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Catpone Cerberus

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Status Replies posted by Catpone Cerberus

  1. My career really is a wild one, I went to school for IT, never did anything with it, then I went to school to become a construction worker, worked there for two years, then the company I worked for went bankrupt, and now I'm getting hired in a fish-product factory. :crackle:

    If that's not mixed enough, I draw, sometimes try to write things, I'm looking into wood carving, and I'm currently also trying to make a game. :griiin: 

    1. Catpone Cerberus

      Catpone Cerberus

      The "game" is currently just a very close up of a cat's face that can move surrounded by gradient black and white boxes that activate basic game mechanics :P but it will be a game, someday, probably :griiin:


    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  2. I have a new drawing under works, and I have come to realize that, ironically, the catpone can't draw cats. Catpone famously looked more like a dog than a cat, and now, as I have colored one of two characters, this one looks more like a rat than a cat, and looking at the sketch of the second one, he looks more like a wolf :crackle: but hey, this time I remembered the whiskers :maud:

    In another note, a planned to be sad female character, ended up as mildly bothered....male? they may end up being ambiguous, I don't know yet, who knows, maybe the rat look will work with the character.  It turns out that there's very little difference between male and female characters when you don't draw The Shapes™, maybe I should try adding eyelashes :griiin:


    1. Catpone Cerberus

      Catpone Cerberus

      Update- I added lashes, and it worked?:umad: you can barely see them and it worked??:zipp-wut: 

  3. Finland has election thingy going on again as we'll elect a new president soon, and having been watching "debates" and interviews...why is this country obsessed with "experts", in an hour long episode of a thing where they interview each candidate alone(episode per candidate), like half of it is some "experts" analyzing it.

    It has really made me realize that this country is really a country of "experts", any time anything happens, a relevant "expert" is asked about it, often even getting more time to speak than the people directly linked to the thing. It's weird :P 

    1. Catpone Cerberus

      Catpone Cerberus

      It probably annoys the candidates too, they ask you to hold a short speech and answer questions for like 30 min, and the other 30 min is some two randoms trying to analyze what you said :P 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  4. I said some time ago in the comments of one of my Status updates that I would draw my own take on the Gen 5 dragons, so here it is. I had like 2 pictures to base the design from, but it is close enough.



    I still don't like their design, I didn't like drawing it. I realize that the eye could be smaller, it looks quite odd, but to be fully honest, I don't care enough to fix it, or to even sign my name on this thing :P 

    The design sucks, I will not be drawing more of these, ever, I'll stay in bipedal dragons and more dragon based dragons, thanks. 


    1. Catpone Cerberus

      Catpone Cerberus

      It's not really even the amount of legs, we had 4 legged dragons in G4, in fact, how I understood it from what I remember, was that the dragons were bipedal until certain size, after which they became more traditional dragons, be it still with more bipedal build.


      Dragon Aging | MLP Fanatic

       But it's the design in general I don't like, because the new one is less a dragon and more a dragon-pony, and with Spike coming back, it connects it to be the same dragons, thus rising the question, what in the god's green earth happened? What caused the dragons' fingers and toes turn into those hoof/elephant foot things that the new design has?

      Some theorized/head-cannoned that it's because dragons and ponies got...closer, making the future generations hybrids, but then there's Spike, what happened to that poor guy? did he fall into a nuclear reactor or something? And like, we already had older Spike 


      Spike has a HUGE GROWTH SPURT and goes on Rampage!! - YouTube


      and the funny thing is, my despise of these new dragons have actually nothing to do with MLP, I haven't watched G5, and while I compare them to G4 dragons, that isn't really the problem for me.  The problem for me comes from me being a dragon fan in general, I like dragons, I collect dragon themed things and so on, I have seen and seek out different styles of dragons, and the G5 dragons are, up to this point, the worst take on dragons I've seen. :crackle:

      I'm fine with hybrids, hay, I have made few myself, but these official designs look more like trying to make a dragon out of pony mold, which is probably exactly what happened here, since it's cheaper than making actual designs. 

      Though I do admit that the new design is scarier than the old one, these faces haunt my nightmares. 

