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Everything posted by BabylonSister

  1. Welcome fellow brony! If you have any questions about anything on the site, or just want to talk, I will do my best to answer, just shoot me a pm. :3 And if you have any questions about how to pm... mention me in a reply right here like this: @BabylonSister and I will respond as soon as I can Other than that, I hope you enjoy your time here. Ive found that its a pretty supportive community, and sharing ideas is encouraged. So dont be afraid to speak up! Being new, it can be intimidating, but this is a nice group on here and they'll support you through anything. Really! Theres even a life advice section that you can access after a few posts. With that, I bid you adieu. Have a lovely day!
  2. Welcome fellow brony! If you have any questions about anything on the site, or just want to talk, I will do my best to answer, just shoot me a pm. :3 And if you have any questions about how to pm... mention me in a reply right here like this: @BabylonSister and I will respond as soon as I can Other than that, I hope you enjoy your time here. Ive found that its a pretty supportive community, and sharing ideas is encouraged. So dont be afraid to speak up! Being new, it can be intimidating, but this is a nice group on here and they'll support you through anything. Really! Theres even a life advice section that you can access after a few posts. What's your favorite villain in MLP FiM? With that, I bid you adieu. Have a lovely day!
  3. Welcome fellow brony! If you have any questions about anything on the site, or just want to talk, I will do my best to answer, just shoot me a pm. :3 And if you have any questions about how to pm... mention me in a reply right here like this: @BabylonSister and I will respond as soon as I can Other than that, I hope you enjoy your time here. Ive found that its a pretty supportive community, and sharing ideas is encouraged. So dont be afraid to speak up! Being new, it can be intimidating, but this is a nice group on here and they'll support you through anything. Really! Theres even a life advice section that you can access after a few posts. With that, I bid you adieu. Have a lovely day!
  4. @Unicorncob, Her eyes snapped wide open before a look of confusion clouded her face. Then... Rhetoric Rash had allowed her in? Or was she guessing... ';.o Oh well, what really mattered was that the mare still seemed to like Nix. And comic books. Nix grinned with a sidelong glance and rested her head on her hoof. "I think that would be splendid." She extended a hoof "Star was it? Pardon me, I'm terrible with names. If you couldn't twll when I refered to you as Clou... ClouClomurmph..." She chortled amicably Nix was going to read all the Batmare comics.
  5. @Unicorncob, Nix was a bit shaken by the news. A celestial Palladian? She sighed and resumed her anxious hoof taping, taking some time to observe the floor.She respected her sense of duty, and that she had had the guts to be honest. But her sigh was one of disappointment. Not that Cosmic Cloud was false, but that she would likely never speak to the mare again. Surely Rhetoric Rash hadn't allowed her to know the time and place of the meeting? So she would be on her merry way and about official business once again. Nix wondered if Cosmic Cloud had been an alter ego assumed with faux quirks and personality, or simply a false name. Nix couldn't help but hope Star was like Cosmic Cloud, despite the circumstances. She had rather fancied the mare...
  6. Welcome fellow brony! If you have any questions about anything on the site, or just want to talk, I will do my best to answer, just shoot me a pm. :3 And if you have any questions about how to pm... mention me in a reply right here like this: @BabylonSister and I will respond as soon as I can Other than that, I hope you enjoy your time here. Ive found that its a pretty supportive community, and sharing ideas is encouraged. So dont be afraid to speak up! Being new, it can be intimidating, but this is a nice group on here and they'll support you through anything. Really! Theres even a life advice section that you can access after a few posts. With that, I bid you adieu. Have a lovely day!
  7. Welcome fellow brony! If you have any questions about anything on the site, or just want to talk, I will do my best to answer, just shoot me a pm. :3 And if you have any questions about how to pm... mention me in a reply right here like this: @BabylonSister and I will respond as soon as I can Other than that, I hope you enjoy your time here. Ive found that its a pretty supportive community, and sharing ideas is encouraged. So dont be afraid to speak up! Being new, it can be intimidating, but this is a nice group on here and they'll support you through anything. Really! Theres even a life advice section that you can access after a few posts. With that, I bid you adieu. Have a lovely day!
