies even if the lesson was deemed simple by many hit really close to home for me since basically before this episode aired I had a really hard time making choices when it came to friendship. For example I wasn't afraid to stay up for three days straight in order to going out with all of my friends, packing my planning without an hour to breath or sleep... Going bowling with one group, then drinking all night with another before using my morning to walk in a park with another friends, then having lunch with someone else, then going to the theatres and so on... After this episode I became a bit more careful to manage my health and not going overboard like this too often... and too just choose my activies and the friends I want to spend time with rather than just cram everything without thinking about how bad the consequences would be for me. Pinkie Pride taught me to don't freak out too much when one of my friend declines one my invitation because he wants to spend time with someone else. Maud Pie to don't force friendship between two of my friends just because I want to hang around with both of them at the same time. Party Pooped to be a bit more confident with what I do for a living and to accept the compliments of my friends on my work as valuable and not as meaningless words just to please me. And I can go on and on...
  3. Zel

    spoiler Mlp timeline

    Yeah the timeline doesn't really make any sense since the story and the lore is pretty much created and expanded as the show goes on. It was more or less consistent before Show Plays but with the revelation about how the elements came to be it's a bit more problematic to really understand in which order the Shadow Pony, Tirek and Discord were fought. And I guess we won't have an answer since, for example, Meadowbrook became an Earthpony between seasons with no real explication... So I don't think logic really account all that much in MLP
  4. Good ending for this season. A shame I didn't really care much for any of the legends episode because I obviously would have been a little more excited to see all of them in these episodes. I like a lot of things in these episodes. But didn't like some things too. First, the treatment the legends were given weren't really equal. Starswirl and Flash Magnus for example were more in the spotlight during this episode than Meadowbrook. I get that with this many characters it would have been difficult but some of them were just above average backround characters in this two parter. Secondly, the "trials" the M6 did to recover the missing items were also quite inequal : I really like the part about Fluttershy getting the mask because it was a really perfect way to showcase what make Fluttershy a great pony, the Rarity one was... more of a mixed bag for me because it felt really... empty and a bit easy. But again there was just no time to focus a bit more on this part. Thirdly, the evil foe of this finale was... not that threatening. Like at all. He did nothing at all for the entire episodes. Yeah, he did some bad stuff in the past... I suppose (we didn't really se any of his wrongdoings...) but in the present he just appeared, tried to battle a bit with Twillight, flew and destroy a barrier spell. So yeah... as a vilain... it was just nothing at all. I didn't really understand what his plans were exactly, what he wanted, how he aimed to attain it or... anything really. Apart from these nitpicks it was a good episode. It showcased the M5 and their qualities, Starlight qualities, a good conflict between Starswirl and Twillight with both sides having sort of an understable view of the subject, a bit more lore fleshed out (even if... I don't really know if the chronology isn't a bit flimsy...), a good use of the map (I'm looking at you Triple Threat !) and a good showcase of Twillight in the last bit of the last episode were she act like a true princess of friendship by going inside the shadow to make things right
  5. Just a reminder that in "Castle Sweet Castle" Fluttershy aknoweldge that her and Twillight are animals too. So basically consider themselves like animals, just like us humans do, but when they talks about "animals" they usually refer to the animals with less "intellect" than them juste like humans in our world say "animals" to talk about all the other animal species (even if Angel is clearly shown to have as much of a conscience and an intellect as ponies for example).
