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Status Updates posted by Twiggy

  1. I find Richard Spencer to be an idiotic and revolting human being, though probably for reasons that the left would say are wrong.

    1. JonasDarkmane


      Kinda how it always is. When we find something wrong that the left finds something wrong as well, it is always for different reasons :P

      We just got our priorities straight ;)


  2. First Kanye and now Chance. They aren't just some black conservative politicians. They're major cultural influencers in the black community. Leftist media is at DEFCON 2 right now.


    1. Libra


      I'll respectfully disagree on kanye. Sure, he may be truthful, but the dude needs a reality check, when he claims "I'm the voice of the generation"


      I agree with kanye, but I don't agree with the mans ego. In the words of Kendrick Lamar "sit down, be humble".

      I just think kanye is a really cruddy person, even if he hands out " redpills" like candy. Nevertheless, I will respect your opinion

  3. Calling it now. Peter is either going to immediately die in this skydiving scene, or he is going to go on to be the MVP who saves the day through sheer dumb luck. One of the two.


    1. Sir Cal Stonehoof

      Sir Cal Stonehoof

      I have to agree with you, even though Peter seems like he' be the most badass of them all, lol.

  4. I promise to stop being so provocative on here.

    Also happy birthday Adolf.

  5. Safe to say at this point that Putin cucked. No WW3 at this time. :(

    1. JonasDarkmane


      I guess it takes more than shooting some holes in some evacuated buildings to get Putin to do something :P


    2. Twiggy


      I just want it to happen and get it over with tbh. Better now than when my children are able to be drafted imo.

  6. Well folks it looks like Donald Trump has helped to end the Korean War and he did it through bullying Kim Jong-Un on Twitter dot com.


    1. Castle Bleck
    2. Sir Cal Stonehoof

      Sir Cal Stonehoof

      Shadilay! ALL HAIL THE GOD EMPEROR! 

  7. Mattis just claimed that US destroyed all the chemical facilities of Syria, keep this in mind for next year's annual false flag gas attack. 

  8. This is true. 


    1. Sir Cal Stonehoof

      Sir Cal Stonehoof

      Dillon you son of a bitch! But at least there is some common ground, lol

  9. I only make the highest quality posts in my feed. Follow for more.


    1. Sir Cal Stonehoof

      Sir Cal Stonehoof

      Too soon man, too soon.

  10. >What is the American national security interest that would be served by regime change in Syria?

    >Well if you care about Israel...

    Bout sums it up. Disregard Zionists, acquire prosperity.


  11. Whitepill on Syria unless Trump decides to go full Neocon. Doubtful, but possible.


  12. Child B gets the flute. Then child B may sell to child A, then use the profits to buy more materials and hire child C to help build more flutes. Everyone profits.

    All other opinions are wrong.


  13. I have a couple of solutions for Syria.

    1) The powers at be seem to want the US to invade Syria. Offer to do it, but in exchange the UN must either pay all costs including $10 million for every soldier lost which will be paid in full to the families, and $1 million for every wounded. They want a war, they should pay for it.

    2) Also, the UN could repeal S/RES/242 so that we may annex Syria as a territory and colonize it after Assad is toppled. If these fuckers want American Imperialism, we should give it to them proper. Not this half-assed world police bullshit.

    3) Or, they could fuck off and do it themselves if it's so important to them. The EU states have fairly nice armed forces and seem emotionally invested in the issue, why don't they handle it?

    Personally, I like option three the best.

    1. JonasDarkmane


      Let the Russians handle the situation, not the US who needs to fabricate chemical attacks in conquered areas. 

    2. Twiggy


      "Yo Assad, you just secured 90% of E. Ghouta. You've surrounded the last town, have overwhelming military force & negotiating surrender. What's next?"

      Assad: "Launch a chemical attack of no tactical advantage to provoke international outrage & military intervention against me."

      Seems legit.


  14. This is the most woke take I've ever seen lads.


  15. What an absolutely beautiful comic. Everyone should give it a read.


    1. JonasDarkmane




      Discord: Dᴏᴏғᴜs Dᴏʀᴋᴍᴀɴᴇ#8098


  16. Mike Cernovich can't handle the bantz.


    1. Prospekt


      No, Cernovich! You aren't Kurt Eichenwald! Don't be pullin' these blocking shenanigans. :dry:

    2. Twiggy


      I hadn't seen his tweets for a while, until someone I follow quote tweeted him. That's the only reason I found out I was blocked lol.

      I don't know what I tweeted at him to warrant a block, but it must have been spicy.

  17. Israel has not yet learned how to be multicultural. And I think Africans are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Israel is not going to be the monolithic society that they once were in the last century. Africans are going to be at the center of that. It's a huge transformation for Israel to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode, and Africans will be resented because of their leading role. But without that leading role, and without that transformation, Israel will not survive.




  18. I take back anything negative I've ever said about Dennis Rodman after this tweet. :D


  19. Is it gay for women to like traps?


  20. The most useful gif of 2018 so far.


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