  8. Welcome fellow brony! If you have any questions about anything on the site, or just want to talk, I will do my best to answer, just shoot me a pm. :3 And if you have any questions about how to pm... mention me in a reply right here like this: @BabylonSister and I will respond as soon as I can Other than that, I hope you enjoy your time here. Ive found that its a pretty supportive community, and sharing ideas is encouraged. So dont be afraid to speak up! Being new, it can be intimidating, but this is a nice group on here and they'll support you through anything. Really! Theres even a life advice section that you can access after a few posts. With that, I bid you adieu. Have a lovely day!
  9. Welcome fellow brony! If you have any questions about anything on the site, or just want to talk, I will do my best to answer, just shoot me a pm. :3 And if you have any questions about how to pm... mention me in a reply right here like this: @BabylonSister and I will respond as soon as I can Other than that, I hope you enjoy your time here. Ive found that its a pretty supportive community, and sharing ideas is encouraged. So dont be afraid to speak up! Being new, it can be intimidating, but this is a nice group on here and they'll support you through anything. Really! Theres even a life advice section that you can access after a few posts. With that, I bid you adieu. Have a lovely day!
  10. @@Melted Dog, Hello! sorry i took so long. Here's Sleepy Hollow! I hope you like Also! @@Vampira Heart, I love my little Nix! I think that's the most peaceful she's ever been! ;P
  11. Welcome fellow brony! If you have any questions about anything on the site, or just want to talk, I will do my best to answer, just shoot me a pm. :3 And if you have any questions about how to pm... mention me in a reply right here like this: @BabylonSister and I will respond as soon as I can Other than that, I hope you enjoy your time here. Ive found that its a pretty supportive community, and sharing ideas is encouraged. So dont be afraid to speak up! Being new, it can be intimidating, but this is a nice group on here and they'll support you through anything. Really! Theres even a life advice section that you can access after a few posts. With that, I bid you adieu. Have a lovely day!
  12. Sure! You could speak to us individually, or add us to the same pm by entering both our usernames in the recipient slot. Whatever floats your goat!
  13. Welcome Nupie. If you have any questions about anything on the site or just want to talk, I will do my best to answer, just shoot me a pm. :3 If you have any oc's or art requests in general, keep me in mind. I do them for free! So as long as you're ok with traditional art, shoot me a pm if you need anything. ANYTHING. And if you have any questions about how to pm... mention me in a reply right here like this: @BabylonSister and I will respond as soon as I can Other than that, I hope you enjoy your time here. Ive found that its a pretty supportive community, and sharing ideas is encouraged. So dont be afraid to speak up! Being new, it can be intimidating, but this is a nice group on here and they'll support you through anything. Really! Theres even a life advice section that you can access after a few posts. With that, I bid you adieu. Have a lovely day!
  14. @@Hazard Time, @ Nix looked from the baroness to the rather violent unicorn beside her. "Well... I have not. But... there must be a beginning for everything, no?" Nix fussed with her hooves on the table, hoping not to be the only one to speak up at the Baroness' query. ...Although she feared the unicorn's response. Or rather the Baroness' response to their response. The Crystal pony was unpredictable, to Nix at least, this was both a source of anxiety and intrigue.
  15. @@Unicorncob, Nix grinned and waived to 'Cosmic Cloud' "Maybe I'll purchase one then. I hope we'll see each other around." She really hoped that the mare would join their movement. The quiet gal had quite caught her fancy : P ​Nix went back to tapping her hooves together. She would like to talk to the Baroness... But breaching that conversation seemed significantly more intimidating than speaking to the shy mare.
  16. BabylonSister

    request An evil request

    I'm glad you enjoy it! It was a lot of fun to paint.
  17. Welcome fellow brony! If you have any questions about anything on the site I will do my best to answer, just shoot me a pm. :3 If you have any oc's or art requests in general, keep me in mind. I do them for free! So as long as you're ok with traditional art, shoot me a pm if you need anything. ANYTHING. And if you have any questions about how to pm... mention me in a reply right here like this: @Babylonsister and I will respond as soon as I can Other than that, I hope you enjoy your time here. Ive found that its a pretty supportive community, and sharing ideas is encouraged. So dont be afraid to speak up! Being new, it can be intimidating, but this is a nice group on here and they'll support you through anything. Really! Theres even a life advice section that you can access after a few posts. With that, I bid you adieu. Have a lovely day!
