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Dapper Charmer

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Everything posted by Dapper Charmer

  1. @@The Pixelated Pony, @@crispy fries Mist was shocked by Sparkle's sudden burst of anger. He kinda regretted saying what he had said as it clearly touched a nerve. Mist walked over to Sparkle, "I'm really sorry Sparkle, I didn't mean to offend you," he said apologetically, "I was just joking is all."
  2. @@The Pixelated Pony, @@crispy fries Mist gave a slight chuckle at Sparkle"s embarasment. He also blushed slightly noticing how cute her red cheeked face was. "The clubs called the Shattered Talon. And yes there will be cute girls there," he said with a flirty grin, "but I wonder, are you asking cause you like cute girls? Or are you asking cause you think I'll find them prettier than you."
  3. @@Randimaxis Mist blinked in surprise. "Am I misiturpretting your words or are you implying that you wish to invite me to such a gathering." Mist couldn't believe his ears. First Luna had complimented him on his tale of pretending to be a guard as a kid, going so far as to say he was destined to protect her. And now it seemed as though she was inviting him to a royal gathering. "Because if you were then it would be more than an honour to attend. It's actually something that I've dreamed of since before I could rremember."
  4. @@Randimaxis Mist looked around the room in awe. It was truly astounding. The most beautiful thing he had ever seen. He looks at Luna and blushed. Well maybe the second most beautiful thing in the world. "This place is magnificent," Mist said to Luna with a look of amazement, "I really would have loved to see it in it's prime. I actually used to visit the ruins when I was a kid. It's kind of embarasing, but I actually used to pretend that I was standing guard in your royal court." Mist couldn't believe he was actually telling Luna this but he felt so calm around her. "I would sometimes stay out there for hours pretending to protect you from assasins and those who want to do you harm." Mist blushed some more, "that's problem really dumb isn't it."
  5. @@GingerLightning, @ Flash had been pretty quiet on the fly home but Mist had still enjoyed his company anyway. He had set up a game and was about to sit down and play it when he heard a knock at the door. He opend it and was happy to see Ginger. He was about to invite her in when he smelt something in the air. "What's bothering you Ginger?" he asked calmly, "and don't lie ot me and say nothing. I may not be able to smell all emotons like you, but i know what fear smells like."
  6. @@reader8363, @@crispy fries, "Yeah we should probably get going," Hooligan said with a smile, "and you're welcome. But i would try not to turn anymore guard's legs into crystal or i will have to punishe you properly. In fact i'd be beating you up right now if i wasn't so happy. You see tomorow i'm getting married to the most beutiful mare in the world," he explained as he gave Redwood a kiss.
  7. Happy Birthday

    1. Unused account

      Unused account

      Ohmegersh! It is my birthday! I completely forgot. Wow I really have been working to hard... Curse you ENFP personality! Thanks!!