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  5. I said some time ago in the comments of one of my Status updates that I would draw my own take on the Gen 5 dragons, so here it is. I had like 2 pictures to base the design from, but it is close enough.



    I still don't like their design, I didn't like drawing it. I realize that the eye could be smaller, it looks quite odd, but to be fully honest, I don't care enough to fix it, or to even sign my name on this thing :P 

    The design sucks, I will not be drawing more of these, ever, I'll stay in bipedal dragons and more dragon based dragons, thanks. 


    1. Catpone Cerberus

      Catpone Cerberus

      It's bit blurry because I accidentally saved it as jpg rather than png :P 

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  6. I see people sometimes say "think of the children" when it comes things like violence in things, and while I get the idea, I did not get trauma from GTA, or V for Vendetta, you know what I got trauma from? Religion, more specifically, Dreamworks movie called The prince of Egypt. I've not watched it since, only confirmed it is indeed that movie, but one scene in it specifically has, and still haunts my memories.

    It doesn't give me any emotional response anymore of course, but it still to this day randomly appears in my mind. 

    The scene in question being the one where the holy spirit kills the firstborns. How was that made into a children's movie?



    1. Catpone Cerberus

      Catpone Cerberus

      It's especially interesting when it's relating to things that have nothing to do with kids, like GTA, sure kids play it, but they shouldn't :P 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  7. I see people sometimes say "think of the children" when it comes things like violence in things, and while I get the idea, I did not get trauma from GTA, or V for Vendetta, you know what I got trauma from? Religion, more specifically, Dreamworks movie called The prince of Egypt. I've not watched it since, only confirmed it is indeed that movie, but one scene in it specifically has, and still haunts my memories.

    It doesn't give me any emotional response anymore of course, but it still to this day randomly appears in my mind. 

    The scene in question being the one where the holy spirit kills the firstborns. How was that made into a children's movie?



    1. Catpone Cerberus

      Catpone Cerberus


      I've never seen that movie, but the scene sounds awful from your description.


      but the only cartoon I remember finding scary was Varokaa heikkoa jäätä (I remember we talked about it before).

      That's a classic one.

      But from that and the rest of what you said...of course there's things that I found creepy or disturbing too, I was scared of Mörkö as a child and so on, but nothing has stuck to my mind like that scene, don't know why exactly, because as stated, I have no emotional reaction to it today, but it is the only scene in any movie that has burned so deeply into my mind that it pops out for no reason. In fact, Mörkö being the only thing I remember at the moment, is good show on just how well this thing stuck :P 

      I wasn't even religious :crackle:


    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  8. What in the god forsaken earth is this?


    r/mylittlepony - What do you guys think about the new dragon designs?

    What is that face? why do they look like that? It reminds me of that one creepy twilight face with realistic human eyes.  
    #NotMyDragons :crackle:

    1. Catpone Cerberus

      Catpone Cerberus

      Oh yeah, Opaline, wasn't that the alicorn? I remember the teaser or whatever where she was first shown, her colors hurt my eyes. :crackle:

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  9. What in the god forsaken earth is this?


    r/mylittlepony - What do you guys think about the new dragon designs?

    What is that face? why do they look like that? It reminds me of that one creepy twilight face with realistic human eyes.  
    #NotMyDragons :crackle:

    1. Catpone Cerberus

      Catpone Cerberus

      Pretty much my point :twi:

      Like, again, the reason is obvious, cost. it's cheaper to make models and toys with the same look, but in-universe it's just weird. Not only is species made of recolored clones weird, but they don't have the tiniest amount of individualism? like, they really want me to believe that they wouldn't decorate or reshape their manes to make it look different? I mean, even animals in real life do that, some birds add stuff to their feathers to look different, so why wouldn't sapient species do it?

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  10. What in the god forsaken earth is this?


    r/mylittlepony - What do you guys think about the new dragon designs?

    What is that face? why do they look like that? It reminds me of that one creepy twilight face with realistic human eyes.  
    #NotMyDragons :crackle:

    1. Catpone Cerberus

      Catpone Cerberus

      okay it doesn't look that much like Rarity's hair, but it does remind me of her :P 

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  11. What in the god forsaken earth is this?


    r/mylittlepony - What do you guys think about the new dragon designs?

