@Blitz Boom
Solar's suggestion for alternative perspectives came from his own experiences, not because he had used any of them, but because they had been used against him. In a world like his, where conventional science and magic were practically perfected by one side, those fighting against it often sought out less conventional means that the empire ignored as pointless or nonsense, and while none of it had been enough for victory yet, he had been impressed by their effectiveness. Sometimes, even if something originally had been objectively absolute nonsense, it had lead those believing it to find something real.
Solar had also taken interest in the kobold, but for quite the different reasons, he was an odd sight in the context yes, and the symbol on his armor didn't match anything in Solar's database, but what pulled his attention, was...something, quite literally, his systems detected something from the kobold, but the analysis failed to determine what it was, it couldn't properly even determine if it was magic, some kind of energy, or if it was the kobold himself.
"Vaz" the kobold responded, offering his hand for a shake "It is nice to meet you Magma, often ponies just stare at me and whisper among themselves." he spoke in calm and friendly manner, the skull limited the readability of his face, but based on his eyes and the lower half of his mouth, the friendliness was genuine "I assume that your travel companion is the one known as Solar Silver?" Having followed bit behind Magma, Solar heard this, so he addressed it himself "Do we know each other?" he had no memory of a kobold like this one "No, but a dragon I met mentioned you, Scorch and her companions were fascinating to converse with." Vaz looked at Solar through the skull "I was told there is couple of my kin here too, sharing your origin, is that true?" Solar nodded "They are somewhere in ponyville." "Ah, Ponyville, so that is what it is called, how...creative." Getting closer hadn't helped Solar to analyze whatever his systems were detecting, but he did notice something else, he scanned the skull to see if it was a real skull, and it was, but there was something else that caught his eye so to speak, the skull was old, ancient even, it didn't necessarily mean anything by itself, but it was odd if nothing else.
While calling the land alive was bit of an overstatement, the Homelands itself was as unpredictable as were its inhabitants, magma, collapses and various other things constantly shifted the land, making falling and getting crushed, or getting trapped in a magma filled cave were risks that existed, not common necessarily, but not out of the question either.
Charir broke out of his own feelings when he noticed Leviathan's reaction, he of course didn't fully understand it, but he could connect some dots to have some idea, and concern overpowered his own negative emotions, after all, he may have despised this place, but Leviathan came from what to him in the short time he had been there was basically a paradise, so this probably terrified her even more than him. So, Charir gave himself a quick mental beating for being such a weakling, the one who had shown him kindness was suffering, and he was self-pitying himself?
He moved next to Leviathan, and while he had no real idea how to comfort someone, nor did he know for sure the exact problem here, he tried his best, and wrapped his legs around Leviathan into a hug, and tried to speak, his pronunciation was mostly still kinda bad, but it could be understood what he tried to say, Leviathan's name he did say almost flawlessly though, as he had been practicing that specifically based on hearing it "Don't, be, sad." "Leviathan, is, safe." naturally, since this was the norm to Charir, he didn't correctly understand where Leviathan's upset came from, and assumed it came from fear, sure Leviathan didn't smell like fear, but as far as Charir knew, this is how it showed for Leviathan's type of dragon, after all, Leviathan hadn't shown fear in front of him yet, at least not in a situation where he had any time to pay attention to it.
Ruby only agreed with "Pointless indeed." before the whole Charir comforting Leviathan thing, and besides that just stayed quiet, staring down towards the Homelands, as a dragon, about third of Ruby's size, had noticed her red-self standing on the mountain, and the two were now locked staring at each other. After some moments, regardless of the exact interaction between Charir and Leviathan, Ruby would speak again. "My offer to carry you is still an option; We will stay on this side, you two will stay between me and the mountains." "We will travel on ground level, because flying high will make us more visible targets." it was only half of the reason, while not being seen was a big part, there was also something Ruby didn't want to see herself, a certain ravine that would have been visible if they took flight high enough. She then said couple of words to Charir, it was short and included Leviathan's name, so it was probably something along the lines of 'stay with Leviathan'
After that, depending on Leviathan's answer, if she was able to muster an answer at all in the first place, Ruby would either start leading, or pick Leviathan up to ride on her back and then start leading, them first down the mountain and then east, keeping herself as a shield between the two smaller dragons and rest of the land. Ruby's body language and general demeanor were different from her usual self, as she was lot more focused, and seemed lot more colder than her usual coldness; she wasn't anxious, there was no signs of such, but it was clear that she was ready to fight at moment's notice. This would also be apparent if Leviathan tried to talk to her, as she would only respond with sounds and short matter of fact statements, as if not interested in talking at the moment.