  6. This season is not very good in my opinion... Probably tied with season 3 as my least favorite season of the show... for now. Maybe the final will make me revise my judgment. "Bad episodes" : Rock Solid Friendship (just because Pinkie was annoying and badly written... it took all the fun of this episode and just make me want to stop the episode before the end), Fluttershy Leans In (boring... like really boring... no real conflict and a dream coming from nowhere), Forever Filly (boring episode with two plots as equally boring as the other), Parental Glideance (RD's parents were really annoying and the moral missed by a mile what it was supposed to be), Hard to say anything (obnoxious characters, obnoxious musical number, and the humor was not that great), Honest Apple (boring and annoying episode, the only good joke of the episode being hard rock Rarity... and even this scene isn't that great), Triple Threat (I didn't understand this episode at all... Boring, cliché, with the map thrown in for no real reason... the only redeeming quality of this episode was all of the interactions between Thorax and Ember), Campfire Tales (Scootaloo totally out of character and being annoying all the episode, only one good tale and all the plot in the real world is uninterresting and lazely solved), Daring Done (poorly written, poorly edited, an obvious vilain with an obvious reveal, a save scene really stupid, a kidnapping scene even dumber, and a waste of a good lesson and idea for an episode to instead go for a moral which didn't even really have something to do with the core of the story) ... I wrote "Bad episodes" because it was what you asked for but it's more "Episodes I didn't enjoyed or liked" instead. And for 21 episodes as of now 9 are "bad" in my opnion... which isn't really great. Especially since I really consistently liked all of the seasons of My little pony so far (with season 3 as my low point). So it's really surprising for me that I would not enjoyed in the slightest season 7. Since I'm on the topic... "Meh episodes" : A Flurry of emotions (a bit boring but Twillight is really good, Pinkie and the Cake twins too, and Cadance and Shining Armor have a good appereance for once), Not Asking for trouble (The lesson wasn't really clear, the story wasn't that good, but Pinkie's antics and her chemistry with the Yaks and Gummy sold this episode to me), To change a changeling (The episode didn't live up to the idea behind it, the fight scene was laughably meh and Trixie was really too obnoxious even for what she is supposed to be), A health of information (Fluttershy was good, Twillight too... The legend was not that interresting and the plot which was really neatly written was a bit too messy for me at the end and the moral was kinda lost in all of this mess for me... plus the electric bugs were kinda not really originals). So 13 episodes out of 21 (so more than half) which I didn't like or just found it meh... So yeah, not a season for me I suppose. "Good episodes" : Celestial Advice (Good Celestia episode, good Twillight episode too, Discord was a bit too obnoxious for my taste but I enjoyed it nonetheless), All bottled up (good moral, a believable conflict which needed to be adressed and resolved, some good jokes... The only thing that bothered me was the magic red mist which came out of nowhere and will never be see again, and Trixie being able to teleport the map... I think this story could have been written without these weird elements), The Perfect Pear (a really great story which involved some unexpected characters and it was cool to see Miss Cake having a role, and seing all of theses ponies reacting to the death of the parents of the Apples, still some scenes seemed a bit... of for my taste, like all of the scene with Bright Mac destroying a water silow which was... yeah... And the fact that Buttercup was good at figuring people cutie marks which really came out of nowhere just for the sake of tiying Apple Bloom to her mother...), It isn't the mane thing about you (I didn't expect anything from this episode and was pleasantly supprised by it... Cool moral, Rarity at her finest, a random Pinkie song and the resolution was spot on). "Really good episodes" : A royal problem (Because it was an episode about the princesses, Celestia was great in it, Luna too, it showed us some character traits we don't usually see in regular episodes and it was cool, and seing Celestia confront her own fears to help Starlight defeat hers was great. Also really cute Twillight), Discordant Harmony (funny episode, a good moral, a good story, Flutter and Discord being neatly written, it was really a cool episode), Fame and Misfortune (good song, hilarious episode, good lesson and I really liked how the episode didn't solve for once the problem... even if the real problem was kinda solved at the same time)
  7. Yeah it would be a good plot twist but... neh... Chrysalis was already the main vilain in Canterlot Wedding, To Where and Back again and from the look of what we got from season 8 will return as a vilain in another episode of the next season... So if she was faking being reformed to be the vilain in another episode she would be the main vilain of 4 double episodes which is clearly too much for that this character has to offer.