    What is that face? why do they look like that? It reminds me of that one creepy twilight face with realistic human eyes.  
    #NotMyDragons :crackle:

    1. Catpone Cerberus

      Catpone Cerberus

      Tell me this isn't something you would see in an .exe game or in a creepypasta 



      bit of blood and it's perfect for a bad horror game jumpscare :P 


      Manes on dragons don't bother me much since eastern dragons have hair and in general dragons with hair isn't a problem, but why do they all have Rarity's hair? Did Rarity X Spike become a thing or what :mustache:

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  12. What in the god forsaken earth is this?


    r/mylittlepony - What do you guys think about the new dragon designs?

    What is that face? why do they look like that? It reminds me of that one creepy twilight face with realistic human eyes.  
    #NotMyDragons :crackle:

    1. Catpone Cerberus

      Catpone Cerberus

      It's the 3D in big part it seems, I saw some pictures of them in 2D style, and while still bit odd looking, they aren't nearly as bad, but then there was a gif with the 3D models, and it's not good 




      And those eyes, they make me feel odd, they are too human; uncanny valley.

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  13. What in the god forsaken earth is this?


    r/mylittlepony - What do you guys think about the new dragon designs?

    What is that face? why do they look like that? It reminds me of that one creepy twilight face with realistic human eyes.  
    #NotMyDragons :crackle:

    1. Catpone Cerberus

      Catpone Cerberus

      I mean, yeah, it's obviously because it's cheaper to use the same 3D models than to make new ones, and it does rise lore questions since it is connected to G4

      My point is more that the design as a concept isn't bad automatically, in fact, I need to write few things down, I got an idea for new character again B)

      Case and point, my own already existing character



      does it look bit weird, yes, but is it bad? Not in my opinion, I've grown to like her design :twi:

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  14. What in the god forsaken earth is this?


    r/mylittlepony - What do you guys think about the new dragon designs?

    What is that face? why do they look like that? It reminds me of that one creepy twilight face with realistic human eyes.  
    #NotMyDragons :crackle:

    1. Catpone Cerberus

      Catpone Cerberus

      I'm yet to see anything besides the movie, but I had heard that the dragon design was bit...off, and I have seen pictures of that small dragon with the male pony (I'm starting to forget the names of the main...6? 5? 

      Generally the more pony anatomy dragons isn't bad necessarily, but what is with that face? why are they so uncanny valley?

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  15. Merry Birthiversary! 

    And a happy Nightmare Night!

  16. Happy birthday, my friend! :pinkie: May your day be a wonderful one!


    1. Catpone Cerberus

      Catpone Cerberus

      The fact that Fluttershy doesn't move in that gif makes me feel weird :P 

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  17. Happy birthday, my friend! :pinkie: May your day be a wonderful one!


  18. Happy Birthday!


    1. Catpone Cerberus

      Catpone Cerberus

      Thanks :) 

      That is a big cake, though I guess it fits if you...


      ...eat like a horse. :umad:


  19. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, @Catpone Cerberus:squee:



    1. Catpone Cerberus

      Catpone Cerberus

      Thanks :) 
      I'm now at the age where I'm allowed to start complaining about how old I am. :P Though I have been complaining about "kids today" for the last 5 years already :D  so I have that going for me already. 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  20. Happy birthday! Never knew yours would come so soon. You've been a great person to talk with and RP with lately.

