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Everything posted by IronM17

  1. IronM17

    Ask Sophie!

    Did you had a favorite team back than? Which countries do you already have visited? And which one you would you want to visit?
  2. Pipp has a really cute and great design. She is also the first G5 Pony where I made a "G5 in G4 style" vector of. Picture on DeviantArt
  3. G5 has some really interesting Bg-Pony designs. Well, I am not sure if Jazz really fits into the category of a background pony or more a supporting pony, but I will post my newest vector of her here. I really love the design of that Pony. Picture on DeviantArt This is also a really beautiful picture of her. https://twitter.com/LuminousDazzle/status/1521403930827280384?s=20&t=S0Igurh6VnbFl5j12aYELA Edit: it is btw. interesting that Jazz has always different hoof colors in every episode she made an appearance.
  4. Well, seems I have something for mares with interesting and stylish manes. G4 mane charcters: Rarity G4 Side charatcer: Coloratura G4 BG characters: I really love all the canterlot boutique unicorn girls, but when it is about the most attractive one in my opinion, than it is Cayenne. From non-CB Unicorns, I find Cloudchaser most attractive. G5 Character: Pipp Petals, the flying Rarity of G5. This is funny because I am usually not the biggest fan of fashion and styling. But something on this ponies got me.
  5. Any parasite which can live in you is for me the most scary one. Immagine to have for example a 3 meter long tapeworm in your stomach gives me the creeps. No other animal, not even a wild carnivore or crocodile (which have my biggest respect) gives me more scare than parasites.
  6. I have a few. July because it is my birthday month. December because I like the christmas time. September and october because autumn is my favorite time of the year.
  7. this one: But seriously, I am not that big fan of spicy food. So, I usually prefer the more mild variants. Oh, and there are some peppers here in german stores filled with cream cheese which I really like to eat. But I don't know which pepper sort this is.
  8. I learned my first english words and sentences in school. But to be honest, I was never the big fan of learning english in school. So my english back than was really bad. The most english I know today was learned by myself while I watched english shows/movies, read english comics and spoke and wrote with people from english speaking countries (like this forum). I would not say my english is perfect, especially my spoken english, but much better as it was in my school time. I also use this side really often, and not only for german-english. ^^
  9. As a former gardener and now student of geology, I choose earth.
  10. There are two severe weather I experienced which I would say were the most heavy one. The first was a tornado in my home village in July 2000. Albeit I only experienced the thunderstorm around the tornado and not the tornado self, it was one of the most heaviest weather experience in my life. The heavy storm, the heavy rain, the big hail and the number of lightnings where crazy. The second one was in summer 2019 where I experienced 40°C for the first time. I am not a person for extreme heat and this was to much for me. To bad that such temperatures in summer could be more often in the future.
  11. From my personal interest, it was religion because I did not belive whatever they said, but it was always easy to get good results in this subject and I normally had nice teachers. I also was not a big fan of german and math. Oh, and sports. I always hated sports in school.
  12. We official have spring. We even had last week almost 20°C and the flowers and trees bloom a ot. And now, snow and frost. Winter is over and we got the first real winter days in west germany. We had more snow in one day than in the whole winter. April is crazy as usual. At least, I finally got my snow hike this "winter".
  13. Until yesterday, I worked in a warehouse for working clothes in my region (mostly for rescue teams and retail). I did there usually warehouse activities like transporting of bags filled with clothings or roll containers with the electric pallet jack. But now, I will go back to the university to continuing my studies in geological science. Before this, I also worked in other warehouses (like Birkenstock for example) or in other companies in the production. I also worked on construction areas and I have an education as a gardener.
  14. Honestly, I am glad about this. It is easier for me to find something faster and so, I do not need to much time for buying clothes. I hate buying clothes (especially shoes). Speaking of clothes. One thing I hate about beeing a man are suits, shirts and ties. I find these things uncomfortable, especially in summer. Good that I don't work somewhere at the moment where I have to wear this (only on special events).
  15. Interesting, red is in the lead. This is also my favorite color. Followed by blue and black.
  16. I guess it is no big surprise which BG-Ponies are my favorites, the Canterlot Boutique unicorn girls. I guess it is their designs why I love them so much. I also like BG-Ponies from other cities like the ones from Las Pegasus because of same reasons. From the "old" ones (BG-Ponies from the first 3 seasons), my favorite is Amethyst Star. I also really like Flitter and Cloud Chaser. My favorite Foals are btw. Lily Longsocks and Petunia Paleo (even I am not sure if she counts as BG-Pony). I try to gave these BG-Ponies a little bit stage when I make vectors/pictures with them.
  17. Favorite dog breed? Well, this is easy. Siberian Husky is my favorite dog breed because I like their look. They look like small wolves.
  18. No, I personally don't see the reason why I should do this. I mean, it is up to me what for informations I post on my account. If a person did something really bad to me, I can block him/her. But for this, something really bad and personal must happen. This happens btw. only two times on a german MLP forum. And to be honest, I am not really active in the internet outside a few forums, Artwork sides like DeviantArt and YouTube.
  19. For me, there are two things. Things I am not afraid to tell and where I am really honest about it (maybe a little bit to honest sometimes) and things which are personal secfrets no one outside of my direct private surroundings should know (like my private adresse or how much money I own or what ever).
  20. Outside of MLP? I guess german voice actors count also as MLP celebrities, although I knowed them before they voiced a character in MLP. Well, I once met the now late football coach Rudi Gutendorf which lived in my neighbour village. I don't think that many her know him. He was famous in german as a coach for so many different, mostly smaller national teams. He is even in the guinnes book of records as the football coach with the most stations as coach. I also met the german singer Roman Lob, who sang for germany in 2012 on the eurovision song contest, because he is frm the same neighbour village where Gutendorf was from. But when I met him, he was not famous and instead of a Pop singer a drummer in a local metalcore band. I also saw the german late comedian Dirk Bach once in Cologne on the christmas marked, but did not talked to him. I also saw the german politician Sahra Wagenknecht in Bonn while she hold a speech shortly before the german elections. These are all the celebrities I met. Which Moderator was it?
  21. In my direct family not. Until 2011, in germany, we had conscription. But because of different reasons, no one in my direct family was drafted (I for example was rejected because of my back). One of my cousins was part of the german navy. I also guess that some of my ancestors fight in both WW1 and WW2. I know that my maternal grandfather, who actually wanted to become a catholic priest but had to go into war, was in russia and that my paternal grandfather lost his both brothers in WW2. My family is not really a militaric family.
  22. It never got the same feelings for me like the FiM, but it was ok. I watched all 4 movies, but not the shows. TPAM is often in the forest.
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