  8. So now we have seen the five legends in the show. Time to finish my list 1. Mistmane 2. Meadowbrook 3. Flash Magnus 4. Somnanbula 5. Rockhoof
  9. Not a great episode, but a good one nonetheless. The lesson felt a bit weird for me. Don't get me wrong, I think the lesson was good : taking care of yourslef to be able to take care of others is a really important one but... it just didn't really fit right in the narration for me. All of the first act was setting the lesson nicely with Fluttershy overworking herself to exhaustion and see her fail because of the fact she hadn't any rest would have conveyed the lesson at a good pace and without feeling forced. But by the law of the three acts script writting, Fluttershy caught the Swamp Fever as well and I think it was an error. Because after that it's an easy mistake to think she pass out because of the illness and not because of her previous actions. And Fluttershy didn't conciously decided to take a break but was forced to... So all in all the lesson was kinda lost in all this mess in my opinion. Still cool to see Meadowbrook after her first mention in the show (it's kind of stupid that she's an Earth Pony now whereas she was mentionned as a unicorn back in season 5... Twillight didn't even reference that and wasn't surprised in the slightest by the fact that Meadowbrook wasn't what she was said to be... it could have been an error... this episode could have fixed this problem but choose to ignore it totally). Her design was pretty good but not mindblowing and her story was not really that great either but what better than almost every other legends told so far (well there is very little competition since only Mistmane's and her's are any good in the first place...) All in all a pretty good episode. Fluttershy was good, Twillight and Zecora too. The descendant of Meadowbrook... yeah, didn't really care about him... he was mostly here as a plot device to keep the story moving but even as a plot device he was mostly useless since the ponies could have found the books by herselfs... he could have been cut entierly from this episode without any problem at all...
  10. I think I will need to wait after the season is finished to give a fair judgment. Right now I think I could be biaised since I really didn't like the last few episodes in a row... so I think I would be harsher than usual about season 7... I remember having enjoyed some episodes in the begining of season 7 so I guess it wasn't a totally bad season. That's all I can say for now
  11. Yeah. A really meh episode. If the legends are the common theme of this season and Campfire Tales and this episode are meant to built to the finale I'm afraid the writters did a very bad job about them since Campfire Tales was a bland and overall pretty meh episode and Daring Done too. I watched Daring Done some days ago and have pretty much no memory of it which isn't a really good sign since I usually have a pretty solid memory... guess Daring Done was just very forgettable and uninterresting. What I remember about it : I found it meh and boring and was glad when the episode ended since it was so painful to watch this story unfold. Pinkie wasn't written bad. The fact that nobody recognize Cabalerone was so stupid it hurt... either make it clear that the characters weren't fooled by the silly disguise, either make the disguise better to not insult the ones watching the episode please. The kidnapping of RD was... a really stupid scene. The kidnapping in the precedent Daring Do's episode was much more convincing than this poor excuse. The moral around hope seemed rubish and too direct to be a really good moral for anybody (yeah we need to have hope to advance, but it's not a miracle solution for everything). The story ov Insomnia had good design choices. And finally the fact that Daring Do had done nothing and it was all the fault of Cabalerone was a really big misopportuniy I think... It would have been cool to have a moral like "Sometimes in triying to do something good we can inopportunely do something bad at the same times. It's good to recognize that and to try to repair the errors we could have made... but we can't always think about everyone and how our actions would impact them or else we can't live our life" or something like that. Instead this story is about hope and Rainbow was right from the start to idolize Daring Do and think Daring Do can't do anything bad even by accident... and it pisses me off. Oh and the fact there was some sort of... blowing plateforms in the green liquid to allow Pinkie and Daring to save Rainbow was... dumb. I think it was my most hated scene of the episode. Yeah. I didn't really like this episode. The story of Insmonia wasn't that great even, probably my third favorite behind Mist Mane and even the pegasus one which wasn't even that well written. Yeah... not really impatient to see all of those legends returns in the last episode since the writter sold them very poorly to me...