The first situation happened pretty quickly, as pretty much the moment they got down, the before mentioned dragon came growling towards the trio, but after what could best be described as a screaming match, it backed down enough for them to continue, though it did still follow them until what was presumably the end of its territory. As they traveled, they weren't alone at any point, as there was always a dragon observing them nearby, sometimes growling, roaring or otherwise warning them to stay back, but since most of them were quite small, everything from Charir's size to less than half of Ruby's size, they kept their distance as it was clear that the trio was not there to pick a fight, after all, violent or not, they knew Ruby could kill them with ease, and they didn't have a death wish.
Things changed again as they stumbled upon the aftermath of a fight, two male dragons, both bit over half of Ruby's size, one on top of another, the other dead, and as the victor noticed Ruby, he quickly readied himself for another fight. Ruby tried to convince the male to just bug off, as among all the roaring, growling, flames and smoke, the word 'leave' was used, if Leviathan could remember it from their language session, or if she even paid attention to things like that at the moment. This however didn't seem to work, as the male got closer and kept threatening Ruby, so Ruby charged him; it happened too quick to see what exactly went on, but the male was thrown back and was holding one of legs against his throat; and after regaining his balance, he looked at said leg to see if he was bleeding, he was, but only slightly, Ruby had gone for the throat, the scales protecting the males throat were gone, and there were small cuts there, but she had barely missed the vital parts.
The other dragon suddenly didn't seem so certain of himself anymore, realizing just how close his end was, and Ruby rose her head high, stared the dragon into his eyes, and with a terrifyingly cold voice said something, which caused the male to take off. She then returned to the two smaller dragons "Let's keep going."
After this they were left alone for a while again, as another row of mountains came to view and soon towered over them, this one going in the north-south direction, they were smaller than the one's surrounding the land, but still high enough that it wasn't reasonable to fly over them, not that they needed to, as there seemed to be a massive pass between them and the one's they had been following, it looked quite unnatural, as if carved into the mountains, though before they would reach it, they had one more encounter.
a female dragon, about 2/3 of Ruby's size was eating one of the local animals, when she spotted the trio, and instantly jumped into a defensive position; Ruby at first did her usual, but then she saw something, from behind the carcass, a tiny head popped up, a dragon small enough for even Charir to tower over it, a hatchling. To add to that, another dragon made an appearance, a slightly smaller male landed near the female, a family, a rare sight in these lands.
At this point Ruby opened her wings to cover Leviathan and Charir, as the two, understandably hostile dragons moved to protect the young dragon hiding behind the carcass, the tension was high, as Ruby presumably tried to assure that they are merely travelling through, as she also moved backwards, pushing Charir and Leviathan with her wing towards the direction they were going, while also taking a more defensive pose to signal that she wasn't planning to attack.
Unlike the male before, neither of the assumed parents actively got closer to the trio, so it seemed that there was some kind of understanding, and soon enough the female backed away while the male kept following them from a distance, at which point Ruby turned around back towards the way they were going "It is rare to see dragons taking care of offspring together here, and even when it happens, it's usually two females rather than with a male." "It is a viable survival tactic."
They then reached the pass. and at closer look, it was clear that it hadn't formed naturally, and it sharply turned to form a kind of S-shape through the mountains, suspicious, but it was their direction, so Ruby lead them in. the travel up to this point had taken few hours or so.
Suddenly, the air got cleaner, the smell was still faintly there, but it was almost fresh, though what was probably more noticeable, was the sudden increase in the air's electricity levels, which, if Leviathan couldn't sense through her magic, was obvious by the fact that Charir's scales started to once more gather electricity. But before any questions could be risen, a male voice was heard, it spoke in unknown language, some kind of variation of dragonic no doubt, yet, even while all three would be able to tell that it was a language they didn't know, they all could understand it like it was their own. "Two Death-bringers and Equestrian walk through the barrier, that sounds like a start of an awful, violent joke."