    1. Catpone Cerberus

      Catpone Cerberus

      Thanks. :)
      Nature decided to give me a gift, as the first snow landed in my city today, is still landing. So much snow, I need to go shoveling today to free my car :D I sure hope the snowfall doesn't last for the whole day, it's not even 9 am yet and there's already like 7 centimeters of snow. :crackle: 

  21. Happy Birthday, @Catpone Cerberus!I hope you have and continue to have an amazing day, my friend!! :fluttershy: :mlp_yeehaa:

    1. Catpone Cerberus

      Catpone Cerberus

      Thanks. :)
      My life is now more expensive :P (I'm no longer considered "young" in ticket prices and such, I'm now "adult") 

  22. @Blitz Boom@StrawberryMilk Simp@Props Valroa
    Sorry about not responding, I'm having very busy and stressful time at the moment, I'll try to respond asap, but no promises, as things are quite hectic. In the current moment, I'm hoping to get a breather in Wednesday that would allow me to post, but as stated, no promises.:crackle:

    1. Catpone Cerberus

      Catpone Cerberus

      Update: Nope, no breathers for me, next attempt, Friday :scoots:

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  23. I'm writing a response to an RP, and I just realized something. Yet again the culture I've grown up in, and who I am as a person, have subconsciously had an effect on my characters. Many of my characters are, at least, bilingual, and from those who are, for most of them, English, or whatever the equivalent is in that universe, is their second language. 

    This is not a conscious decision from me, it just happens, probably because for me, a bilingual person with English being my second language, who is surrounded by other people that are the same, it's a natural thing.

    That's probably also why I find it so hard to understand how so many Americans online seemingly have so much trouble with basic grammar, like, they only speak one language, their native language, yet they have more trouble with it than someone like me, who learned it as second language, with my native language being so different that it can't even really be translated well without changing everything about a sentence. 


    This also means that I don't really have any explanation why my characters speak English so well other than "yeah, they studied it", because to me that's the norm, rather than something unusual. :ooh:

    1. Catpone Cerberus

      Catpone Cerberus

      @Props Valroa
      For Sombra yes, I can see what you said.

      However, I can't really comment more than that, because the only character I remember well enough to "judge", is Sparkly, and she was you. So my sample size is bit too small to really say if I notice it or not :P 


    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  24. I'm writing a response to an RP, and I just realized something. Yet again the culture I've grown up in, and who I am as a person, have subconsciously had an effect on my characters. Many of my characters are, at least, bilingual, and from those who are, for most of them, English, or whatever the equivalent is in that universe, is their second language. 

    This is not a conscious decision from me, it just happens, probably because for me, a bilingual person with English being my second language, who is surrounded by other people that are the same, it's a natural thing.

    That's probably also why I find it so hard to understand how so many Americans online seemingly have so much trouble with basic grammar, like, they only speak one language, their native language, yet they have more trouble with it than someone like me, who learned it as second language, with my native language being so different that it can't even really be translated well without changing everything about a sentence. 


    This also means that I don't really have any explanation why my characters speak English so well other than "yeah, they studied it", because to me that's the norm, rather than something unusual. :ooh:

    1. Catpone Cerberus

      Catpone Cerberus

      @Props Valroa
      For me it is apparent in how my characters think, not opinions and such, but the logic they use to come to the conclusions they do. Even a character like Flint, who is arguably my most chaotic character at the moment, has a very specific logic she follows. Though that is one of the more obvious ones, since I can't exactly pretend to think in a certain ways, when I myself think in a specific way, due to not knowing how other kinds of thinking works. 


    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  25. I'm writing a response to an RP, and I just realized something. Yet again the culture I've grown up in, and who I am as a person, have subconsciously had an effect on my characters. Many of my characters are, at least, bilingual, and from those who are, for most of them, English, or whatever the equivalent is in that universe, is their second language. 

    This is not a conscious decision from me, it just happens, probably because for me, a bilingual person with English being my second language, who is surrounded by other people that are the same, it's a natural thing.

    That's probably also why I find it so hard to understand how so many Americans online seemingly have so much trouble with basic grammar, like, they only speak one language, their native language, yet they have more trouble with it than someone like me, who learned it as second language, with my native language being so different that it can't even really be translated well without changing everything about a sentence. 


    This also means that I don't really have any explanation why my characters speak English so well other than "yeah, they studied it", because to me that's the norm, rather than something unusual. :ooh:

    1. Catpone Cerberus

      Catpone Cerberus

      I agree, I have made lot of realizations about myself as a person through my own OCs, be it a violent dragon who hates everyone, or a kobold bard in love who just wants to entertain others, they all have certain things that are always true. 


    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

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