  12. What buged (huhuhu) a lot of people with the new Changelings was the fact what the transformation was really rushed and the Changellings just... kinda accepted to change what they were since they were born with one little speech and in one minute because the episode was ending. It was too easy and too forced what an entire population just magically agreed with Thorax without any real effort. The fact that at least one of them is still unwilling to transform after that and that the characters will need to explain properly why he should change will not fix the rushed ending and transformation of all the others but at least will give something more that the mess we had.
  13. Yeah... a meh episode for me. The idea was good, the execution was not to my taste... Rarity was fine, Sweetie, Appleboom and AJ too but boy Rainbow and Scootaloo were poorly written in this episode. I know Rainbow has a massive ego, and I'm fine with it but when most of her lines during an episode are "I'm awesome", "Oh I like to talk about me !", "Even if this story wasn't about me, it wasn't bad." it's just ridiculous. For Scootaloo I wonder if the writter for this episode only saw once Sleepless in Ponyville before writting this episode. The previous camping episode wasn't about Scootaloo being a scaredycat, it was about the fact that even though she's supposed to be the tough one of the bunch she was also allowed to express fear. Here all she does for almost the entire episode is to be an over the top frightened character which got annoying very quickly. I know it was also a way to make Rainbow's story more relatable to what was happening but I seriously think it could have been tuned down a little because Scootaloo was really too jumpy. I think this problem was aggravated by the fact that Applebloom and Sweetie were very calm on the other hand. They're fillies too and they were shown at multiple times to be able to be scared too. But they were just fine with almost everything during this episode. It was so weird to see Scootaloo panic like this when the other two CMC didn't... As for the stories in themselves... it was the best part of the episode. Rarity's story was the best, very cool location, very cool characters, a good message overall. AJ's story was a bit on the ridiculous side and the ending came out of nowhere, the characters were... less memorables especially the guards which were... yeah... Rainbow's one was the most classic overall, nothing really original or interresting about it. I think the most cool thing about all of these are the fact they clearly inspired the three ponies, how they see the world and how they act. Maybe the legends would have been much more interresting if they were given much more time to be told. Here it was obviously rushed so it was a bit difficult to feel really something for these characters or to be invested. A meh episode as I said. Don't think I will be watching it again soon u_u
  14. Yeah. Pretty bland episode overall, nothing much to say about it. It went pretty much like I thought it would. Still it was a pretty nice characterisation for Ember and Thorax two important characters in the lore who needed an episode to really shown what they're all about now since they became the leader of their peoples. I think that this episode is more of a Thorax/Ember episode than a Spike episode in fact. The Spike lesson was just thrown in here to allow the episode to be long enough and the story to unfold (the two becoming mad at Spike being the step allowing them to learn how to express themselves) but wasn't clearly the important part. The Ember/Thorax relationship, learning from each other, was and the evolution of the leaders too. Not sure if I am a fan of how the map was used in this episode. Spike being called is a good idea, he had his share of friendship since season 1 and can help without doubt... But in this episode it was just bullshit. The map normaly call the character to help defuse a friendship problem but in the end Spike didn't do anything about it really, he just resolved other things and never really did anything about the real task at hand. So why the map called Spike in the first place ? He didn't resolve the problem, Ember and Thorax did. Why is it mission accomplished ? He didn't do anything at all to resolve the conflict, it resolved by itself. I think the episode would have been better if Spike purposely invited Thorax and Ember to some sort of friendship summit but then would have been called next by the map to defuse a problem in Ponyville which Spike would have assumed would have been caused by Thorax and Ember personnalities not matching well. Which would have been a better explanation to Spike panic state with the map backing up his stress and doubt. And in the end Spike would have understand what the map wanted him to be a sort of bridge between Thorax and Ember to allow them to understand each other and learn from each other, just like in the episode. It would have made much more sense than Spike between suddendly non trusting of Ember and Thorax like that to the point of actually thinking that the two of them could actually start a war...
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