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Night Shadow/Daw

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Everything posted by Night Shadow/Daw

  1. Off to sleep now!!

    1. NullAccount


      Sleep? Why sleep? I haven't slept in weeks. Who needs sleep when you have coffee?! 0_o

    2. Night Shadow/Daw

      Night Shadow/Daw

      I personally hate coffee, UNLESS it's 1 part coffee and 7 parts cream, Fanta all the way, that stuff is like liquid adrenaline

  2. thank you so much, if its not any trouble, could you make the text a tad bit darker? It looooks soooo good
  3. Fount, something curly but still legible, and a brassy color
  4. hey, ccould you make me a signature? I want my oc https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/brass-eclipse-r8869) as the pony and this for the backround also, i want the text “Here we are, trapped in the amber of the moment. There is no why.”
  5. so Many PIXELZ!!!!

    1. Tiny


      Hey, you happen to have any more those pixelz? http://i.bittwiddlers.org/Kgh.png

  6. Sure! Hey! Here it is, I made three because the first came out really bad ^.0http://imgur.com/a/zJ3cP
  7. Done, I left the person in too.http://imgur.com/a/5JgKa Here you go! http://imgur.com/a/FG56d
  8. No prob, I need a picture tho, prolly be out tomorrow, gotta sleep now :}
  9. Ur the best, got link:http://imgur.com/a/5YUVJ
  10. Done! Here's the link!http://imgur.com/a/5mln4
  11. I can make the OC, but the cutie mark would probably not come up as too crisp
  12. I'll try, can I do digital?
  13. Ok few things, no problem I can do this, but need to get a few things straight, you have a great character description, but is more on the internal side, I need a few more external details such as mane color, style, body color, etc
  14. Ok, I'm done, I made two versions, one with less pixels, and one with more, sorry bout the fact that you can barely see the PichuBut here's the link: http://imgur.com/a/KAthT
  15. Either ButtonBelle :3 or ChesePie, there made for each other! Sooooo cute :3:3:3
  16. @TwilyFan13 sure will do, it kinda suprised me when I opened it, it was huge! be out in a few ! will do!, the pichu too or not?
  17. Night Shadow/Daw

    request shop Pixel Pictures!

    Hi everypony, my and my mini crew (of OCs ) have open a shop, you provide a picture(s) and we'll pixelize it, just need to tell us how detailed it is from, Bad Graphics (not recommend), 8-bit, 16-bit, 64-bit, or Ultra-Bit, just need your choice, and your photo, I'll be here waiting with a few ponies working on it! My Profile picture is a example of what it is, hence any confusions!
  18. Well, I was kinda ticked off at the end of Goku VS Superman, and then GvS2 came out! With a rematch, best episodes EVER! Although, I'd like to see V vs Zorro, from V is for vettdeta, and legend of Zorro, respectively
  19. Well, I only have this as my Laptops wallpaper, I limit myself to one pic for fandom, So my lock Screen on iPad has Pokemon, iPad Wallpaper is Homestuck and this glorious picture, I didn't make it, but someone on Deviant-art , all credit and extra kudos to them... http://dan232323.deviantart.com/art/Rambo-Dash-First-Rainbow-494590057
  20. My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Rainbow Dash How did you find MLP Forums?: Surfing on the eb and came upon this site How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: Well, I wanted to see what all the fuss was about on a YouTube video, decided to check it out, and well, now I'm here! I really like mlp and role-playing, a avid gamer to the very end!
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