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Status Updates posted by AmethystGlaze

  1. YAY! I managed to get all the fake nails I had put on for my cousins wedding. I dont feel girly anymore :/ But at least I can type using all my fingers now and not just 2 xD It made me feel like Twilight when she first attempts to use a computer :s

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      i see <3 =)=)=)=) your cousin had happy wedding =)=)?

    3. AmethystGlaze
    4. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      ooh that is so good to hear =)=)=)<3 I'm happy for her =)=)<3 what she is saying now =)=)?

  2. Home from my cousins wedding. I actually almost cried. I welled up so many times! I NEVER cry at weddings! This was a first! Aw but she looked so beautiful! <3 Home now, in bed, makup off, in bed, relaxing <3

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Chip Circuit

      Chip Circuit

      Glad you enjoyed yourself :) make sure to relax and ignore my inquiry on my status :P *hug*

    3. AmethystGlaze


      xD Ahhh Too late, I replied! :')

    4. Chip Circuit
  3. Finally. Hair re dyed, nails done, had a bath, now ready for tomorrow. I am excited, not been to a wedding in aaaaages

  4. Disney song marathon while I draw <3

  5. Woop, just sketched out my drawing for my ponysona, Amethyst Glaze. Gonna start the line work on photoshop sooooon...After one more episode of Parks & Rec *o*

  6. I feel really spaced out today e-o like the room is wishy washy too... what the hell? :s

  7. Well mi amigos I am off to sleeps I'm pooped e-o ... Nighty night ! <3

  8. My dog has farted and it smells soooo baddddd D;

    1. NovaCosmic
    2. Chip Circuit

      Chip Circuit

      Evacuate the building

    3. AmethystGlaze


      *loud alarms ringing everywhere and red lights flashing* :')

  9. MorAfterEve everypony! How are you all? :3

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. AmethystGlaze


      I have a reeeeeeally annoying tickle in my throat that wont go away -O- ...Other than that, great! :D :'3 *huggles*

    3. AmethystGlaze


      Awww Im sure you will do great SnuggleFiend!!! :) Good luck to you!!! I hope you get what you want and more ^o^

    4. Snuggle Fiend

      Snuggle Fiend

      Thanks! :3 Also, that tickle is probably a hair...it happens to me a lot :P

  10. Feeling better today, I'd like to thank everypony who made me feel better last night :)

  11. So fed up right now I could cry.

    1. Show previous comments  26 more
    2. AmethystGlaze


      Awe thanks guys :)

    3. Crypty Scribbles

      Crypty Scribbles

      Oh. I wish I could help you. I mean really help. But I'm only "guy from da Internets" and I can feel sorry for you only.

      It sucks to be just "guy from da Internets".

    4. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      *hugs whats wrong =(

  12. I am nearly peeing at Parks & Rec, it's hilarious :'D

  13. That moment you realise you have been sat laughing to yourself looking at funny lizard pictures... and talking about why its so funny... to yourself... I just took my meds, they should kick in. Soon.

    1. JonasDarkmane
    2. AmethystGlaze


      *slowly rocks back and forth* Your company is nice ...thank you o-o;

    3. JonasDarkmane


      No problem, I understand you :D. I myself need meds to calm down due to my hyperactivity :D.



  14. Part one of dying hair today...part two tomorrow. I will be fabulous for my cousins wedding Saturday *o*

    1. thegoodhen


      That seems like some Hollywood blockbuster "dying hair"

    2. AmethystGlaze


      It does indeed x'D

    3. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      ooh congrats to your cousin =) YAY =)

  15. Hmm feeling a little ill D; ...May have to head off to bed early tonight e-o Well, Nighty night gaiz! :)

    1. Stardust Balance

      Stardust Balance

      Hope you get better soon. Sleep well!

    2. NovaCosmic


      Have a nice sleep!


  16. WOOOOO I just finished Kerriodoxa... I didnt give her a cutie mark because I havent figured on out for her yet...but yeah :) Link on my profile to my art topic ^o^

    1. NovaCosmic


      That's Awesome.

    2. Stardust Balance

      Stardust Balance

      I've already stated how incredible they are, I think I'll let the others do so for me. XD

  17. Tea time, so break from drawing xD I finally came up with a design idea for my own ponysona cutie mark! It only took moths to figure out o-e ...well least it means Ive earned it XD Anyways. Parks and Rec while i eat fud <3

    1. Chip Circuit

      Chip Circuit

      parks and rec... I approve, and so does ron :D

  18. https://mlpforums.com/topic/135700-amethyst-glazes-pony-art/#entry4023696 - pic of my WIP. Off to watch netflix and stuff face with junk food >:D Night night gais!!!
  19. Just uploaded a WIP pic of what Ive been working on, still not finished but almost there... gonna stop for tonight because photoshop is being a douche -_-

    1. Chip Circuit

      Chip Circuit

      Can't wait to see it. And yeah I hate when photos hop doesn't want to cooperate

  20. Continuing my Equestria girls drawing of my 2nd OC *o* been a long time since I last drew in this style e-e

    1. Chip Circuit

      Chip Circuit

      Cool you'll have to share when it's done

    2. Stardust Balance

      Stardust Balance

      Yes, please do share it when you're done. :)

  21. Just finished watching ep13 of season 5. I love Luna <3 *o*

    1. Show previous comments  28 more
    2. Chip Circuit

      Chip Circuit

      so how's your parks and rec going :P

    3. AmethystGlaze


      Good xD Ive been binge watching recently... Onto season 3 ep 8 atm xD

    4. Chip Circuit

      Chip Circuit

      good I've already taken my turn at binge watching it :P

  22. So sleepy... its only 15:55.... whats wrong with me?! e-e

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Chip Circuit

      Chip Circuit

      Maybe you stayed up too late? :P

    3. AmethystGlaze
    4. Chip Circuit

      Chip Circuit

      Silly UK ponies staying up so late, I mean no joke I think all the UK ponies I talk to stay up until 2-5am a lot lol

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