A blue male dragon landed in front of them, it had similar build to Ruby's kind, be it with thinner scales, and size-wise he was about 1/4 smaller than Ruby, notably, he also had feathered wings, and had feathers growing out of his head, and probably most importantly, electricity was arching on his scales, not too different from how it was for Charir. Speaking of Charir, the newcomer seemed to take interest of him "And what do we have here, that maniac actually did it, and with a Black-Horn from all things." he then looked at Ruby "You are a sister I assume, too young to have gotten together with somebody like him." Ruby, not too amused by the sudden appearance, growled while taking an aggressive posture, while Charir hid slightly behind her "Stay back! Whoever you are", Ruby said it in her native language, but Leviathan would find that while it was clearly in said language, for some reason, she would be able to understand it fine.
The blue dragon took a step back, not from fear, but caution "No need to be so hostile Death-freak." "You can call me Voltaick, we knew we were going to get visitors, so I was sent to welcome you, so welcome, weirdo." his tone was slightly contemptuous, as he challenged Ruby's stare "Brave words towards someone you call 'Death-bringer'." Voltaick let out a spark out of his nostril, similar to how Ruby let out smoke when she was annoyed "I wouldn't in my wildest dreams trust one of your kin to not senselessly end my life, but I do trust the barrier, so you can drop the act, you are not going to attack me."
Again, everything that was said, was spoken in languages that Leviathan didn't know or understand, yet, somehow, she would still be able to understand everything just fine.
"I don't blame my brothers and sisters for their reluctance, even without a specific historical justification for it, your species', and the other surface dwellers' individualistic nature goes in direct opposition to our own, we also have some...moral disagreements." Sheska stated, there would always be certain distrust between kobolds and others, simply because they don't share the connection that allows them to trust their own.
"But to my point." "You may or may not be aware, that due to our kinds diet of whatever is available, we are lot more resistant to poisons and other natural toxins, that most creatures, especially when consumed." "This can be used to cure bigger problems." "A specific example comes from history, in which, while proper study wasn't possible, lot was learned. " "Long and complicated story short, a parasite started spreading through our food source, a parasite, that was relatively harmless to most creatures, causing a period of digestion issues before dying and coming out with rest of the waste." "However, to kobolds, it was deadly, something it produced, maybe its own waste product, shut down our bodies in matter of days, like I mentioned, proper study couldn't be done." "None of the known anti-parasite treatments worked, so something else needed to be done." "In the end, the solution was poison, it spread through food, so we poisoned our food with a nerve-toxin, it killed the parasite, without killing us, even if some symptoms did show up from the toxin."
"Now, it should be mentioned that this epidemic specifically was highly dependent on the conditions of where it took place, even the toxin used grew in such specific conditions that i don't know if it even exists here, so an exact duplicate is unlikely to happen, especially one where ponies are in any way involved." "But what I worry about is those individual cases, you get one or two kobolds, and thus don't see a reason to study it further, while something like that spreads through your population, only taking down my kind." "Do you have any means to diagnose such things? and if you do, would your code of morality let you provide such treatment?" "And do you in general know how much of what kind of toxin is a deadly to a kobold?" This was partly planning to the journal(s) she was going to write some day, she wanted to know the baseline of what ponies actually knew about her kind.
Sheska was frankly surprised to see Harpoon alone, it had been long enough that she had kinda assumed that her daughter would be there if nobody else, but well, none of her concern really.
"Was visiting Onache so I figured I should visit you too, least I can do." "We are doing fine, there was some other complications after the whole thing, but now things seemed to have calmed down a bit." "If it makes you feel any better, we weren't much use either besides keeping the thing busy until the real help arrived." "It was an Oni, in case nobody mentioned that." she found it surprisingly hard to be as dismissive of Harpoon as she had been, it was hard to keep up her hatred when there was no armor, especially since they both knew it had nothing to do with the individuals here. "I- Thanks, for at least trying to help." "I can't imagine it feels nice to be possessed like that." she decided to not mention that she would have probably killed her if the Oni didn't flee. "The weapons you brought us are here at the hospital, the staff knows where." "How are you feeling, you aren't bleeding anymore, so that's good, is there any permanent damage?" possession injuries was one of the things she didn't really know anything about, so she was curious if the possession alone had done something more serious.