  18. Welcome fellow brony! If you have any questions about anything on the site, or just wanna talk about comics or the bible; I will do my best to answer, just shoot me a pm. :3 (My favorite comics are Spiderman, Power Pack, and Cloak and Dagger) If you have any oc's or art requests in general, keep me in mind. I do them for free! So as long as you're ok with traditional art, shoot me a pm if you need anything. ANYTHING. And if you have any questions about how to pm... mention me in a reply right here like this: @Babylonsister and I will respond as soon as I can Other than that, I hope you enjoy your time here. Ive found that its a pretty supportive community, and sharing ideas is encouraged. So dont be afraid to speak up! Being new, it can be intimidating, but this is a nice group on here and they'll support you through anything. Really! Theres even a life advice section that you can access after a few posts. With that, I bid you adieu. Have a lovely day!
  19. Welcome fellow brony! If you have any questions about anything on the site I will do my best to answer, just shoot me a pm. :3 If you have any oc's or art requests in general, keep me in mind. I do them for free! So as long as you're ok with traditional art, shoot me a pm if you need anything. ANYTHING. And if you have any questions about how to pm... mention me in a reply right here like this: @Babylonsister and I will respond as soon as I can Other than that, I hope you enjoy your time here. Ive found that its a pretty supportive community, and sharing ideas is encouraged. So dont be afraid to speak up! Being new, it can be intimidating, but this is a nice group on here and they'll support you through anything. Really! Theres even a life advice section that you can access after a few posts. With that, I bid you adieu. Have a lovely day!
  20. @@Unicorncob, "Oh you're a Pegasus as well? Hmm... Its a shame your parents gave you a bad mane cut. I'm sure you're a beautiful mare beneath that stuffy cloak." Nix tapped her hooves together anxiously "I always fancied the covers of comic books... When I was younger we hardly saw them. I lived on a Podunk little farm" "We never could afford them... And now that I might buy some being older and all, Weeellll.... I'd feel foolish..." Nix shuffled her hooves, blushing.
  21. @@Unicorncob, @, @ Nix wandered back into the inn, biting her lip, blushing a bit, pulling her hat snuggly over her head In her haste and excitement to get started on a meaningful project, Nix had sped out the door with attending that meeting in mind. XD ​As she approached the table of conspirators again she cleared her throat quietly "Just... getting out of this stuffy place, you know? The fresh air was nice..." Nix sat beside the cloaked mare, tapping her hooves in much the same manner before breaking the silence between them. "So! What do you do Clou... CloudsColusd" ​She mumbled through something reminiscent of the mystery mares name. "A job? Hobbies... anything?"
  22. @@J.R., @@Unicorncob, @@Hazard Time, @, Nix grinned a crooked grin and trotted downstairs to the table where the conspirators were gathered. She stood there a short moment before saying "Well? The next of you go on up if ya dare" ​She turned on her hoof and headed for the door, pulling her hat over her ears.
  23. @@The Down Trotten, Her expression was pulled into a subtle smirk. Or perhaps her smile was a bit crooked in general? "Indeed, it was a pleasure. I hope we get the chance to speak like this again." She pushed her belongings from the desk, and into her satchel with a quiet -oof!- of exertion as the cog dropped in suddenly. "When exactly should I meet you there Mr. Rash?" she held back a small chuckle You wouldn't want me waiting there until the meeting, would you?"
  24. Well, that depends on what you had in mind XD If you post a character and what side you intend to be on, I'm sure out lovely DM will get back to you soon. : ]
  25. @@The Down Trotten, "Yes." A small smirk tugged at the corners of her mouth "And to be honest, I haven't got much else to do other wise. ...Other than tinker." she paused "Among other things, I would like for my inventions to see the light of day." she sobered as well. "You know... for somepony to use them finally." ​​She sat back a bit and resumed fiddling with her mane over her shoulder idly.
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