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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky

Octavia's Bow

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Status Updates posted by Octavia's Bow

  1. First day of the colleges. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay.

    1. Count Paradox
    2. Jokuc


      same here!

    3. Drunk Not I Am

      Drunk Not I Am

      College is awful, stay strong, it can and will attempt to break you.

  2. Absolutely loving the new banner.



      Its cute, isn't it? Vinyl's eyes look awesome, too.

  3. I do believe the forums have been hacked. >.>

    1. DashYoshi


      It's an April fools theme.



      Weird, isn't it? XD

  4. Askers: Due to some forums difficulties, replies will be delayed.

  5. I think I just saw maximum euphoria

  6. This just in, stressing bad for your health!

  7. Hitting the hay, everypony. Night.

  8. Content and Search pages still down :(

    1. King


      Apologies for that. Its unfortunately a little bit of a tricky tech issue. It will be fixed though, that I can assure you.

    2. Octavia's Bow

      Octavia's Bow

      Thank you. I know you're all working hard. Just... lamenting, I guess.

  9. Pagey where are you?

  10. Looking for someone to play league with. Can't be someone easily upset by poor performance.

  11. Top Lux in Team Builder. This gunna be good. xD

  12. My friends are depressed for different reasons. And I can't make them smile. :(

    1. GenderIsAnIllusion


      Just show them the pinkie pie smile song.... That's hard not to smile to :D

  13. Looking for ponies who enjoy pokemon RPs.

  14. Looking to play some league

  15. Loneliness consumes, hatred burns... But what does love do?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Octavia's Bow

      Octavia's Bow

      Thank you, friend~ ^^

    3. Karma Lightwing

      Karma Lightwing

      Love gives life and love takes life. Thats exactly what love does :|

    4. Octavia's Bow

      Octavia's Bow

      That is both... deep and disturbing... O.e

  16. Upon speculation, I have come to the conclusion that:

    1. Octavia's Bow

      Octavia's Bow

      A: I'm a bad friend

      B: My worth is very little.

  17. What am I good for?

    1. Azura


      @Discorded That better have been just a cruel joke, because its not funny and asking someone to die just isn't cool.

  18. I should probably uninstall League of Legends. And also, my life.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more


      Ah, so it's just daily life cock blocking your happiness then?

    3. Octavia's Bow

      Octavia's Bow

      Prettttttttttty much



      Your not alone there dude, both me AND my brother have had our fair share of crappy luck in the past few months... -_-

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