    2. Dapper Charmer
  8. @@reader8363, @@crispy fries The guard with the crystal leg looked pissed and Starry's words weren't helping. He stood between Starry and the guard, "don't worry we'll make sure she's punished," he said reassuringly, "in fact we were just taking her to Red's beating room now." Hooligan descretly winked to Starry and Red, telling them to play along.
  9. We have not decided. We're going to wait awhile so, hopefully, we can get some viewer requests. If we don't get any requests we will vote on an episode together. Please note I wanna save any holiday episodes for the actual holiday.
  10. I suppose having one more writer couldn't hurt. You'd have to wait till episode 2 since episode 1 has already been written.
  11. @@crispy fries, @@reader8363 Hooligan gave a friendly smile to Starry as they walked back to her cell. "Don't worry," he said happily, "if you keep your head down and behave yourself you'll be out of here in no time. Feel free to ignore my advice but trust me when I say keeping in line is the only way you're getting out of here."
  12. @ As they walked Mist couldn't help but somehow feel happy with Flash. He'd never met another pony who cared for the war as little as he did. It was actually kinda refreshing. "So tell me Flash," he said curiously, "I've always wondered do you go all wolf at will or is it a moon thing?"
  13. @@The Pixelated Pony, @@crispy fries "It's okay Sparkle. No harm done," he said happily as he help Sparkle up off of the ground, "you seem like yoir just a bit drowzy that's all." Mist went to the counter and made Sparkle a nice hot cup of coffee, "this should help you to wake up," he said, handing her the coffee.
  14. @@reader8363, @@crispy fries "It's nice to meet you Starry," Hooligan said politely, "my name is Hooligan and this is my fiancé Redwood. Am I to assume you were running away from those guards cause you're a prisoner here? Cause if that's the case then I have some bad news. We're both guards and we're gonna have to take you back to your cell."
  15. @@reader8363 "You obviously do care otherwise you wouldn't have brought it up," Hooligan said smugly as he rumedged through the chest. The first thing he pulled out was his classic mask. The one with no eyes and a very wide smile. He then pulled out a pair of purple gloves that had metal knuckles and finally he pulled out a walkman.
  16. @@Ethan Sawyer, @@crispy fries, @@reader8363, @@Pripyat Pony The mysterious man continued talking, "all but one of the Power Ponies have been corrupted by some strange power and have now gone on a rampage. The Masked Matterhorn is currently trying to work on a way to reverse the effect. That is why you are to bring them all in alive. I will now unlock the chest which holds your gear," Of soft click was heard as the chest was unlocked, "after everyone has prepared I will unlock the door and you will all climb on a plane that will lead you to your next location. For now that is all."
  17. @@Ethan Sawyer, @@crispy fries, @@reader8363,@@Pripyat Pony, Without warning the sound of a loud buzzer filled the empty room. Following the noise came a mysterious man's voice, "Welcome," he said bluntly, "I am glad to see that you are all awake. That means we can move on to the briefing. As Hooligan may have already told you, you are now all apart of Task Force X. A covert strike force designed to takle life threatening situations. You will all be given a mission, complete it and your prison sentence will be drastically reduced. Fail and you will all die. While you were passed out i had an explosive devise implanted into to each of your necks. Try to remove it and it goes off. Disobey me and it goes off. Kill any of your teammates and it goes off. In the middle of the room you will find a chest containing all the gear that was confiscated apon your incartiration." "Hey Mystery Man," inturupted Hooligan, "what's the mission this time?" "That is quite simple," replied the mysterious man, "The Power Ponies, the most powerful super hero team on the planet, have gone rogue. It will be your mission to bring them in." (OOC; The Power Ponies have the same powers and names they are just humanized)
  18. @@crispy fries As Hooligan walked beside Redwood he noticed the chaos the dragon had caused. It was gonna be one hell of a mess to clean up, not that he was gonna be the one to clean after all he had plans tonight. @@reader8363 When Hooligan reached his room he notices the mare on his bed, "okay. Who are you and what are you doing here?" he asked the stranger.
  19. @, Mist smiled, he was surprised at how happy he was for Flash to have said yes. "Great," he said happily, "I've got pretty much all the genres; shooters, rpgs beat'em'ups, I even have an arcade machine or two lying around." @@GingerLightning Mist walked over to Ginger, "me and Flash are heading back to my place," he said as he wrote his address on a piece of paper and handed it to her, "when you've had something to eat feel free to join us."
  20. I really hate The Hunger Games. I couldn't even make it through the first movie and for a movie about kiling people it's really boring.
  21. @@crispy fries, Hooligan's wicked grin widened, "I think the better question to ask is why us? Why not send the heroes? The ones who fight crime for a living," Hooligan said, with that grin still on his face, "because they can't risk losing those heroes. These missions we get sent on aren't the type of missions you come away from. These are suicide mission. And we're the ones who carry them out cause we're expendable."
  22. @@reader8363, @@crispy fries, Hooligan rubbed his jaw and smiled at Vazquez, "Suicide Squad is the team that you are now apart of," Hooligan said with a wicked grin, "techinically it's called Task Force X, but i prefer my name better. Anyway, we are some of the greatest criminals of our time and we have all been brought here to save whatever country we're in or die trying." His wicked grin widend, "I'd tell you to get more info from the last Suicide Squad but i'm the only survivor."
  23. @ "Amen to that brother," Mist said with a genuine smile, "first they turn us to, no offence to you, blood thirsty monsters and then expect us to be loyal to their cause." Mist was glad to see that he wasn't the only pony who couldn't care less about this war. "Hey I'm heading back to my place to play some video games and stuff. You can come too if you want."
  24. @ "Hey just wait," said Mist as he ran up to the werewolf, "you don't care about the war? Does that mean you don't follow the pack? Cause I my self don't have any interest in this dumb war. Furthermore I think our queen can go suck herself." Mist extended his hoof, "I'm Mist by the way."
  25. @@reader8363 "Are you saying your gonna eat me?" Hooligan chuckled, "cause I can tell you I taste terrible," "Like a pile of ass," added Bedlam. "But if you do kill me then the big man's gonna hit a button and blow your head sky high. First rule of Suicide Squad. No killing fellow squad members."
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